The Cultivation Genius In City

Chapter 891

Seeing their family reluctantly, it was as if they would never see purple smoke again. Chu fan knows that if they don\'t show their hands, they can\'t be at ease. Thinking of this, as soon as he stretched out his hand, the dragon soul giant sword appeared out of thin air, whirled and danced on Chu fan\'s head for a few weeks, and quietly suspended beside him.

Gu Feng and the three of them are all dumbfounded about the dragon soul giant sword that appears out of thin air. Where does he hide such a big object? How can you fly?

Gu Feng, in particular, almost stared out of his eyes when he saw the giant sword, and dared not put the channel: "this... This..."

"Uncle and aunt, can you rest assured this time?" Chu fan took Ziyan\'s waist and jumped onto the big sword. He turned back and waved to Ziman with shining eyes and said with a smile, "little sister, wait for brother to come back and take you around the world. Bye!"


The dragon soul giant sword took Chu fan to the sky and disappeared in the blink of an eye.

"Dragon soul sword, the legendary dragon soul holy sword, was born!" Gu Feng was so excited that he shed two lines of hot tears, flopped down on his knees and cried.

Aside, Ziman was frightened. He quickly grabbed his mother and whispered, "what\'s the matter with Aung, dad? Elder sister can\'t come back. As for crying like this?"

"What do you know?" the mother scolded her, helped her husband up and whispered, "you see? That\'s really the dragon soul sword?"

"No mistake, as like as two peas in the hands of the ancestors in the temple, the sword can still carry people flying away from heaven, and it must be the dragon\'s holy sword."

Gu Feng stood up excitedly and said, "I have to spread the news right away. The prediction has come true..."

Chu fan took purple smoke and flew three times over the 100000 mountains in miaojiang. He still couldn\'t find the exact location of Fenghuang mountain. However, Chu fan had to take purple smoke and fall by yingyue lake.

"Ziyan, if you don\'t want to help me, I won\'t force you." Chu fan was a little upset. Along the way, he asked Ziyan ten words, and she didn\'t bring back one. As for? I didn\'t sleep with you. It\'s for your own good. Why don\'t you know? Are you happy if I have to sleep you?

Seeing that Chu fan was angry, Ziyan was wronged and red in his eyes. He simply turned around and didn\'t look at Chu fan. Seeing her like this, Chu fan\'s heart is soft again. Can\'t he walk away? I really want to go. The dead girl can\'t think about it anymore. She jumped into the pool and committed suicide. That brother has really become a sinner.


Chu fan sighed. She pulled Ziyan\'s shoulder and asked her to turn around. Ziyan didn\'t resist it, but when she turned around, her beautiful face as beautiful as a flower had been invaded - occupied by tears. In the end, pear flowers with rain, even more beautiful. But before Chu fan could speak, she rushed to Chu fan\'s arms first, hugged his waist tightly, and cried even more sadly.

"Ziyan, you are beautiful and kind, really." Chu fan stroked her hair and said sincerely, "If I don\'t have a girlfriend and care, I can stay in miaojiang for you, work at sunrise and rest at sunset, and be a pair of fairies. But I can\'t lie to you. I have fiancees. They are as beautiful and kind as you. They are waiting for me to go back."

"They?" Ziyan suddenly raised his head and asked in amazement, "do you mean your fiancee? Can you marry many wives?"

Chu fan\'s old face was red, and he laughed and laughed, "well, in fact, the outside is just monogamous like yours, but I\'m quite special..."

"You can accept other girls, why can\'t you accept me?" Ziyan said excitedly. "What they can do, I can do, and I will do better than them."

How did you go around and come back?

Chu fan reluctantly said, "Ziyan, you are a good girl. You will meet a better man than me in the future. As for what happened in this pool last night, you really don\'t have to care. Outside, men and women can take a bath in the same pool. If you feel a loss, I\'ll take off my clothes and take a bath for you to see."

Ziyan stared at him without blinking. Chu fan\'s expression stagnated and said with a bitter smile: "you don\'t really want to see it? I just said casually. In fact, this matter is only a small episode in your life. It doesn\'t affect you. You still have the right to choose to like boys. After a few years, you will find that this is still a good memory."

"Memories are beautiful, but they can also become painful." Ziyan shook his head and said sadly: "In your opinion, this is just a trivial matter, but in our Miao area, it is a major event that can change the fate of a woman\'s life. The man identified by our Miao women will not change in his life. Even if he is injured or disabled, he will take care of him all his life."

Chu fan suddenly asked, "what if one party gets sick and dies?"

Ziyan\'s mouth showed an intoxicating smile: "if we become husband and wife, if you leave me first, I will prepare a big coffin in the mourning hall, dress myself up, drink poisonous wine and lie in the coffin side by side with you. Life is the same fur and death is the same cave!"

