The Death Mage Who Doesn't Want a Fourth Time

Chapter 187 Episode 153: Imperial Conspiracy and Birthday Celebration

Slager and most of the "patterns" have been eradicated by the Islays and the Knights of the Night and Legions.

However, there was a "pattern" that only one person survived. His presence was invisible to Elvin and other "patterns" from the beginning. Elvin seemed to be ignorant, but did not know where or how many people were waiting.

He was dedicated to gathering information away from the Elvins. Rather than rescue Rickert, he simply watched them be killed and continued to gather information.

When the battle was over, he concentrated on getting away. He bypassed the Occupation Command with Duke of Malmö and passed through, returning information to another waiting "pattern".

"... I wish I had no need to worry."

The Emperor Amid Emperor Mashksar Amid, who read the report with that information, muttered:

He did not intend to discard the four "Jagaku 15 Swords", including their nephew Rickert. In the event of an emergency ... A member who could survive an unexpected emergency would have been dispatched.

T ra n sl a te d b y Jpmt l.c om If there were bugs led by Bebeckett of "Mushi Army", even if Vandaloo used more than a thousand undeads, it would have been possible to suppress them, even if he used thousands of them.

With the King of the Killers, Slager would have been able to assassinate Vandaloo while Bebeckett's insects kept the undead under control.

And Elven in "Five-headed Snake" is a skillful man who could aim to be promoted to S class if he was an adventurer. He lent not only the artifact but also the Demon King's equipment, so it should have been possible for Vandaloo to use [Devil King's Fragment].

Rickert in Lightspeed Sword also has a lower combat ability than the other three, but is too strong compared to other knights. If you wield the holy sword Nemesis Bell and [Swordsmanship] 's higher skill [Light Speed Swordsmanship], it should not have been able to keep your feet and hands.

But according to the report, not all "should have" happened.

Bebecket is deprived of all insects, and Slager succeeds in beheading but fails in assassination. Elvin also made a good fight and succeeded in bringing out the power of Vandalou, which was wrapped in a mystery until now, but was defeated.

Rickert also defeated before the mysterious power of the odd monster.

T r an sl ate d by Jp m tl .co m "I'm out of my mind ... Is it too old?"

Maskhzal, who has already lived for over a hundred years, stroked his wrinkled face, like a long-lived half-elf.

"You are not making such a joke, Your Majesty."

A meeting room attached to the Maskhzar's office to discuss sensitive matters. Everyone gathered there had a serious face.

In addition to Maskhzar, the surviving "pattern" returned from the [transition] of a spatial attribute mage controlled by the military. Carmine of "Zeroken", the coordinator of "Jakuguru 15 Swords", and General Hipper, who leads the 1st Army protecting the Imperial City, and Chief Magician of Vangain Court. Others are all confidant to whom Maskzar relies.

"There was an urgent report from the military headquarters of Sauron that the main vassal and knight of the Duke of Malmo were assassinated and abducted by noon in the daytime, and that the Duke was apparently abducted by the culprit. Except the skin above

When a soldier notices the incident, he enters the building where the command is located and finds a sea of blood. Nobody noticed because the blood smell had been erased by some magic.

On the wall of Duke Malmö's office, only the skin above the duke's neck was struck, like a mask, and underneath it was rolled the neck, which was halved right and left of Rickert.

The servants and subordinates who were supposed to be in the building, as well as some soldiers, were safe, but no one could remember if their memories had been erased in any way or what had happened inside.

"The culprit is obviously Vandalu himself or someone of his own, but that is not the case.

The military headquarters is a crucible of confusion. One of the commanders of the Duke of Malmö did not wait for the order of his homeland and instead led a part of the Duke to the former Scylla Autonomous Region without permission to rescue the Duke. Maybe ... "

"It is only a matter of time before the emergency situation is passed on to the election of Orbaum .... No, you may have already grasped."

General Hyperie's fears are correct. In the empire, Rickert's action was widely known, and in part, the Duke of Malmo was dispatched on its own. If the Orbaum election has not yet noticed the anomaly, the intelligence of the election is a good place to be.

However, Masqzar did not look at General Huperi, but instead turned his attention to the commander of Vangain Court Magician.

"What do you think of the special magic in the report?"

"It's an embarrassing story, but I can only get an idea." T r ansla t ed by jp mt m

Vangain closed his mouth. However, Maskhuzar urged him silently and reopened with reluctance.

