The Death Mage Who Doesn't Want a Fourth Time

Chapter 156 Episode 126: How to Counter Force Cardiopulmonary Arrest Cheats

Living bodies that have died and lost their bodies often have a reduced sense of time.

No heart beats, no lungs to breathe. Eating and sleeping are not necessary in a physical sense. Spirits wandering above the ground will be aware of the general flow of time when they look at the sky, but they may not even notice that years of time have passed, such as when they stay indoors.

For this reason, Rodcorte set up a "clock" in his sanctuary for the reincarnated.

One month has passed to the group of Bravers, who died at the origin, and Junpei Murakami, who had turned away from it, to choose what to do after reincarnation to Lambda. This is to ensure that the deadline is met.

Recently, there is some room for dealing with the reincarnation system that occurs when the soul is broken.

`` Did you regain the intuition of the demon king Gudranis over 100,000 years ago when lambda was breached? ''

Now, if you're crushing one or two souls at a time, you'll be able to deal with it just a little more than usual.

T r a nsla t e d b y Jp mt l .c om When the souls of Raymond Paris, Rick Paris, and more than a dozen members of the accomplices who committed the Scyra's continuous bizarre murder in The New Duke of Sauron, were shattered at once, they were all over the place.

"Rather than considering running the soul in Vida's reincarnation system on my system, should we start upgrading the system to more efficiently respond when the soul is broken?

I think so, but hesitate to start because it is enough to kill Vandaloo, the only entity that can break the soul in the first place.

It's unlikely that a soul-smashing being like the Demon King Gudranis would once again begin to invade some world.

And if Vandaloo goes into a hurry of hundreds of thousands or millions of souls in a short period of time, some Rhodocorte can't keep up trying to upgrade the system. The only thing Rhodocorte can do is cut off the lambda reincarnations around the world to prevent the whole system from collapsing.

Even the Demon King Gudranis did not end up doing it (perhaps because it was unclear what would happen to Lambda after the destruction of Rodcorte's system), but there is no guarantee that Vandaloo would not.

"Then, shouldn't we be able to separate at least the inner lambda part of the system?

Aran, who had heard Rodcorte's solitude, suggested so, but he replied, "It's difficult." T r ans l ated b y jpmtl .c o m

"Originally, my reincarnation system is not completely delimited by the world. I usually reincarnate my soul within one world, but to cope with unforeseen circumstances, some worlds are designed to be able to accommodate my soul only in emergencies. "

If the population explosion occurred in the world A and the souls to be reincarnated were insufficient, the mechanism was assumed to accommodate the souls waiting for reincarnation in the worlds B and C.

And it seems that the world from A to C is inseparable from the system individually due to its design.

Upon hearing it, Aaran exhaled.

"In other words, in this case, some of the worlds are Earth, Origin, Lambda?"

Rodcorte reincarnates subdivisions from Earth, which is systematically close to Lambda, and to Origin, which is also close to Lambda. And now they are trying to reincarnate reincarnate to Lambda, which is closer to Origin.

At the same time, he understood that in the event of an emergency, Lodcorte had to abandon Lambda along with the Earth and Origin to protect the entire system.

I guess that's the right attitude as a system administrator ...

"That's right. However, I do not want to cut off the world including lambda if I like it. I understand that you have reincarnated them from Earth and are asking you to kill Vandaloo. "

"... No, isn't the latter different? I knew it was dangerous, but it doesn't mean you can't survive without breaking your soul.

A turbulent cheek. He thinks he doesn't have to relentlessly kill anything, but Rodcorte's opinion seems different.

"If dangerous biological weapons with advanced intelligence and free willingness that do not accept the control of mankind at the origin are left unchecked, what kind of judgment will be made by human politicians?

Aran dropped his shoulder when asked the answer without even using Rhodocorte's [operation].

"Rather than believing in the possibility of not harming mankind, it's more certain that it's better to erase it and eliminate the possibility of harming mankind. Hey, I know. "

Tran slat e d b y Jp mtl .co m When he said, he went away from Rodcorte.

Most of the time she was alone, Rodcorte realized that she seemed to have a habit of speaking alone without being aware.

