The Death Mage Who Doesn't Want a Fourth Time

Chapter 140 Quiet story 14 Luciliano report below + α

The undead that the teacher collected in large quantities from Goubamon. I screamed at that number.

"Master, you are the best!"

"I can give you more praise."

With so much time to look back at the master who is leaning back with no expression, countless undead are lined up in a renovated underground space under the castle.

All of them are homemade undead created by the original vampire Goubamon.

"Kufuufu, drooling does not stop! It seems to cause dehydration!"

`` Only the minds look like the zombies are scared of him, Miko ''

"I'm so happy, Luciliano. It's like a child with a new toy. " T ra n s l a t ed b y jp mt l.c om

"Yabezozou! The eyes of your bag have gotten crazy!

The words of Nuaz and Volks saying rudeness in the back are not in my ears now. For me, these undead are such valuable materials.

First of all, recently created mass-produced zombie giants and vampire zombies, which make up the majority of the undead, which is great.

"How efficient ... I do the necessary treatment and processing in the necessary places without fail, but I'm missing where I'm out of hand!"

…… ? Is it not good to pull out my hand?

The boner, who assists in the examination and procedure, asks me, but I replied, "I'm going to be there."

T r ansl at ed b y jpmt m "Of course, they're mass-produced goods ... for cast-a-like weapons, for example, it's a cast weapon. It's only meaningful to make a number, so you can't spend more time than you need. meaningless.

Here ... Look! "


The zombie skull, the core of the zombie giant, is re-opened along the suture marks, exposing the brain. Then, pull out the small metal plate that was inserted so as to be sandwiched between the right and left brains.

"This metal plate limits the undead's own will, feelings, and thinking ability! And he crafts it so that it responds only to the voice of the only recognizable master, Goubamon.

But it's not easy. In order for the metal plate engraved with the Holyushkaka Holy Mark to be effective, it is necessary to delicately embed it in a fixed position in the brain to an appropriate depth! "

The medical knowledge and biochemistry in this world seem to be much slower than in the world where the teacher was. That's why I was able to quickly understand Goubamon's treatment thanks to my teacher's learning about the function of the brain.

That said, he didn't fully understand the brain in the world, such as the earth and the origin.

Perhaps the Goombamon vampires learned about the functioning of the brain from a hero summoned from another world, or Jilyshkaka gave the knowledge.

`` 'Ayejubebebo' ''

Next, I cut open the joints between the zombie giants, the seams between the corpses, exposing the muscles and bones, and pointed to them.

"But look here! Only by stitching the skin and the muscles of the shallow part, the muscles and bones in the deep place are disjointed! It becomes easy to lose balance.

However, connecting the muscles and skeletons of multiple corpses in a balanced and efficient manner is extremely difficult. It's a big job that would take me days. ''

Perhaps a day for Goubamon is enough to get the whole thing done. However, Goubamon reduced its maturity to complete a large number of zombie giants in a short period of time.

Still, it's wonderful because it has the minimum level of fighting power. In fact, this zombie giant could do a lot of damage to a D-class adventure party.

This is very different from the undead made by Tenesia, which is now only saved from below the neck as a life dead. Tra ns l a ted b y jpmt l .com

Because she thought of the undead as a work of art, the utility (combat power) of the undead was not high. The skin finish and antiseptic technology were wonderful.

On the other hand, was Goubamon a collector who collected not good works of art but good weapons?

"Huh ..."

However, unfortunately, the boner did not seem to understand this splendor.

"Although the Lord alone is finished with enough time."

"The teacher is an exception."

Behind my bones and my eyes, the spirit teachers, who were divided into about five people, finished the zombie giant in a flurry of work.

Cooperation is perfect because everyone is the teacher himself. It is not just finishing, but also using [Devil King's Fragment] to improve the perfection.

"Don't talk about the teacher and the rest on the same foundation."