"Unlike any attributed magic that is recorded, it's only unique, such as using special ghosts. However, the reports suggest that there are many magics associated with death.

From the above, it seems that the life attribute is reversed, or ... it is a magic of death allegedly used by Demon King Guduranis. "

The existence and magic that are only spoken in the sudden myth tells the confidant that "it's such an idiot."

But after hearing the opinion, Mashhakal nodded, "Yes," and exhaled deeply.

"I use [Devil King's Fragment] as myself, is there no wonder if I can use the Demon King's magic, and it's no longer the Demon King itself that can follow several high-ranked undead?"

"Her Majesty!So it's not just a problem with Dumpel alone. I'll take Sauron back to the Orbaum election!"

"Yes, hyperi"

Maskhzar was astounded by what Hyperi claimed loudly like a soldier. When he got up from his seat, he said:

"Give me the Sauron territory!"

"I was afraid! The Sauron territory ... Your Majesty, what now?"

"Did you give me but couldn't you hear me? Isn't the inventor you?"

"Well, I'm not saying I'll do it! What are you thinking?"

Mashpuzal replied, "I'm determined to be a nuisance."

Tra n sl a te d b y Jpmt l .co m "Carmine, the" pattern "had the unique skill of [measurement]"

The unique skill of [Measure] is a skill that can measure what you see as its name suggests. It is not always possible to see all the statuses of the target like [Magic Eye of Appraisal], but it is useful for collecting information.

"Please allow me to speak. Report about Vandaloo."

"Well. When I saw it ... age, 9 years old. Two people, nine. Experienced jobs, twelve. Passive skills, eighteen. Active skills, twenty-six. Unique skills, eight."

Many people, including General Hipper, breathed in the brief report of The Pattern.

The two names are still good. In the past, there have been cases in which the politician has given a lot of names to his children in the past.

But nine boys have raised twelve jobs to level 100 and have gained a total of forty-four skills, both passive and active. In addition, having only one has eight rare unique skills.

The name and level of the skill are unknown, but it is undoubtedly a threat equivalent to an S-class adventurer from the fight against Elvin.

...... Actually, the job has been changed once after the "pattern" has been measured.

"What about other undead and vampires? Report only ranks."

"... low individuals rank 7 and highest individuals rank 12"

The noise of the confidants became bigger.

"If it's rank 7 at the lowest, it's the highest among the undead!"

"And the highest individual ranks 12!? Some individuals have a rank comparable to dragons and gods.

Now you have to notify each adventurer and magician guild! "

"Her Majesty! I should immediately check the remaining Nemesis and the Demon King's equipment stored in the back of the treasure chest, and lend them to the appropriate people for training at any time!" Tr ansl at e d b y Jp mt l.c om

"It seems like they shared a sense of crisis."

When Maskhzar says so, the hyperists close their mouths and look at him.

"But it's still not enough. He can cross the Border Mountains freely by [transition], but on the contrary we can't do it."

Opponents are free to attack with an unmatched force of undead, but they will not fight back.

If Vanderlu is concerned, it is possible to send undead swarms to the cities and villages of the empire and spread the disease on the granaries. It can cause any tragedy the same as in Balcheburg and its settlements.

It is more astounding for the Maskhzars than being able to break angels.

Confidants can't afford to be in a crisis situation like never before.

"But what has to do with giving Sauron to the election kingdom, your Majesty? If you intend to involve the election in the fight against the new Demon King?"

After a break in silence, the Vanguard court magician broke down, and Mashhaksar nodded.

"I don't know what Vandaloo thinks, but he certainly doesn't fit the election kingdom.

In fact, the election kingdom couldn't cooperate with the `` Sauron Liberation Front, '' where he was pulling a thread behind him. ''

"Certainly, the spies report that the noblemen of the elected kingdom were the orphans of Duke Sauron ... the mainstream second, the next largest fifth, and the last three girls ... dropped out.

Anyway, for them, the Sauron Liberation Front would have been a hindrance. ''

In the Sauron Liberation Front led by Iris, young children, adopted children, and common children who had been abandoned even by nobles participated. When they raise their credit, the patriots of the nobles who have escaped to other dukes have a bad hearing, and the taste of other helping dukes and their associated nobles is greatly reduced.

Iris and Vandaloo were unaware, but it was such a stinking reason that the Sauron Liberation Front did not work well with the Orbaum election.