As long as you have created an angel, you should be careful in the future.

"Um, God, is it a little better?

The next thing I talked to was Mario Netter's first dry season. It seems that he came alone, without taking his other companions-it is unclear to him if he had any "companies" among the reincarnates.

Gaze swimming in a pale face, trembling hands and knees, and at best the soul alone, if you can expose your emotions to this point, even those who tend to neglect the mental state of human beings are impressed I'm upset enough to do it. Thoughts tend to be slightly disturbed.

"Did you decide?

So I listened in a slow tone. However, it did not seem to be very effective.

"Wow! That's the choice! It's good to erase your memory and personality and reincarnate from some baby! ? If possible, without fate or power!


In spite of the surprising offer offered by Inui, Rodcorte, who can read his thoughts, silently silenced.

(I thought that a human is basically a creature that sticks to the powers, privileges, and property once obtained and is willing to kill if it is to protect it ...)

For Rhodocorte, who knew so much about humanity, his first proposal was surprising.

In particular, Lambda, unlike Earth and Origin, is a world where life is cheaper overall. With the exception of royal aristocrats and those born to the wealthy, there is a low awareness of human rights, dangerous monsters in the open air, and many wars involving looting, including life from non-combatants. , It has always been recognized.

The current "Earth" and "Origin" do not say that there is no such region, but "Lambda" is so throughout the world.

T ran s late d by jpmt In order to reincarnate in such a world, there is no cheat ability, no memory or knowledge cultivated so far, and it is to start over from a baby ....

"Do you know the danger?

"Of course! If you are born, you may die immediately!

At the beginning of the year, I was more broken than I expected from Rodcorte and everyone around me.

He was cornered that reincarnation would only be killed by Vandaloo, Murakami and other incarnators, and residents of Lambda.

He was convinced that:

Even if you become an assassin who kills Vandalu, your information should have been transmitted to Vandalu from "Eighth Guidance". If so, it is a return as well as Kaito Kanata. [Marionette] can't manipulate golems and ghosts without nerves, and Vandaloo himself can't manipulate it if he is removed from the body. And after losing, begging for life cannot be expected.

If he is not an assassin, he is killed by Junpei Murakami to seal his mouth. Even though the information has already been transmitted to Vandaloo by the "Eighth Guidance", it may be incomplete depending on the state of the "Eighth Guidance" that seems to have been reincarnated. And, given the possibility of leaking ourselves to other Lambda locals, we can't keep it alive.

We cannot expect help from reincarnations other than Murakami. He didn't kill him directly, but he's still a traitor in Bravers.

If he was killed by Murakami, he would only see it as a "comrade break."

Of course, killing doesn't mean literally. Murakami now knows that killing only returns the soul to Rhodocorte.

Therefore, it is necessary to take a method of killing, such as destroying a part of the brain, a part that is not a problem for survival, and keeping it alive for a while without being able to speak meaningful words.

If you do that, you're not confident that you will remain sane when you die and your souls return here.

And if they are killed by Vandalu, that stupid kaito Kanata will almost certainly break his soul. The pain, loss, and despair at that time can only be imagined because it is now a spirit.

"That's why I think it would be easier for me to be gone anyway! If you are just a baby with no memory, no personality, no power, no one will be willing to search and kill! ?

And they came to this conclusion. I lose my strength, erase my memory and personality and start over from a fresh state. As long as it was a normal reincarnation, I knew it had the same meaning as the disappearance of human beings. But that was exactly what he wanted. T r an s l a t ed by jp m t l .com

After reading through his first thoughts, Rodcorte noticed one of his mistakes.

(Should we consider the situation and stress of repeated reincarnation in a group while keeping memory and personality)

People are born in a clean state, but reincarnated people regain the memories and personality of their previous lives in five to six years.

In other words, human nature is formed at that moment.

Then, it will be difficult to reincarnate in the next life, even if you want to work hard. It's hard to change the personality that has already been shaped with experience.

And what if those who knew themselves in the previous life were reincarnated in the same way as themselves?

It is even harder to start over.

In addition, the memory at the time of death is also clearly preserved, so that even a trauma betrayed by a person who thought that he was a friend like the first in the dry season is inherited as it is.

