The Death Mage Who Doesn't Want a Fourth Time

Chapter 167 Episode 135: Miko and her children are challenging the great trials to get what they need

"Evil god of crusts and compound eyes," Vandalou blinks at the unfamiliar call from the mouth of Queen Donanellis, the ruler of the city states of Arachne and Empusa, who serve Zanarpadna.

"Are you a great challenger?"

"Um, in detail, after all the guests are ready-"

"Darling! I can't get up even though the wounds haven't healed yet!"

Princess Cunelia rushes to the Noble Oak by wind-like speed next to Vandalou, who listens involuntarily.

"Ku, Cuneeria, I'm fine. No problem, I can get up."

Noble Oak spoke with the impression that he was a moderately quiet but gentle young man. He looks like Prince Budarion, who was the fiancee of Princess Counelia and was stolen by his brother.

"I'm lying! I'm going to have a difficult voice ... I'm a bit pale ...." Tra n s lat ed b y Jp m

So, Vandalu looks up at Prince Budarion. Prince Budarion's complexion, which is about 3 meters tall like a Noble Oak, is probably bad.

I feel a little smell of blood from the bandage.

"Buffy. Princess, I can't lie to you ..."

(Oh, a little oak-like)

Perhaps he sighed with "Wow." Although it speaks human language, it does not seem to work perfectly because the structure of the nose is different.

Prince Budalion pats the princess Counelia's pink blond with gentle eyes and gentle light.

"But my mother-in-law said that the discussion that was going to take place will be important in separating the future of all the races living here. Tr an sl a ted by jpm tl.c om

Then, I cannot help but not be present. It's all about the inevitability. "

"Darlin, it's not like that! It's all due to Booguitas and the mysterious god who helps him! And, Darling fought more than anyone to stop Boogietas!"

"No, it was all too much sweetness that I couldn't see my brother's stupidity, which led not only to my vassals and to the people of the Empire, but also to several nations, including this Zanarpadna. "

"Darling ..."

"Cuneeria ... Budalion ... can you do that when you're alone?"

When Queen Donanellis squeezed her mouth, they returned to me in a surprised manner. He apologized to Arachne, Empusa, and Vandalu, who felt mentally tired, saying, "I'm sorry!"

"I didn't want to bring Kasim."

"Umm, calm, gentlemanly noble oak ..."

"Actually, if you say that there is a human inside, you are likely to believe it."

"No, I know. That prince, he's a pretty good arm. If he's satisfied with five, he may be equal to or better than me."

"Sure, that little appearance and that masculine ... That's just the size of the presence that he's giving away for his masculine look. Probably rank 10 or higher. "

Zadiris, who flew on their own or were brought by Arachne, arrived between the queens one after another, and witnessed the remarkable appearance of Prince Budalion and Princess Counelia.

It is hard to believe that Prince Budarion is the same Noble Oak in Zadiris and Basdia, probably because of the strong impression of Bugogan.

"Prince Budarion is not yet as good as his predecessor Hugoff, but he has reached Noble Oak Hiking at rank 10. He is a master of [Swordsmanship] that is nowhere near as good as me."

Tr a ns lat e d b y jpm t l.c om Gizania explains the man (male?) Who becomes his brother-in-law, whether he is proud of Vigaro and Volks.

"I'm sorry to have been asked to take the princess!"

And Muse hits his knees in a hurry. By the way, the magician, Bakota, was waiting near the queen for some time. As expected, it is quick.

"Better. Muse, you're going to be there."

But she doesn't seem to want to rebuke Muse for Queen Donanellis. But the instructions that followed were unexpected for Muse.

"Are you certain?"

Although Muse is a highly competent Knoichi among young Empusa younger than one hundred, he is not in a high position. One of the gates on the north, south, east and west of the city wall that protects Zanarpadna, but that's it.

Occupation: Zanalpadna and other delegations traveling to and from other nations, and armed merchants who trade, have a face to face, but they are not as important.

Nor is there any special insight. There is Gizania for the shrine maiden who is a guest, and I don't think it will be useful if you stay here.

"It's good, I'll stay here. Gizania, of course, you too."


However, they cannot be repeatedly ordered to object. Going against your mortal life is contrary to the ninja way that Muse longs for.

However, when trying to refrain from the end of the Empusas, who have a history of the muse that refused to be between the queens, they are told, "Let's refrain on the spot because it's good!"

