The Dark Magician Transmigrates After 66666 Years

CH 54

: Sword Master (1)

"Jamie, that kid is amazing."

The Marquis Bell set aside a separate room with Sears to have a conversation.

"Even though I was only a 4th class wizard, I could see a piece of that child\'s power."

The marquis put down the teacup and continued.

"I\'ve lived for over 70 years, but I\'ve never seen a talent like Jamie. Elder Siegfried would be like him in the wizarding world, but he also cannot be compared to Jamie."

"I know. I\'ve heard it from a lot of people."

Sears was also aware of Jamie\'s talent, although he didn\'t give it a tee.

"Soon, beyond the realm, the whole world will revolve around Jamie. Do you know what that means?"

Sears laughed bitterly at Marquis Bell\'s harsh voice.

"He knows it too."

"You know. So I\'m curious. What is the Count preparing for Jamie\'s future?

"As of yet, nothing has been decided. First of all, Jamie\'s opinion is the most important thing."

"That sounds very rude. Because Jamie is in a very dangerous situation right now."

It is difficult to simply bless a huge talent.

Obviously, in this wide world, a hand of ambition to covet Jamie will come from everywhere.

Now, Earl Wellton and Marquis Bell will become a powerful breakwater to block them, but if they expand to the world, there are definitely limits.

"So you gave it to me?"


Sears knew the necklace that the Marquis Bell had given Jamie.

"Your mother would have wanted it too."

The one hung around Jamie\'s neck belonged to the now-defunct Belle hostess.

Only Marquis Bell knew the power it contained, but Sears knew roughly what kind of powers he had.

"It won\'t be an absolute shield, but I think it will help enough."

"Still, I feel at ease knowing that my mother is protecting my son."

The Marquis and Sears laughed bitterly.

"I\'m more worried about the Count than that."

"You heard."

"I have to listen. Did you lose to Zenith Kyo?"

He lay down on the chair and sighed.

"The Zenith Church is not going to pass. They are very twisted monsters."

The Marquis knew that the Zenith Church wasn\'t what it used to be. Still, he stands still because they are so huge.

No matter how great the bell, the Zenith Church had a far greater reputation than that.

"I\'m talking about Zenith, but the Pyro Church is in a pretty dangerous situation right now."


"The Zenith Church is trying to completely erase the Pyro Church."

Information that can be known because he is one of the most powerful people in the kingdom.

The Pyro Church was a denomination that was closely related to the Bell family. If the Pyro Church were to disappear, the Bell family would also lose a powerful weapon they were holding.

That was then.


A knock was heard.



Marquis Bell smiles and Sears tilts her head.

When the Marquis asked to come in, the door opened and a man familiar with Sears walked in.

A man with black hair that fell to his shoulders and a huge sword on his back.

The Marquis opened his mouth with a smile.

"It must have been a long time since you two. Say hello to each other."

"Long time no see. Sears."

" Sir Beiryl. It\'s been a while.

Beiryl Onyx.

One of the only five sword masters in the kingdom was staying in the Bel family.

* * *

Upon returning to the room, Jamie found Bena sleeping on her stomach and drooling.

Her sparse pink hair was fan-shaped and covered the entire bed.

Jamie looked down at her and raised a palm.



Bena, who had been sleeping well, grabbed her forehead and jumped up. Then he saw the person who slapped his pretty forehead with tears in his eyes.

"Why do you have to!"

Seeing Bena screaming, Jamie raised her palm again.



Bena going backwards.

I just hit my head on the floor.

Jamie said pitifully to Bena rubbing the back of her head from the other side of the bed.

"Did I tell you not to untransform?"

"Well, do you know how frustrating it can be to transform?"

"Then what if you find out?"

That. that\'s.

"What if I get caught?"

Before leaving, Jamie urged her to keep her transformation if at all possible.

Even when no one is around, we are vigilant, and when someone suddenly comes in, the situation becomes more serious that day.

"Only that complacency could end both you and I. No. I\'ll just get a little scolded, but will you just get scolded?

" ."

At Jamie\'s realistic warning, Bena swallowed dry saliva with a frightened face.

As a warlock, he might be taken to the church and subjected to all kinds of torture. When the thought reached that point, Bena shook her head.

"Change quickly."



Bena turned into a pink squirrel without saying anything.

Jamie sighed briefly and sat down on the bed. And he took out the necklace he had received from the marquis.

"What is it?"

Bena, who had climbed onto Jamie\'s shoulder, asked, pushing her little face forward.

Without answering, he looked at the necklace.

Bena seemed frustrated, so Jamie shouted loudly into her ear.

"What is it!"

"Ah, noisy!"

Jamie blew Bena away with a bang.

