The Dark Magician Transmigrates After 66666 Years

CH 30

: This is my army (1)

Lars ran towards Ricky in one month.

However, they had to back down due to the slash of some chimeras.

He looked at the chimera with annoyed eyes and said to Ricky.

"This place is dangerous, so go inside. Is it okay there?"

Yes Yes.

"Don\'t do it right away."

Ricky nodded without saying a word.

It was nice to meet Lars, but anyone could see that things were not going well here.

It will only be a hindrance. Ricky was about to enter the door again, but before that, a chimera, a combination of an ogre and a demon horse, moved.

hey hey!

A roar of horses escaped the ogre\'s mouth.

The sound was different from what it looked like, but no one burst into laughter.

Because the monster flew at Ricky.

Great leap!

He was definitely at the end, but when he came to his senses, he was holding his huge front legs in front of Riki.

"Stop it!"

As soon as Lars gave the command, he flew faster than anyone else.

The shadow knights also smashed the ground, but a chimera stood in their way.

In the end, it was only Lars who turned to Ricky.

Lars gripped his teeth and drew the judge\'s sword diagonally.

The slash of light, which exerts absolute destructive power on the opponent fixed by evil, scratched the floor.


The ogre screamed.

Sound waves enough to distort space vibrated the atmosphere.

Under the influence of sound waves, Lars\' slashing was disturbed. That was enough. The already slowed slash will never reach you.

The horseshoe fell down to smash the boy with the doorknob.

Ricky stood blankly like a man whose accident had stopped, watching the horseshoes fall. The size of the hoof alone was similar to that of Ricky. If it is crushed by something like that, it will leave no trace.


Lass suddenly remembered how Ricky was almost crushed by the wagon that left.

Even then, if Jamie hadn\'t helped, Ricky wouldn\'t have been saved. But now Jamie wasn\'t there. No one else will be able to protect Ricky but you.

All power was concentrated on the lower body.

The floor was crushed. The cloak of light shortened rapidly. The holding time was reduced due to the use of excessive force.

Lars was shot like a beam of light.

\'In one blow.\'

can i reach you

The distance narrows at a tremendous rate, but the same goes for Chimera and Ricky.

Despair began to appear on Lars\' face.

Oh, no!

swung his sword

The light was dazzling. But it did not reach the hooves.

A huge shadow covered Ricky. pressed to death No traces of his life remain.

Lars\' eyes grew as big as they were about to fall.



and detonation.

A hazy smoke spread in all directions.

There was nothing to see.

Lars\' feet touched the ground. It was the first time in my life that I had such a long flight time. It was late though. It was too late to draw all the senses.

A scream seemed to burst out of the cylinder.

I finally found it, what\'s the ending like this?

\'I can\'t keep .\'

"Big "

Then came the chimera\'s moan in the dust.

At first I thought I heard it wrong.

Why is the chimera moaning? Could the slash have reached? So, his balance is shaken and his attack fails and he suffers?

It wasn\'t both.

It didn\'t take long to realize that.

A faint light began to leak out of the dust.

" ?"

It was a familiar light.

The dust was gradually removed.

And there, a boy surrounded by light was looking at his fern-like hands with strange eyes.

Ricky turned his head to look at Lars.

brother ?"


Lars reached out towards him, and with a crackling sound, the ogre chimera that had been crushed in the rubble arose.

The monster emitting a luminous eye glared at Ricky with eyes full of anger.

"Let\'s talk later. Come here at once."

At Lars\' beckoning, Ricky quickly ran behind his back.

The soft light that surrounded him had already disappeared. It was not immediately clear what had just happened, but it was certain that Ricky\'s life was saved.

Lars put his hand on Ricky\'s head and said.

Well done.

I don\'t know what I did well.

Ricky replied brightly.


Lars grinned and looked at the Chimera again.

The shadow knights were engaged in a close battle with some chimeras. But it will be won soon.

