The Death Mage Who Doesn't Want a Fourth Time

Chapter 172 Episode 140: Weak Meat Eating

Vilkine, the only surviving of the three vampires who serve Hijryushkaka, the evil god of evil, has been struggling to reorganize the organization.

"No way, you're going to monopolize your organization in this way."

Birkine laughed selfishly. He had previously made the same archetype vampire, Tennessee, a puppet and attempted to bisect Goubamon and the organization. And at some point in the mind, Goubamon was also thinking of becoming a puppet and monopolizing the organization.

It was supposed to be a long-term plan that would take hundreds, thousands, or even tens of thousands of years ... but it has not been three years yet. However, both Tenesia and Goubamon are dead ... perished.

If the soul remains, you can be undead with the power of Evil God of Evil. Undead of the original vampire is not possible for Virkine, but it should be possible for Hichryshkaka. Playing with life is the real thing of that evil god.

But Vircain knows it doesn't. He was informed that the oracle from Jilyushkaka had broken their souls.

"It's been less than three years yet ... it's about the same time as blinking for me. Just that much time ... shit!"

T ran slat ed by jp mt m Vircaine, who filled the gloomy beauty with rage in an instant, squeezed the glass and slammed his fist on the table.

A roaring table crumbles, a table that is more robust than a steel shield made of Elder Trent wood.

"Gubamon's Ikare-Grandfather! I'm going to get rid of my nobles and my subordinates by my own hands! Thanks to you for thinking how hard I am!! ? "

Still, frustrated, Vircain spouted, spouting at his filthy fellow brother.

Goubamon, who is crazy for suspicion, tried to use all his minions as undead material. Before it was completed, it was destroyed by Vandaloo's hand, but the human damage was already too great for Birkine, who had to reorganize the organization under his own.

The three vampires are sending vampires in various parts of the world, behind the scenes of royal aristocracy and criminal organizations, drawing the string behind a boss.

Some have direct contact with vampires, such as the count of Thomas Palpapek of the Milg Shield, but many trading partners do not know they are dealing with vampires, and they have no criminal organization and no boss aides. I don't realize it belongs to the vampire infrastructure.

T ra n slated b y jp mt l.c o m Because of that system, if it was a bad situation, it could be cut off like a lizard's tail, and even if an intuitive person was at the enemy, it was just one vampire's neck who was in charge of it.

When Tennessia was defeated, four of the five dogs in his entourage were killed and one was betrayed, but the treasures and subordinates scattered throughout the country remained. So, if they took them in, they could take over, except for the organization that was destroyed by the adventurer party, The Five Colored Blades.

However, Goubamon has killed almost any noble or dependent species that can be used, and has made it undead. The only ones who escaped were those who tried to fulfill the reckless command issued by Goubamon and were returned by adventurers and knights or hid quickly and fled to the unexplored areas outside the continent or even in Goubamon. .

As a result, the remaining vampires were as small as Goubamon did not know, the lesser-known nobles among young people less than a hundred years old as vampires, and the subordinates equivalent to miscellaneous soldiers.

Of course, such a small man cannot be behind the scenes of dealing with royal aristocrats or corrupt merchants or criminal organizations. Especially in the case of subspecies, even the name of bilkine was not known.

It's hard to imagine how hard Vilkyne and his men have been in restructuring.

In some cases, the lower limb left before the contact of Birkine's hands took over the organization and ran out of control, even after the organization and the individual were defeated.

"If the feces ... at least Grant Roche, Laurie Rodriguez, and Miles Rouge ... if only one executive class could be taken ..."

Vircain growls in remorse, remembering the names of several executives in memory. All the executives, including those who have been undead, are under Vandalu.

After the death of a vampire, a ritual to summon the soul, undead, and revive it can't be done without the blood of the parent of that species, so Virkine has no way of knowing if they have died.

Hilyshkaka does not intend to teach Vircain such a trivial matter by oracle.

"It's all because of Vandaloo!"

