The Dark Magician Transmigrates After 66666 Years

CH 218

Chapter 7: The Cursed Village (1)

"Can\'t you take me too?!"

"Master, me too!"

Jamie said, pushing back the foreheads of the annoyingly clinging pupils.

"Because I can\'t."

"Take us too!"

"Even if you don\'t take Lennon, please take me!"

What? Did you say everything?!"

"I\'m Master~"

"Yumma, Anne!"

Jamie sighed as she watched Anne clinging to the hem of her robe and Lennon getting angry at her.

Then he snapped his fingers, and his body disappeared in an instant.

"What, what?"

"Ah, Master!"

Ann and Lennon panic as they see Jamie in the distance, then run back to where he is.

However, Jamie snapped his fingers again as he saw the students running hard.


"Really shameful!"

As if there was a transparent wall in the air, the two could no longer reach Jamie.

Jamie said to Hera, who stood beside her, putting her hands neatly next to her.

"Take care of the kids."

"How long does it take?"

I do not know.

It was difficult to answer because we did not have a specific schedule.

"At least a month. It seems to be more than a year at most. In the meantime, if your Majesty calls you, I will go."

"You will be away for a long time."

"I think so."

Hera looked at the children banging against the transparent wall and shouting for them to be taken away.

"Are you okay?"

of course.

"I think the gap between teachers is quite large for the students who are growing up."


Yeah. This is my experience. I learned magic from the master, but he was always busy, so I didn\'t learn much."

"Are you high enough for that?"

Hera was twenty-two this year.

The fact that she had 5th class in front of her at the age of twenty-two was proof of her talent.

However, Hera responded by looking at her with her characteristic cold expression.

"I don\'t think that\'s something I\'m going to hear from the elder."

Jamie shut her mouth, not having anything to say.

Anyway, she wasn\'t wrong.

Because a disciple needs a master. So Jamie also thought a lot during the week.

And the conclusion I came to was \'okay\'.

"They know what they have to do. I could stand by and help, but it won\'t fundamentally change."

"It\'s something the kids have to figure out for themselves."

Yes. Well, you shouldn\'t be away for a really long time, but I think it\'ll be fine for a year. In fact, I don\'t think I\'ll be away for a year.

i See.

"And there is Hera."

" What do you mean?"

Hera frowned as if she had heard a sudden noise.

"Anne and Lennon must be in the midst of walking down the path Hera has walked, so please give them any advice they need."

"I still have the skills ."

a. I know better than anyone that it\'s a skill that can take just one disciple."

Hera shut her mouth in embarrassment.

Jamie glanced at her and shrugged.

"Since there are Seven Elders and Count Simon, there is no need for Hera to bear the burden."


Hera replied that way, but her eyes were on Anne and Lennon.

Jamie raised the corners of his lips and walked over to the disciples who were still blocked by the invisible wall.

"Take us too!"

"Right! Take us too!"

"It\'s noisy, you guys."

As Jamie dismantled the invisible wall, Anne and Lennon, who were leaning, leaned forward and screamed.

"Hey, what if I suddenly get rid of it?"

"My knee hurts ."

"Both wake up."

Jamie raised the disciples and said,

"This trip is pretty important to me. So you can\'t take it.


"We also have the right to broaden our knowledge Whoops!"

"Because it\'s noisy. And don\'t be shy."

Saying so, Jamie struck Lennon in the head with the capital.

He didn\'t hit it too hard, but he grabbed his head and fell straight down.

Over the past 5 years, only the weight has increased.

Anne looked at Lennon like that and muttered a little.

"I don\'t think it\'s serious ."


Jamie said behind Lennon, who was half-passed.

"Don\'t be fooled by me. If you have any questions, ask Hera or the other elders."

However Only Master knows our curriculum."

"Don\'t worry because others don\'t know much about it, but they know what you\'re learning."

still ."

"Anne. Stop giving up."

When he woke up, Lennon looked at Jamie as he brushed the dirt off his ass.

"Actually, I knew he wouldn\'t take me. Still, I tried it... I just got beaten up."

Lennon spoke with the coolest face of the world, as if when he was living.

Have a safe trip. Until then, we\'ll master what you\'ve been asked to do.

" Why are you doing that?"

Jamie looked at Lennon with a slightly disgusted look on his face, and Lennon yelled out with an embarrassed face.

"People are talking seriously, what\'s the reaction?!"

"Lennon. I said that suddenly people shouldn\'t change.

"Even you!"

"You don\'t fit anything serious~"

Even Anne yelled at Lennon with an expression of seeing something strange, and Lennon shouted out with a look of injustice in the world.

Jamie chuckled and placed her hands on the students\' heads.

Then, Lennon, who was talking hard, and Anne, who was making fun of Lennon, shut their mouths.

"I believe you will do well."

" Please be careful, Master."

"You can\'t forget the souvenirs when you come."


Jamie said goodbye to the disciples like that.

