The Dark Magician Transmigrates After 66666 Years

CH 286

Chapter 31: Two Fights (3)


God of war and peace.

12 members of the gods.

A psychopath who destroys everything in the name of achieving peace.

And a long time ago, Diablo Volfir and the enemy who fought the most desperately.


Jamie\'s eyes trembled.

He was now in front.

Those who were once anxious to kill each other met again after a long time of more than 66666 years.

Although the shapes were different, Jamie had an instinctive sense that he wasn\'t fake.

"It\'s cheeky. To the subject of the Pyro\'s slavery, how dare you use the god\'s name in vain.

Zenith, who had completely descended to the ground, looked at her body, throwing out words she didn\'t even want to say.

"It\'s really great."

Janice descended on Vincent\'s body and shook his head satisfactorily, touching various parts of his body.

"It\'s also unnamed."

Janice, who spoke unfamiliar words, looked forward with a stinging gaze.

There, Jamie was staring at her with fearful eyes, without opening her mouth.

A great life was flowing, but it was difficult for Janice to understand the anger.

"Why are you looking at me like that? You look at me like an enemy. Oh, is it because he\'s a slave to the Pyro? Then you can."

Janice nodded her head as if she understood her anger as if she was a big brother.

Then, with a half-interested look on his face, he proposed to Jamie.

"But, for a human being, it\'s pretty good. It doesn\'t seem like the power the Pyro gave me. Don\'t you want to take me with you? If you want, I can just give you a saint position."

When there was still no answer, Janice wrinkled one eye.

"He\'s a cheeky bastard."

He picked up Vincent\'s sword that had fallen to the floor.

After checking the sword back and forth, he looked at Jamie once, and threw it away.

Jamie slashed the flying sword with a barisada, but Zenith, who appeared in front of him, grabbed his collar.

Then threw it aside.

Without even using his back, Jamie flew hundreds of meters and rolled on the floor.


Janice looked at Jamie, who flew away, and then saw her hand.

White smoke was coming up.

A tremendous amount of high-temperature energy hit his hand.

The moment he was caught by the collar, he thought of a counterattack, he was a very good sensible man.

"It\'s wonderful, but it\'s still a human body."

Janice looked at the hand flowing with smoke as if it were a pity.

Although it was not burned, the fact that it smokes itself shows the limits of human beings.

If it had been the Holy Communion, even this kind of smoke would not have occurred.

Still, since it is the body of a human swordsman who tormented him in the past, he can survive even if he descends directly.

That alone was satisfactory.


Then, Jamie, who had flew away, appeared in front of him again.

He glared at the Beyond Avalon, and as soon as he called for Zenith, he swung it.

[Let there be light]

The black mana inside the body fluctuates and is replaced with holy light.

Seongkwang had seen it for the first time, but Zenith felt an unknown familiarity and alienation.

The light burst out.

The light that engulfed the whole body covered everything and radiated power with a force to annihilate.

\'This divinity?\'

Although similar, it is not divine in the end.

But the important point here was \'similarity\'.

Did a divine-like force exist in the world?

Although there have been times when equal powers have existed, there has never been anything similar to them.

In other words, this light emitted by Jamie Welton was similar to a divine power, but it was the first force to appear in this world.

\'The power is pretty good too.\'

I felt my body pushed back, and I admired it purely.

The saint of the Pyro created a power similar to the divine.

Could this be blasphemy?

I don\'t know if the Pyro was aware of this, but if he did, that stupid bitch would have been quite shocked.

Leave your thoughts on this.

Janice reached out.

Then, with one hand, he threw away the pouring light.


Pure white particles scatter and fly in the air.

At the same time.

[Extreme tragedy]


Die aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah

A huge blade of light that seemed to pierce the sky once again cut through the space.

Janice saw her own body collapsing, no, Vincent\'s body.

If you receive such shocks in succession, even a body like this is bound to be destroyed.

Anyway, I cut the space.

It was a fun technique.

I rolled my eyes and looked at Jamie, who was breathing heavily from exhaustion.

It seems that it was quite unreasonable for him to use big techniques one after another.

\'It is enough to give such a shock to the infinite battlefield. You have far surpassed humans.\'

Janice was slightly amazed when she saw the big scratch on the floor.

At this point, it would not be enough to compare them with the top ranks of the three major races.

I couldn\'t let my body collapse, so I grabbed my chest with my hands.

Unfortunately, he didn\'t know how to handle Vincent\'s powers, so he just couldn\'t absorb the attack.

However, to the extent that a creature had been damaged by God, it could be easily repaired.