In fact, it wasn't Vandaloo who actually hunted down Goubamon spiritually, but it was due to Virkine's attempt to turn Tennessee into a puppet ... but he was all due to the existence of Vandaloo. Seems to think that.

"In this case, I'll take him in anyway. He's not already a fighting victory. To get involved, I need to monitor more of the Sauron territory where he's coming and going."

"Birkine, there is a report on the Sauron territory."

T ra nsl a ted b y jp m At that time, an aristocratic vampire who appeared to watch Vircain regain his calm appeared.

"... you, Mortor"

Mortor, a dwarf-born noble vampire and one of Vircain's Four Confidants. He bowed down, bowed, and stated his report.

"Information from insiders in the Occupation Army, it appears that the Duke of Malmö has called for the 'Yagaku 15 swords'. Of the 15 swords in the Imperial City, one and two swords do not move. But there are reports that the three swords have left the Imperial City, so I'm sure. "

"Is it possible that the only thing that is moving is the tiger of Hariko?"

"Yagaku 15 Swords" is a secret unit that reports directly to the emperor, and all 15 people are assigned numbers. However, only one to three swords had their faces and names clearly formed.

By revealing her appearance, she is a spokeswoman who can inform the disturbing elements and enemy countries of the country to some extent the existence of the "Yagaku 15 Swords" and use it as a deterrent.

So Birkine, who knows that one to three swords are not really strong enemies and is an organization that can be described as twelve swords, is a spokeswoman for Hariko. I call it a tiger. Of course, even the Tiger of the Hariko has more power than a B-class adventurer.

"I don't know. But, as the Schneider gang of" Jinrai "has left the continent, can you afford some?"

And the members of the true "Yakuguri 15 Swords" who are not Hariko's tigers are those that Vircain vampires cannot grasp.

If you make a mistake, you can't say it, but if they do, they won't win in Birkine.

If it works, you're done with the dampir and the resistance that seems to have become the minions. So Mortor thought.

He gave an unexpected command to him, hoping that this would reduce his master's tantrum.

"Okay ... so send those who are good at gathering information to Sauron. If some of the" Yagaku 15 Swords "were sent, they would show the power of Vandaloo in exchange for life. I will work and I don't want to miss it. ''

"Awesome ... huh?"

"Of course it's strictly forbidden because it's pointless if you don't bring information back. But don't reconnaissance from the sky. According to your reports, the occupation army has done so many magicians who did it That's right, just in case. " T ransla t e d b y Jp m tl.c o m

"No, I know ... but do you think Vircain will survive Dampir by fighting the" Yagaku 15 Swords "?"

That's the "Jakuguru 15 Swords". In their hands, a number of noble vampires under Mortor have been killed. Using advanced martial arts and sorcery, monsters near immortality that will not die unless their heads are dropped or their hearts destroyed are erased in a short time without leaving any trace.

Perhaps Mortor himself will not win if he confronts him. Not so much opponent.

"That's right. He would win even if several" Yagaku 15 Swords "came."

But still, a few of the fifteen ... Bilkine predicted that if he was around five, Vandaloo would certainly win.

"It's hard for you to believe, but he killed Goubamon. If all 15 people take it, the rabbits will be too horny, and some alone will not kill them. Then it would be strange if I did not grab my tail long ago. ''

Now you can get some information about Vandaloo. By the way, it is two birds with one stone if you remove some disturbers.

Vircain, who thinks so, may be the most accurate enemy of Vandaloo's enemy.

At the time, in the border mountain range, in Haikoborg, Gargya, the nephew of King Haikobold, who succeeded in the coup with the backing of Boogietas, was eating meat on the throne.

"Kuhi babies," The evil god of liberation "is a lot of Lavovifard. It was the correct answer after reversing the religion from the" God of hunting "that did not bring me blessing."

The figure was large, even as a hi-cobolt reminiscent of an upright wolf, and looked like a beast.

Rich body hair, large glaring eyes, thick fangs and strong limbs ... The presence of the body radiated from the whole body, indicating that Gargya was not a simple person.

