The Death Mage Who Doesn't Want a Fourth Time

Chapter 175 Quiet story 22: 15 swords and the sixth reincarnated

"Yagaku 15 Swords"-A secret group of the Amid Empire, a fighting group of fierce individuals with the best fighting abilities.

His power has overthrow the battlefields of many battlefields, alone has calmed down the runaway of monsters, has killed disturbing molecules and picked up the buds of rebellion, and is feared.

If the S-Class adventurers, Schneider in "Thunder Thunder" and their party were to have the maximum strength not belonging to the imperial government, they would be the greatest strength belonging to the empire.

"I don't like it"

Rickert Amid, who was assigned the third number and belonged to the Jakuguru 15 Sword, muttered down the highway to get to his next mission.

He is a young man in his late twenties and is the third sword of the "Yagaku 15 Swords", and is a sword master who is described as "faster than light." In fact, his ability is comparable to an A-class adventurer.

It looks beautiful and durable, and is popular among upper class ladies and daughters who are members of the secret squad. The marriage is uninterrupted even though she has already married three wives.

The lineage is excellent, the grandson of the former Emperor Amid, and the current emperor Maskhzar is Rickert's uncle. Tr a nsl ate d b y jpmtl .c o m

Although there is no territory in the Duke of Hoi, there is no territory, but it has been decided that it will be promoted as a sword in the future, and if there is something in Maskhzar and his newly born first prince, he will always be named as a candidate for the next emperor It is a position.

But Rickert knows that all is deception.

My sword is slower than the light.

In "Jakuguri 15 Swords", it is only selected as a decoration because of its good appearance and lineage. His three, and one promised in the future, is a seat for propaganda.

And while he is alive, there is nothing in Maskhzar.

It was the same until today, and it will not change from tomorrow.

"Don't you like this? The stability of the former Sauron territory is currently the biggest concern in the Empire. It is at the end of the war with the election of Orbaum. It will sound throughout the empire. '' Tr a n sl at e d b y jp m t l .c om

The servant Bass asks so.

Despite being a secret unit, the 15th Sword, Rickert is also an advertising tower to show the power of the Empire in itself. For this reason, his carriage was often used by carriage, accompanied by knights in gorgeous armor and his attendant and real secretary, Bass.

No one would doubt that it was going to be a ball, not a mission, but in a gorgeous carriage, Rickert responded with sarcastic and sighing words.

"What's nice to be praised for its solid merit gained in a camouflage mission?"

"The man, you can hear outside. If you want to complain, you must say it in advance."

Bass wakes up the lord while activating magic items for huddle that makes it difficult for sounds within a certain range to be transmitted outside.

"I was careful. The armor that the empire provided to the escort knights was over-decorated and sounded much better. If I walked, I would not hear my bitches. It would be a waste of magic stones. Yes! "

"It's my job to be careful"

While answering, Bass thought it was more severe than ever.

"What doesn't you like?"

While thinking so, Bass urges the lord to vomit. He thought hearing bitches was part of his job.

Rickert, who knows what Bass thinks so, feels sorry and exhales the stress like a stagnation that accumulates in his chest.

"What's the same. It's the same as usual. You know the truth, but it's your own ingenuity that you can only put in decorations from beginning to end.

…… In this case, those with a little bit of intuition seem to think that His Majesty is a plot to shave the incompetent Duke of Malmo. ''

He successfully put Duke of Malmo, who complained that the occupied occupation of the former Sauron did not go well, and made him the new leader of the occupying army, which would fail. Tra n s l at e d b y jp m tl.c om

The duke of Malmö's right timing to raise his sound and reach out to help him spread his governance and military talent to neglect and reduce the centripetal power of the Duke of Malmö.

The connection between Emperor Maszkzar and the Duke of Malmö is so famous in the empire that some knowledgeable ones know. And aristocratic people will realize that it is impossible to rule the territory of the enemy occupied by the Duke of Malmo if they are a little smarter.

Therefore, many believe that there is a power struggle between the emperor and the Duke of Malmo behind the launch of the Rickerts, "The Fifteen Swords."

Certainly, such an intention may have existed in Maskhzar.

"But the real aim of the Emperor is not to diminish the power of the Duke of Malmo. The task we have is not the destruction of the Resistance.

Contact and negotiations with Dampiel and Vandaloo, who killed 6,000 expeditionary forces in the Milg shield country and stormed the Orbaum election. And when the negotiations break down. ''

Maskhzar's aim was Vandaloo.