Raymond Paris, now deceased, was able to cooperate with the election kingdom because of his successful political negotiations.

And he knew the Amid Empire's heavyweights who had been in conflict with the Elbaum election for many years. How rotten the inside of that country is. Not just Duke Hartner, who abandoned Talosheim two hundred years ago. Corruption is progressing deeply.

Given the nature of Vandaloo I found this time, it will not go very well. Considering that Heinz is a national hero, supposedly an enemy of his mother.

"I see ... and then I'm going to pinch Vandalu from east and west?"

Mashpuzal replied to the question, saying, "It depends on the situation."

(I don't think it's possible to join hands with our empire as the common enemy appears in the election kingdom. And, even if it is a monster, it is not a fool. But it's going to make some ally ... although it's a delicate selection if you aim at it.

Depending on the situation, it may be better to offer peace. A few heads, including myself, huge reparations, vast territories and hundreds of thousands of personnel. If the empire can survive in this way, and it has the potential to leave power and prosper again in future generations, it is a good idea.

(But, as expected, isn't it just right?)

The emperor's position was also awkward, and Maskhzal announced that the secret meeting had ended in order to discuss the abandonment of the Sauron territory with a military commander who had not been called in this room.

Iris was melting in the warmth.

The pain, suffering, five bodies and all five senses of Rickert's Nemesis Bell were gone.

It was not a fatal wound, but a vague meltdown in a pleasant sleep.

Everything melted and only consciousness remained. However, from that moment, the five senses and physical sensation return like reverse reproduction.

"Your condition is the same as the pupa. Once melted, make the whole body again. In short, it's a reincarnation. "

I hear a voice that I don't recognize, but very familiar.

"The difference from the pupa is that it takes less time. About seven days and seven nights. Tonight you will be reborn. As my daughter "

Behind the red membrane, a large figure was visible. Iris instinctively stretches his arm and pokes its membrane from inside.


At that moment, the membrane was fragile and ruptured, and Iris ran down with the red-black liquid filling it.

Iris, who fell on the cold floor, expelled the liquid in her lungs and lungs.

"The air is comfortable ... Godwin."

The reborn Iris looked up at Godwin, the King of the Devil, and uttered his first voice after being reborn.

"Hahaha! @ Emperor Ryuseki just asks me to be able to speak out as soon as I am reborn. I wouldn't be able to speak normally, but would fall asleep immediately."

Godwin, who was asked by Vandalu to transform Iris into a demon, laughed happily.

"I'm grateful for that occasion."

"Stiff, daughter. You can think of me as my second father. And if you only need to work seven days and seven nights, you'll be a man."

The man who ordered Vandalu to turn Iris into a new tribe of Vida was Godwin the King of the Devil.

Upon suddenly appearing and asking Vandalou, Godwin hesitated to perform a ritual that would first turn another race into a demon. It was a ritual that Godwin had never done before, and had not been practiced for thousands of years in the entire Demon Land.

However, the moment he was asked, "Please do as an emperor," he contracted by hitting his chest with his fist, "Leave it." …… This is because the achievement is completed, and I will not be a perfect candidate for emperor.

"That's right for me ... that's my father, so would you call me daddy?"

"... I would like to call it another way."

Demon tribes can turn a race that has no roots in humans or other new demons of Vida into a family. There were several types of rituals for this.

One of them is the blood cocoon performed by Godwin's Diablo.

A special magic team is drawn, in the center of which a special vessel called the holy grail by the demon is poured, and the parent Diablo pours blood there. Further sacrifice ... a large amount of magic and vitality is offered in the form of blood.

The result is a cocoon-like object made of blood. And if you put a person who wants to be transformed into a demon in a cocoon, it will be reborn and born as a new demon seven days and seven nights later.

"Well, it doesn't matter what you call it, because it's the feeling of dearness in the words.

Rabbits and horns have said a few times, but this is the first time I have performed this ritual. It's troublesome, painful, hard to sacrifice, and I have to keep talking to the cocoon for seven days. However, the result seems to be excellent. It's mutated well. "

Godwin, staring at her, stared from the tip of the corner of her daughter, Iris, to the toes.

The basic appearance is the same as the previous Iris. But her skin is blue and her eyes have turned golden. Two twisted horns from the temporal region, wings of the skin reminiscent of bats and dragons from the back, and a tail with an inverted triangular tip from the tailbone.

It's a complete evil witch.

