The Cultivation Genius In City

Chapter 924

Where is the highest consumption these days?

Some people say that marrying a daughter-in-law is the most expensive now, and it often requires hundreds of thousands of bride price gifts. Ordinary people toss about for most of their life. Once their son gets married, he not only has to empty out his family, but also owes a lot of debt.

The couple\'s relationship is good, but it\'s really going to be a year and a half. They can\'t go together. They shoot and break up. The woman has made a lot of money. She has to be wronged. She says that her great youth has been ruined. But what about the man? He lost his wife and broke his soldiers. Who can he reason with?

Others say that buying a house is the most expensive these days. Houses in first tier cities often cost 10000 or even tens of thousands of square meters. How many years do some college students who have just left school have to struggle to save enough money to buy their own house? Others say that buying a car is the most expensive, while others say that eating and staying in a hotel are the most expensive. After all, for those who often travel on business, staying in a hotel all year round is much longer than staying at home.

But in fact, the consumption of hospitals is the highest.

If you have no money, you can not marry a daughter-in-law, buy a car, buy a house, or even eat a restaurant or stay in a hotel, but if you are ill, can you not go to the hospital? For most people, what they fear most is illness, because once they get sick, they may spend all their life savings and even owe a lot of debt.

If you can cure the disease in this way, you are afraid that the money will be spent and the disease has not been cured. The patient closed his eyes and left, but the relatives left have to bear the hardships of life and the pain of losing relatives.

This is a hard creditor. You can\'t do it without paying.

The emergence of Su Yu gives hope to those people who are not rich. Su Yu is not only good at medicine, but also uses the most reasonable medicine. She often needs the least money to cure the disease. This noble character and sentiment is where she is praised and respected.

However, with her fame, her troubles followed. Some opportunistic people, seeing the huge business opportunities here, began to arrange people to wait in line outside, and then sell their positions at a high price.

These days, there are still people who don\'t need money, and there are not a few. Compared with large hospitals, Su Yu\'s medical skills are more convincing, and the charge is almost negligible. Even if you spend a high price to buy a position, it\'s nothing.

One come and two go, a position was fired to a sky high price of 300000, and at such a price, there are still many buyers.

Just when the ten scalpers were bidding up the position price, police cars roared to them. When things looked bad, they didn\'t want any money and ran away.

"Bang!" the sound of a gun scared a timid yellow cow to the ground. He held his head in his hands and peed in his pants.

"Stop, or I\'ll shoot." he shouted sternly, which frightened the cattle. In such a stunned time, he rushed up to more than a dozen policemen, pressed the ten cattle to the ground and put them in handcuffs.

Chu fan walked over, pointed to the thin girl who ranked No. 11 and said, "what are you doing? Now you are the first. Come forward!"

"Me? Really?" the girl hurried forward in surprise and almost shed tears. For this position, she waited for three days and was finally waited by herself.

It\'s not easy!

However, as soon as the girl took a few steps, the position in front was occupied by a young man. It was the guy who paid for the position just now. He said angrily, "I\'ve bought this position. You\'re second."

For girls, don\'t mention ranking second, even ranking tenth. At most, they can always look sick today. But the people behind quit. If a young man occupies a position, it means crowding out the tenth person. Who can do this?

In the tenth place was a 12-year-old boy. He helped an old lady to come forward and said angrily, "why do you rank first? My grandmother and I waited for three days before we got a position. You should queue up at the back as soon as you arrived. Money is great?"

The young man was happy: "yes, I am rich and capable. You also spend money to buy it. Cut!"

As soon as the voice fell, a policeman came quickly and said in a cold voice, "please consciously line up at the back."

The man was immediately angry: "what did you say? Let me line up in the back? I spent money. This position is mine."

"Sir, we have caught the scalpers who resell their positions. We will return all the stolen money they collected. We also hope you will consciously abide by public order. As long as we don\'t buy scalpers\' tickets, they will have no opportunity to take advantage of it, and this kind of thing will naturally disappear."

The man said impatiently, "don\'t talk to me about these big reasons. He is willing to sell me the position. I am willing to spend money to buy it. What do you worry about? Anyway, I have spent the money, and this position is mine."

No matter how the police persuaded him, the man was determined and just didn\'t go. In his words, when the money was spent, he didn\'t want to go back. Who is responsible for delaying his father\'s illness?

When the two were deadlocked, a policeman with a team came over and asked seriously, "what\'s the matter?"

"Director Yan, he paid for the seat. I asked him to line up in the back, but he said nothing."