Chu fan is completely speechless. He can\'t be saved when he meets such a dead girl.

"Avatar, I want to take another bath."

"OK, you wash it. I\'ll have a cigarette over there."

"No, you have to stay here and watch me wash."

Ziyan\'s stubborn eyes made Chu fan sit down on the bluestone on the bank, hold the smoke, look at the Ziyan in front of him, remove his clothes, fold them and put them next to Chu fan.

Her skin is white, tender and smooth, like a good lanolin white jade, emitting a glittering and translucent luster; The perfect figure of nearly 1.7 meters is concave and convex, and there is no scar on the body; With slender legs and tight feet, a pair of small jade feet, ten toenails like red cardamom, are fresher and natural than nail polish.

Chu fan\'s eyes were straight. The cigarette was in his mouth and was about to fall, but he didn\'t feel it. Beauty, too beautiful, not only the beauty of people, the key is the environment here. Under the dawn sunshine, purple smoke is like a bathing fairy. Although she is naked, she has a holy temperament all over her. It seems that she has a little evil thoughts and is blasphemous to her.

Ziyan smiled at him, walked slowly into the pond, stopped when the pond just passed the peaks in front of her chest, gently lifted up the water and washed it.


The cigarette finally fell down and almost burned a hole in Chu fan\'s clothes. He was so frightened that he quickly swept the cigarette end to the ground. It\'s all like this. What else are you pretending to be a saint? Let\'s take a mandarin duck bath first.

Gaga, little sister, brother is coming

But just as he was about to take off his clothes, there were suddenly two more people beside him - Song Wen and Tang Feifei.

"Wow, brother fan is peeping at the girls\' bath." Song Wen exaggerated and startled the purple smoke in the pool. She quickly lowered her head to the water and stared at the two unexpected guests.

Tang Feifei was more direct. He reached out and grabbed Chu fan\'s ear and said angrily, "well, I left my grandmother and me in the middle of the night. I thought you went to explore the way first. Unexpectedly, you are romantic and happy here. Do you deserve me?"

Chu Fan said with a bitter smile, "Feifei, you really misunderstood. This... This is an accident."

"Accident? If I\'m a little late, do you want to go down and wash with her?" Tang Feifei glanced at her, and her heart was even more sour. She couldn\'t help wringing on Chu fan\'s waist. "You playboy, where\'s the beautiful girl from? Say, what have you done to her?"

"Heaven and earth conscience, I really didn\'t do anything." Chu fan was so anxious that his forehead was sweating. He felt that he couldn\'t explain clearly even if he had ten mouths, but he really didn\'t do anything.

They were pestering here, but Song Wen squatted down and tried the water temperature. She was surprised and said, "the water is good. I also want to take a bath. Brother fan, let\'s take a bath together?"

And wash it together? Chu fan wanted to strangle the big breasted girl\'s neck and Qin her to death in the water. Success is not enough, failure is more than. You didn\'t come early or late. Why did you come here at this time? And brought Feifei here. It\'s not a pit. What am I?

Song Wen was stared at by Chu fan. She suddenly became nervous and said, "it\'s none of my business. Sister Feifei asked me to come. How did I know you were having an affair here?"

"Steal... Have an affair? I steal your sister... Hiss, hiss, easy, easy..." Chu fan grinned and begged for mercy. I can\'t help it. Who really makes a mistake this time.

"Stop!" Ziyan finally understood, walked slowly ashore from the water and said calmly, "it has nothing to do with Avatar. I want to take a bath and let him stay here."

Tang Feifei looked at her up and down and felt ashamed. The little girl was not old, but her skin was whiter and tender than her, and her figure was better than her. The most annoying thing was her face, which was even more beautiful than her.

No wonder he would fascinate the heartless, the whole little fox spirit.

"My name is Tang Feifei. I\'m Chu fan\'s fiancee." Tang Feifei was angry, but on the surface, she smiled like a spring breeze and extended her hand friendly.

Ziyan ignored her hand, grabbed her clothes to block her chest and said faintly, "my name is Ziyan, a little Miao girl in yingyue stronghold. Last night, I took a bath here with some friends and met a terrible monster. If avatar hadn\'t happened to pass by, our sisters might have been eaten by the monster."

Chu fan quickly explained, "it\'s a two winged ghost Jiao. It\'s very cruel. According to Ziyan\'s father, this two winged ghost Jiao is a pet kept by the great wizard of the moon worship sect. Here, it\'s very close to the Phoenix stronghold where the moon worship sect is located."

No wonder the little Miao girl will take a bath to show the heartless. She had seen it last night.

This is trouble!