The Dao of the Primordial World


Chapter 28 - Love Between Heaven and Earth

It was rumored in the continent that the Ouyang Family and Liu Family would get married in ten days.

It was the first time in more than a thousand years that he had experienced the sweetness of love. It was so fragrant, as if he had been immersed in an endless sea of flowers and endless amounts of wine, and it was so beautiful; it was also the first time he had completely experienced the heartache of losing love. The pain was as if a knife was cutting through him, and it pierced his heart like a needle.

He asked the heavens what love was, yet his heart ached so much.


The heavens and earth were originally a loving couple!

One day!

The God of Creation held a huge sword that could destroy the heaven and earth!

He waved at the world that was intertwined!

The heaven and earth unwillingly separated their beloved hands!

They gradually separated!

Sky Fury!

The raging wind roared!

Dark clouds billowed!

Lightning and thunder!


Tsunami ravage!


Mountain Crash!


He watched as the sky gradually faded away!

It opened its huge mouth!

It spewed out clumps of flames!

Speak to the heavens!

My heart will always tremble for you!

Heaven's sorrow!

He waved his sleeves!

A sad face!

She didn't want to let the ground see his sad side!


It poured down!

Speak to the ground!

My tears are only for you!


I will protect you from afar!

Even if you look old!


I will always wash your weariness with tears!

Even if you can't stand up straight!

The Creation God said!

Who said the world is ruthless!

There was love in the world!

Tears from the rain!

The heart of the volcano!

No matter how old or how old!

To protect your feelings!

At the peak of the mountain, Li Yi's sleeves fluttered, grief filled his heart. The mountain breeze whistled, and his black hair danced in the wind. His lonely back seemed so lonely and desolate.

The colorful clouds changed and flew past each other; the sunlight provided its own warmth to the land. The sunset shone on the land, and the crimson clouds were like blood, gradually fading away like the blood tears in the lover's eyes; the moon rose to the east, its splendor still bright.

After an entire day and night, Li Yi stood at the peak of the mountain without moving an inch, like an eternal boulder.

Li Yi moved and flew towards the closest city.

Li Yi, from the Misty Rain Tower sat at a corner of the window. He called for the specialty wine introduced by the waiter, the Red Daughter, and started to drink it all.

"Waiter, ten pots of Female Red." Li Yi called out to the waiter.

"Great sir, do you want me to send you somewhere? Tell me and I'll send it to you." The waiter smiled.

"What's with all the nonsense? If I tell you to do it, then you do it." He then took out a stack of silver notes and passed it to the waiter. "Look at this."

When the waiter saw the banknotes, his eyes immediately lit up. Today, he had met a rich owner. "Yes, sir. Please wait a moment."

Ten jars of female red were placed on the table. The surrounding customers were all astonished. When had they ever seen such an extravagant guest before?

In the blink of an eye, six pots were emptied.

Just then, two burly men came in from outside the shop. One of them was dressed in white and held a treasured saber in his hand. His face was sharp as a blade and his eyes were like lightning. He looked to be twenty-five years old.

The eyes of the young man lit up when he saw the six empty wine jugs and four pots of good wine beneath Li Yi's table, and he immediately walked towards Li Yi.

"Brother, can we drink fine wine together?" The young man said to Li Yi.

"Please!" Li Yi cherished his words like gold.

The young man didn't mind, as he sat down. The middle-aged man stood guard behind the young man.

"Waiter, bring five jars of good wine!" The youngster called out to the waiter.

"Honored guest, please wait for a moment. I'll deliver it immediately." At the same time, he muttered to himself that another drunkard had arrived.

"Brother, after you!" The young man held up his wine bowl and said to Li Yi.



Two bowls clashed and spilled wine.

Gudong! Gudong! Gudong!

A bowl of wine dripped down his neck.

"F * ck!"


Sometimes, men didn't need to say much. They knew each other's hearts, and they could only tacitly agree with each other. Wine was something essential to men. Drinking was the best way for men to communicate.

The young man had already emptied four pots in front of him, but his expression did not change, his breath normal, and in front of Li Yi, there was already nothing.

"Waiter, give me another ten jars." Li Yi called out to the waiter.

The waiter's legs trembled. Was he even human?

The way the other customers in the shop looked at Li Yi was already a little different. To be able to drink ten jars of the woman's red without changing her expression was definitely not an ordinary person.

"Bro, a real man!" The young man gave him a thumbs up.

Li Yi smiled in return.


The two of them were speechless. The wine bowls clashed with each other!

The young man was already slightly drunk when he shouted out the six pots, and by the time he shouted out the eight pots, he was already drunk on the table. The middle-aged man behind the teenager looked at Li Yi with respect. He knew that his master was already known as the Wine God in the clan, but Li Yi had already drunk thirteen pots without batting an eyelid, and still kept on drinking each bowl.

The middle-aged man supported the young master up the stairs towards the guest room.

Li Yi still continued to drink, hoping that being drunk would alleviate the pain in his heart. However, not even a single strand of the liquor remained in his stomach, refined by the chaos energy.

Li Yi called out for the forty pots before he left. Only forty empty altars were left behind. The waiter looked at the empty altars on the ground and thought to himself in horror that this must be the descendant of the Wine God.

On this day, a God of Wine, a God of Wine who could drink forty pots of the best girl, Red, had arrived in the city.

The next day, Li Yi went to the shop early in the morning, and without a word, he took out a stack of silver bills and threw it to the waiter. The waiter had a very good understanding of one another, without saying a word, he immediately took out ten pots of Female Red and placed it in front of Li Yi, his eyes filled with respect.

Li Yi could feel the spiciness of the girl's red flowing down his throat. He wanted to take advantage of the spiciness of the girl's red running from his mouth to his chest to ease his heartache. Li Yi lamented, it was extremely difficult for him to get drunk.

The young man from yesterday seemed to have a tacit understanding with him, he came to Li Yi's table and sat down when Li Yi was shouting "jar".

The young man poured the wine into his cup. He didn't drink it all at once like he did yesterday. Instead, he slowly drank it all in one gulp. The two of them sat like this for eight days.

On the ninth day, Li Yi stared at the bowl of wine in front of him and did not drink it. Instead, he sat at the table and stared blankly at it.

The young man seated opposite to Li Yi did not seem to want to disturb him, and thought to himself: "There must be something wrong, to be sad like this."