"I was afraid!"

Muse hurriedly returned to Vandalu. She and her queen alternately gaze at Eleonora and Zadiris, as well as Arachne and Empusa in the hall, but there is no explanation from the queen.

Tr ansl at ed b y jpm t l .c o m Vandalou also knew that Muses seemed to have something to do with his position, but he was confused because he did not know what it was. It looks calm because there is no expression.

"Then ... I told only a few people, including Bakota, but there was an oracle from the evil god Zanarpadna."

Moreover, the story jumped to a topic unrelated to Muse. But the importance of the story shifts everyone's attention from her to the oracle.

The concubine interpreted that the content of the oracle would mean, "Send your daughters to the north, where they will meet the Son who seeks trials."

So the concubine consulted with those who confided the contents of the oracle, and dispatched a mission to the swamps in the north, including the daughters of the concubine, including Cuneeria and Gizania. ''

"Is that so ?! Sure, it was strange that Bakota Magician did not oppose seeking a reinforcement from a Lizardman who had not negotiated before ..."

"I see. That's why I was granted permission right away when I originally wanted to accompany me as one of the escorts."

Apparently, the oracle was not disclosed to Princess Counelia or Gizania. Most of the queen, including Prince Budalion, was surprised.

"Queen Donanellis, why couldn't you tell us about the oracle !?"

A large Empusa, who seems to have been one of the missions, asks a question in a casual manner.

"Teaching is a prejudice, and there is a possibility that the interpretation of the concubine is wrong. Daughter is not" daughter of concubine "but Gaol," young girl "including you. I didn't know anything about the race or figure of Miko, and she could be a lizardman ... I mean, my concubine, Bakota, and Miko are lizardmen. You were supposed to be a hero or a hero.

I don't doubt your loyalty, but forgive me. ''

And Queen Donanellis closes his eyes and bows. Then, besides Empusa, who was called Gaol, those who had a funny look about not being told of the oracle began to stop the Queen in a hurry.

"Please raise your head! I understand the Queen's thoughts!"

Princess Coonelia's voice suddenly resonated with Vandalu's consciousness, watching him blinking.

"The concubines, Arachne and Empusa, especially those who live in battle, are disgraced to suspect loyalty. Gizania is the same, so be careful! ' Tra n s l a t ed b y Jpm tl .c o m

When I noticed, a thin transparent thread was sticking to the neck of Vandaloo. He seemed to have taught him in the [Thread tale].

However, the Gizania does not seem dissatisfied with being hidden by the Queen. This may be because Donanelis is not just a superior, but a real mother.

"By the way, I know there was an oracle ... but what are we looking for?"

Watching the Empusas calm down, Vandaloo asked.

"Our initial goal was to deal with the Noble Oak Empire ... from peace talks to war.

After hearing the situation from Gizania, he formed friendly relations with the various tribes who serve the Vida gods including this Zanarpadna, and instead of defeating Bugitas, who serves the god like a remnant of the Demon King Army, and his subordinates "

Defeating Bugitas isn't just because you feel sorry for Arachne or because of the great physical beauty of Gizania.

The words of the Usurper Bugitas and his servant, Lavovifard, can be inferred from the words spoken by the Noble Oaks in Gizania that they do not have good feelings for Vida and those who worship Vida.

If he dominated the swamps and controlled the land south, he wouldn't know what to do in the future.

Noble oak takes about ten years from birth to adulthood, so it doesn't increase very quickly. However, the working or slave classes of the empire, orcs, kobolds, and goblins, grow scary in a short period of time.

If you get swamped by the increased numbers, you won't think Talosheim will win, but you will die.

Even if you do not attack, if something is done in the sanctuary where Vida is asleep, you will be troubled as "The Son of Vida".

So deal with it when you can. And if we move now, we can have many friendly countries in the future. The general, Cesare, also said, "Your Majesty! Here is your only option to participate in the war! ].

Later, the experience value and the meat are also delicious.

"But I have no idea about the trials."

I felt that fighting the Noble Oak Empire was not a test. Bugitas, who defeated Prince Budalion of Rank 10, is estimated to be at least Rank 11. Although it is certainly a strong enemy, it does not seem to surpass the original vampire Gubamon, whose rank was above the estimated rank 13 defeated by Vandaloo last year and whose ability has reached the level where it can appear in myths.