Divinity revolved around his body, and he quickly began to repair parts of his body that had been collapsing.

In fact, the word fast is not enough, and in Jamie\'s eyes, it seemed to return to its original form in one second.

"Heh heh, heh heh."

A black suit was draped through the skin.

The physical ability rises enough to be felt.

Jamie slammed the ground and cast hundreds of spells on her back at the same time.

Then, hundreds of magic fell on Janice\'s head at once.



Janice snapped her fingers.

All magic disappeared like a lie.

Jamie felt the mana rushing through the space evaporate.

Deciding that running more was meaningless, he slowly stopped running.

"I thought well. this is my space I was curious to see what you were doing, so I watched it, but I don\'t think I need to see it anymore.

" ."

"It\'s pretty good. What is that light? Is it a divinity you created? But I don\'t feel the faith.

"Weren\'t you trying to fight me?"

Jamie asked a question instead of an answer.

Fight. That\'s right, fight. Don\'t you like it when I don\'t keep what I said when I appeared here?

"Since when did you talk so much?"


"Why is the guy who always kept his mouth shut and held his form so talkative these days? Wasn\'t he the one who had a knack for bluffing by throwing a word for nothing?

" Are you crazy? Even when God is in front of you, you seem to be talking too much."

With that said, Jamie ruffled her hair with an annoyed expression on her face and said.

"Did you lose your mind after being abandoned by Ra?"

" Did the Pyro tell you?"

"Did you just start leaving because you were kicked out by your master? Is it possible that the reason you are acting like a seed of interest like this is because you want the owner to look after you again?"

"I\'ll skip this time because you\'re excellent, but if you talk about it again, I\'ll tear your mouth apart."

"Did you see it for real?"

"Die, just."

Janice grabbed Jamie\'s mouth and chin with a dry face.

If he hadn\'t worn a black suit, it wouldn\'t be strange if the lower officer would have been smashed.

But more importantly, Zenith leapt through space without any foreshadowing.

The highest level of spatial movement technology that cannot even be compared to teleportation.

It was a \'divine role\' that was allowed only to the 12 gods.

If you use the new role, you can move as you want to any land you control.

"Although my condition is not perfect, can\'t I just tear you apart and kill you?"

As if it wasn\'t a lie, Janice bent her fingers like a hook.

And he took the face he had grabbed as if to tear it apart.

"It is an honor for you. I mean, you\'re going to die directly from God. I will leave you with a stigma that you can remember even after you die."

That was the moment.

go away.

[Gremian Variant]

[Ultimate Cannon]

Behind Zenith\'s back appeared a product of supermagic engineering boasting a huge barrel.

The four-sided barrel split in all directions, and blue sparks flowed from the cracks.

A pure white light began to fill the inside of the barrel.

It was a starlight that had been charged up to the max level beforehand.

So, even if Zenith evaporates mana, there is no problem in operation.

"When did you prepare this?"

Janice tilted her head and tried to move her hand toward Gramia, which was about to rip Jamie\'s head off.


Jamie grabbed his hand as hard as he could.

I tried to get my hand out, but it wouldn\'t move.

why? Doesn\'t it come off easily?

"You guys ."

"I made sure it wasn\'t perfect. Be quiet, you crazy bastard."

Janice tried to release the hand holding Hagwan, but faster than that, Jamie grabbed his hands tightly.

The muscular strength that was greatly enhanced by the black suit was able to hold on to one of the 12 gods by force, even if he did not descend in a perfect state.

"If you hit that, wouldn\'t you be okay too?"

"Why are you worried about that? Worry... You guys do it!"

woo woo woo-

After charging, Gramia emitted a beam of light through an elongated barrel.


Janice clenched her teeth in the roar and tried to throw Jamie away.

"I\'m sorry, but I see everything!"

From the moment Janice took over Vincent\'s body until now, Jamie has never unlocked Future Walker.

I have confirmed the future that has failed over and over again.

So now all that\'s left is a successful future.

The Future Walker will lead you there.


Ray slapped Zenith on the back without mercy.

Jamie leaned close to his chest and pushed it hard like a shield.

The destructive power of the Ultimate Cannon, where the power of the 9th class is concentrated, was so strong that it overturned the hard board of the \'Infinite Battlefield\'.

Janice grinded her teeth at the dizzying pain she felt on her back.

The two hands that were held still were not released.

\'also. The causal ratio was forcibly inserted and the condition was so bad.\'

It seems that the sword that cut through the light and the space was hit in a row.

Still, I was a little proud of myself.

I was a little concerned about what he said earlier.

\'How did you know I wasn\'t talking?\'

I didn\'t think the Pyro even said that.