In the case of Kaito Kanata, he thought that "even if he died, he would be reborn again," but he did not think anything. However, that is because Kanata is abnormal, and the first dry reaction is more normal.

Humanity, relationships with other incarnators, and fear of death. It was a mistake of Rodcorte who thought everything lightly.

(Was it a failure to put incarnation into Origin in order to gain knowledge, skills and experience?)

I think so, but I can't rewind the time.

Now it is time to respond to the first hope of dry. He wouldn't be able to use it as a thug to Vandalu, nor to pass on the knowledge and skills of another world to the lambda world to encourage development.

"Sorry, I can't do that"

That said, if he fulfilled his wishes, he would waste his cheat abilities and time that he had given using his power. If you can't use abandoned pieces, you want them to be used as rubble at least until they are finished.

"What, what! ?

"I can't do it"

Although I think so, Rodcorte never taught it honestly.

If the plan to develop Lambda is well underway, it was safe to give up the first one, but now it is an emergency. Those who can use it should use it even if it is less than a cat's hand.

"Then, what should I do ...?

However, as soon as he is reincarnated, he may choose euthanasia himself, so he will lend some power.

"If you are afraid of killing, falling into petrification due to plant humans or abnormal conditions, and it is not possible to recover, [Marionette] will be activated automatically and give a mechanism to kill yourself. Is that OK?

Before reincarnation, Vandaloo who has not received the cheat ability can not do it, but it is possible for incarnations of the dry season and other reincarnates to do this much work.

"Well, then ... well ... somehow ..."

At the beginning of the dry season, she follows her too small Rhodocorte, dropping her shoulders and saying, "I want you to think a little more."

If he comes back again, let's decide how to use him then or return to the ring of reincarnation if it is no longer useful.

The reincarnation came again to Rodcorte who thought so.

"I have a proposal. Let me collect information. "

It was Tatsuya Tendo from [Senrai].

"What is information gathering?

"From this sanctuary, you can see the world that controls reincarnation. Is that so?

"That's right ... I don't think it makes much sense when I look at it."

From the sanctuary of Rhodocorte, you can see each world. However, its accuracy is the same as or less than looking at the Earth, which looks like a fist from outer space.

You know the shape and location of the continents, and you can notice any unusual events beyond the size of the continent. But you can miss the island. It is impossible to know what people are doing.

"I don't mind if you want to know the general geography of Lambda ..."

While saying so, Rodcorte displays a video of "Lambda" in front of the sky.

The “lambda” world has clearly emerged in the form of a sphere, about the size of a baby's head. It may be a privilege to be able to see the shape of the world that no one knows yet without God.

By the way, the only place you can see the world from so far is that Rhodocorte is a god who is not recognized by Lambda. A god who is worshiped by many, such as the god of law, Alda, can look more closely at the area where there are many believers if he wants to.

But in Rhodocorte, where no one in Lambda is known, this is the limit.


That should have been the case, but for some reason only a part of the "Lambda" world is slightly easier to see than the others.

(Don't you care? This is the southern part of Bang Gaia continent ... Wouldn't it be a country controlled by Vandalu? It's a matter of the number of people who are aware of me, does it affect me so far alone?)

Even if you can see it, it's a bit better than the rest of the world, not useful. When Rodcorte re-examined whether he was mindful, the heavenly gaze staring at the "Lambda" world smiled.

"Okay, you can go! God, please make [Chisato] available. So I want to see the country created by Amamiya inside the border mountain range. '

The ability Tatsuya Tendo receives from Rhodocorte, [Senrisan], is a multi-visual ability. Among them is [Television].

However, that power is a power that is not really important. Since the binoculars and telephoto lenses were enough, the Tendo himself did not try to raise it too much. It can be expanded at most several times.

You will still see the geography and towns of Tarosheim, as well as the shape of castles and walls. And that alone should be a source of judgment for the fellows. I thought Tendo, but Rodcorte muttered.

"Certainly, there is no physical limit in the state of the present soul and spirit body alone. The problem is magic, but I need a little flexibility.