\'The holding time is now about 10 minutes.\'

It just reduced the holding time with it.

"It\'s up."


Lars nodded and pointed to the entrance.

There were no enemies left above. It\'s definitely safer than being here.

Most of all, he did not have the confidence to properly protect the Chimeras. There is no way that a miracle like the one before will happen again.

"Don\'t keep an eye on the entrance as much as you can."

" I know.

Ricky also knows that being here is a hindrance.

Lars gestured and moved to the entrance.

Meanwhile, the ogre chimera stood motionless, only watching. I don\'t know what I was aiming for, but I was rather happy.

Arrived at the entrance and sent Ricky up.

Ricky, who was struggling to climb the ruined stairs the other day, looked back and said to Lars.

"You must come up, bro."

The guy I used to call uncle is now called hyung.

Lars smiled leisurely and raised his hand.

Seeing that confident look, Ricky went upstairs with confidence.

When he disappeared completely, Lars\' expression hardened again.

The ogre chimera began to move.

One of the shadow knights shouted.

"I will help!"


Divine power is wriggling

Although he did not reach the Master, a power that no one could overlook began to flow through Lars.

Lars said as he approached the ogre chimera.

"I will kill him."

The crime of trying to kill Ricky.

will not forgive

* * *


As he climbed the stairs, Ricky felt a strange sensation.

As the monstrous monster was about to slap him down, he felt a tickling sensation in his chest.

It was then that a strange light came out of his body.

Something spread around her body. A monster shot over it, but no shock occurred. Only the huge body of the monster bounced back.

From then on, I felt an unpleasant aura from the monster. I don\'t know what it is, but I\'ve had a similar feeling to someone else.

\'There were a lot of them in Rival.\'

bad people.

What I felt about the monster was not much different from the feeling I felt whenever I saw those "bad people".

It wasn\'t just the monster. I felt the same thing with the horned spider monster that fought with people in black armor.

It was called \'evil\', but Ricky didn\'t realize it.

It is important to get up here first. It was dangerous to climb the broken stairs as a child, but it is dangerous to be already here.

Rather, it was safe now.

Ricky, who somehow climbed the stairs, took a weary breath.

He crossed the room and opened the door leading to the outside.

"The bar is out."

It was a hot midsummer night compared to the basement, but even the heat was refreshing to Ricky.

I hope you can escape

"Ouch ."

As soon as I came out, the tears I had been holding back burst out.

Ricky sat down on the floor and sobbed, clutching the soil with his hands. I thought I was out of despair. I thought that I would be able to live happily with my younger brother in the future.

I didn\'t expect a rosy future.

everything was betrayed The sweet hope was, after all, a fake. It was the bait for further despair.

I remembered my sister Anna, who would be in the church. My poor little brother who can\'t see. Thinking of my brother, I felt even more anguish than I am now.

"Damn it, Zen Hib, Jang. Ouch."

God is offended It was a short month if it was short, but I did my best to give him faith.

He hated both Bishop Lincoln and Zenith, the god of the Zenith Church, who called such a servant a servant. I hate them.

The boy got up. His eyes were red with tears and filled with anger.

"I will not forgive you."

Shinno\'s corpse in the basement.

Many people must have been sacrificed before that.

If you completely escape from this place first, you will tell the world what the Zenith Church has done.

With Lars, the accusation should be easy.

So, you have to wait for Las here first. Ricky looked towards the door. Then he stopped to hold hands.

There was no god to pray to now. So don\'t pray.

"Your brother will come alive ."

That was then.

My head throbbed and cried.

My body staggered as the nausea rose.

Ricky felt his heart pound. The light flowed from the body and then disappeared repeatedly.

His gaze went somewhere. Quite far away, there, I felt an unpleasant and ominous aura that I had never felt before.

Ricky walked towards it like a possessed person.

* * *


Four trees could not withstand the power of the tentacles and were broken.

Jamie kept his distance, magically striking the swirling tentacles.