Maybe Vandalu will win if he plays.

Of course, there will be several other ranks of high-ranked Noble Oak other than Boogie's, but even if they are included, if Volks, Vigaro, Zadiris, Basdia, Eleonora, Boneman, etc. are there, it will not lose.

If you don't have enough strength, you can call it from Tarosheim.

So I feel weak to call it a trial.

"So I'd like to ask if you have any idea."

If the test was to "tell Zanarpadna knowledge of the right samurai and ninja," he would surrender quickly.

However, when she asked Queen Donanellis, she looked glad and troubled.

"No ... the concubine was really going to be tested, so he was going to ask him to get back to the empire from Bugitas and his servant Lavovifard."

"... I guessed, I missed it in a good way, Queen."

"Oh ... what should I do, this air?"

Bakota and Kurt also have subtle looks.

"Then, isn't trial the misunderstanding of Zanarpadna?"

"Bassdia, isn't it impossible for God to misunderstand?"

"No, I guess it's possible. I've seen another god before, but it seems like I'm misleadingly normal."

"Have you seen God !?"

"Is there such a god !?"

"Such an idiot! No, but if you were a fellow oracle prophet, maybe ...?"

Gizania disagrees with Basdia's Theory of God's Misconception, but her story that she has met God has surprised not only Gizania but Princess Kuneria and even Bakota.

By the way, the god that Basdia has seen is Fidirug of "Five Dragons". He would appear to be in Vandalu and begging for life as soon as he appeared.

"No, it's not necessarily a misunderstanding. From the perspective of Zanarpadna, the fight against the Noble Oak Empire may have been enough to be considered a trial."

"God is not almighty, and Mr. Vandaloo is deep."

Vandaloo was convinced that Zadiris and Eleonora could say so.

"I see ... well, yes. The concubine may have misinterpreted the oracle. Speaking of a mind, it's almost like" Zacquard's Trial, "but it doesn't seem to be asking for it."

However, Vandaloo reluctantly heard back the name of the legendary dungeon leaked by Queen Donanellis.

"Is it" The Trial of Zachart? "-Does that dungeon appear in a different location every month?"

"Hmm?" The Trial of Zaccato "will surely disappear somewhere in about a month if there are no challengers inside, but it should always appear in the sanctuary where the goddess sleeps once a year."

Apparently, the mysterious dungeon that should wander appears regularly only in sanctuaries in the southern continent.

"'The Trial of Zaccato' ..."

It is the enemy of the remaining mother Darussia for Vandaloo, who will have confirmed his position as a hero in the election of Orbaum nowadays, even though the “Goshiki no Blade” led by S-class adventurer Heinz will challenge, but party members This is an extremely difficult dungeon where one person has lost and withdrawn.

I have no interest in capturing the dungeon. No ... what if Heinz and his fellow corpses still remained in the dungeon? I don't mind if it's just a skull, get it, put the appropriate soul after restoration, make it undead and show it around in front of Heinz, what kind of face will he look like?

Wouldn't that be a little reminiscent of the habits that caught Darussia and offered it in exchange for the money they made to the fanatics, and that those three people who had a good social position and were hard to get out of hand?

It would be awesome if they came high and attacked. It can be killed by legal defense.

Of course, Vandaloo must also register as an adventurer to gain a solid position, register his undead as a follower, and, above all, gain the power to return to Heinz.

"... When does" The Test of Zaccato "appear?"

"I don't know at what time. It is certain that it will appear once a year, but it will change every time from January to December.

But it shouldn't appear this year yet. If it appears, angels will be sent to each country from the dark elf country. … It may not be the case in the current situation. ”

"I see. Let's try it once you defeat Boogies."

Harassment that doesn't know when it can be performed and whether there is a corpse that remains essential cannot be given priority over war. After all, the trial is postponed.

However, he turns his gaze to see the brave to Queen Donanellis, Counelia and Budarion, proclaiming to challenge "The Trial of Zaccato".

Well, it is a dungeon where Heinz, who was an A-class adventurer at the time, was defeated, so it might be worthy of respect just to try.

"Well, what, shrine maiden will challenge Zachart, so I can't help."

"I may have been helped by a ridiculous adult .... Queen! No, my mother! If the battle with the boogies is over, I want to devote my sword and this life to the shrine maiden!" ! "

Muse fights, and Gizania flushes his cheeks and says something ridiculous.

