The Death Mage Who Doesn't Want a Fourth Time

Chapter 128 Hundred episodes-tentacle king

I was in a place I couldn't understand when I noticed it.

"This is ... oh, a dream"

Earlier, Vandaloo, who had a similar experience that night after changing jobs with [Mage], realized that he was dreaming.

However, I feel uncomfortable when compared to my previous dream. There was an uncomfortable feeling as if she had entered another person's house sometime.

"But it's a dream ... will anyone come again?"

For some reason I could look around without moving my neck, and I was suddenly told when I was looking for something.


Trans l a te d b y jp m t l .c om He lowered his field of view to the voice of the voice heard diagonally below, and there was one scylla there.

No, if you look closely, it was something odd in the form of a scylla.

Green hair, two arms, female upper body, lower body resembling an octopus. At first glance, all are scylla.

But when you look closely, you can see that they are all bundled and formed with myriad tentacles and tentacles of different thicknesses.

An elaborate straw doll made of meat strings. The size is about half the size of Vandaloo, so it's not so powerful, but it's a bit creepy when viewed close.

"I'm sorry this"

Vandaloo apologizes to the creepy opponent.

"I'm still not very tall, so I looked for the best." T ra ns l a te d by jp m

There are only people who are taller than Vandalu, except for children such as Jadar and Vabi. So when looking for someone, I have a habit of looking around.

"No, it doesn't matter. …… It ’s my self that I invited myself. Please forgive me"

Syuramodoki, who speaks fluently with a neutral voice and cannot be imagined from the appearance of appearance. When I wondered how she was speaking without her mouth, the tentacles touching her mouth were shaking to her voice. Apparently, they rub together and emit sound.

It's a dream, but the settings are fine.

"I'm sorry, who is it? What are the requirements that have invited me?"

It can be expected that it is related to Scylla from the shape, but asks with a slightly polite tone because it is unknown. Then Syuramodoki answered, trembling the tentacles.

"I'm Merebeil. I was out of the ordinary among those who worship me ... I felt an extraordinary sign and wanted to ask who I was and invited me. "

Melevebeil, a familiar name.

"That's the name of the Scylla hero, worshiped in the Scylla autonomous region?"

Hero gods are the heroes who have come to God. For this reason, it is said that many statues and religious paintings often resemble those of their lifetimes, although they may change slightly due to later changes in religion or history.

At least, wouldn't the tentacles be in the form of a bunch of scila?

"It is the predecessor of the Duke of Sauron, a disguise that was carried out before the kingdom of Sauron was founded. Originally I was a former Demon King's army "Evil god of sludge and tentacles", once a goddess Vida and a parent of Scylla

In fact, it was apparently a former evil king who was the evil god of tentacles and tentacles.

After losing in the battle between Vida and Ardah 100,000 years ago, Melebebeil and the scylla at the time seemed to have fled across the border mountains. Scylla and their families were scattered and scattered in various places, but the number gathered successfully settled in the land where the mountains and swamps gathered.

Tr ansla ted by Jpm t l .c om Melevebeil was originally a higher evil god than the Five Evil Dragons Fidirug, and suffered some damage. In addition, there were followers of the Syura, and they gave birth to help the Syura to survive quickly and sometimes sent angels to help them survive.

However, over time, as the number of humans following Arda increased and the country was created, the existence of Melebebeil itself began to burden Scura.

The scyllaes who worship the evil god, Melebebeil, have been afraid and persecuted by Vida, a follower of other gods who have lost the right knowledge and history, as well as those of Arda.

"People cannot tell the difference between the evil gods of the remnants of the Demon King Army and those of the Vida sect. Arda had no intention of recognizing him, and Vida and the other surviving gods remained asleep. '

"But I feel like Vida's followers may understand."

"Someone knew me, but there is a difference even if I'm a Vida believer. All of Vida's followers, now and now, are not surviving descendants of the battle hundred thousand years ago. '

"... is that so too?"

