The Dark Magician Transmigrates After 66666 Years

CH 322

Chapter 42: Destiny (2)

"I wonder if he will appear in front of us again someday."

Since the Welton family has made them what they are today, they will show up in front of them someday.

And I thought that that time would not be long.

Because the world is becoming a mess.

Jamie also agreed.

"I want to see you at least once."

In other words, it was not strange to say that he had ruled the Welton family for hundreds of years.

If the purpose was not impure, and if it had been induced by evil tendencies, the Welton family would have become an evil group that will go down in history.

Because this blood contains great talent.

But the question still remained.

I now understand how the Welton family developed so far, and why Chervyl Welton was aware of Jamie\'s existence.

"But why is it that only the powers of the space world are awakened?"

The spatial power that only Welton\'s bloodline is innate.

No matter how closely related they were, I had never heard of a case where the attributes of power were unified.

The Count shook his head.

"I don\'t know either. There was no record of it in the secret library."

There must be some causal relationship.

Jamie wondered if the creature had tampered with the genes.

Otherwise, there is no explanation.

Whatever it was, spatial power was a very good ability, and Jamie\'s Future Walker was a deceptive ability, needless to say.

Although Earl Welton has a counter-power called \'Dimension Charm\', it was impossible to outrun Future Walker in normal battles.

\'As long as you don\'t use the power of the 4th dimension like Satan.\'

But even that Satan said that he could not stand even 10 seconds in front of the sun god Ra.

\'Isn\'t the key the only one who is presumed to be a god?\'

Perhaps it is an old god who has survived until now.

Like Osiris or Akashic.

Because there is no guarantee that there will be no old gods who live in secret.

If so, you\'d be right to find them.

I am able to do more now than in my previous life, and I have many trustworthy colleagues, but it is still far from lacking.

Repetition of a previous life is a specification.

More preparation is needed.

To do that, there is something we must do right now.

\'I should talk to the Pyro first.\'

Originally, after talking to King Friedmoor, I was planning to make contact with the Pyro.

Come to think of it, did the main body finish talking?

* * *

"Can we not go to Highs?"

"I\'ve sent you something like an alter ego, so don\'t worry."

Jamie answered Isabelle\'s question with a smile on her face.

If something had happened at Highs, they would have contacted me right away, but looking at the lack of contact so far, things seem to be going well.

"Something like an alter ego?"

"It\'s not really that important. So, what happened to your Majesty? Where else is the Crown Prince going?"

I asked before, but I haven\'t heard it yet because I\'m talking about something more important.

Isabel turned into a thinking face, stared at the air, and opened her mouth.

"Abama and my brother ."

she said with a sad face.

"No more."

" Yes?

Jamie asked if she thought she had heard it wrong.

Then Isabel spoke again with a self-helpful expression on her face.

does not exist. It no longer exists."

"Are you dead?"

"Not similar."

You\'ve lost your parents and your brother, how can you be so calm?

That part got a little goosebumps.

Isabelle said with a bitter smile as if there was a smudge on her face.

"Isn\'t it strange that you look so indifferent after losing your family?"

" ."

"It\'s normal to be sad. I\'ve known for a long time that it\'s going to be like this... So I can\'t feel anything.

"It seems that everyone has seen this situation with his foresight ability."

Huh. i knew It will be like this."

"Didn\'t you tell your Majesty about that?"

"It couldn\'t be done."

Isabelle looked like a dead man and said:

"The moment a fixed future is spoken of, everyone in that future dies due to an accident. And the future does not change."

Isabel\'s ability to foretell the future has, arguably, an overwhelming performance compared to any other prophet.

You can even read oracles if you want to.

However, if you disclose the future you learned through wisdom to someone, all the people related to it will die.

"Of course, it doesn\'t mean that I can\'t use my foresight ability at all. All of the main officials in the kingdom were aware of my abilities."

"You seem to have an acceptable range to some extent?"

Huh. If it\'s an abstract level, I can tell you to some extent. As I told you."

He said Jamie\'s future was filled with unknown darkness.

It was a definite future, but it seemed that the conditions to be able to say had been fulfilled because it was not concrete.

"By the way, did you say that I was in the Demon Realm?"

"It\'s a thing of the past."

"It\'s not an easy skill."

"Curse. A curse that only torments me."

Anyway, Isabel seemed to have known the end of the family for a long time.

Knowing everything, he must have been sad in advance, so now, tears will not come out.

It was sad.

Knowing all the future accurately, but unable to properly disclose it to anyone.

It was a terrible curse, as she said.

"Then, did your Majesty and Crown Prince Jeon have been attacked by the Church of Nihmu?"

That\'s not right.


"The gray shield surrounding the capital."

no way ."

Jamie\'s eyes widened as soon as the gray shield was mentioned.

"You became a living sacrifice."

Jamie couldn\'t say anything.

It has become a much more terrifying form than what the Nihmu Church had suffered.

Somehow, I thought the interference was so severe that it even disturbed my teleport coordinates.

I was wondering how they made such a strong shield.

"It\'s not just a shield to protect the capital. The protection of the royal family has been granted throughout the kingdom. You can\'t feel it directly, but if you\'re a Seldam people, at least it won\'t happen easily to the Nihru Cult.

" I\'m sorry, but it\'s not a protection that can be made with life.

"After all, the Archmage who has reached the supreme state knows anything, right?"