"Is it because of the legion's meat? I feel that the meat has increased a bit ... but before he got inside the cocoon, he died and died, so he might just look thinner than now.

Well, it looks like you've become a member of the succubus, a brilliant demon and the lewd man. I can be proud of the emperor. ''

"... Godwin, is it praised?"

Iris frowns, hiding her body with freshly grown wings. But Godwin has nothing to worry about. As a side effect of performing the ritual, Godwin has a feeling close to her real daughter towards Iris and cannot be recognized as the opposite sex.

"Huh? I'm gonna praise me. If a race or elf turns into a demons in the first place, it's almost certain unless it's a giant race or half a beast race or a dragon. Indeed. "

Apparently, in the demonic rituals, if the performing is a fighter, the child does not necessarily turn into a fighter.

It seems that only the race and physique of the reborn are relevant.

"Well, don't worry about it. You don't know what is said in the outside world, but you don't have to be succubus. `` It's just like being able to look like a different race. ''

Iris was told that, but he couldn't wipe out the image of succubus and incubus in human society and didn't seem to be praised.

"Well, just wear your clothes and show your face to outside emperors and subordinates. We've got the latest trends in Majin Kingdom ready for your birthday celebration."

So, in the basket pointed by Godwin, there is a complete set of clothes.

"Um ... it looks like I only have unusually designed underwear?"

In the basket, there were only objects that seemed like "swimsuit?" When I saw Vandalu and Legion.

"Hmm? I guess there's something other than underwear.

"No, so clothes ..."

"No, but clothes."

After a disagreeable exchange, Iris noticed much more. This underwear-like clothing is the latest trend in the Demon Land.

Looking back at Godwin, he was only wearing clothes with leather mesh pants up to his knees, and all he was wearing was armor and jewelry. When viewed calmly, the exposure is considerable.

"... was it too early to say," I want to be as strong as possible "when asking which race to reincarnate so that I won't get caught up again?"

"No, I wonder if I could look at the face that seems to die again right now. It's not a bad idea to wear anything other than these clothes. Well, because I can not make holes in the wings and tails, I'll need something new from time.

Ummm, was clothing that was popular a long time ago better? "

Godwin comforts Iris who grew up in a strict knight's home, and dressed in a fashion that was popular in the past .... I let it go.

"Gourry Lou"

Outside of the ceremonial hall of the Demon Land, Vandaloo was burning boogies meat over charcoal. On its forehead, the two antennae of Pico Pico and Black are shaking.

"Do not smell good."

"Well, the antenna moves naturally."

"Isn't it a nose? Evan, you usually have an antennae already?"

"... the boss is completely from people to the insects ..."


"Hey! There's no complaint, Pete's husband!"

After abducting the Duke of Malmö and others in Sauron, and soliciting prospects for asylum, the Vandalus returned to the Demon Land on the day the Iris ceremony ended.

Among them were some members of the Resistance of the Sauron Liberation Front, some of whom were members of the Resistance, and some who were able to get together immediately, with some of the main members of Davis and Hajj.

Iris mutated into a demons cannot continue to be a resistance leader as before. In the Orbaum election kingdom, the demons are not recognized as humans, on the contrary, because they are targeted as monsters.

So I set up a new leader ostensibly, and Iris led it from the back. Just to the very end, it can't be said that "the demons are the leaders", so only trusted people are brought here in a way that is temporarily taken into the legions.

There were also members other than Budalion, who were busy rebuilding the country, including Pribel, Musée, Gizania and Zadiris.

For the new birthday celebration of Iris and the rally.

Treasure with scissors speaks to Vandalu, who has roasted his eyes and roasted meat.

"Van, please give me a second try! The next is as soft as possible, but the same robustness!"


At that moment, her hair exploded. However, they will be harvested immediately until the Talea scissors are full length.

"Uh-fu-oh, what a soft hair ... it's not just hair, it's soft hair, but it's durable yet resistant to shocks and slashes, and has excellent fire resistance and defense ..."

A slightly unusual design but a vertical rolled ghoul, dressed in a dress, embraces Vandalu's hair, cut with a loose face just drooling. Hajj and others were drawn to the scene.

I even remembered that Talea had a beautiful and attractive body, so she was pulling.

"Van, every time you go out, you get nice and come back to me. How much do you care if you attract me?"

"It means wonderful material? Talea, don't let your husband get tired too much."