"I wouldn't say the wonderful thing about the power that fills the whole body ... Just killed. Kuh-hee, do you think so, you guys? "

But refraining during the throne ... Hykobolt and the women of the refuge seemed to have only hatred and fear of him.

T ra nsla t e d b y Jpmt l .c o m In order to hide it from appearing on his face, he does not try to respond with his face down when he is spoken.

Gargya screamed at such women. It wasn't because he was offended, but rather the opposite.

"They are still silent females in the daytime. On the bed they are so disturbed that they cry and cry ..."

When she utters her words, she shakes her shoulders to endure regrets or sadly tears. The sight stimulates the excellence of Gargya in a sweet way.

"Do you think I'm doing wickedness? Don't misunderstand, you were mine because the male you were looking for was king, and you were weak. The strongest male of the sacrifices, commits, and conceives the most females. The beast knows, isn't it natural? Kuhahaha! "

While saying so, the raw meat with bones again ...

A wisdom male who did not try to give up a female despite his weakness. Instead of burying his body, Gargya, who slaughtered it, made it a supper for the day.

"This ... beast!

Unable to endure her husband's body being devoured, one of the Hicobolt women abuses Gargya. But even that only pleased him.

"Beast? Out of the way? Isn't that good!We Hibold are demons!Be good to barbarians and live in evil! That's right!

What's wrong with robbing a female from a weak male! What's wrong with killing the killed male child! ? The lion and the monkey are doing the same! Yes, let's commit you to this night and impregnate this child! "

She shouted, revealing her tusks and cried, crying at the name of her husband, who was killed by Gargya. Princess Lulu, who is being used as a hostage, embraces this woman as another Hicobolt woman.

"Remember you, this gal-gha is the proper form of Hi-Cobolt!"

No one agrees with Gargya who declares so. For them, Gargha's words are equivalent to the madman's joke.

In fact, only Jacobold, who had followed Gargha before the coup, and General Boo Hudin and his army, who had followed Gargha before the coup, set up a coup and killed the king to take over the throne and kill the princes.

Other Haikobolds and the people are merely holding Gargha and Bhuhudin under force.

As Gargha, the rebellious family wanted to kill and show off their entire family, but Bhuhudin stopped it.

Emperor Bugitas unified the southern continent, and in order to realize the ambition of building a great empire that would serve Lavovipher instead of Vida, the number of soldiers could not be reduced just for the sake of showing.

To fulfill his ambitions, he plans to take the girls and girls hostage and make them fighters to drop the opposing nations, including Zanarpadna.

However, Gargya did not intend to be the king of a great empire under the control of Emperor Bugitas.

(Ambition or boo hoodin, emperor boogie's dog ... or a pig. If I get the power anyway, they will take their place. I'll dream as much as I like until then.)

If we believe that weak eating is right, boogies should also be the meat of the strong. Gargia believes that the strong man is himself, and he has no doubt.

Gargha has already received Lavoviferd's protection. In other words, Lavovifardo does not intend to make Bugitas the only priest. If Gargya surpasses Boogietas, it's OK to take the place. So he interpreted.

"-I'm going to be at the top of my mind.

It was Princess Lulu who brought back Garga, who had been delighted with the scared women and delusions, to reality.

"... what is it?"

Gargya was breached inside her chest, but she asked her to hide her upset. However, Princess Lulu was not deceived.

We shall show the shallow bottom of the gargia by showing good white fangs.

"As I said to you, if your way is the right way to be, you will be brutally killed by someone stronger than you. The stupid and shallow cousin drowned in power You will die in regret, just as you did to your father and brothers. ''

Garuga learned the chill after hearing the prophecy of her cousin, Princess Lulu, whose eyes had a dark glow of hatred.

You may have realized for the first time that you are not an exception to the rule of weak eating.


Garga shouted in silence in Kobold, but because of the unrest, his attitude turned to the rebellious eyes, not to mention Princess Lulu and, of course, even the women of the people.

As the upset turned into humiliation and anger in Gargha, a howling was heard.

Howling is not something that a stray dog raises in this Heikobolt country. A good way to communicate. according to it…….

