The Dark Magician Transmigrates After 66666 Years

CH 63

: Ruins (2)

[Chain Lighting]

Lightning caught on ten fingers bound the monsters running like chains. Then the lightning split in several directions and intercepted other monsters at once.

"Master, back!"

you already know

Without looking back, Jamie sent a current through the back.

The screams of monsters resounded along with the sound of Kwajik.

I erased the lightning from my hand and looked around.

Bena was just cutting Werewolf\'s spine.

"Ugh ."

Seeing the drooping Werewolf, Bena trembled for nothing.

Good job.

"The master did all the hard work."

Bena saw the monsters Jamie had defeated.

When he was wrestling with a werewolf, he hunted dozens of monsters alone.

It was a difference in the versatility of magic, but Bena knew that even if she had that kind of ability, she wouldn\'t be as good as Jamie.

"Let\'s get away for now. Other monsters will come."

There\'s been a lot of commotion, so it\'ll be noisy again soon.

I wanted to refrain from fighting further, so I quickly left the place with Bena. And soon after, as Jamie had expected, other monsters appeared and began to devour the dead monsters.

Jamie moved to a place where there was no presence as much as possible.

Monsters roamed everywhere.

It was a really bad forest.

I was annoyed, but I just couldn\'t go back.

After walking for a couple of hours, Bena grumbled next to me.

"Is this really where the goddess spoke?"


I felt it when I first arrived in the forest, but the deeper I went, the more firmly I thought of it.

If not, it\'s in the great forest, which was practically impossible right now.

With my current skills, I wouldn\'t be able to last even an hour there.

It\'s not for nothing that it was listed as one of the world\'s six bans.

"If that\'s the case with the Master, that\'s right."

Bena\'s boundless trust made Jamie a little embarrassed.

To be honest, all he did was get her out of the Gave school for her to have that kind of trust.

After that, I thought you would be resentful for always throwing them away as Sarah\'s toys.

"I guess there\'s something stabbing me."


Maybe it\'s because I\'ve been eating nunchibap for 10 years, so one nunchi was really awesome.

"Isn\'t it hard to play with Sarah?"

"The person who threw it was the Master, now?"

" That has nothing to do with it."


Bena snorted and shook her head.

There was nothing to say about her reaction.

Seeing Jamie who didn\'t say anything, Bena grinned and continued.

"It\'s a joke. In fact, I really like it now."


"Sara is too radical, but when will I ever get that kind of love again?"

I was so loved that I almost ate a lump of dirt.

Jamie pretended not to hear what Bena was saying.

Anyway. I don\'t hate Sarah, and I don\'t hate Master even more. You are my benefactor."

"Thank you for thinking that way."

"I get goosebumps when the Master says thank you."

"This child."

Jamie and Bena were clashing as they were walking towards an unknown destination.


the ground is off

It was sudden.

The moment I thought that it was a trap, I woke up mana.

As long as flying magic can be used, these traps are not a big deal. It was enough to hold Bena\'s hand like this and fly upwards.


Bena fell with great speed.

Jamie, too, couldn\'t stand the powerful force from above.


The power flowing through the forest poured down only towards this place.

Jamie couldn\'t resist the bizarre phenomenon.

\'Damn it. What the hell is this forest?\'

He made it impossible to use black magic, and now he is forcibly falling down there.

Jamie watched the space around him sweep by at tremendous speed. If you fall like this, no matter how strong your body is, it will explode.

What happened to Bena?

The body of the Valkyrie is superior to the current Jamie. Besides, he received the spirit of the forest and he was in the best condition, so it could be said that he was like a rock.

But, can you stand it?

\'It\'s impossible. Bena dies too.\'

Are you going to die here?

That\'s too futile.

But I felt a little strange.

Even though it was a huge crisis, there were no emotions such as fear or anger because I couldn\'t take revenge.

It was different from the one that was premiered because he was going to die soon.

\'This okay.\'

I don\'t think I\'m going to die.

This feeling was certainly dangerous, but it wasn\'t a sense of danger.

The corners of Jamie\'s lips rose slightly.

\'Somehow I understand.\'

Jamie turned as he fell and looked down. The endless pit was so black that nothing could be seen.

Jamie spread her arms and legs wide.

At that moment, the darkness lifted and a dazzling light fell upon Jamie.

And when the light is gone.


Benna hugged Jamie tightly.

A huge softness covered his face.

Jamie choked and pushed her back.


"I\'m glad I\'m alive!"

Benna grabbed Jamie\'s hands tightly and cried.

The ground suddenly went out and she fell down with great force, so she must have been very worried.

How many children must have been riding since my heart was so weak.

Of course, Jamie was taken aback by her reaction.

"I didn\'t mean to kill us in the first place."

"What do you mean?"

"It was just an entrance."

It was a pretty ignorant way, but that force majeure fall was the entrance to this place.

So even if you want to fall and die, you cannot die.

Jamie created \'Light\'. The dark space brightened up in an instant.

"Here ."

Jamie saw the remains of what seemed to be quite old.

"It\'s a relic."

Beneath the forest of Mirinine lay the remains of an unknown time.

* * *

"The inspector is said to have returned."