Above all, in the nuance of those words, he seemed to know himself.

This is impossible for humans today.

Jamie Welton is also a character that should not be left alone.

"I can\'t."

"Suddenly, what did you say ."

Jamie\'s words did not come to an end.

A part of the black suit flew away.

It was the part that ran from the chest to the right shoulder.

In an unknown shock, Jamie took a step back.

With both hands free, Janice turned around and shouted at the government.


Gramia was smashed in one hit.

There were also cracks in Vincent\'s fist.

Janice looked at it and shrugged.

A sword was summoned into the air.

He grabbed the grip with his unbroken hand, then ran towards Jamie.

\'That guy, ignoring causality !\'

It was clear in Jamie\'s eyes.

Divinity beyond the allowable limit was flowing out of Vincent\'s body.

Zenith had forcibly pulled the power of the body to kill herself.

Not only would he be unable to avoid self-destruction, but in return for breaking the law of causality, there was no choice but to damage the body.

Still trying to kill yourself.

\'You\'re still hot-blooded.\'

Jamie calmly cleared her mind.

He was engulfed in anger earlier, but now he seemed to be able to hold on for a while.

It was the influence of \'Perfect Cell\'.

Perfect Cell calmed the negative parts of her mind, allowing her to remain calm even in the face of her enemies.

The problem is, you can\'t stop that guy as it is now.

\'If it\'s black magic... .\'

If you use black magic, even the current Zenith was enough to try.

But I couldn\'t.

It drew power, but that\'s because it\'s not the body.

Even if he kills him with black magic, his body in the heavens will recognize that fact.

If that happens, all the 12 gods will know that he is Diablo Volfir.

It was when Jamie was briefly contemplating what to do.

"You\'re just writing this now."

Zenith, who came close to her nose, began to perform a certain swordsmanship.

[Diomedes-style true sword]

-Diablo, do you know what is the most important thing when cutting steel?

-what is that?


-It\'s the softness.


I remembered faces and names that I couldn\'t remember.

A swordsman who always grinned and sharpened his sword, and faced the 12 gods by putting his back on him.

His name is the hero Diomedes.

"How do you use that sword ?"

Jamie asked as he saw the sword slashing just below his neck.

Why is it that the 12 gods, my enemies, are using the skills of my colleagues who shared the same purpose with me?

"Do you know this sword?"

Janice laughed and slapped Jamie on the neck.

"Well, you might know."

The head flew into the air.

That\'s the way it was.



At the intense shock that came from the right cheek, Zenith\'s head was bent to the left as if it were going to break.

Jamie, ignoring the physical power of the sword with \'All Might\', struck it with all his might with his fist.

He looked at Janice, who was lying on the floor, and shouted in an evil voice.

"Why are you using that guy\'s skill!!!"

"This child ."

The fact that she had been beaten by a human made Janice very angry.

I\'m never going to experience this kind of humiliation again.

It seemed that reason was paralyzed.

I wanted to tear it apart and hang it alive.

I don\'t care about causality anymore.

Thousands of thoughts ran through my mind.

How dare you insult God... .

"I\'ll tell you why bees are so scary."

"You are the one ."

Jamie couldn\'t stand it.

This boiling anger was coming from the fact that the death of his comrade had been defiled.

It was none other than Janice who even polluted that noble death.

won\'t stand it

I will do my best to kill you.

Jamie\'s eyes turned purple.


That was then.

A hand appeared and covered his eyes.

It felt hard, cold, and pointed like a gauntlet with a rather ugly shape.

The voice came again.

\'Not yet. I\'ll take care of this, for now... .\'

At the familiar voice, Jamie felt her anger subside like a lie.

The eyes, which had been dyed purple, returned to their original emerald color.

As the purple light disappeared, the hand that covered the eyes also fell.

"What are you?"

Janice looked at the other person who suddenly appeared and asked.

"This is my space. You would never come in without my permission."

Then the new person appeared.

I was always aiming for you. I was just waiting for a chance to catch you. Janice, you bastard.

"What do you mean, you dirty bastard!"

Your chance has finally come. The time has come to repay my master\'s revenge and lust.

" appetite?"

Trika, the demon king of lust, said with a steady stream of purple eyes.

I, the demon king of lust, Trika. I will kill you on behalf of my long-lost lord Diablo Volfir.

A huge presence engulfed the infinite battlefield.

At the sudden appearance of the Demon King, Zenith\'s eyes trembled greatly.

How the hell is the Demon King who should be in the Demon Realm here?

I couldn\'t think of that.


Janice screamed in endless humiliation.

- Continued on next episode -