"It's a massive enemy attack !? What was Bhu Hoodin doing?

Despite serving as a watchdog, Bouhudin has been dispatched from the Empire to protect the country. Gargia shouts at what she was doing, but she knew the next howling.

"I'm stupid ... Boo Hudin is killed !? Don't be playful! Guoooooooon!"

Gargya instructs all troops to go on howling. The women, staring at the back, forewarned that his end was near and excited.

Time goes back a little ...

Bhuhudin's men, guarded by the gates of the city walls of Heikobolt, were surprised by the stranger.

"Budirud, Fugoga !?"

General Budirud and his army, which should now be attacking the Ghoul, have come for some reason.

The orcs who are upset about what they are, and the platoon leader of the Noble Orc who puts them together.

"Buggogogul Puguba"

But Noble Oak realized that there were ghoul women connected by rope behind Budirud and thought,

Budirude had successfully attacked the Ghoul country and came to present her captive Ghoul woman to her general, Bouhudin.

It's not clear whether it's a tribute or a bribe, but it is.

It is not unquestionable why General Budilud himself is coming instead of sending his men, and if Emperor Bugitas is the first to give. However, those who swore loyalty to Bugitas tended to become more violent as they gained more power.

Asking such an opponent in a position like a platoon means death.

"Bugoh! Bugob!"

The Noble Orc tells you to open the gate, and the orcs open in a hurry.

Budilud follows the gate with his army and ghouls.


But before that, the Noble Orc, carrying a giant hammer on his shoulder, stood up.

"... Who are you? I can't fool my nose. I'm going to make Budilud's scat, and the smell is strange. The strange smell in the cloak ... What is this? No, it's not a fake.

And noble oak and oak in the back. "

Boo Hudin was supposed to be blaming the women who had been given by Gargha. He smells something he has never smelled ... he sniffs out a mixture of insects and plant odors, and concludes that there is no Noble Oak in the group in front of him, other than the fake in front of him did.

`` Mikoden ''

"Is it OK? Well, get up."

"Kids, hide somebody in your cloak--"

"[" Ooooooooo!

Bohudin, who realizes he has heard of the fake Budilud's voice, has been quenched by the roar of the castle gate.

"Bugo !?"

“Bugaki !? Call the dogheads! The gates they made have gone crazy!”

Suddenly, the gate itself transforms into a humanoid, slashing the orc who was the gatekeeper, and swinging down the orc archer, retreating aside so as not to disturb the fake Budirude army.


"Guruoooo! Kill! Defeat!"

"It's good! Take the enemy of your king and princes!"

The ghouls, Vigaro and Basdia who seemed to be tied up smash a nearby noble orc-type earth golem with a fist and pick up the weapon embedded inside.

Imagine the Orc soldiers shaking, and the Haikobolds in illusion appear. Those who had sworn allegiance to former King Hicobolt who had fallen in Zanarpadna due to the coup d'etat by Gargya.

In addition, from Vandalu, hidden inside the fake Budilude cloak, warriors of Arachne and Empusa, crampons and petes, plants and insect monsters, as well as Casim, Festa and Zeno appear.

"As you said, there are quite a few things to come."

"Is it sorry!"

"... I see. I wasn't as much as I heard."

Casims, each equipped with harmless insects and plants in Vandalu, attack the upsetting Bhuhudin army.

The castle gate was a golem and could not be closed, and the boo-hudin army panicked with enemies that were increasing one after another.

There are those who are cut down while standing on a stick, and those who are pierced from their backs trying to escape without difficulty.

"Don't be upset, soldiers! @Bugoooooooo!"

But under Bouddin's command, his army recovered from confusion.

"Bugya aa!"


Or, to be precise, should we say that we have forgotten the confusing reason? It exposes the struggle instinct, as if returning to the beast, and confronts ghouls and arachne.

The appearance of peeling his tusks with his bloodshot eyes and swinging his weapon is just a crazy warrior.

However, the situation is not going to improve.


"[Iron body]! [Iron wall]!

Kassim, who activates [Armoring] and [Shielding] martial arts, strengthens his defenses and catches the Noble Orc attack from the front.