Tale's attention was paid to Belmondo, who smiled with a nasty smile at her loosely loose mouth.

"Oh, I don't know, I know, Belmondo. This is all you need to make a brush with the characteristics that Van asked for."

"Boo, brush !?"

Talea's words and glance point out that Belmond is not reflexively ass ... but rather a long, fluffy tail that stretches from his waist.

Her tail, which in a stroke shatters a warrior in Adamantite armor, for some reason became more sensitive during brushing, and she made it a weakness.

I wonder what would happen if I brushed such a place with a brush made of [Devil's body hair].

"Husband! Reconsider now!"

"Hey, brushes are for Gizania."


Gizania is surprised when her name suddenly appears in a conversation.

"Because the lower body hair of Gizania is harder than it looks, it's going to be useless with a normal brush, so I asked Treasure that I needed something special.

But I also want Belmondo, so let's reconsider and make another. ''

"Oh my husband!"

Belmond raises a sad voice and Talea raises a laugh behind him, saying, "I'm not telling a lie!"

"Vandaloo, the stimulating hair that grows on the lower body of the large breed of ours, Aracune, is determined to be hard ..."

"Okay, everything is a challenge."

"Van, don't mind me!"

The pribell stretches his arms and tentacles at the same time and wraps the band. Gizania decides not to persuade Vandalu, who continues to bake meat by stretching his arms through the gaps in the tentacles.

In the sight, Hajj and the men of Davis and others tucked away with a twitching smile. I don't think I'm jealous of Vandaloo.

Because if they get involved, one or two bones break easily. All of them are [Health] skills owners, especially Gizania and Privel, which are quite heavy, including the lower body.

It's strange that Vandaloo is safe.

"Can we be demons?"

"Hey, there's no new Princess Knight candidate!"

"No, not at all."

On the other hand, Zadiris complains to a female member of the Resistance who makes such a joke while fried noodles.

"The boy and the legion have each provided their magic and vitality to the sacrifices needed for the Blood Cocoon ritual, and they have to meet the parent, the Demon, seven days and seven nights.

It's not a casual ritual. "

The women are scolded by Zadiris, who is younger than themselves, and say, "Yes," "I'm sorry."

"Don't say, Mom. Van and Legion weren't too burdened, so they didn't feel serious."

Basdia relieved, but it was not just the comfort of his lips.

The magic and vitality provided by Vandalu and Legion respectively for the ceremony. That's a huge amount for a normal purchase.

Sacrifice usually involves extracting the required magic and vitality from the monsters captured and captured by demon warriors and sorcerers, but it takes hundreds of people to do so.

But that's not a big burden for them. In particular, Vandalou said, "You can do much less than shooting a [dead cannon] once."

Legion is-.

"Yes, don't worry about ours. It healed very quickly, and there was less than the flesh I threw when fighting Rickert. ''

He said that he was eating Frankfurt. Probably not a big burden.

"Well, that's right--"

"Grandmother, pick up vegetables."

"Oh, Jadal is a good girl who likes and dislikes."

Immediately after being swayed by Jadar, Basdia's daughter and grandson, Zadiris relaxes his rugged face.

The two who escaped the preaching were relieved.

"By the way, what about other legions?"

Asked by a female member of the Resistance who was accustomed to Oita Legion, Legion responded after eating Frankfurt.

"Everyone is here"

"I'm not separated"

"It seems that the [size change] skill and the [shape change] skill are separated."

"Practice to act together in a racial-sized building"

"Bururu Lulu!

"... What about the next humanoid slime?"

"... I have a sense of opposition for some reason"

"A rival!

It was a slime kyure who worked hard and kept his human form if he could not beat Legion.

"... Is this one?"

The reborn Iris came out of the ceremony. The horns and wings grew and my body balance changed, which was a bit dangerous, but I was walking firmly.

By the way, the clothes seemed to have been compromised by wearing a cloak that was popular a long time ago (a special design with a wide open back), and wearing high-exposure clothing with high exposure inside.

The members of the Resistance gasped after seeing their unusual appearance.

"... I'm sorry everyone, I don't know if it's safe, but I've been transformed into a demon.

But his appearance has changed a lot. Don't blame if you can't follow me. Clearly--"

"No, I don't think it's that far, young lady."

"Well, it seems that there is a stranger sex appeal than before, but that's a lot!"

"Buddy, you're bad."

"Do not mind the leader! We do not care!"