"Tell me to come right away."


The acolyte went to summon Sable at the command of the Marquis.

Soon after, Sable entered the office.

"Sit down."

Sable sat down with a gloomy face.

From that look on his face, the Marquis could infer roughly what had happened.

"Did you miss it?"

"There is no face. I didn\'t get it this time either.

"Who is the victim?"

Sable answered cautiously.

" One."

The Marquis nodded his head.

Even though I was so careful about defending the territory, I got hit again.

All troops except the standing army were moving. This was not a strange number even after going to war.

Still, it was unbelievable that I couldn\'t catch it.

"What is the matter?"

" I have nothing to tell you."

"I am not blaming you for your incompetence. But anyway, isn\'t it strange? How can you still not catch it?"

Sable bowed his head.

The Marquis sighed and laid back on his chair.

"I know you are talented. But we can\'t just watch the failure continue."

Sable was a close aide to the Marquis and a person who proved his abilities.

So, I believed that this case would be resolved well.

But nothing has been resolved during the six murders.

Now that [Daemon] doesn\'t know what he\'s trying to do, he couldn\'t tolerate continued failure.

"There is nothing I can do if you let me go. However.

"But, something?"

"Give me one more chance."

Sabel\'s eyes lit up.

The Marquis knew those eyes well. Sure enough, he believed in those eyes and put Sable by his side.

The Marquis tapped the desk with his index finger. It was a habit that came out when he was thinking.


The index finger slammed the desk and made a loud noise.

"This is your last chance. Do you know that two Holy Executors from the Grand Church will be dispatched to this place soon?"

That\'s right.

"If you can\'t stop it this time, I won\'t be able to leave it to you anymore."

"Keep in mind, I\'ll keep that in mind."

"Look out."

At the Marquis\' last chance, Sable bowed his head several times and went outside.

\'I never stopped.\'

for 6 times.

You may fail two or three times.

But after that, I honestly couldn\'t understand.

Bell\'s soldiers are not incompetent. Then, the incompetent is not the one who leads them.

Here, the Marquis established a certain assumption. That assumption was something that even a single soldier could think of.

\'Is there an insider?\'

The Marquis watched him quietly as he left.

I remember my first meeting with him.

\'What is your name?\'

\'It\'s Sable. There is no last name.\'

\'I love the delicate scent of flowers.\'

\'It\'s overrated.\'

\'I was thinking of what kind of reward I would give to the benefactor who saved my life, but I have a different opinion.\'

\'what .\'

\'Come with me. I think it will be very good when I raise you.\'

It was already more than 5 years ago.

Sable has grown admirably as the Marquis expected.

Enough to entrust his right side.

So I didn\'t want to doubt it.

"No. No, I want to believe it."

The Marquis quietly poured the whiskey into the glass.

* * *

"Why are the ruins here?"

Bena tilted her head.

Jamie ignored her and looked around.

I don\'t know how many years have passed, but from the dust on the walls to the degenerated state of the crumbling stones, it seems that hundreds of years have passed easily.

"There are also murals."

When I went there, the mural was really painted.

The problem was that it was so old that there were quite a few places where it was damaged.

I tried to put it together somehow, but the damage was so bad that it was difficult to recognize.

Jamie walked up the wall.

\'When was the mural painted?\'

Judging by the specific story, it was not a primitive mural.

\'It must be around 10,000 years at most.\'

The fact that the world has fallen once since he was sealed can be inferred from the current history books.

In the present history books, it is written that civilization began about 10,000 years ago. In other words, 50,000 years have passed since the era of Diablo Volfir.

The problem is that magic existed even 10,000 years ago.

This is because the king who founded the first civilization was a wizard. He was also called the first wizard, and information about him could not be found in any ancient documents.

\'A puppet made by the 12 gods, maybe something like that.\'

Anyway, it was clear that these ruins were made within 10,000 years. At least in the time of Diablo Volfir\'s life, these archaic remains did not exist.

how far did you walk

Jamie saw the wall hardened with piles of dirt.

When I put my hand there, a faint wind was seeping out of it.

"Earth Break."



A large crack was drawn in the pile of dirt and collapsed.

master! What happen?

Bena, who had been looking at other places, came running after a month.

Then he stopped next to Jamie, opened his mouth, and looked at what was in front of him.

It was a huge door.

It was a huge door full of something like earthworms.

And there were stone pillars smashed here and there in front of it.

The stone pillars were also engraved with earthworms identical to those painted on the door.

"What is this earthworm?"

"You idiot. Does this look like an earthworm?"

" Yeah.

"Ts. This is it."

Jamie stood in front of the stone pillar.

And I started to read the earthworms written there, no, the ancient characters.

"Come in or go back."

Characters emit light.


A huge door began to open left and right.

Bena covered her mouth at the overwhelming sight, and Jamie muttered with a stiff face.

"I don\'t know who he is, but he\'s funny."

For the present human beings, not only 10,000 years, but thousands of hundreds of years of ancient times.

But even at that time, such an ancient language did not exist.

\'Of course. Because these characters were used in the days when I, Diablo Volfir, were alive and breathing!\'

There is a reason to break through this ruin.

- Continued on next episode -