Good, Tatsuya Tendou. Let's try to see the current Vandalu using your power as a medium. '

However, hearing this, Rodcorte came up with a way to collect information using the Tendo.

[Senrisou] of the Tendo is originally a processing of the power of God that Rhodocorte has, but the power of God before processing is just energy that can only be used by the owner of Rhodocorte. In addition, there are many things that cannot be done because Rodcorte itself is restricted from being a god.

However, by processing God's power and giving it to humans, human beings can use it without God's restrictions.

So that's it. After all, Rodcorte realized that using humans was useful.

"Let everyone see what you see"

"Can you do that! ?

"It's possible. For better or worse, you are free from the physical wedge

In fact, there are no limbs or eyes and nose. It's as easy as sharing information with Rodcorte.

And Rhodocorte has gathered all the reincarnate and Aran angels. From now on, they will tell you to collect information on Vandalu using "Senrisou" of the Tendo.

No objection came from anyone. Whatever you choose from the options offered by Rodcorte, or whatever you do after you reincarnate in Lambda, there is no loss in getting information about Vandaloo.

The information of Vandaloo and Talosheim, whose information is limited even from the sub-randoms, wants you to be able to get out of your throat.

And here is the sanctuary. It is spatially isolated from Lambda.

Even if you look at Vandalu from this sanctuary with [Senri Eye], you will never notice Vandalu. And even if he gets noticed, he can't do anything.

"Are you really OK? You're the one who said that his power has many unidentified parts!

The still insecure dry first seeks a guarantee. Certainly, there is no status of Vandaloo, who is not a believer himself. Information is collected from the eyes and ears of the people who saw him.

So, the only thing unknown to those who have seen Vandalu is that Rodcorte can only guess.

"Should be fine"

However, Rhodocorte responded to the first of the dry season with a natural attitude.

Izumi and Aran also guaranteed.

"I understand my doubts, but that's exactly what he says. It's not spatially connected, so you can't do anything with death magic.

"Even if you have billions of magic or a piece of a demon king, you won't reach this far. I can't notice it in the first place. "

As soon as I was convinced, "That's good, but it's good-", Tendo activated [Chisato].

"This is amazing. The sense of infinite supply of magic is ...

The image of the Tendo is shared by the reincarnates and angels via Rhodocorte. It initially looked like an astronomical image of the Earth as seen from a satellite, but it quickly expanded and the surface of the earth became clearly visible.

It was a surprising sight for reincarnated people, as well as springs and sub-rans who had already studied to some extent Vandaloo.

"This is ... ridiculous. The number of walls is increasing compared to when I saw it before. "

"Yeah, how many walls do you need to build? Is that a catapult? In addition, there is a crossbow in the gap between the walls. ? Not all undead!

"Wait, the outer wall is not just a wall! Everything is a golem! Besides, it is all golems that look like patterns and decorations on buildings and walls! For monitoring! ?

"No, not just a golem! What is flying to it! ? An almost transparent skull, and underneath it is a pteranodon zombie! ?

Tarosheim's dignity as seen from the sky ... No, it may be more odd. The defense system seemed terribly paranoid in the eyes of the reincarnated.

Including the golem in the form of a castle wall, it is a thick and thick wall. A crossbow curse weapon that has been arranged so that it will be ridiculous to count. Number of catapults installed. And the air defense network on the surveillance network.

"Everything is crazy. A model or something made by a siege or strategy layman without considering the construction and maintenance costs. "

"Mr. Murakami, but, um, it's a silly thing, aren't they all models?

"I heard it, but ... when I actually look at the whole picture ... I lose words."

As Junpei Murakami says, Vandalu is almost ignorant of siege battles and tactics. If we had some knowledge, we would have further devised the shape of the walls, referring to Japanese castles.

However, he is ignorant and keeps the wall high and thick. Increasing the number of crossbows and installing trebuchets one after another to create surveillance golems, remurus, and pterosaur zombies.

Normally, such an inefficient defense plan is not very feasible. It is only ridiculed at the design stage that it is a desk theory.

But Vandaloo has hundreds of millions of magic, [Golem training] skills, and [Death attribute magic].