Davis and others who say that they have changed greatly and declare that they will continue to do so. Hajj has been beaten in the back of his head with a sword sheath, but there is no repulsion or rejection there.

"Everyone, but I--

"" It's like an error compared to a boss or a legion. ""

"... I see."

Iris was still trying to say something, but he was convinced of everyone's words.

"It's a lot like that. Well, I'm aware

"... Well, the demon and the legion are human, and it's good."

The Legion doesn't care, but the spirit of Vandaloo seems to have been plainly damaged. His hand stretched between the tentacles of the Privel and stopped for a moment.

"I can't help, boss. I'm not convinced to shake my antenna."

"... That's right. Oh, yes. Privel, let go."

Vandalous, comforted by Miles, stopped baking the boogie-tas and crawled out of the pribell's tentacles, slowly pulling out a long sword in a splendid sheath from nowhere.

Seeing the long sword, Iris gasped.

"Nemesis Bell ...?"

This is the holy sword that Rickert wielded, causing her fatal wounds and being reborn as a demon.

Although it is a legendary holy sword in the general public, it is only a terrible weapon for Iris. She should have been there, but for some reason she felt so lovingly that she could remember her immediate family.

"Iris ..."

"The voice is father !?"

That's because Nemesis Bell possessed his father George Beerhard.

"Why is my father a holy sword?"

"I ate the angel that was inside the Nemesis Bell and let George dwell in the sword that was just a container, because the original sword had a crack.

Normally, it is difficult to put a spirit that has long stayed in a certain thing into another thing, but thanks to becoming a [mage], I succeeded smoothly. "

The angel of Bellwood, probably the hero who lived in Nemesis Bell, ate it lightly. Perhaps it was a lower class as an angel. It's a shame that I didn't go any further, especially because my stats and skill levels didn't rise.

After all it may be useless in the degree of your angel.

(The fact that there is only an angel of that degree may be that this holy sword is inferior or mass-produced. It is a little less than the ice age that was able to purify the curse ice even with the same artifact And

Well, that's a rabbit ...

"Let's call the new name Nemesis George."

Upon receiving the sword in which his father George was presented with a new inscription, Iris embraced him.

"Father! ... Vandalu, No, His Majesty! Thank you!"

Drops of tears spill over the handle of Nemesis George from Iris's eyes. The color of the drop was as clear as it was in the race, even if the color of the eyes changed.

"It is a complete resurrection of the Princess Knight!"

"Congratulations, Miss George!"

"Gahaha! I want to be happy, I want to be happy! By the way, is sake yet?"

Cheers are raised mainly by members of the Resistance. Pavina, Lapiesage and Yamata push the wagon loaded with sake and dishes at the timing as prompted by Godwin, who is mixed with an empty face.

"Everyone is a cake!"

"It looks like ..."

"[" Tanjobi congratulations ♪ "]"

Pauvina pushes a giant wagon with cake on top, followed by Lapiesage and nine Lamia beauties ... rather than Yamata's upper body separated by [remote control] skill.

The feast to celebrate Iris's new birthday begins in earnest, and feasts are handed out and everybody beats. The fight for the recapture of Sauron will begin again tomorrow, so it is worthwhile to feed that spirit.

Everyone knew that, so they ate, drank, and made noise. …… Dwellers of the magical kingdom, unrelated to the resistance activities, are mixed in some time.

It seems that she came to see the daughter of the current king Godwin, who was born in a ceremony for the first time in thousands of years, and was immediately attracted to the feast.

"Is this better to add food?"

"That may be important, but your Majesty ... what happened to the Baron Luxury?"

Iris, who realizes that there was no appearance of Cuoco Lugju and his family during the feast, and asked Vandalou. He was an important insider and seemed to be wondering what happened before he brokered asylum.

"Are you the Cuokos? ... Iris, please pay attention to them later."

"Huh? Did they do something ridiculous !?"

"After immigrating to Tarosheim, the ducklings are stuck behind the crampons as if they were parent birds.

Kuoko was given a special syrup purified from the sap of crampons as a private reward, pretending that the iris was an ent syrup purified from the monster ent of the plant. As a result, they were fascinated by the rich aroma and rich sweet syrup.

"Once I noticed that the crampons provided the raw material for syrup, they stuck to crampons every time they found time."

"... with your family?"

"Yes, with my family, especially my wife."

The Kuoko family may be following the crampons in the Immortal Forest in Tarosheim.