Not all Vida members know the truth of history. Vandalou knew it as knowledge, but when she spoke with Melevebeil along with the Scura tragedy, she understood the trouble.

"At one point, I thought I would fall asleep as if I had been defeated, but I thought about going to sleep, but the chief of Scula at that time gave me a strange idea."

The chief of Scylla was suggested to Melebeveil, who sacrifice himself and protect himself from persecution, saying, "Let's lie not evil."

As a result, Melevebale, the sludge and tentacle evil god, became falsely believed to be Melevebale, the hero of Scylla.

As a result, it seemed that the tentacles had originally changed from the squatting tentacles to the current Syuramodoki appearance.

By the way, falsifying the religion may seem easy to humans, but it is a very dangerous act for a god like Melebebeil.

A small amount of tampering is enough to make a small pierced ear hole in the ear. However, tampering from evil gods to heroic gods requires general anesthesia and the need to undergo full-body plastic surgery and internal organ surgery at the same time.

There is nothing different from saying to humans that they should undergo surgery that transforms into a living tentacle.

Tr a n slated by Jp mt l .c o m Even if successful, personality and ecology change as the deity changes. If that is all you need to do, it may shatter and disappear, and its fragments may be reconstructed and reincarnated as new gods, or they may be divided into two deities and weakened.

The head of Scylla at the time proposed without knowing that it was such a dangerous attempt, but Melebeil accepted his proposal after careful consideration, judging that "there was a chance."

And as expected, the shape changed slightly, and from bisexuality to female-only, he succeeded in disguising himself as a hero god.

He seems to have been fortunate to be disguised as a Syura hero, his own child.

"I see. That means that we have lessened the persecution from outside."

"Yes. So what is your body?

"Even though it's one, you're the oracle that told me that I'm coming?"

"That was just the oracle that Vida gave to me ... so if you meet him in this way, it's still extraordinary."

"Usually ... well, I'm not going to hide it from God, so I'll talk about it."

What time did God become such a big thing to come to ask? I guess it's because of the magical power that will soon reach the billions and the fragment of the demon king?

With that in mind, Vandaloo told Merebeil about who he was and what he did and why he came here.

"Well ... that was what it was like"

About a hundred years ago, when Vida awoke, she wrote to the gods of her friend and her followers by oracle, but she did not receive any detailed information.

Merebeil, who is changing from a god of evil to a hero, was halfway different from what Vida knew at the time.

It is a state that seems to have changed contact information without permission, although it is a ruinous illustration in various ways.

"I understand. From now on, Melebeveil will be your power. " Tran s la ted by jpm m

"I'm OK, please raise my head," says Merdalbeil, who lowers the part that hits the head like crushing the lower body.

"I'm glad to help you, but I'm just a damper with lots of magic. I'm not in a position where God calls myself" God. "

When Fidirug was sealed in the League King's Nest, he had an unfortunate encounter, but there is no reason to fear Melebbeil.

Nevertheless, it is uncomfortable to do this. That said, Melebeil did not accept.

The former Demon King's Vida gods, unlike Rodcorte, seem to have many humble gods.

He is still a god, but he is politely responding with his smaller figure. With that in mind, Vandaloo deepened his favor with Melebbeil.

"More than that, what you want to receive by all means. Because of this, I had to limit my power more than necessary, but if you can, you should be able to use it. ''

When Melebbeil's body was felt, two black masses wrapped in a bunch of tentacles appeared.

"Is that a fragment of the Demon King?"

"Yes. I was able to seal both at the same time because it was a fragment of similar nature to me. Originally there were three, but the other one was lost in a hurry during the battle 100,000 years ago and was taken away by someone.

I would like to keep these two pieces. "

The Demon King's shards are often powerful weapons when used, but they were just a burden to Melebeveil.

If you use it poorly and run away, it may be a prime water for the resurrection of the demon king. For this reason, he continued to seal the pipe without using it.

"At least the blessing and the two who are given to me for the price ...

"Ah, Fidirug also told me that I couldn't do it. When it's fully recovered, thank you again."