"Gizania, I accept if you change jobs, but please take care of your life."

"Wow! Let's go, shaved! No one can capture it The dungeon will burn!

"Volks, calm down, I'm going after I beat Boogies."

"I want to decide on the conditions for sending reinforcements!"

Kurt won the outroar with a loud voice like a former fort commander.

After confirming the attention of yourself, I will present the conditions for participation that I decided in advance with the Cesares as a result of the meeting.

"First of all, treat anyone under the flag of 'Echo King' Vandaloo as an ally and do no harm.

Second, acknowledge what my army captured as a result of the battle, even if it was a corpse.

I want you to acknowledge this. "

Queen Donanellis and Bakota, listening to the two conditions, tilted their heads after blinking.

"... No, isn't that normal?"

It is common sense to treat reinforcements as friendly and not to harm them. The following conditions, which grant ownership of the captured matter, including the corpses, are not common in the Amid Empire or the Orbaum election, but seem to be common in the southern continent.

"If you kill a noble orc or oak under Bugitas, you're fine if you're telling us to strip the corpse of material and food. That's the winner's right. Of course, Bugitas himself."

Prince Budalion has assured himself.

"The noble orcs and oaks of our empire do not eat the meat of their families, but use the materials of the dead to make goods for funerals and punish the corpses of sinners for food for the people. But don't worry.

However, if you capture something important to the empire, it would be helpful if you could negotiate. ''

No one in the queen, including Prince Budalion, appears to have disgust or disgust, so it's really common sense.

Since the Lizardman in the swamps also took materials from dead kins' bodies and processed them into leather armor, it would be a memorial service for monsters to make and use weapons from the deceased.

"Of course we will accept the negotiations, but the important thing is the first condition. If you drink this condition, let's return the seriously injured, including Prince Budalion, to the original healthy body."

Vandalou said that the Queen had a different rumble than when he declared that he was going to take on the Challenge of Zachart.

"Is healing my eyes and my arms! I was determined to return to Boogies with one-eye and one-armed arms, but if I can recover as before, I will surely stop the brutalization of him!"

"Prince, please wait. The shrine maiden, Prince Budarion's wounds are not known to be Deathsize or the power of magic carried by Bugitas, or the protection of Lavovifard, but several magicians, including me, It's all about stopping the blood, rather than closing the wound, even if you do it all together.

Can you really cure it? "

It seems that there was such a reason why the wound of Prince Budalion was not closed while there was an excellent magician like Bakota.

The Vandaloos had previously heard from Gizania that the prince was severely ill and unable to fully fight. However, although it should have been many days, I was wondering why the missing part was still faint but smelled of blood.

Perhaps a curse or special poison or unique skill that would hinder healing magic or potions.

"Can you do that, shrine maiden? At the time of me, there was a cut leg, but there is no arm and eyes of Prince Budalion."

Gizania, who cooperated with Muse and suppressed Princess Counelia, who shouted, "I can drink anything!"

"I think we can do it, but first we have to drink the conditions. let's go"

In accordance with the words of Vandalu, Bones and Volks took off their helmets, and Princess Levia and Olbia's ghosts appeared.

Noble Oak Mage Bubulin was watching for troops while directing the construction of a temporary fort.


However, his work attitude cannot be ruled out. He was convinced that the war was already the victory of Prince Bugitas, the new emperor Bugitas.

Already in the lands of Hygoblin and Haikobold, coups created by those who have sworn allegiance to the Emperor Bugitas have gone well, and they are dominating.

The Demon Land and the Demon Land are strong enemies, but will not be able to move for a while due to the work of Lavovifado.

During this time, she tramples over other countries and captures Zanarpadna, who hides the loser Budalion.

"And if we settle this land, it would be our world ... Bukuku"

"Booulin, loud voice for myself."

Noble Oak General, a commander of the same rank, spoke to Bubulin, a sneaky and humorous tribe named Noble.

This temporary fort is located between the Empire and Zanarpadna and is a base for capture of Zanarpadna. For this reason, sufficient strength was arranged so that it could repel the attacks of nearby stray monsters and withstand some extent even if attacked by Zanarpadna.

Bubourin and Noble Oak General rank 8. Other Noble Oaks are rank 7 with a few and rank 6 with 10. Higoblin and Haikobold are each five. Thirty soldier and worker orcs.