"Oh, it smells good. Don't you think so, honey?

"Yes, really. I want to do this forever, you

"I can't stand it!"

"Kyakky ♪"

"I'll go home after drinking"

A family of four walks behind the crampons, and the crampons have no choice but to drink the sap and return home. Iris remembered such a sight and dizzy.

"Well, for the moment, I've calmed down recently. Kurt, my boss, is eating Tarosheim's delicious food one after another, dispersing my interest in food."

When the ex-noble newcomer, who can also be used as a civilian, finally arrived, Kurt knew he knew he was crazy about eating and eating.

"... What can I say? I'm sorry. Kurt will definitely apologize."

The resistance leader of the anti-Amid empire apologizes to the former aristocrat of the Milg Shield, an empire's nation. In a sense, it may be a step toward memorable harmony.

"But one more thing: Volks and Michael?"

"With Ira, I'm guarding the Resistance in the absence of Iris."

"Is that so? I'm safe if they protect me."

By the way, some of the Duke of Malmo troops who had already set up for the rescue of Duke of Malmo at this time had unexperienced experience in the undead defending the hideout.

"It's a rabbit, a horn, and an iris. It's delicious, noble oak roasted meat with the evil god descending on it."

"It's a meat of great origin ... I'll get it."

Iris ate the carved meat as recommended, and was impressed with its deliciousness.

The rich fragrance fills the nasal cavities just by including it in the mouth, and each bite overflows with tender meat to juice containing sweet oil. However, it does not melt on the tongue and continues to assert its presence as meat.

It was meat that was condensed tightly while maintaining its tenderness.

"This is ... delicious. It goes well with spicy sauces ... the noble oak meat I got earlier was also delicious, but it's incomparable. Will the same race be so different when evil gods descend?"

"I'm glad you liked it, because I'm in trouble if you don't get me to work quickly."

"Yes, training"

Becoming a demons greatly increased Iris's stats. With the wings, I can fly in the sky.

His father, George, became a sword for Orichalcum and was able to perform as well as a weapon of the Demon King's shard.

However, they must be able to handle them freely. Otherwise, they would fall behind the Rickert-like swordsman again.

"I'll be stronger, Iris ..."

With a new sword, Iris nodded with the same father's voice.

"Yes, my dad. Even if I face up against the" Yagaku 15 Swords "again, I won't be afraid."

"No, that's not all, Iris ... it's getting stronger as soon as possible. If possible, by next year '

"La, until next year !? Why do you expire, my father!"

"That's because Van will challenge" The Trial of Zaccato "next year."

Pribel, who has finished eating squid, tells the confused Iris.

"Isn't you aware of Iris?"

"She was originally supposed to stay in the Sauron territory. She probably hadn't heard it yet."

Muse and Basdia came over for something.

"So it seems that those who lack the skills to keep up with the challenging Vandaloo will train by next year. I'm alright."

Until then, Vigaro, who had roasted and ate meat regardless of the women's conversation, explained that.

"Zazak: The Trial of Zachart" ... The dungeon that even an A-class adventurer can't survive once he's at once, isn't without his Majesty ... It's just a matter of hand. ''

When she met Vanderlu and was given a father who became a Cars Weapon, she got a new job [Spell Swordsman], and Iris realizes that her ability has greatly increased.

However, he has just lost his life, losing his life to Rickert, an A-class adventurer. I can hardly imagine that my power would pass through a dungeon that would kill my life if I entered the Rickert. Far from being a princess knight, it is evident that it will turn into a woman who can only be helped by a hero, like the princess in an ancient folklore song.

"I'll be stronger, Iris ..."

"My father is up! I can't do it! I can't do it by next year!"

"Well, it's going to work out. I'm a daughter of myself. By the way, I've captured maybe two-thirds."

"Okay, let's do our best together!"

"Even if you can't help it, it's precious to strive for results."

"Gizania, you're slightly facing backwards."

Everyone encourages Iris, who thinks common sense is impossible.

Iris knew that this feast was his birthday and a rally for the Trials of Zaccato.

"By the way, the additional meat was burnt!"

<< [The Return of the Demon King] and [Monster] have been unlocked!


At that time, Vandalou blinked, noticing that two bad impressions had been lifted by an unexpected brain announcement.

[Demon King] won two names!


Then, after hearing the announcement, he dropped his shoulder to see if that would happen.

Name: Iris Beerhard

Race: Succubus of the Devil (mutated from race!)