"Then only two people ... the body is" Touch King ", the king of all those with tentacles and tentacles"

"... There are two names with the same meaning but different meanings?"

"Two new names [Toucho] have been acquired!

<< [Abyss] Skill level has increased!

Surprised by the brain announcement he heard in his dream, Vandaloo worried a little bit, "What if I wanted to give Talosheim a tentacle?"

But why did you go to the [Abyss] skill level?

"But just two people ... will you serve some of your children?

"No, I don't have to do that"

"But, as it is, I will not be able to balance with the things my body carries."

For Melebeveil, the Demon King's shard is not a dangerous weapon, but a very dangerous chemical contaminant. Is a line. He seems to think so.

"Then, Olbia, Privelle, and Peribert, give blessings to them. And I'd like to ask Scylla to be my friend."

"I have already given it to Perivert, but on my will"

"Thank you"

After that, Vandaloo's consciousness turned dark.

Like a savory octopus or squid, Merebeil lay down on her body.

"... were you back? Despite being asked by someone with great grace ... I don't want to see him again in the sanctuary. "

Merebeil was actually lying to Vandaloo.

She told Vandalou "invited," but it's not. The moment he tried to interfere with the consciousness of Vandaloo, he "appeared" in his sanctuary.

In the first place, Melevebeil did not consciously take a smaller figure than Vandaloo's spirit, but simply her bare figure was smaller than Vandaloo's spirit.

It was just a delay in fighting against a giant entity that suddenly appeared and calling out.

“The shape and enormousness of the psychic body are rabbits, and the power of the [Abyss] skill that penetrated the sanctuary is that. I was going to see it, but it was the opposite. "

Before joining the Demon King's army, Melebeveil knew several things that had powers similar to [Abyss] skills in the world where she was. The devils Guduranis were the first to be destroyed.

Because in that world the Demon King was the only one who could not get it.

Vandalu has such a power that even the Demon King could not have, but it should not be possible for Merebeil to "see" him in any way.

This time, Merebeil's attempt to get in touch with the spirit of Vandaloo is only a consequence of the reverse.

"If you think about it, is it reasonable that he looked up first? The only thing that sits in the depths is to look up to see the shallows.

Great Vida. You always bring good luck to us. Hopefully we and our children will prosper. '

He will also crush and trample the devotees' evil plans.

With that in mind, Merebeil thanked Merck for his lucky friendship with Vandaloo.

Vandalou, awakened in a danger of suffocation because of Pouvina's turnover, succeeds in escaping her whole body and escaping from under her.

And then quickly spit out a thread to tailor your clothes and wear them. I decided to immediately verify the Demon King's fragment received from Melebeveil.

Because of the name of the piece, I thought there was no danger in trying it indoors.

"... [Devil's sucker], activated"

A frog-like sucker appeared on my fingertips.

When I touched the wall of the hut with my fingertips, it stuck tightly to the wall.


Try climbing while sticking the wall with the suction cup. The suction cup was free to adsorb and release, and Vandaloo was able to crawl freely on the wall and ceiling.

With this Demon King fragment, it will be easier to crawl around the dungeon ceiling.

Then the second fragment.

"[Devil King's Ink Bag], activated"

Ink came out from my fingertips. Verification is performed while storing the surface in an instant soil container coated with mucus from the tongue.

The nature of the sticky squid ink and the smooth octopus ink are freely adjustable. Furthermore, it seems that the color can be freely changed.

In particular, it has no odor, so it can be used as ink or paint. Maybe good for dyeing fabrics.

"But it takes a bit of work to use this in combat."

It's a sucker and a sumi bag anyway. Like [Maou no Kaku] or [Maou no Kumi], it is not a property that can be used immediately as a weapon just by being activated.

Should I imitate what frogs, octopuses, and squids use?

"Utilizing animal abilities in technology ... is this biomimetic?"


"Oh, your Majesty is moving away from you again ... but I feel like it hasn't changed much."

As Princess Levia said, Vandaloo has crawled down the walls and ceilings and secreted various drugs, including vitamins, from his tongue and nails. The addition of a suction cup or ink bag may be a small thing.