Even stones were mined in dungeons, and construction costs were supplemented only by magic, creating a defense network with almost no maintenance costs other than magic.

"... Look in the town"

Tendo, who has recovered from the surprise, tells so and looks further into Tarosheim. The time was like midnight, but the town was busy with people.

The reincarnations who saw the sight felt the same shock as the defenses such as the castle walls.

"Humanoid monsters, are they black goblins or anubis? Goats with fish in the lower body swim in the waterways. "

"Is the undead talking like a person? Isn't he a special make-up person?

In "Origin", a monster is a monster transformed by magic, a dangerous pest, and even though it can use dead bodies such as stuffing after being defeated, it is not an entity that can be tamed.

Similarly, the undead is treated as a monster whose corpse just moves.

The pest speaks words, uses tools and lives a cultural life. After all, it seems different from knowing it as information and actually seeing it.

"If you reincarnate over there, you can't exterminate monsters violently."

It's not surprising that Sakko says so. However, Aran rejected his opinion with a bitter smile.

"Not all demons are civilized in this way. Tarosheim is special. Later, ghouls and scylla are the same people as elfs and dwarves. '

If you misunderstand that all demons and undead are the same as Tarosheim residents, Lambda will surely kill you prematurely. On the other hand, it is dangerous to recognize new human races other than Tarosheim, such as Ghoul and Scylla, as humans.

"Is that a person? Exotics have limits, almost monsters

"Well, there are many people who think so, but ... the values of those who are almost vandalous enemies. I don't even know if I'm going to stand out on his enemy side without noticing himself. ''


Doug silences with a tongue on the words of Izumi.

One of the troubles of Vandaloo is that even if he doesn't want to be involved as an individual, the society he belongs to can be against him in some time.

Parents in Lambda were committed to Arda militants and racism, the exclusion of new Vida races was born in the town where they were born, and the state designated Vida as one of the evil deities. In this case, a collision with Vandaloo is conceivable.

If Vandalu is just an individual, then you don't have to fear that much. However, he is a politician of the nation, and outside of Talosheim, there is lightness of footwork that can easily extend his legs.

Moreover, he has the ability to slaughter aristocrats and important persons from other countries, and has a crazy personality, with the feeling of exterminating the gorotsuki related to ordinary people in the back alleys. At least it looks like from the springs.

If in the future he sees a poor new Vida race or Vida followers in a country he has passed by, he may burn a large number of others with the fire of disaster to help it. If you don't get a life, there's no guarantee you can stay irrelevant.

"So, if you choose not to be involved, I want you to be as close to the enemy as possible. Don't you want to be hurt by collateral?

"... I'll remember it."

Tendo then showed some of the facilities in Tarosheim with a clairvoyant. A training ground where Volks complained to Michael, a temple of Vida where various statues of God are celebrated, a golem factory, a casino and a theater under construction. I saw the public bath only up to the entrance of the building.

"No sound? I want to know what you're talking about

"Akagi, my ability is [Chisato]. I have no ears. I'm speaking a language close to Japanese, so please do something with lip reading

"... Many people have too different jaw shapes."

Naturally, the images are the power of clairvoyance. Therefore, there is no audio.

Some reincarnates had some knowledge of lip-reading, but none could read the words spoken by the ghoul man's lionhead, orcas, anubis, and the skeleton with no flesh on his face .

"Please show me the essential Vandalu. Later, I want to check the appearance of "Eighth Guidance" and [Gaiser], which should have been reincarnated

"Murakami, my clairvoyance is not the ability to specify and view individuals. If you're not somewhere in the castle, give up today. '

He turns his gaze to the last royal castle and reflects the inside. The inside of this huge royal castle was also unusually guarded.

There are dinosaur zombies, dinosaur skeletons, and giant ghosts who seem to be on guard. A room where a huge girl and strange zombies are sleeping.

There was a legion in the room, but even Rodcorte was overlooked because it was "not informed, but it was a new undead made by Bandarou".

"What is that lump of meat? I don't have any babies or pregnant women. Where is Walkure both?

"Wait, there's a room in the basement"

The footage passed through the floor on the first floor and mirrored the Vandaloo workshop underground.