Maskhzal, who collected information using a different network than the occupying forces, learned that the resistance organization, Sauron Liberation Front, was migrating to Sauron ghouls.

He also analyzed it with other details and was convinced that there was a bandar behind the Sauron Liberation Front.

That's why he sent Duke Malmo as the new commander of the Occupation Army. As a touchstone and as a decoy to determine how hostile the band is to the Empire.

He is the imperial patriarch of the imperial family, and Vida's discrimination against the new race is among the most imperial nobles. More ardent Arda followers. In addition, he is a generous person to be killed by Maskhzar.

If the Duke of Malmö and the vassal he took were killed, their territory would not be a major obstacle to the management of the territory, as their vestiges remain. Other aristocrats with the Duke are those who may or may not have replaced the emperor.

In reality, the Duke of Malmo broke down earlier than Masqzar had envisaged, calling for the "Ikugaku 15 Swords", but without it, the Rickerts and the "Jagaku 15 Swords" would have been working. Would.

To respond to Vandaloo.

Tr a n s l a ted by jpm tl .c o m "But is it not a natural decision for His Majesty the Emperor? At the age of six, he killed all the elite 6,000 of the Milg Shield and Bomak Gordan of" Vampire Hunter ", and undead and made a reverse invasion The settlement was turned into a poisonous rotten sea.

He also tilted the castle in the Duke of Hartner in the election of Orbaum, destroying the mines that had been operated by slaves and the mines, burying a knights, and taking away more than a thousand pioneers. And in the Sauron territory, we are manipulating the Syura and the resistance behind the scenes ... honestly, it's hard to believe. "

According to the intelligence department, it seems that the example Vandalu can create a new dungeon.

In the town of Niak in the Dukes of Hartner, a dungeon broke out in a forest in the direction of where Vandaloo fled the town shortly after the alleged dampir was identified in the adventurer's guild.

Since then, many dungeons have been found in the Duke of Hartner. Except for the dungeon found near the town of Niak, it seems that it was an F class dungeon with only one floor and one room ending.

"Bass, I'm not dissatisfied with being hunted by one of Dumpel's infants. He's the one with the most ghouls and undead besides the unverified information you mentioned. If all unconfirmed information was true, the danger would no longer be a matter of Sauron territory.

Wrong response could worst destroy the Amid Empire. ''

"Odate, don't say anything rare"

"It's not unusual, Bass. It's unclear how Vandalu has any personal power, but three years ago he had defeated the elite 6,000 of the Milg shield country. It should be seen that it is possible to destroy any dependent nation including.

And it is clear that if the national power is severely impaired, the Orbaum election will take over. ''

The Amid empire, the southern sea nation Karahad, the northern iron nation Malmook, the western grain nation Yondo, and the eastern Milg shield nation, which has the most military power of its nation.

The elite army of the Milg shield country did not win. If Vandalu aimed at the other three nations, it would be so damaging that it would no longer be the worst nation.

Vandaloo can contaminate land with long-lasting poisons ... I don't know what kind of poison it produces, but if it were possible to contaminate large areas of land and waters, it would not fight And the country could be crushed.

If you do not pay attention to such dangerous people, you will be disqualified from the emperor.

"But man, this mission involves contacting and negotiating with the Vandaloo. I don't think it would be possible to negotiate with him very much."

"I see. I actually agree." T r a n s l a te d b y jp m tl .c om

“…… the mansion”

"It's my personal impression. There seems to be other ideas for His Majesty the Emperor and the other fifteen swords."

Given what Vanderlu did to the Milg Shield, it is certain that he does not have good feelings for his lord, the Amid Empire. It's reasonable to think that it's impossible to build a friendly relationship given that it's a dumpy.

Rather, they may try to enter the enemy Orvaum election side. Rickert thought so at first.

However, the Maskhzars had analyzed that in a number of events that appeared to have taken place in the Dukes of Hartner, Vandalu did not intend to join the election side unconditionally.

Then you can attach it to your ally depending on the conditions. You seemed to think so.

In fact, even in the Sauron territory, Vandalu did not directly hurt the occupying troops. It looks like he's crushed a fort, but what we've done so far has been that he could have done catastrophic damage to the entire occupying army.

At the same time, the upper tier of the Resistance Duke of New Sauron was destroyed, and the remnants were absorbed by the Liberation Front, led by the Liberation Princess Knight, and have grown into a large organization.