"It doesn't change much ..."

"What happened?"

Paulina, who had been awakened, asked Olbia, who was amazed at the reaction of Princess Levia, with her eyes drenched.

`` Vandaloo is crawling around with a sucker out of his finger and ink out of his finger ''

"that's all?"

"That's it, but ..."

"Well, I'm going to sleep a little more."

Pauvina sleeps again when he falls down.

After hearing a restful sleep for a while, Olbia smiled to Vandaluoo.

"Vandaloo-kun, become more scylla?

"No, I'm impossible because I'm a man."

By the way, Syura also seems to spit ink.

[Demon King Fusion] skill level has been raised!

At the dawn, Murdoch's subjugation squad began to find the target.

I found a fortress where there would be an undead witch.

"Is this ... a castle wall? I suppose we can build a high wall on such a mountain ..."

"Looking at the reality, the walls are actually being built!"

What time did you build a castle wall in this mountainous area that was the same height as a mountain tree? Why have no one ever noticed the materials and the wide plains that supported this wall in the first place?

There is no question, but first of all, Murdoch realized that hostile forces were building fortifications within Syura's autonomous region.

"It's withdrawal, I'll withdraw immediately."

He scolds the upsetting subordinate and attempts to begin withdrawal.

Murdoch was thinking about subjugating the witch's hideout if it was small, but he would attack the forts and mansions protected by the walls of this scale alone, no matter how much his subjugation squad was elite. Is not a good idea.

The only thing worthwhile is that there are no good soldiers in the wall, and he is not stupid enough to charge after seeing such a convenient delusion.

Return to the fort and report this to the upper levels of the suppression army and gather elaborate information. It is only after that that we will attack.

But Murdoch and his colleagues were unaware. They have already been found on the walls and the trees around them.

"Ooh oh oh oh!


Knocken and Eisen attacked to make sure Murdoch and his men had withdrawn.

Until then, the immortalents, who looked just like trees, began to move, falling apart as if to pop the walls, and the splattered bones turned into countless skeletons.

"The castle wall becomes a skeleton !? And the trees around it are demons !? When did this place become a magical zone?"

"Even if you have a lot like a skeleton, you'll be happy!"


Receiving the poisonous breath exhaled with the roar, the members of the supposedly elite suppression team hold their chest down and cough. The skeleton of four-legged beast, Bone Animal is flooded there and it is suppressed.


If it's not dead then it's okay with the roughness.

"Retreat, retreat! Escape the captain!"

"Fool! Don't worry about me, scatter and escape apart from the palace!Only deliver information! This is an order!"

The men reflexedly tried to escape Murdoch, but Murdoch joined his subordinate who served as a lord when he pulled out his sword.

Already, Murdoch's subjugation squad is being swallowed by large numbers of fast-moving venomous skeletons. If you do not let your subordinates escape without sacrificing, you will not be able to bring back information and the troops will be wiped out.

Following the severe life, the surviving subordinates start running behind. However, the subordinates returned one after another in less than five seconds.

He had been flipped while bending his limbs and torso in directions that he should not bend.

"Is it already going around!"

"It is right"

Belmond replied to Murdoch, who regretfully looked back and saw his man rolling and cramping on the ground.

She was able to fly in the sky and was gently wrapping around from behind the subjugation squad. However, she did not look good at her expression.

"Well done. I tried to catch the limb with the tail that I got because the metal thread would cut my limbs, but my husband's skill is too high or everyone is too brittle. It does not go well. Is hard to use for moving objects. "

"What the hell !? Dirty beast race!"


A member of Belmond's screaming stomach cut into Belmondo in time for Murdoch's restraint, but the next moment she thought her tail had been wiped out, she flew away with a sound that the human body could not stand.

As you can see from his appearance for a moment, he will die almost immediately due to visceral rupture and crush fracture.

"I'm sorry. All of you who failed to catch you alive are my fault. I apologize for making you uncomfortable."

And bow to Murdoch deeply.

