The Cultivation Genius In City

Chapter 517

Ping Town, located in the south of Napo County, is about 70 kilometers away from the county. It is a border town between China and Vietnam.

In recent years, due to the vigorous development of border trade, the state has widened and rebuilt roads. In the town, it has also built some small factories such as primary medicinal material processing plants to obtain local materials, which has greatly increased the income of the local people.

In addition, because there are many mountainous areas and beautiful scenery along the border, local tourism resources have also been developed. Every year, many tourists come to the border town to enjoy the beautiful scenery and taste the most primitive ethnic delicious snacks.

Therefore, along the way, Chu fan kept praising and regretting that he didn\'t bring Su Yuan and them. Gradually, Dou Yutong\'s mood was much better. He constantly gave Chu fan guidance and introduction, and even told many folk allusions. He listened to Chu fan with relish.

Towards 4 p.m., the car finally drove slowly into Pingzhen. Many buildings were built on both sides of the road, but there were still many old houses filled with them. They didn\'t look new or old, a little nondescript.

"In the past, this was not the case here." Dou Yutong said with a gloomy look. "When I left home and went to Sichuan Province for college, there were only the town government and border posts. Now, everything has changed."

Chu fan comforted: "now that life is good, naturally we should improve our living conditions. Let\'s go. Where is your home?"

"Go ahead, the third intersection to the right."

Slowly, Chu fan drove his luxury car into the back street, drove into a narrow alley and stopped in front of a black painted iron gate. This is an old house built of three green bricks. The roof is that kind of small green tiles with moss on it. There is a vegetable garden in the yard, which is lush and planted a lot of green vegetables.

There is an electric tricycle in the corridor, with fishing nets, plastic baskets, scales and other objects on it. As soon as Chu fan got out of the car, a black local dog rushed over and barked at them across the door.

"Big black, don\'t cry!" Dou Yutong scolded. The big black dog was stunned and stared at Dou Yutong carefully. His two front paws were holding the iron door and sniffing fiercely, as if he smelled a familiar smell.

"Who are you looking for?" a middle-aged man with a dark and red face came out of the room, scolded the big black dog, came closer and opened the iron door.

He is LV Guangzhou, LV Wanqing\'s father. He is only 46 years old this year, but he is much older than his real age. With a slight bent back, he looks more like 64.

For a moment, Dou Yutong\'s tears came down. He hasn\'t seen them for several years. His father is much older, his waist is bent down, his face has wrinkles, and his hair is a lot white. I don\'t know how they came over these years.

"Woof, woof, woof!"

The big black dog barked at the two people, wagged his tail and came to Dou Yutong. He rubbed her legs very intimately. Dou Yutong squatted down. The big black dog immediately stretched out his tongue and licked her face, startling LV Guangzhou for fear that the big black dog would bite someone else\'s little girl.

Look at other people\'s cars and clothes. Don\'t mention a bite. He can\'t afford to pay for the bruise. If he bites the little girl\'s face, he can\'t pay for her life?

"Big black, big black... Sobbing!" Dou Yutong hugged the big black dog and burst into tears.

"Girl, you... Don\'t cry..."

LV Guangzhou was so anxious that his forehead was sweating that he didn\'t dare to pull Dou Yutong away. If he hadn\'t watched the big black dog grow from a puppy to a big one, he didn\'t think he had picked it up, and Dou Yutong came to find a dog.

At this time, a middle-aged woman, wearing an apron, came out of the room and asked from a distance, "what\'s the matter? Big black, big black, come back quickly."

The big black dog, who was usually obedient, turned a deaf ear this time. He stayed beside Dou Yutong obediently, rubbed his big head on Dou Yutong, and licked the tears on her face from time to time.

What\'s going on? Big black is usually fierce. Why are you so close to a strange little girl today?

Chu fan asked with a smile, "uncle, are you LV Wanqing\'s father? We are her classmates. When we came to travel this time, we remembered that Wan Qing once said that her home was in Pingzhen, so we listened all the way and found it."

"Oh, you are Wan Qing\'s classmates." Lv Guangzhou woke up like a dream and was about to invite them into the house, but suddenly he felt wrong. He pointed to Dou Yutong, who stood up with tears on his face, and said in surprise, "you..."

Chu fan hurried as like as two peas: "you don\'t know, she has a big black dog in her family. But in the last couple of days, the big black dog was killed by a car. She was sad, and she didn\'t eat or drink at home. So I took her out to distract myself. I didn\'t expect your dog to be very similar to the one she raised."

"Hehe, it\'s fate. My big black likes her very much." Lv Guangzhou dismissed his doubts and hurriedly said, "please come to the house. It\'s really rare. Wan Qing has been away for several years. You still remember to come to see me."