Jamie felt uncomfortable with those words.

Come to think of it, when I first entered the capital, I asked the guard who was guarding it.

Is your majesty okay?

Then the guards replied that it was okay.

However, King Friedmoor and his successor, Crown Prince, became a living sacrifice to protect the country.

I could never say it was okay.

Still, saying it\'s okay is probably

"Can you remember?"

"Can you even know that? The Archmage is great."

"I\'m not kidding. really?

"I was rather surprised that Jamie remembered Abamama and her brother."

"The reason I didn\'t show off It must be because I have seen this sight."


That\'s a terrible curse.

The more I chewed, the more Isabel was a pitiful child.

Much more than the two people who became sacrifices to protect the country.

"How long does the housekeeping last?"

one week.

"It\'s only been a week since you sacrificed your life and the memories of the time you existed."

Jamie nodded and said.

"It will be my turn from here."

Please. Jamie... "

Isabelle said with a blunt expression on her face, but clutching the hem of her skirt.

I have only you.

The only thing she can say is that she knows all about the future.

So, Jamie answers.

"I\'m waiting for you, Isabel. I will do what you want."

With those words, Jamie\'s figure disappeared like a lie.

Isabel, who was left alone, watched the place where he left and opened her mouth.

I\'ll be waiting, hero.

A drop of tears ran down my cheeks.

* * *

father. I\'ll be there for a while.

Huh? Where?"

Earl Wellton tilted his head at the sudden son\'s words.

Then Jamie answered.

"I have work to do."

He didn\'t say the reason, but the Count didn\'t ask because he didn\'t seem to want to tell his son.

I just want to know.

"You have to be careful."

"Take care of yourself, Dad. If the Church of Nihmu takes full action, even the Grand Master will be in danger."

haha. I\'d rather worry about you than my worries. And, Dad has to do his job."

The Count, one of the kingdom\'s most powerful forces, planned to return to the royal castle this way.

The situation where the swordsman went outside.

The capital is being protected by a strong shield, but if there is a Grand Master, the momentum will be extraordinary.

"Then see you later."

"See you later."

Jamie closed her eyes and focused her body on her back as if lying on her back.

And when I open my eyes again.

"His was fine. thank God.

The separated body became one again with the main body.

"The Welton family must have had such a secret."

Another body that had gone to Highs was united with the main body, and it felt as if all the information obtained there had been experienced firsthand.

\'I\'m glad everyone is safe.\'

Mother, Sarah, and Youngji\'s family all fled safely to Apton.

With that alone, most of the anxiety in my heart went away.

It seems that the father is also fine.

Jamie was able to make her way to her destination in better condition.

The destination is a huge pure white temple in the distance.

It was the headquarters of the Pyro Church.

I teleported to there at once.

I felt the chaotic atmosphere, but without even the slightest concern, I proudly opened the door and went inside.

"Who are you?"

"Reveal your identity!"

The monks, who had been on the alert from the inside, drew their weapons and aimed them at Jamie.

Jamie had no time to waste on them.

So, she showed me the emblem of the goddess engraved on her left hand.

"This is Saint Jamie Welton."

"Uh, uh ?"

"Come on, wait!"

The form was so vivid that the monks couldn\'t help but panic, and one of them hurriedly went inside.

Perhaps he was trying to summon a high-ranking priest.

Since this is the headquarters, it must be at least a priest-level person.

"Saint Jamie Welton is here?"

A pretty young voice was heard from inside.

Apparently he wasn\'t the Pope.

I\'ve heard that the Pyro pope is quite old.

A priest who appeared to be in his mid-30s walked out along with the monk who had left.

He recognized Jamie and introduced himself.

"This is the second-class priest of the Pyro Church, Veda."

"This is Saint Jamie Welton."

Having said that, she showed the goddess\' crest again, and Veda bowed down on one knee and bowed without saying anything.

"I see the saint. Please eat inside."

And quickly brought Jamie inside.

Since he was a priest-level figure, he seemed to immediately recognize that the goddess\'s crest was real.

Jamie also likes fast-paced action, so I followed him in.

As they received the priests\' greetings and entered the deep inside, there were a lot of people who had considerable divinity.

The oldest of them, leaning on a cane, greeted Jamie.

"You have come."

was the pope.

He came to greet him as if he had known each other for a long time, and Jamie greeted him accordingly.


"You must have come to see the Goddess."

Previously. Is my friend okay?"

No one here doesn\'t know who Jamie\'s friend is.

It was a fact that everyone in the world knew that the apostle and saint of the Pyro had a close relationship.

The Pope replied.

"You are sleeping. Let\'s meet."

"I will."

"Guide me."

"Yes, His Majesty His Majesty. Follow me."

A middle-aged priest with a fairly high rank guided Jamie.

If there\'s one thing Jamie felt after coming here, the Pyro priests didn\'t seem very interested in him.

I don\'t know if it\'s because of the state, but the Pope didn\'t think much of Jamie.

Has such a trust ever come down?

I had some doubts, but I thought it was good because I didn\'t bother.

"You are sleeping here."

Jamie looked at the luxurious visit.

Two paladins were guarding them in front, and they both seemed to have quite a bit of skill.

A middle-aged priest drew his name and opened the door.

Jamie went inside without following the sign.

And he found his close friend lying there.


As I heard, the boy with brown hair was sleeping as if dead.

- Continued on next episode -