"[Invisible Slash]!"

And the side of the noble oak, which stops moving, is the side sword of Festa's long sword and Zeno's dagger.

"Good luck ...!"

Kasim sighed, bleeding blood and spilling a falling Noble Oak.

"Is my arm numb ... but is this weaker than I heard?"

"It's full of gaps. Maybe it's an oak with a blonde wig?"

"Fester, there's no such orc. And it's impossible for an orc to paralyze Kassim's arm with martial arts."

The Casims, who have gained the skills of a C-class adventurer through training, are puzzled by the weakness of the enemy, which is unlikely to be a Noble Orc who manages advanced martial arts and magic.

Perhaps they have now defeated a specially weak Noble Orc. Three people think so, but the same thing was happening everywhere on the battlefield.

"Bugaa aa! Woman! Commit!"

The Noble Orc, swinging up the Halberd, rushes towards Zadiris, who is on the front line defenselessly.

With a three-metre heavy body, she would feel like a murder or road-dead body before committing to such a small petite Zadiris, but she also forgot the wisdom she noticed with confusion.

The Noble Oak Halberd is swung down towards Zadiris.

However, at that moment Zadiris disappeared.


Instead, a spear of light emitted from the void shattered Noble Oak's head.

Zadiris, who tricked his place with a vision created with light attribute magic, leans his head to the Noble Oak, which bleeds blood like a fountain and collapses from his knees.

"In such a case, the boy says," It's an afterimage, but ... I was caught strangely and easily. "

"Mom, hide right away! Pokos and others are full of gaps but persistent!"

Basdia, who is in opposition to multiple orcs and noble orcs, shouts to Zadiris. In fact, if she cuts the head of the orc one after another and cuts off the torso of the Noble Orc, the enemy will attack even more without fear.

It is a tall, sturdily-looking gaze on the body of Basdia, who has a coexistence of muscularity and feminine curves.

"Anything is unpleasant ... should we have Treasure make armor that shows less skin?"

"I agree!"

"It is excellent as a decoy"

"No need ~"

Eleonora agrees to mourn Basdia, flying in the sky and smashing the Noble Oak's head with a long sword. The boner who cut down the oak who stopped moving because of her beautiful beauty said so. Eisen denies.

The attacks of Bhuhudin's troops were concentrated on Kasim, a race that should have been a weak non-combatant to them, and on women, including Zadiris, Basdia and Eleonora.

In particular, when attacking women, there is nothing to worry about if a fellow or a person stronger than yourself returns in front of you.

"Suck, grow, eat!"

In particular, crampons with a high level of [color and incense] skills come one after another. However, the orcs and noble orcs are entwined by the branches that extend from her back, and the spirits are sucked up by the [absorption] skill.

Then, after sucking a certain amount, they squeeze them with the branches as they are, and then throw the increased iron apples at other enemies using the spirit they have obtained.

"Strangely empty"


The men of Vigaro and Pete were barely noticed by Bhuhudin's army, and were engaged in attacking the women and were only working to beat down enemies full of gaps from the side.

"Buga! Useless!

Boo Hudin abused his subordinates and raised his hammer toward a fake Budi Rude.

"It looks like you defeated Budirude, but you can't beat me! I'm stronger than Budirude!"

[Transcendence] The body of the boo hudin who activates the skill becomes one size larger by the expanded muscle. On the other hand, fake Budilud just drew a giant sword from the back of the cloak and held it.

The black, evil blade of the giant sword chills for a moment, but Bouhudin ignores it and plunges.

"[Hayama hammer]!"

A super-weight hammer made of obsidian coated with adamantite, a force that has defeated and polished many enemies. In addition, the [Transcendence] skill is being activated.

With this blow, the Arc Demon is not enough.

Even if the sword held by the impostor is slightly larger, the sword can be crushed and crushed with the sword.

"[Shin blade]"

But instead of smashing a sword held by a fake, the hammer is cut without sound.