"Wait a minute, there are still some things in my car. Uncle, you can take them for me. It\'s quite a lot." Chu fan smiled and went to open the trunk. It\'s rice and noodles. It\'s good smoke, wine and meat.

Lv\'s mother happened to come over and immediately smiled: "Oh, come on, why do you buy so many things? I\'m really sorry to cost you."

"Yes!" Dou Yutong reluctantly smiled and took over two light gifts, while Chu fan carried a bag of rice, a bag of noodles, two barrels of oil and two bags of tea under his armpits.

LV Guangzhou took out an LCD TV from his car. He didn\'t know whether to move it into the house or not. Lv\'s mother\'s eyes glowed, hurriedly pushed her husband, and looked carefully in the car for fear of pulling something down.

Dou Yutong looked at it, the corners of his mouth tilted slightly, but his tears fell down again. I haven\'t seen you for years. My mother is still the same as before. She likes to take advantage and is snobbish.

But she didn\'t hate her mother, because she knew that her family, thanks to her mother\'s careful calculation, could let her go to college and have money to study. Her mother\'s power also wants her to live better. Don\'t live frugally all your life like her mother, but don\'t even have a decent jewelry.

After entering the house, Dou Yutong put down her things and quietly went to Westinghouse. That was the room where she lived. She wanted to go back and have a look. The door was unlocked. She pushed it gently and the door opened. Standing at the door, she couldn\'t help falling tears again. She covered her mouth and didn\'t let herself cry.

The room was as like as two peas in the room. It can be seen that the room is often cleaned, and the windows are bright and spotless. Even the quilt and sheets on the bed were used by her before she died.

On the desk beside the bed, there was a simple bookshelf made by her father. On it were her favorite books. She casually took a collection of prose poems. The bookmark page on it was still the place she had seen in those years.

There is also a picture frame on the desk. A young girl of eighteen or nine years old is carrying a schoolbag, wearing a ponytail, with a bright smile on her face and youthful vitality all over her body.

Dou Yutong couldn\'t help but pick up the picture frame and looked at the familiar and strange girl above. His thoughts returned to that day again. She was admitted to Sichuan University. Before leaving, she took this picture. Unexpectedly, this was the last picture she took.

"Wan Qing?"

A trembling voice came from behind, startled Dou Yutong, quickly put down the picture frame and turned around. Lv\'s mother was looking at her with tears in her eyes.

"Ah... Aunt, you recognize the wrong person." Dou Yutong reluctantly smiled, but her heart was dripping blood.

Obviously, she is her own biological parents, but she can\'t recognize each other. It can be seen that her parents still love her. Even if she dies, they never forget her.

"I\'m sorry!" Mrs. Lu quickly wiped her tears and explained, "just now, I saw your back. It\'s so similar to my family Wanqing. I thought... I thought my family Wanqing came back to see me."

Dou Yutong opened his mouth and almost couldn\'t help telling the truth. Fortunately, Chu fan came in and said in dismay, "aunt, hasn\'t wan Qing come back? Then she\'s too wrong. Even if she makes money, she can\'t forget her parents."

If Chu fan hadn\'t bought a TV and so many things, Lv\'s mother would have kicked him out. Wan Qing has been dead for several years. You two are her classmates. Do you know?

Without waiting for LV\'s mother to speak, Dou Yutong hurriedly said, "aunt, we haven\'t eaten all day. Can you prepare something for us? I want to eat your hand-made white cut chicken and snail powder. If there is fish, add a hot and sour fish."

"You also like to eat hot and sour fish?" Mrs. Lu wiped her tears and reluctantly smiled. "When Wanqing was alive, she liked the hot and sour fish I made. Every time she ate fish, she almost swallowed the fish bones. She couldn\'t eat enough... Hey, why do you say this? Wait, I\'ll make it for you."

When the door closed, Dou Yutong couldn\'t help it anymore. He threw himself into Chu fan\'s arms and sobbed silently. Her shoulders twitched and she cried very sad. Chu fan patted her on the back and whispered comfortingly, "don\'t cry. Isn\'t this a good thing? You see, your parents still love you very much and don\'t think you\'ve humiliated them. As for other things, just leave it to me. The key is cooperation. Do you understand?"

Dou Yutong stopped crying immediately, wiped away his tears and asked urgently, "how do you want me to cooperate?"

"First of all, find out the clothes you were wearing and put them on." Chu Fan said. When he opened the wardrobe, there were still a lot of clothes and school uniforms, which were obviously worn by LV Wanqing.

Clothes are folded neatly and covered with clean plastic cloth. There is not only no dust, but also a fresh smell. Needless to say, the clothes must be often taken out to dry and even cleaned. Otherwise, they won\'t last for a few years and won\'t have a musty smell.

Dou Yutong is still hesitating. Chu fan is in a hurry. He comes forward and picks off her clothes and finds out the most beautiful clothes to put on for her