If it were Vandaloo's work, he would rather hurt the Orbaum election side.

"From what we've done so far, it seems that the damper called Vandalu has no intention of conferring on the Amid Empire or the Orbaum Electoral Kingdom. I wondered.

Certainly, a strong child is likely to think. ''

Rebellion against a group of faithful puppets who do not disagree with what they say and do not express their opinions. Koyama tyrant.

"It's a crazy doll play. If you're such an opponent, no matter what conditions you put in, wouldn't the empire flourish?"

"I guess, I'm not in charge of the negotiations."

"Yes, Ricky Boy"

A new voice suddenly sounded in the carriage.

Rickert is not surprised, but responds with a voice as if he had bitten the worm.

"… The 'Five-headed Snake'? Can you call it that way?"

Five swords, the same as Rickert, but in the true sense of the Fifteen Swords, Elvine in the Five Serpents.

A man who was already a member of Rickert when he became a member of Jakuguru 15 Swords.

"Kukukuku, what should I call a little-old kid without a boy?

"Ervine, do you like the nickname" Rickey "?

"Oh, over there. It was bad, I will change it if I remember it. "

"By the way, I heard that word for the seventh time."

"What was it? Sorry, Ricky Boy. I have forgotten. Anyway, as you say, "Grandfather"

Elvin talks to Rickert again in a tone that seems unsatisfactory, with no particular concern for Basse's suggestions.

(…… something that was years ago was a mess. He's still an unpleasant man!)

Immediately after taking the role of Jakugoku 15 Swords, Rickert had the opportunity to meet Erwin on a mission. At that time, Rickert once said "Grandpa" to Elvin, who gave a senior wind with an unpleasant attitude.

Elvin still has it at the root.

"Now, back to Ricky. Your role is to do an ostensible task ... playing a strong and cool hero who eliminates resistance.

I will work halfway, but Vandaloo will negotiate with Gaki, and if it breaks down, I will deal with me and other people. '

"Other guys? Isn't it just you?"

"I'm honored to have you bought it, but I'm really lucky to deal with more than a thousand undead. If you start hunting the occupying Bonkla, you can be killed and undead one after another. ''

The Evil Fifteen Swords, especially true members like Elvin, are capable of fighting over a thousand enemies in a single game. However, there are situations in which many opponents are behind with no matter how much power they have.

In this case, you have to drag a vandaloo, which is probably hiding behind the Sauron Liberation Front, and then negotiate, and if it fails, you have to get rid of it.

If Vandaluz abandoned the Sauron Liberation Front and did not come out from behind, if he came out and tried to escape after negotiations broke, he would not be able to chase alone, and the emperor said that it would be difficult to chase alone. It seems that Zero Ken, the leader of Kyuju Goken, has decided.

"In addition to me, two more. Bebecket of 15 swords "Mushi Army" and Slager of 11 swords "King Murder" will participate "

"Wait, why teach me that?"

Rickert does not have any detailed information about the members of the True Jakugaku 15 Swords, including Erwin, because they are decorations exposed to the public. Only Elvin knows his name and face, and only a few have heard of the other true members, which are the mid-code names given by the emperor.

Errick replied to Rickert, who was so weird at teaching his name.

"Of course we'll meet locally. There is very little information available in advance for this mission. Even if you can not reconnaissance from the sky, even if you do direct investigation and people, it will be missing

"I knew that the Duke of Malmo reconnaissance didn't work, but did those guys in the" pattern "?"

"Jakuguru 15 Swords" is not a unit consisting only of numbered members. There is a spy organization that provides support in the form of limbs, commonly known as “pattern”.

It consists of skilled operatives and spies, and among the fifteen swords there are also members from the "pattern". At least, it should be better than the Duke of Malmo.

"Ah. After telling us that there is a strange monument, we all know where he is.

So when we get to the site, we are a powerful scout. If you catch and interrogate or kill Resistance or Ghoul, someone who knows when the black curtain will come will come. '

Rickert listened, thinking that it would take a lot of time.

"Isn't it bad to kill your opponent before negotiations?"

"Isn't there a problem? Thinking of the tricks up to now, no matter what you think, the opponent this time is a kind of person who thinks that minions are only consumables.

Do you think it's different, Ricky?

Rickert was reminded and closed his eyes, reminiscent of the traditional methods of Vandaloo.