Age: 19 years old

Two names: [Liberation Princess Knight]

Rank: 6

Level: 0

Job: Swordsman

Level: 100

Job history: Knight apprentice, squire, warrior, swordsman

Passive skills

Sword Attack Enhancement: Small

Ability Strengthening: Loyalty: 2Lv (UP!)

Agility enhancement: 3Lv (UP!)

Dependency enhancement: 2Lv (UP!)

Attack damage boost when equipped with a sword

Night vision (NEW!)

Scent: 1 Lv (NEW!)

Energetic unequaled: 1 Lv (NEW!)

Increased magic power: 1 Lv (NEW!)

Strengthening vitality: 1 Lv (NEW!)

Active skills

Swordplay: 5Lv

Shield surgery: 1 Lv

Armor: 3Lv

Archery: 3Lv

Riding: 1 Lv

Housework: 1 Lv

Stealth: 3Lv

Cooperation: 4Lv

Breakthrough: 2Lv (UP!)

Sorcerer's Sword Breakthrough: 2Lv (UP!)

Conductor: 1 Lv (NEW!)

Illusion makeover: 1Lv (NEW!)

Energy absorption: 1 Lv (NEW!)

Iris Beerhardt has acquired the skills inherent in succubus by becoming a succubus. However, it is immature and its level is much lower than that of a succubus of the same age. Skills that require proficiency, such as high-speed flight, have not yet been acquired.

By the way, [Increase Magic] and [Enhance Life] can be acquired by the effects of Vandalu and Legion, which provided magic and life respectively in the ritual.

The job level reached 100 in a battle with the Rickerts (Iris was only one-sided, but later the Vandaloos defeated her and gained experience points), but suffered a serious dying injury I haven't changed my job yet.

Name: Legion

Age: 0

Two names: [Saint Married Woman] (NEW!)

Rank: 8 (UP!)

-Race: Great Legion

Level: 0

Job: Judge

-Job level: 0

Job history: Apprentice magician, sorcerer, apprentice warrior, warrior, meat bullet, big meat bullet, non-attribute magician

Passive skills

Mental contamination: 7Lv

Compound soul

Magic resistance: 4Lv (UP!)

Special five senses

Physical attack resistance: 6 Lv (UP!)

Shape change: 4Lv (UP!)

Super fast playback: 4Lv (UP!)

Strength: 5Lv (NEW!)

Increased magic power: 2Lv (UP!)

Strengthening vitality: 10 Lv (UP!)

Ability enhancement: Meat: 4Lv (UP!)

Fire and lightning resistance: 4Lv (NEW!)

Active skills

Limited Death Attribute Magic: 10Lv

Size change: 5Lv (UP!)

Conductor: 3Lv

Surgery: 6Lv (UP!)

Martial arts: 7Lv (UP!)

Dagger technique: 4Lv (UP!)

Fusion: 2Lv

Assault: 6Lv (UP!)

Discard chant: 3Lv (UP!)

Parallel thinking: 6Lv (UP!)

Remote operation: 4Lv (UP!)

Non-Attribute Magic: 4Lv (UP!)

Magic control: 5Lv (UP!)

Breakthrough: 2Lv (UP!)

High speed running: 3Lv (UP!)

Enhance regenerative power: meat: 3Lv

Throwing: 2Lv (NEW!)

Cooking: 1 Lv (NEW!)

Unique skills

Origin God Blessing

Zuluwan's protection

Blessing of Recruit

Gaiser: 5Lv

Erosion fusion: 1 Lv (NEW!)

A legion that has been upgraded to Rank 8 after defeating Rickert after being upgraded to Rank 7 with unremitting efforts.

However, the level gained at a stretch with the experience gained in the Rickelt battle, so I joined [Non-Attribute Magician] to learn magical control, etc., but I reached the next job change before my skills rose.

It doesn't matter if the job skill correction is effective after the job change, but I feel like I was a little too quick.

Job commentary:

A job that can manipulate the meat that makes up your body. [Reform], [Resize], and even operate after throwing your own meat into pieces. You can also get corrections when cooking skills, especially meat dishes.

Furthermore, in the case of Legion, corrections are also applied to Isis's operation, Walkure's command, the flesh of the flesh, which is the power of Izanami, and the parasitism of Berserk.

The condition for getting a job is that 90% or more of the body is meat. [Remote operation] You must have the skills.