Bena bouncing on the bed with the sound of an Iku.

"Stop hitting the head! All brain cells will die!"

"Are there any more dead brain cells?"

Jamie took Bena\'s words roughly, and returned to focus on the necklace.

\'I\'m most curious about what this is.\'

I\'m sure it\'s an artifact, but I don\'t know exactly what kind of ability it has.

I looked at it in various ways, but I couldn\'t figure out whether it was because of the lack of farmland. The Marquis said that one day he would be of great help just once.

"It\'s a pretty necklace."

As soon as Bena got back on her shoulder, she looked at the necklace and her eyes lit up.

Jamie put the necklace on her finger and lifted it up. The blue jewel embedded in the necklace shone brilliantly.

There\'s no way the Marquis gave you an abomination. He hung the necklace around his neck.

"Someday you will find out."

It was about time Jamie was about to ring the bell for the servant to wash up.


A huge energy appeared that made the body stiff.

Without a second thought, Jamie got up and started running to where she felt the energy.

Bena\'s voice shouting \'Master!\' from behind was ignored.

\'Where the mother is!\'

A great energy was in the presence of mother Sears and Marquis Belle.

You need to speed it up more.

faster than now. even faster!

Jamie\'s body disintegrated into particles and leapt through space.

Teleportation was activated without even a chant.

Jamie appeared from the air and found a half-open door.

\'I\'m already in.\'

Mana was spread all over his body.

There were many memorized magic.

As soon as my feet touched the floor, I rushed to the door.

The first thing he saw was a gigantic back plate and a huge sword that crossed his back.

nothing else was visible. Everything was covered by that huge backpanel.

\'It\'s this guy.\'

An unbelievable presence was felt right in front of me.

An opponent that can never be defeated at the current level. If you use black magic, can you rub it a little?


No matter what he did, it was a wall he couldn\'t get over now.

An opponent that cannot be defeated no matter what you do.

For now, I have to think only of my mother Sears. You just need to buy time to get her out.

I developed a magic that I had \'remembered\' in advance.

A lightning bolt was held in his left hand.

And a storm was held in his right hand.

[Fusion Magic: Eraser Volt]

A single ray of lightning, refined by a storm, became a dazzling beam and shot straight from a distance.

The giant turned around.

The light that bleached the entire room white completely erased even the giant.

\'Did it work?\'

The power of Eraser Bolt, which was created by the fusion of the two magics of the 5th class, is not enough to be dismissed as the 6th class magic.

No matter how strong the opponent, it is impossible to stop the beam of destruction that is trying to erase everything if you are careful.

I thought.

"Not bad."

The white, bleached world has returned to its original state.

Jamie frowned at the dimming light. All he could see was a gigantic palm spread out haphazardly.

\'On one hand.\'

He gently moved his hands from side to side as if stroking his hair.

Then the rays of destruction began to scatter like lies.

The attack that ate nearly a third of mana disappeared in vain.

But this is not the end.

[Dusky Mist]

A black mist spread through the air.

If it\'s only for a short time, you can block your view.

\'Black, help me!\'

If the Eraser Bolt didn\'t work, you could just use a stronger magic than that.

Black appeared from Jamie\'s back to aid his magic.

A ring made of mana appeared on ten fingers.

As they clasped their clasps, a dazzling light burst out.

[Spear of the Light Wheel]

Dozens of spears of light were fired incessantly toward the front.

It is not a magic that can be stopped even if it is at such a close distance. Jamie felt her mana draining rapidly.

Although the full-body breathing method replenishes new mana, the rate of depletion was overwhelmingly fast.

\'If it\'s still this much!\'

It will do enough damage.

"Jerong looked good."


Everything was broken.

Jamie felt the world spinning at an incredible speed.

I don\'t even have time to understand what happened.

All the magic he had developed disappeared in an instant. In particular, even the spear of the light wheel, which was powerful enough to deplete all mana, could not withstand even the slightest bit.

I also had to use black magic.

He should have bought time by opening the gates of the inverse and sacrificing the undead troops.

Now that I got the reach this time, it was quite possible.


It was impossible from the beginning.

He played with himself.

Even if he had fought as a warlock, the result would not have been different from what it is now. Rather, it was overwhelmingly likely that he would have been killed for taking part in a horrific crime.

\'Damn it!\'

What the hell is he doing to have this kind of nonsensical power?

The dark mist had completely lifted, and Jamie was able to return to reality.

"Hey, Jamie."

And found a familiar face looking at him with worried eyes in an upside-down world.

" Mother?

Sears covered his eyes with a look of disapproval.

Jamie was dangling from Beiryl\'s ankle.

- Continued on next episode -