"A monster!"

But Murdoch ignored Belmondo's apology, slashing the skeleton that had grabbed him, and looked around to see if he could manage to escape the siege.

"Be careful, there's one strong skeleton in the skeleton!"

"Beware of the skeleton with armor and shield!"

"If you work with Zuo and Knochen, my existence will be buried."

Murdoch's subordinates who are holding down the skeleton are doing well, but the bones that are mixed in are killing each one using [martial arts].

"Kidori ~ ♪"

The reported Hydra undead, Yamata, sang and killed his subordinates with his long neck while singing.

"T, gagen ... bread, chi!

The witch is crushing his subordinate's head with a huge fist.

"Do you all know the meaning of catching and adjusting?

"I can't help it, Unnie. Everyone hasn't been in a match for a long time. "

With that said, among the enemies, two relatively common-sense appearances, Rita and Saria, slash along with their subordinate shields using Iron Walls in giant halberds and graves.

"Oh my god! My arm Gaaaaaaaaaa!"

"Hi, leg, leg!"

The subordinates are alive, but have fallen, screaming on the ground with more than one arm or leg severed. In a sense, it is more cruel than instant death.

"Do you mean you're going to catch us alive?"

The results haven't come, but Murdoch will notice if she keeps catching her mouth. However, he did not want to surrender. Seeing this disastrous, I don't think I can expect serious treatment. On the contrary, it seems even more likely to be killed for being "changed" after being captured.

Should I harm myself more? Even such thoughts come to mind. But Murdoch miraculously found a place with a thin siege.

"[Super-quick response]!

Use [Margin Breakthrough] and [Armor Technique] martial arts to run between skeletons and cut into standing plant monsters.



And, using the swordsmanship, slashing, ignoring the head that starts to hurt and hurts the processing, pierces the stem of the plant-based monster, Aizen.

Murdoch distorts his mouth with a creeping sprinkle of red sap. After that, if you just run through this way, you will try to escape without stopping your feet.

"Gyu ----"


At that time, the trunk with the large slash was broken so that it could be popped from the inside, and the sap-painted arm that extended from it digged into Murdock's flanks.

"Hello !?"

Murdoch, crushing several ribs and rolling on the ground unbearably, saw a woman crawling from a cracked trunk.

A woman with green skin, branches extending from her back, and for some reason a cow-like tail.

"What is it !? What are you !?"

A woman who came out of a crampon in Murdoch, who seemed to reach the limit of her spirit and scattered while falling, riped off the fruits that had grown on the branches on her back.

"O ...

Then, the fruit as hard as iron was dropped on Murdoch as it was.

"It's quiet. Everyone will come back soon. '

"Ha ha ha"

"Don't worry. No matter how elite, we can't lose if we're just one unit. What's a substitute for tea than that? '

"I have it! I will receive it!"

"No, so you don't need to worry. Hahaha are worried people. '

At that time, the sound of battle and the screams of the screaming demon in the bone house of Knochen, and a gentle offer of tea to themselves, were originally afraid of the middle-aged man Sam who had crimson eyes with white eyes. Hajj and others were there.

It was only later that Hadge and others were unable to calm down and realized that the troubled Sam was making useless efforts.

Explanation of two names: Takuo

"Evil god of sludge and tentacles" A lot of demons and races with tentacles and tentacles that are given by tentacles evil gods such as Merebeil, those who have tentacles and tentacles, and who are recognized as suitable for the king (queen) Two people acquired by the follower.

In history, most of the time, the existence of tentacles and tentacles has been acquired. The exceptions are the legendary Tamer who named Kraken and the first king of Sauron.

The specific effect is to be able to exert charisma on monsters and races with tentacles and tentacles. It becomes possible to add them to the kin (requires [kin reinforced] skill required). You can strengthen your tentacles and tentacles and increase the skill correction and effect when handling.

By the way, in the world where the Demon King Gudranis originally existed, it seems that intelligent life forms with tentacles flourished. Therefore, it seems that there were many pillars of tentacle god.