There, Vandaloo was with two Ghoul beauties, early and late teens, a Kaiser bearded skinny man, and two giant undead.

According to the information, the skin looks like a dead corpse with white hair and bloodless eyes, and the eyes like a dead fish are projected on the image.

"Hey, I'm watching this guy! ?

"No, just by chance. That should be it. '

"that? Yeah, this guy, maybe you haven't seen us right now?

In a situation where other reincarnates and sub-randoms were confused, one person was thinking of something different.

(Hey, God, listen silently.)

It is Konoe Miyashi of [Death Size].

He noticed that Rodcorte could read their thoughts and used it to call other incarnates unnoticed.

(Please make my [Death Size] usable! After that, lend magical power like a heavenly way! Then you can unilaterally attack Vandalou from here!)

Having read that idea, Rodcorte considered Miyashi's ideas and immediately answered them.

(Would be good)

Miyashi makes use of the power of [Death Size] as a spirit body, and also backs up magic power like the heavenly way.

[Happiness! If you kill him, give him a reward!

Miyashi stopped his heart and lung movements with Deathsize without hesitation.

Vandalu, who could not breathe and felt painful pain in his heart, intuitively realized that he had been attacked.

Then, before thinking about the details, shoot the [Death Bomb] at the hole where Lodcorte and reincarnated people appear on the ceiling.

"Van-sama !?"

"What's going on, Miko! ?

You can hear the surprised Taleas, but I can't afford to answer Vandaloo. As usual, the [Death Bomb] activated by [Canting Discard] passed through the video, hit the ceiling, and disappeared.

The reincarnates in the video seem surprised, but seem to have no effect.

Next, activate [Demon King's Fragment] to make only one horn, and shoot it out with [Nenshin].

"Someone's attack!"

Almost at the same time as Zadiris shouted, the [Devil King's Horn], which shot out, pierced the image and pierced the ceiling in the same way as [Death Bomb].

"Where and where are you attacking?"

"Ore! It's mean that you don't show yourself!

Next, Vandaloo put [Suction Barrier] between the image and himself, and made the floor a golem to make a shield.

However, it has no effect. According to information of one of the reincarnates, Legion, the spirit of Tatsuya Tendo of [Senri Eye] is seen, and after being upset, it is a change that can be said to be a change that is stiffened while looking up unnaturally, but a kind of thing that turns things around I don't think

I couldn't breathe and my heartbeat stopped. [Breakthrough] You can still keep consciousness by activating the skill ...

There was no help for him, so Vandaloo got out of the body.

"Oh, it was painful. No, it's still painful

With this, you will not lose consciousness due to lack of oxygen in the brain. Because the spirit does not think but the brain, it consumes less oxygen.

"Boy, what's going on !?"

"It is an attack from the sanctuary. Maybe my heart and lungs were stopped by the ability of [Death Size] "

"What! ? Are you a reincarnation god

"Can't fight back !?"

Datara hates Rodocorte and Zadiris frightens with his wand.

Apparently, it is apparent that he is the only one who can see the video.

Second, I realized intuitively that it wasn't a hole in the space, it was just "visible" and not physically connected.

Perhaps, it's just that he bounces back at [Chisato] with the [Abyss] skill and stares back.

Therefore, neither magic including [dead bullet] nor [fragment of demon king] can reach. [Cross eye] sees through, so the shield is meaningless.

Normally, it is quite packed. I can't escape because my heartbeat and breathing are stopped.

Zadiris can't even see the enemy. Vandaloo tells them to escape, but soon realizes that it doesn't make sense.

No matter where you escape, as long as you have [Senri Eye] on the enemy, you'll find the enemy immediately.

"I'm supposed to be fighting back ... but it doesn't seem to be working much"

One of the reincarnates, Miyazaki Konoe of [Death Size] seems to be suffering a bit, but that's all.

"After all, is the effect of returning cardiopulmonary arrest damage to a person without a body in the abyss small?"

"Teacher! I'm sorry to be calm, but my body seems to look worse!"

"The lips look a little paler than usual!"

Apparently it is better for the physical body to do something soon.

"Then, activate [Devil King's Blood]"

In the sanctuary of Rhodocorte, the reincarnated people were upset.