* * *

"Did you say goodbye?"

"I did it for the kids and Hera-san."

Jamie roughly answered Jean\'s question and leaned her back against the wall.

Jin murmured briefly, \'Is that so?\' and put the bag on his back. He looked as cool as a person with no regrets here.

"So you. Aren\'t you going to say hello to other people?

"What is a greeting? If there is a relationship, we will meet someday."

"Everyone must be sad."

"Isn\'t it sad to say hello? It\'s sad that everything is the same."

"That\'s also true."

"Let\'s stop."

Jin finally finished checking the dormitory and went out.

Jamie shrugged as he looked at him as if he were watching some sort of psychiatrist.

And soon after, standing next to Jin, who was moving, asked.

so. Where is the Frontier headquarters?"

"It\'s in one of the six bans."



Six Banned ABRAXAS.

It was a very large temple that existed at the northernmost point, far above the great forest of Ariazad, which is the same prohibition.

It was also in the shape of a forest because it had not been visited by humans for a long time, but it was also a land where very dangerous traps and monsters lurk.

It was also the northernmost part of the country, so it was always snowing, so it was very difficult to get close to it.

However, the strange thing was that Abraxas itself kept the weather warm all the time, let alone snow.

"Is Isis there?"

Ah. not now In fact, Isis had been here a while ago."

" ?"

When Jamie looked at him with puzzled eyes, Jin said he forgot to say.

"A week ago, Beiril stayed here briefly to assist Isis and her. Then we talked about you."

"What are you talking about?"

"I was worried about what would happen if you turned into an enemy."

"I did . So you\'re saying not now?

"They left because they had work to do."

"What\'s the point of being the head of the Frontier himself?"

"It is confidential."

It was Jamie who wasn\'t really disappointed because he didn\'t expect to be able to hear it in the first place.

Rather than that, the fact that Isis and Beiryl had been in this land until recently was even more shocking.

How cool can you live in the world to say such an important thing only now?

"Anyway, then why can\'t we meet even if we go to the Frontier Headquarters?"

"It is not. You\'ll get there sooner than us.

"That means It sounds like there\'s no point in going faster."

"That\'s right. It\'s not bad to take this opportunity to wander the world."

Jamie, speechless, decided to just keep her mouth shut.

The more I talked, the more my temper would be stretched.

So the journey to Abraxas began.

* * *

"You demon-possessed monsters!"

"Show me where this is!"

"Turn it off! Get out of here right now!"

"Look at those kids running away! Fuhahahaha!"

Children in their early teens were throwing stones at someone.

It was a boy and a girl who wore shabby clothes and shabby cheeks, so dirty that they reminded them of beggars.

The boy was holding the girl\'s hand tightly in one hand, and in the other he was holding a cloth filled with food that looked like it was several days old.

brother ."

The girl looked at my brother with a sad face.

The boy, who seemed indifferent, smiled faintly at his younger sister.

It will be fine.


The boy, Phoebe, held her sister Fiona\'s hand tighter.

The stones flying from behind did not hit the children fortunately. But the swearing was enough to annoy the siblings.

"A child without a father."

"Cursed bastards!"

"Please get out of this town, you demons!"

It was an insult that was hard to bear for the children who were now ten or seven years old, but the brothers and sisters had no choice but to put up with it.

It was because he might be kicked out of town if he caused trouble.

It was bittersweet.

Having to endure terrible bullying and insults in order not to be evicted from the hometown where they were born and raised.

Then, a child laughed at the siblings and said:

"They say they wait every day without knowing that their father has abandoned them? funny cubs. Abandoned things don\'t even know the subject. Isn\'t it?

"Rumor has it that their father was a very famous con artist. Did you say you got caught cheating in the village and got kicked out?"

"I heard that I had an affair with someone and abandoned my family and ran away at night?"

Really? Phew!"

"Well. Just by looking at them, you can tell what their father must have been like. Hehehe!

The other children responded to this and started laughing happily.

Pivion\'s steps stopped.

Fiona looked at her older brother with concern.

brother Ignore it and let\'s go.

Pivion did not respond to his brother\'s words.

Anger simmered inside.

I was angry with them too, but what made me even more angry was because of my father.

A father I\'ve never seen before.

My mother always called my father a brave man. He believed so firmly that something must have happened and he couldn\'t come back.

But for 10 years, let alone come back, I didn\'t even know the news.

Just like these guys say.

" Go.

He grabbed his brother\'s hand.

"Oh, it hurts."

Fiona complained of pain from pulling too hard, but she couldn\'t hear it.

I wanted to leave this disgusting place right now.

\'Damn it.\'

Being young is a curse

I will soon become an adult and take my mother and my younger brother out of this rotten village.

You have to be patient until then.

I don\'t know if he can stand it, but the boy had to suppress his boiling anger today.

Because I still had nowhere to go.

So, the siblings ignored the swearing from behind and headed to the house far away from the village.

- Continued on next episode -