The teacher is not aware of it, but he is standing on a base where ordinary people cannot climb, making his senses strange when comparing the teacher with others.

"Hmmm ... the Lord is great for the time being."

"I just need to know that."

It is up to the viewer to see it as a monster or a genius. I am, of course, the latter.

By the way, the whereabouts of the teacher's body (which is delicate to say so) is that the heroes of Tarosheim, Zandia and Gina, are making adjustments.

They are party members of the Sword King Volks, Zandia is the sister of Princess Levia, and Gina is the former head of the Temple of Vida, which Nuaza respects. In other words, it's a special zombie with a passion. T r a nslat ed b y Jp m t

It is one of the reasons why he hid himself in Raymond and moved to the underground temple to kill Goubamon.

"Igigi ... Igihi ..."

“Ah ……………………”

However, the current situation is not good. I guess simply fighting ability is enough.

Unlike mass-produced products, Goubamon tends to push the hero undead to the limit of the technology that can be poured at that time and pursue functional beauty.

However, his technique and ingenuity despised everything but combat, and he was ripped off.

…… When I saw the functioning and combat abilities of the undead being used were impaired, it was unusual for me to say “not good”.

"A little more patience, Miss-chan, Gina"

"Your Majesty, your sister, your sister and Gina will be better!

"of course"

The teacher tells Zandia, who continues to panting in pain, and Volks and Princess Levia, who are concerned about Gina, who keeps moaning and breathing strangely.

When I'm not confident, I'm a teacher who often tells me honestly, so they will be better. It's funny that the undead gets better.

"It seems that Zandia uses a tube of magic to squeeze the magic from a ghost in the corpse, and powers a cane with a trick that activates several types of magic. It's like a pseudo-magician zombie.

`` I feel pain in spite of being a painless zombie because the spirit feels pain when squeezing magic. ''

"A mechanism to squeeze out magic from the spirit. A technology that does not exist in the table society, it is probably Goubamon's original, rare materials and elixirs." Trans l ate d b y jpm t l .com

"Gina seems to have a device that uses magic to make this special smoke instead of her lungs, so after separation, she can fly in the sky with her upper body alone.

I can't seem to talk because of that. If I didn't plan on using magic, it would have been fine. ''

"Unknown magic devices, which are also valuable. If mass-produced, wouldn't it be a dream to make the" balloon "or" airship "that the teacher said?"

A normal magician would just want to say, "Why do you use such advanced techniques for zombies?" I think it's a little, so I think it's good.

"I know it's precious, but if you remove it all, pull out the metal plate embedded in the hindbrain and spinal cord, and replace it with blood mixed with elixir, it will be better for the time being.

That's why Luciliano goes down because he sets up a screen. ''

"What, why?"

I was shouting reflexively at the master who suddenly tried to keep me out.

"Because the girl's soft skin, brain cord and internal organs are exposed."

"Why can you see such a wonderful thing, Master !? It is not a master who does not know how valuable it is to observe what the various parts of the dead two hundred years ago are now. right!?"

A teacher who arranges screens for blindfolding for unreasonable reasons. I scream in a protest with more than half a scream, which seems to have been counterproductive.

"No, he said he was only interested in the previous undead."

"Wait a minute, Master! That's what it means--fuge"

"Come here because it's good!

"Luciliano-san, my sister is before her wedding!

"Know shame, shame!

I was squeezed by Princess Levia and Nuaza and set up a partition, as I was picked up by Volks.

You and the Tarosheim giants are always semi-nude from my point of view, and if you say that you are before marriage or shameful, you should usually hide more skin.

By the way, by the time the heroes' undead's surgery and adjustments were over, Goubamon's soul seemed to be broken.

"Vandaloo's skill level for [Smashing Souls], [God Killing], and [Surgery] has been raised"

The soul resides in every living person. It is unquestionable.

However, where the soul dwells in the living has been controversial even among sages since ancient times.

Is it a chest with a heart or a head with a brain?