"Teme! Do you intend to run through!

"Hey! My [Death Size] can be activated if you can see the other person's face!It will be easy if you have the permission and cooperation of God!

In Murakami groaning with regret, Miyashi triumphantly distorts his face ugly.

"Oh, stop it! What are you thinking!

Asano and Akagi notice that Miyashi is about to kill Vandaloo and try to stop him, but cannot touch it.

"Are there no promises that spirits can touch each other! ?

"It's only when they are not hostile to each other. At least in my sanctuary. It's adjusted so that you don't rub yourself and reduce the number. ''

[That! Hey God! Stop now!

"... Why do you think I'm going to ask you to kill Vanderlu?

Light yellow shouts to Rhodocorte, who realizes he cannot stop Miyaji himself, but he does not try to look at light yellow.

Not surprisingly, Rodcorte wishes Vandaloo to die. I do not intend to rely on the means for that.

"Cough, shit!

"Aran, Izumi, please stop by you! Your angels should be able to stop Konoe!

Enfuji looks back at the sub-randoms, but in front of his eyes was the two bitterly distorted faces.

"I want to stop but I can't. Now Konoe is using the magic of Rodcorte to exercise his power. In other words, the tools of Rodcorte are as good. '

"And we angels can complain about their boss's actions, but they can't interfere! Livestock, I didn't think I would use dirty means so far!

"Hi, Hi! ?

While they lament, Vandalou, who moves to the video, has launched an attack. Miyaji screams involuntarily, but Vandaloo's magic and [the devil's horn] disappear without jumping out of the video.

"Oh, threatening!

"Hey, he's not completely aware of this! ? Pia, I don't care!

"No, it doesn't matter! Whether or not noticed here, kill as it is! Oi Tendou, do n’t stop [Senrikomi]! I will divide the reward for you too!

"Tendo! Stop now!

Miyado and Goya told Tendi the opposite, but he couldn't reply. This is because the magic power was forcibly injected from Rhodocorte, and it was impossible to close [Senrai].

"Sure, we can't do anything! ?

"Hey, calm down."

Murakami, who seems to be a little regrettable, speaks to Konya, Sasao, Izumi and Aran.

"It's not so bad. Just kill him without dying. You don't think he's a good saint, right? And Izumi, Aran, and you don't want the light yellows to hostile to you and be defeated, so you just want to stop us, not necessarily help him.

If it can be killed as it is, it can be killed, but it is good

"That's ...!"

Murakami's words struck Izumi's star. They are sympathetic to Vandalu, who was Hiroto Amamiya. But their priority is their companion and home, the Earth, and their second home, Origin.

If all the dangers are reduced at the expense of Vandaloo alone, should it be stopped?

"It's more sticky than I thought ... I'll die quickly! Your heartbeat and breathing have stopped, you have to die!

Regardless of the light yellow, Akagi, Izumi and Aran who stopped their movements unintentionally, Miyashi exercised [Death Size] with full power. For some reason, I feel painful, but I can't afford to relax because Vandalou is unexpectedly reluctant.

[Escape from the body] Procrastinate the death of the body, and even get impatient with Vandaloo who seems to explain the situation to other friends.

Until now, when I used [Death Size], I was unconscious in a minute at the longest, so Miyashi, who has no other means of attack, was very impatient now.

I couldn't even notice the eyes of Rodcorte, who quietly observed himself and Vandaloo.

However, it should be possible to kill it in a few minutes. It should have been, but suddenly black blood spewed out of Vandaloo.

"what! ?

"I can't stand suffering and commit suicide ... no! Hey, move the blood itself, instead of the heart! ?

Vandaloo, who activated [Demon King's Blood], decided to return the squirted blood back to the body through a wound opened elsewhere and circulate the blood through the body.

"It's a countermeasure that I thought about after hearing about [Death Size], but I guess it will be used so quickly"

[Deathsize] just stops the movement of the heart and lungs. It was not physically crushed, nor was it clogging blood vessels. So, if you can move the blood itself, there is no problem.