What seems to have killed the expeditionary forces is that the rabbits were also killed, then sent back undead, attacking the town, and making the settlements uninhabitable.

The image of Vandaloo associated with it is that he does not hesitate that non-combatants may be involved and that he will deeply and irritate the hearts of the expedition's bereaved family ... A cruel personality.

Judging from the dungeon outbreaks and the destruction of slave mines in the Duke of Hartner, it doesn't seem to have mercy or mercy.

Then, the Sauron Liberation Front, led by the Liberation Princess Knight, perhaps added by some means in Sauron territory, caused the expansion of its power, and the upper-level killings of the New Duke of Sauron were killed.

If you guess, you will not care if the life of an unrelated person is in danger if you want to erase the disturber, dispose of your subordinates as if they were consumables, and do not care if you are killed. Such a person image is completed.

However, some information does not fit well with that guess.

"No, I don't think it's different ... but there must have been strange information."

In Duke Hartner's territory, Vandaloo seemed to be helping a pioneer village, and when he offered old livestock, mainly in rural areas near where the tiny dungeon was discovered at the time he appeared, A mysterious phenomenon is happening, called "Vida's clay doll" filled with cash and food.

And it's unnatural to say that the reason why Ghoul in the Duke of Hartner has disappeared, as well as some Ghoul in the Mirung shield state, is that it was collected by Vandaloo. If you want the strength, there is no need to be able to make as many undead as possible and collect other ghouls.

"Together, he manipulates the undead into a disposable force, does not forgive any opponents or disturbers, but rather happily abuses them, but gives them to those who they consider protected. Doesn't he have a personality that gives him so much affect?

Just like flipping over a new race of humans and Vida for the Duke of Malmo. ''


Erwin never rejected Rickert's speculation.

"But, anyway, it's a substitute for accessories that make me happy that I'm doing good." Or maybe it's just taking advantage of it until it's undead. Fish in a fish cage.

Perhaps the upper members of the Sauron Liberation Front, including the Liberation Princess Knight, have also been undead, and their minions can move without knowing anything. "

"That's right ..."

"And we're not going to be friends with him. If you can capture it, import it. If there is a weakness that he cherishes, it is rather convenient. Can be used as a hostage.

Rickie Boy, you don't care, you raise the neck of "Liberation Princess Knight" and think of a speech to reassure you that it's okay with the great Emperor who dispatched "Yagaku 15 Swords" Keep it

Shortly after that, Elvin's faint signs disappeared. I didn't know if he had left or was hiding somewhere, but the conversation is over.

"... That old man, I guessed what I didn't like and ended the conversation."

Rickert does not like the tricks and the emperor's guess of "Jakuguru 15 Swords," but rather the contents of his mission that makes him realize that he is a decoration from beginning to end.

Rickert's role was to inform the occupation army that he had "completed" the elimination of the Resistance, an ostensibly assigned task, regardless of the success or failure of the negotiations with Wendaloo.

Whether the neck of the Liberation Princess Knight is genuine or a fabricated impostor depends on negotiations with Vandaloo.

"Odate. Is the mission of Odate also necessary for the prosperity of the Amid empire for a thousand years?"

Rickert responded with a sigh to Bass' words while recommending tea brewed in hot water boiled with magic items.

"But can Elvin and his fellows beat that dumb-peel? No, I'm not skeptical of your skills."

Rickert, who filled his nasal cavity with the scent of black tea and relaxed his shoulders, said, "I can do it."

"Ervine is one of the best swords in the belief in believing himself, and I've heard rumors about the worm army and the murderer."

"Mug army" is the only one that the empire has confirmed [Bag Tamer]. He has wiped out the herd of monsters spilling over from the surface of "The Trial of Zaccato" by himself.

Born from the Pattern, King Killer has defeated hundreds and thousands of minions under the name of the King, guarded by hundreds and thousands of minions.

Rickert, who received their credit as an advertising tower, knows its strength.

"And none of the information I've gathered about Vandaloo shows anything about his personal victories. It's probably a special Tamer. She's weak and tries to increase the number of handpieces. The raids on slave mines, and the use of ghouls, scylla, and resistance, are probably the reason.

They will have the potential to attack poisons and possibly illnesses because they have polluted the settlements, but they are not enemies if they are careful. ''

I don't like this task for Rickert, but at least he will not fail. It was such a task.