Yan Jun, director of Xicheng District Public Security Branch of Yanjing City, received a phone call and immediately brought people to catch the scalpers. I thought it was over, but I didn\'t expect that there were still people occupying a position. Isn\'t this a provocation?

But he was about to speak when he suddenly found that the middle-aged man next to the young man looked familiar. When he looked carefully, he was surprised and said, "Dong Li? Are you..."

Li Bin raised his head, looked up and down at Yan Jun, frowned and said, "are you..."

"Oh, I\'m Yan Jun, director of Xicheng Branch." Yan Jun said with some embarrassment, "I just received the alarm, so I brought someone here. Dong Li, look at this..."

Li Bin said faintly, "director Yan, give me face. When I get well, I will come to the door to thank you."


Yan Jun hesitated. He said whether it was big or small. The key was the one who called. He was too big to provoke. However, it seems that the one who called the police is not in. If it\'s just a quota, it doesn\'t seem to be a big deal to be a favor.

But just as he was about to call the team back, a young man came up to him. Seeing his appearance, Yan Jun immediately trembled. Even the cigarette handed by Li Bin\'s son couldn\'t take it. He hurried forward and asked politely, "you are Chu..."

"Yes, I called the police." Chu fan interrupted him, pointed to Li Bin\'s father and son, and asked, "director Yan, how are you going to deal with so many people watching?"

Now, are there any other options? If you offend Li Bin, you can change your position at most. It\'s a big deal to sit on the bench. But if you offend the evil star in front of you, you will lose not only your job, but also your life.

"Don\'t worry, I will deal with it impartially." Yan Jun immediately said solemnly. Then he turned and waved his hand, "come on, take these two away!"

Li Hongfei, Li Bin\'s son, suddenly became angry, pointed to Yan Jun\'s nose and yelled: "do you dare to catch me? Believe me or not, I\'ll call and let someone withdraw your director?"

Yan Jun is also in his forties. He was scolded by a young man pointing at his nose. He suddenly had a fever. But he was Li Bin\'s son. But Chu fan is watching. He can\'t do anything.

As soon as he gritted his teeth, Yan Jun waved his hand and shouted, "what are you doing? Take people away immediately!"

"Who dares?" Li Hongfei is not a fuel-efficient lamp. He even has to fight with the police.

At this time, Li Bin pressed his son\'s arm and said faintly, "director Yan, I\'m sorry. My son is too worried about my disease and offended you. Please don\'t see things like him."

"Dong Li, it\'s nothing for your son to offend me. I\'m afraid he offended others." Yan Jun glanced at Chu fan vaguely. Li Bin immediately understood after mixing in the mall for so many years. He looked at Chu fan carefully and said nothing. He took his son into the police car.

Chu fancai didn\'t bother to pay attention to them. He asked the ten people in front to come forward. Just as he was ready to come forward and knock on the door, a military car drove over and stopped at the door. The door opened and two young armed soldiers jumped down.

They saw Chu fan at a glance. They immediately ran over, slapped to attention, raised their hands and saluted loudly: "report to the chief, cao meng and Xu Yan, members of the first team of Yanjing Security Bureau, come to report!"

Chu fan returned a military salute and said with a smile, "relax. From now on, your task is to protect Dr. Su Yu. I will give you the right to cut first and then play. Go stand guard!"


Holding guns, the two soldiers quickly ran to both sides of the door, standing one by one, staring straight ahead, motionless, like two human sculptures.

Now, Li Bin and his son Li Hongfei in the car took a cold breath and said to Yan Jun who just got on the bus: "director Yan, who is this man?"

Yan Jun said with a bitter smile, "Dong Li, you scared me in a cold sweat just now. This is the youngest lieutenant general in China, Chu fan and commander Chu."

"The leader of the night city military region, the murderer Wang Chufan?" Li Hongfei exclaimed, as if afraid of being heard. He quickly covered his mouth, his eyes were frightened, and his body rustled and trembled.

Mom, I walked around the gate of hell just now. It\'s too mysterious. How did I meet him?

Soon, the police car took the people away, and the military car took the people away, leaving two soldiers standing guard at the door. Chu fan settled the people outside and knocked at the door.

After knocking for a long time, the door finally opened. A girl who seemed to be only 15 or 16 years old and wearing ancient clothes put her head out, looked at him up and down, turned her eyes, and didn\'t have a good airway: "go to the back to line up and knock on the door to break your fingers. Hum!"