If it is a heart or a head, do they have multiple souls if they are multiple demons or a new race of Vida? Or is there another place where the souls of demons and those who bleed their blood dwell?

Researchers have been hurt by this difficult question that can not be confirmed by [necromancer].

When I was young, I thought about it until I came to wisdom. After all, there was no convincing answer.

He says that there is no sure answer in another world where the teacher was. On the contrary, the Earth doesn't even seem to have a soul.

That's surprising. Despite having advanced civilization, the existence of the soul has not been confirmed.

However, I heard that there was no undead in the Earth, and it seemed that [necromancers] were mostly fraudsters. Then it may be reasonable.

…… It seems to be a world where there are many places to live compared to this world, but it seems like a world that is hard to live for me and like a teacher.

Rabbits and horns, I was interested in composite undead ... it's an undead that uses multiple corpse parts and is certain to have only one soul.

"In the" Earth "where the teacher was, there is a surprising, but surprising, cure for transplanting organs from dead humans to living humans. What happens to subsequent patients.

Everything seems to dream of the memory of the original owner of the transplanted organ, learn the habit of the original owner, and want to eat the food that he liked in his lifetime. ''

It seems that the first story on the earth was "occult", a kind of superstition or gossip, but shortly before the teacher died on "earth," it was said that the story was reasonably well-founded.

The teacher at that time was not so interested in the story of the hand, or perhaps only remembered, "It seems that human memory could be recorded in places other than the brain."

By the way, the same thing happened in Origin, and it seems that the theory that "the magic of the donor who was in the transplanted organ has influenced it" was said.

"So I wanted to talk to you, the combined undead, and the two who had the only living transplant in Lambda."

As I turned upside down and ended my long introspection, Eleonora and Belmond looked crazy.

"When you hear the story of Mr. Vandaloo, it feels awkward immediately."

"Isn't it really a story about Yoda?"

Apparently, they do not have that experience.

"Yume? Food ...?

"La ~ ♪"

"Eat ...

"Rururu- ♪"

And there is no conversation between Lapiesage and Yamata around me. Should I ask Miss Pauvina or the teacher for an interpreter?

This is a very important verification that what happened in the "Earth" and "Origin" that I heard from the teacher will also occur in this world.

"Earth" and "Origin" which are different from this world. If the same phenomenon occurs commonly in three worlds, it may be possible to cause the same phenomenon in other things.

… Just because we know that, we don't mean we have something to try. To be honest, I'm not as interested in researching the Earth as there seems to be no undead.

I think the food culture is wonderful.

However, you may come up with something in the future, so it's better to check if you can.

In the case of Yamata, it is not a part of the organ, but the upper body including the brain of a woman of another race is transplanted to each neck, so it is not suitable for verifying that "memory is recorded other than brain" Not.

For now, speaking of the purpose of this test, Eleonora and Belmond's attitude became cooperative. Lapiesage and Yamata didn't change their attitudes much.

"It's bad, but nothing special. I may have had less effect because I transplanted a little bit of the scar's skin and the tissue underneath. I like blood more than before, but it's an abyss It may have been changed. "

However, Eleonora seems to have no idea. I glanced at Belmond, which had much more transplants than her, but she shook her face.

"I don't think I've been influenced by the memories and tastes of Tenesia, but I've dreamed of jumping up and down the branches of jungle trees several times, I can't tell if it's the memory of the owner or my childhood. ''

The tail implanted in Belmondo is a monkey-shaped monster tail. Because it appears so infrequently, no one at Talosheim knows its name, but it seems that it was a quick-witting monster with a long tail.

But she was born of a jungle monkey race. It seems that he has not remembered much since it has been 10,000 years old, but he seems to have lived in the jungle during his childhood before he was kicked out of the village he was born.

I don't know which one.

"I see. I may ask you the same question at a later time, but please cooperate at that time.