As complete control is impossible, blood pressure is exerted on the blood vessels and the capillaries scream, and blood flows from the mucous membranes of the eyes and nose, much better than dying. ...... It's bad for Zadiris who show this figure.

After breathing, there is also a solution.

From the ingot before turning it into dead iron placed in the workshop, two thin tubes are made with [Golem training].

Move the tube with [tekutsu] and make a hole of appropriate depth in your chest.

"Boo !?"


"Okay, just make a hole in the lungs to create an air doorway for breathing."

Dull sound and blood flow. Penetrating between the ribs is a severe pain.

After that, if you make a golem instead of a pump with the remaining iron or other metal and circulate the air through the lungs, you can sustain life even if your heart and lungs are stopped by [Death Size]. … The problem is that you can only maintain it, but you can't think of a way to fight back.

What should I do? If Konoe Miyashi exercises his power not with his own power but with the magic of Rodcorte, it seems that there is no point in bringing it to the endurance battle.

With that in mind, Zadiris held an iron tube.

"I just need to send in the air, leave it to me."

And she breathes in carefully.

"Wait a minute, I'll make a golem-"

"What are you going to do if your lungs rupture in the wrong golem ?!"

"... I can't deny that danger, but it's better than dying without doing anything."

Vandalou turns his eyes to Treasure's point. In fact, because I have never tried a golem ventilator, my lungs could burst by mistake in pressure.

But there was a reason that Vandalu did not want to rely on it.

In the video of the sacred area that Vandalu is watching, Miyazaki Konoe of [Death Size] is calling out something. His eyes glared at Zadiris.

[Danger detection: Death] A terrifying reaction.

"Ugh !?"



Zadiris, Tarea, and even Luciliano stagger down their chests.

"What is this? That our lungs are also stopped!

"Okay, the enemy is going to stop all of his lungs and hold off his son's breath! We're dead because we're undead, but young girls are dangerous!

Apparently, Konoe Miyashi chose not to give up but to kill Vandaloo.

To that end, he intends to kill anyone other than Vandaloo.

"Do you choose the means?"

For the Zadiris who suffer from greasy sweat, Vandalu stretches out his spirit and assimilate with them.

"I don't want to choose this.

Before saying that, Konoe Miyashi's form, distorted by murder, shattered. The debris splatters as if it were dusted, and disappears in the form of light particles.

Other reincarnated people stopped moving and the picture disappeared.

"Assimilated to the Zadiris and everyone seemed to be able to exceed the opponent's limit if they returned damage with [Abyss] skill"


"Hahiyah, I thought I would die."

"So, Master, did you have a paragraph? Tell, tell me about the sanctuary, the state of the sanctuary ..."

"You're a little rest!

"Afterwards, wait for the child to recover!

Luciliano goes down, eating the fist bones of Datara and Nuaza, which are relatively relentless.

Vandalou nodded satisfactorily as he watched the situation with two holes in his lungs, prompting the body to recover blood from the mucous membranes in his face.

This destroyed a single enemy.

I also learned about other reincarnations. Not yet reincarnated, mostly enemies.

Tatsuya Tendo of [Senrai] is subtle. It seemed that his free will was deprived, so it was dangerous but suspended. If there is something next, kill it with the highest priority.

[Oracle] Takeya Enfuji was saying something, but I don't know what he was saying, so put it on hold.

Mitsuha Yellow and another, maybe Akagi of [Ifrita] seemed to be trying to stop [Death Size], but since he stopped on the way, he was still on hold.

"There were people who didn't move from the beginning, and people who were always shaking their heads and making crosses with both arms, are they going to be my side? Well, with a rather favorable hold ”

Thinking there, there was a fact that I suddenly noticed.

"Speaking of which, Geho! ... It was my first time to kill my classmates."

Miyazaki Konoe from [Death Size]. He was a classmate who knew the face of the same school, unlike Kanto Kaito of [Gunguniru].

Spitting blood from the lungs, Vandaloo rolled the fact on his tongue with a less bitter taste.

"Ah, there was a way to attack with [Mental Erosion] skill."

"[Abyss], [God Killing], [Fast Healing], [Breakthrough], [Smashing Souls], [Deformed Spirit] skills have been raised!