The sword, which cut off the hammer as it was, was approaching Boo Hudin, who could not stop because of the momentum while opening his eyes as an idiot, and cut it from the brain to the crotch.

"Praise only the spirit that came from the front."

Before recalling the voice of the Orc word he heard, Bouhudin's consciousness was swallowed up in the darkness ... and became one of the spirits that followed Vandalou, hiding inside his cloak.

"You're good, Prince"

"Um, thanks to the Son"

Prince Budalion defeated Bouhudin with the spare sword of Volks made of [Shard of Demon King] and nodded convinced that his power had increased.

The experience gained from defeating Bhuhudin will increase your level surprisingly and increase your stats.

Prince Budarion, who has been protected by Mbubjenge for many years, has grown slowly since he was ranked 10th. I knew that I would spend many years and decades studying, beside my father, and aim to go beyond.

But now it grows as fast as when he returned to his boyhood, where he began his training.

"Is this the power of [guidance] skills?

But still, the enemy is too weak. No, rather than weak. In the past, Bhuhudin was a timid cautious general ... "

"Well, it's like a beast that doesn't fear death."

"A beast that is not afraid of death ... That's true, but wouldn't it be more tough?"

"That's not the case. To be precise, it's a fool of less than a paralyzed beast."

Deathmen who are not afraid of death are a threat. Enemies who are ready to die do not stop resistance until the end.

However, Bhuhudin's army became frenzy and became a fool who forgot the beast, the reason, and the desire over the fear, rather than the soldier. As a result, he repeatedly recklessly charges with anger and desires, and continues to rampage without associating the dead body of his fellow fellow with his own death.

There is no coordination, and almost no magic is used, even in martial arts.

Magic is not something that can be used on beasts that have runaway fighting instinct and desire, and martial arts are not as magical but require reason and concentration.

They are insensitive to pain because they can no longer use them, and keep fighting without fear until they die. However, he was insensitive to pain and was full of gaps, and was hit by Basdia and Eleonora in a single blow, destroying a critical point and quickly falling down.

"A group of stray orcs living alone with high stats and good equipment. Isn't that the case? Bubulin, a front line base, or the Budilud army, which was defeated in Ghoul, is a better group. I understand you. "

"Is this the end of the lavovidad's deceiver ... Buguitas, where are you going to lead your minions ..."

Yes, Prince Budarion asks a question in the void, but his question is swept away by the sword fight and the screams of the endless devil without reaching other than Vandaluo.

Even after his death, Bhuhudin, his men have never returned to sane and have been fighting frenzy. However, their size is not very large because they are garrisons for security and defense.

The enemy will run out soon.

But when I heard howling the wolf, I heard a powerful roar from the palaces of Haikobold.

"Mikoden! Prince! It's Gargya, the nephew of King Haikobold who has become a dog of Bugitas! It seems like he's attacking him straight away!"

Allied Heikobolt translates Kobolto.

And several howls are heard, and the hi-kobolts begin to move.

"Then we'll come forward one step ahead. Arachne and Empusa, Pete and Eisen, and Kasim and others gather."


"I'll see you again!

Name: Zadiris

Rank: 9

Race: Ghoul Elder Wizard

Level: 27

Job: Great Sage

-Job level: 28

Job history: Apprentice magician, magician, light attribute magician, wind attribute magician, wise man

Age: 298 years old (rejuvenated)

Passive skills

Night vision

Pain tolerance: 3Lv

Strength: 1Lv

Paralysis poison secretion (nail): 2Lv

Increased magic recovery speed: 9Lv (UP!)

Magic power increase: 4Lv (UP!)

Active skills

Light attribute magic: 10Lv (UP!)

Wind attribute magic: 9Lv (UP!)

Non-Attribute Magic: 4Lv (UP!)

Magic control: 9Lv (UP!)

Alchemy: 6Lv (UP!)

Chant discard: 6Lv (UP!)

Simultaneous activation: 4Lv (UP!)

Breakthrough: 3Lv

Housework: 1 Lv

High-speed thinking: 2Lv (NEW!)

Unique skills

Blessing of Zozogante (NEW!)