Hmm? Did you come up with something? "

When I asked Lapiesage and Yamata with a little expectation, I was able to find the answer appropriate for the magnitude of the expectation.

"Lapi, eating, garlic, sickle, sickness, seafood"

"……So that's it"

Apparently, Lapiesage wants to say, "That taste has probably changed since it was alive."

Lapiesage is a hundred-year-old A-class adventurer, the head of a female warrior who was a party member of Michael of the Ice God Spear, the torso of a female sorcerer, and the elbows and knees of the ogre that was being named. From below, the horn of the horn-shaped demon trihorn is used as the skeleton, and the wings of the pterosaur, the tail of the snake, and the needles and glands of Cemetery Bee are connected.

So eating raw meat, insects, and grass is what I said ...

"You're an undead, a zombie."

Undead, especially zombies, seem to eat only meat, but if they have no other food they also eat plants. It's just too ferocious to just prioritize attacking moving objects in front of you.

"Eating ~ ♪"

"Saka, na, garaku, people ... eat, ru, time ..."

"Kam ~ kudaku ~ ♪"

Yamata tends to lose consciousness in the upper body of nine beautiful girls, but the main subject is Hydra at the base. So in her case, the behavior that is not Hydra-like is the effect of the transplanted site.

It is not Hydra-like to talk or sing a song in this way, but this is an act from Tenesia that is not considered.

"Surely Hydra would be a whole drink when eating ... but I'm not familiar with Hydra, so how did you decide?"

"How about letting them go for the time being?"

"The complexion is going to be amazing."

Is the result not immediately obvious? Continued investigation and verification will be required.

Oh, this may not be enough. It's tempting to be undead, but I don't want to lose my memory or thinking skills. Do you think I'll be a vampire too?

There is an option to receive endless rejuvenation from the teacher, but in that case, I want to avoid the irreversible weakness because the teacher is likely to grasp it. To date, no one seems to have won the pleasure and incompatibility of [juvenile].

One king died.

He was a great king that everyone praised.

During the war, he took his own sword and defeated more enemies than anyone else, reducing the exhaustion of soldiers and protecting the people.

In normal times, he spent his time in a clean and correct manner to become a sample of the people, without starving the people and the soldiers.

He also dealt with the allied nation without any increase, and was loved by everyone.

But this great king also had one failure. He died before he could conclude the issue of his successor.

The king had two sons.

The eldest son is a talented person who inherited the qualities of the king. He hoped he would lead the empire as he would if he succeeded the throne.

The second son is a problem child who excels in valor, but is conspicuous in violence and carelessness.

However, when the king died, there was someone who took the second son as the next king.

One month after the king died, the brothers brought their subordinates to face each other.

Hold a weapon in your hand and wear armor.

My brother asked. Brother, you want to break the empire, wrestle with your brother for a flesh and bone, and still be king.

He answered. My brother, when you become a king, some of you guys become lifelong shades, like me.

He scolded his brother. Why can't you think of the people more than your own prosperity! They don't have the right to claim the king.

My brother mocked his brother. people? It's a livestock mistake. It is their happiness to be our food.

He suppressed his anger and instructed his brother. Do you think such permission is permissible? -Allies, and above all, God never acknowledges you! When.

He returned his insult to his brother. So my father and brother are useless, people, allies, and gods to do anything! That's it. I can make all of my allies our slaves. And we have a new god.

The elder brother, who controlled his subordinates by his brother's new word, God, told his brother who had drawn his sword from the sheath.

"Bugogo, Buhibuhihi"

Then I don't think you're a brother anymore!

His younger brother also turned his scythe to his brother.

"Buch babies!

That's the best! I'll kill you without reserve!

"Mubbugenge, Bugoooooo!"

"Lavovifado, Bukyakkya!"

The Noble Oak brothers prayed to the gods they served, dropped the angels on themselves, and rushed to each other's necks.

Here, the curtain of the civil war breaking the Noble Oak Empire in two was cut down.