The doctor shouted at Jamie\'s cunning movement.

"How long are you going to run away?"

The Doctor, who jumped high with great leg strength, started flying at high speed in that state.

At the same time, dozens of tentacles squirmed to intercept Jamie without stopping.

Boom- bang- A roar echoed in all directions, like an explosion in the forest.

\'That\'s a lot of power.\'

I don\'t know what those tentacles are, but just touching them would cause quite a bit of damage.

For now, it was best to avoid it.

\'The problem is, he hasn\'t even used magic yet.\'

In terms of magic, he was a superior doctor than Jamie.

Even if he fought with magic, he was quite close, and his ability as a chimera was also outstanding, so he was a troublesome opponent.

Jamie hit the tentacles with her shielded hand.

A large crack opened in the shield, and it was immediately converted into mana and reabsorbed by the whole-body breathing method.

If it wasn\'t for the full-body breathing method, this fight would have already ended in his own defeat.

\'Magic is enough.\'

There were still a lot of memorized magic.

However, it is not okay to use magic indiscriminately. you have to take the chance

Jamie avoided the Doctor\'s attacks as much as possible, keeping his eyes on him. At the same time, it was funny to see him paying attention to an opponent like that.

\'Let\'s not be bitter.\'

The lost power will be regained someday.

For now, I had to focus on creating a situation where I could use my current strength to the fullest.

it\'s annoying! it\'s annoying! it\'s annoying!

Angry as the tentacle attacks continued to fail, the Doctor swung his limbs in the air.

It was as if a child was flirting.

The cheerful doctor frowned and adjusted his head to face downwards.

"I will go and kill you myself!"

Another pair of wings protruded through the back skin.

With two pairs of wings flapping, the Doctor glided at great speed.

Jamie clicked his tongue as he watched the Doctor close the gap in an instant.


[Dark Dimension]

Darkness took over the space they belonged to.

Either way, the Doctor laughed like crazy.

"Hey hee hee hee! Die aaaaah!"

Tentacles wrapped around his right arm.

Tentacles\' arms, which had grown to enormous sizes, fell to crush Jamie.

Jamie didn\'t look away from his opponent\'s attack.

It was not difficult to dodge because it was as dull as it was huge. The question is how to counterattack afterwards.

\'The tentacles are protecting him like armor.\'

Tentacles growing from his left arm wrapped around the doctor\'s body in a spherical shape. Considering the defense of the tentacles, it would be impossible to break through with any magic.

\'Let\'s avoid it for now.\'

A huge shadow covered Jamie.

Jamie\'s tiny body sank into the shadows.


The ground cracked, and the breakout pieces were scattered in all directions.

As the ground rose, the surrounding trees fell sideways.

The doctor clenched his tongue and released his tentacles.

"Warlock bastard."

The only thing to avoid is level. But that\'s over now.

The corners of the doctor\'s lips rose.

A blue light flashed in his eyes. It\'s nothing special. I just infused mana. However, the world you see has changed just by injecting it.

"Shall we increase it one by one?"

He didn\'t like to easily kill the guy who made him angry. as painful and painful as possible. Little by little, I was going to make him beg for his life in the end.

Pretending to be so merciful.


It sounded like the doctor was cutting his throat.

Despair is born in hope.

"You can never run away."

The obnoxious black space looks pretty dangerous, but Jamie\'s movements have already been completely overlooked.

The doctor smiled and moved the tentacles.

The tentacles repeated each other by drawing a line in the air.

Before long, a completely continuous line was drawing a certain shape.

Huge hexahedron.

"Tentacle magic."

[Tentacle Hurricane]

Hundreds of tentacles swirl around the ground in a giant magic circle made of tentacles.

Jamie fell towards where he was hiding.

"Damn magic!"

Jamie smirked at the gigantic magic that rips through the forest.

A storm of tentacles wiped out parts of the forest without a trace.

- Continued on next episode -