And there are fifty slaves that are not military but can also be emergency food.

"And in my own words is solitary. You can hear both slaves."

"Of course I'm telling me. I won't have any boring hopes. Don't rest my slaves and your wife and daughter if you can't afford their lives!"

Bubourin yelled at the slaves, men of race or beast who were the people of the empire, and beat his appropriately chosen back with his cane in his hand.

Of course not seriously. On the contrary, it is a blow that has been carefully adjusted.


However, even a mage is a wand that is swung with the power of a noble orc that is incomparable to ordinary people. The beaten man screamed at the impact and fell down.

"Wow ..."

And groaning, he looks up at Bubourin with angry eyes. The eyes are not like slaves, but it's no wonder. He was a people, not a slave, until six months ago.

The Noble Oak Empire, like Zanarpadna, maintained a symbiotic relationship that protected the people. But Buguitas sought to trample it and turn it into a truly underpowered society.

Part of this is the enslavement of the people. There are no useful magic items, such as the collars of slaves circulating outside the border mountains, so the family is taken hostage to make the slaves obey.

When they return to the empire if they work poorly, their families are either committed or eaten until they die, and each end in a terrible end.

"Kuh ..."

The beaten man can only get up and return to work without saying anything.

Not even the collar but the collar. It turns out that even if everyone riots, even Bubulin won't beat even one of his noble orcs.

And if they rebel, the infants and the elderly are turned into food, and the women who give birth are not mothers of Noble Oaks, but mothers.

The men also knew that there was no assurance that they and their families would not be subjected to cruel treatment in the future, even if they were obedient. I knew, but now I had no choice but to follow.

"Look, look at those eyes! It's a pathetic creature that can't be recounted. Again, weakness is a sin!I can't believe that such a lower creature was a 'people' just a short time ago They are inferior to oak! "

Bubulin raises a rattle and an unpleasant laughter in the words of a human being, intentionally speaking to even enslave the slaves. But the slaves can't go back even if they are insulted.

About half of the orcs turned their sympathetic gazes on such regrettable slaves.

"What if you also tease them?"

Noble Oak General was shook and shook his head with a gentle smile.

"Buchhu, let's refrain. I prefer women to be abusers, and also prefer to sleep on a bed."

"Oh, yes, that's it. Let's all fight together in this battle, win the rank of Emperor Bugitas, and hold on to a real, unmistakable woman that a powerless god will come to wither!

……Hmm? What happened? "

At that time, a watch orc shouted at Bubuulin when the monster was approaching.

Noble Oaks are pure demons, unlike the new races of Vida, such as Arachne. For this reason, the temporary fort, packed with high-level Noble orcs, including Bubuulin, is unlikely to be attacked by monsters.

However, monsters that are extremely hungry, have low intelligence that cannot measure their opponents, and greedy monsters that smell the smell of slaves may attack.

But Bubulin thought this was the case this time, but turns his head to a lookout report saying "Hugoffgivy!"

(A giant zombie?)

Bubulin was informed about the approaching demon and leaned his head in his chest. It is not uncommon for undead to occur from corpses at the Makai. But why are giants, who would not be able to leave the city state alone, die outside?

There shouldn't be any giant adventurers or soldiers.

`` Bug buff ''

The Noble Oak General ignores Bubulin's questions and brings his bow and arrow to his subordinate Noble Oak.

It seems that the level will reach 100 and the rank will be improved soon, and it is hoped that the experience value obtained will be even the tears of the sparrow.

The Noble Oak General who received the bow and arrow from his subordinate, aimed at the zombie approaching while moaning with a sword hanging on his arm with a half of the face skeletal and saying "Oh ~, ah ~" Fired an arrow.

"Oh ~"

However, the arrow came off the zombie, probably because of staggering.

"That!? ... Boogo!"

Noble Oak General, who didn't think it would fall off, gave the second arrow a bow, apparently frustrated.

Noble orcs, including Bubourin, are convinced that this time will hit.

However, the giant zombie shook the second arrow that was released at an unstoppable speed, shattering the dragging sword.

"Ah ... I'm not good at imitating ordinary zombies."

"Well, it's good to be so close."

"Well then run ?!

And the giant zombie Volks ran furiously towards the astonishing Bubourin and General.