[Noah] 's Mao Smith relaxed his cheeks unintentionally because of the warmth of sunlight and the tickle of the breeze felt on his skin after a long absence.

"Even if the world changes, the wind is the same as the sky, but it's really naked ... can you hide it with leaves?"

No one around ... After recognizing that he was standing on the grassland, Mao checked his physical condition, which would lead him to live his third life.

Red-brown skin with maroon hair. His height is much lower than when he was living on Earth or Origin, and he is a little, without any body or lid.

Instead, the limbs have muscles. Make a fist several times, jump on the spot, walk, and run lightly.

"Hmm, I don't know exactly because I don't have a weight scale or a grip meter, but I feel that my muscles have risen. The reason why my body feels heavy is because I chose this race after all."

Mao's face was muttered, but if anyone who knew her in "Previous Life" looked at it, she would notice that it had some features, but she was young overall. Speaking of a younger sister whose hair, eyes, and skin color are different from each other, she might have been able to make her believe.

But this Lambda would be difficult. Because the races are different.

The race that Mao chose in his third life was a dwarf.

I didn't want to be a dwarf. Simply because he wanted to stay away from the human beings known to the Vandaloos.

You can't simply order Rhodocorte to change your face. It is because the body is influenced by the soul that inherits memories and personality from the previous life.

The effect can be minimized by reintroducing the baby as in Origin. However, it is not possible to create an adult body directly and reincarnate.

So Mao chose a dwarf instead of race or elf.

In fact, I ordered the sex to be a man, but I couldn't. According to Rodcorte, "Do you know that the brain structure differs between men and women? The body and soul do not match, and the personality is greatly affected. At worst, there is a risk of dying within a few days, so it is better to stop it.]

Of course, I checked with [Inspector] Izumi Shimada, but there was no lie.

"Well, it's okay because the status can't be changed due to status, and when it's out, it's out.

After getting used to the body ... [Status]. Oh, it really comes out. "

Check your stats and changed skills. Also check the unique skills [Lincarnation God's Fortune], [Target Radar: Magical Owner of 100 Million or More Death Attributes], and [Unique Skill Concealment].

Due to this [unique skill hiding], Mao will not be able to see the unique skill when registering a [guidance of appraisal] or guild.

It is a reflection point when Kaito Kanata was reincarnated, and a change point that Izumi and Aran considered. Even if you see your status, you will not be reincarnated.

"But driving and maneuvering [riding] and so on ... I was still a pilot. And the level of other skills is not high .... How many monsters in this world are monsters.

Well, I wouldn't say so much about myself alone ... yes, this one. Hmmm, it's hard to walk if the legs are short. "

Mao began walking, listening to a message from Rodcorte flowing into his brain. She is heading to a small band of bandits to defeat them and take away their clothes and necessary things.

By the time you are ready to travel, killing bandits has earned you 100 [No Job] and 100 [General] levels.

Go straight to the nearby town, register with your guild, get an ID, build your proper body, and then make a job change.

It is a dwarf who is only 15 years old, so it may be strange that some people think that they do not get a job until they come out of town at first, but they live several times while changing jobs. And if you change countries or continents, you should be fooled.

"Now, if you save money, do you want to quickly leave this continent and start doing business on another continent?"

Mao had no intention of dealing with Vandaloo. I'm not going to kill him like Murakami, and I'm not going to persuade him to stop like Sanwa Sanoh.

He intends to flee and live far away from Vandaloo's range. So they decided to reincarnate earlier than they did.

He talked to other reincarnations, such as Tendo of [Chisato], Akagi of [Efreeta], and Koya Enfuji of [Oracle], but they did not follow.

He just cheered me on. Reincarnations who may not want to fight Vandaloo may come. At that time, if you come to Mao, I want you to help me.

By the way, if an emergency occurs at that time or any other time, contact will be made from a spring or a sub-ran.

Rodcorte also acknowledged Mao's choice. In addition to killing Vandaloo, reincarnates are also responsible for developing Lambda.

Later, in the Duke of Fazon, known for its fishing and shipping businesses in the Orbaum sect, a dwarf named Mao, an unusually good adventurer in wind-based magic, would be a little more active.

She climbed to class C in about a year from registration, much earlier than a regular adventurer, but soon sailed from Bang Gaia continent by boat.

[Noah] Reincarnated in the body of a dwarf created by Mao Smith Perrodcorte.

Reincarnated Reincarnation Rhodocort's Sanctuary 12

Origin: 79 people