The Cultivation Genius In City

Chapter 498

"Sit down!"

When he was about 50 meters away from the checkpoint, Chu fan suddenly roared, stepped on the brake and slammed the steering wheel.

The car with a speed of more than 100 miles made a violent friction sound and made a perfect 180 degree turn. Before the car stopped completely, Chu fan increased the accelerator again and rushed towards the road.

The driver of the police car was startled by the rushing car. He instinctively turned the rudder to avoid it. Just listening to the "bang", the police car was almost knocked over, and there was a bright spark on the left side of the car. After shaking, he drove away steadily and quickly.

Running out of several streets, there was no police car behind. Chu fan found a remote place, stopped the car, turned back and asked, "how are you two?"

"Bang, bang, bang!" Zheng Xueqi violently knocked on the door. Chu fan hurried out of the car and opened the door. The next moment, Zheng Xueqi staggered and jumped out of the car, holding the landscape tree on the side of the road and vomited wildly.

On the other side, pan Xue was no better. She retched a few times, looked pale, and took a few deep breaths before she felt much better.

Chu fan found a bottle of mineral water from the car, gave Zheng Xueqi a mouthwash and asked, "have you found the route to the seaside?"

"I found it just now. Unfortunately, when you drift, your mobile phone falls to the ground. It is estimated that it is broken." Pan Xue said helplessly.

Zheng Xueqi rinsed her mouth and drank two mouthfuls of water. Finally, she slowed down and reluctantly said, "I remember some. We can reach the seaside by walking the way we came before."

"But this road is blocked and can\'t get through."


Chu fan\'s eyes were firm. He asked the two women to get on the bus. Not far away, he stopped a taxi.

"Go to the beach!" Chu fan took out a handful of US dollars and stuffed them into the driver. At the same time, he took out the knife. There was scarlet blood on it. It wasn\'t dry yet.

The driver was frightened. He didn\'t dare to pick up the money thrown on him. He started his car trembling and drove towards the beach.

It\'s much more convenient for drivers who know the way. Although there are military and police checkpoints on the main road, the drivers are too familiar with the roads of the city. They easily detour to avoid the checkpoints and rush to the harbor as soon as possible.

In the air, the roar of the propeller from far to near. It was an armed helicopter flying at low altitude. The target was the harbor. Chu fan immediately stopped and ordered the driver to go somewhere else, as long as he could get to the beach.

To this end, Chu fan stuffed all his US dollars into the driver. There must be a brave man under the heavy reward. The driver also took the risk, quickly changed his way, made a big circle and went to a remote seaside.

"This is usually the place where stowaways land. It\'s absolutely hidden." the driver said in stiff Chinese, "brother, if you want to stowaway, I can help you contact the snake head, but..."

Grass, you really don\'t want to make money!

"Cut the crap. I have a boat."

Chu fan looked carefully for a few eyes and found nothing unusual. He resolutely asked the two women to get off the bus. Of course, he didn\'t forget to knock the driver out when he got off the bus. At this critical moment, it\'s already very kind not to kill him, but we can\'t spoil the great event because of our softness.

The seaside is here, but how to leave here makes Chu fan embarrassed. There are many stones on this beach, and there is no boat at all. If Chu fan himself is the only one, he can swim from the bottom of the sea, but Zheng Xueqi and her daughters can\'t. Even if they can breathe in the water, the cold sea water is not what their bodies can bear.

You have to get a boat, or

Chu fan took the two women and hid behind the tree. An armed helicopter roared over, hovered in the air for a week and landed slowly.

It was a taxi that brought them, but this is not necessarily a bad thing for Chu fan. It\'s better to take a helicopter without a boat.

Tell the two women to hide behind the tree. Chu fan bends down and is ready to attack. The helicopter didn\'t turn off, the cabin door opened, and six people jumped out of the cabin. They were all fully armed and stared at the taxi warily. They were divided into two groups, one left and one right, and walked carefully towards the taxi.

There are six people outside to check the situation. There are six people on guard in the cabin, plus the main driver and co pilot, a total of 14 people.

It\'s a little tricky!

Chu fan can easily kill the six outside, but when he starts, he is bound to attract the attention of the six people in the cabin. Pan Xue and Zheng Xueqi are right behind him. Can they not be exposed? Once they are exposed to each other\'s guns, it will be dangerous.

Chu fan is 60% sure that they dare not shoot pan Xue\'s two women, but he can\'t afford to bet. If you lose all your money, you can earn more. If you die, you can\'t save it.

Seeing that the six people are getting closer and closer to the taxi, Chu fan can\'t help sweating. Up to now, he has no other choice. If he doesn\'t do it, he will be found and become more passive at that time.

But at the moment Chu fan was ready to start, there was a sudden violent gunshot in the direction of the harbor. The six armed soldiers who had to go to the taxi and several people in the cabin all turned around to look at it.

Right now!

Chu fan, like a cheetah preying on prey, swished out, cut the throat of two soldiers with a sharp dagger in his hand, and cut the head of another soldier in half.

One move killed three people. His speed didn\'t stop at all. An arrow step crossed the top of the taxi, the dagger was waved again, another unlucky ghost was cut off his neck, and the other two were kicked in the chest by Chu fan, screamed and flew backward.

The scream finally revived several people in the cabin. At this time, Chu fan was about to rush to the mouth of the cabin. The soldiers close to the cabin quickly raised the muzzle. At this moment, the dagger in Chu fan\'s hand flew out and directly stabbed the man\'s heart. The next moment, Chu fan had rushed in.

When the distance was close, the gun became a burden. In terms of Kung Fu, Chu fan could beat 100 of them, almost a breath. The remaining five soldiers were knocked down by Chu fan\'s heavy hands and lost their combat effectiveness.

"Bang bang!"

Two shots were fired. Before Chu fan started, the two pilots and co pilots decisively shot themselves. The helicopter gradually stalled and the propeller stopped rotating.

"Grass, you are cruel!"

Chu fan was so angry that he threw out the two guys who would rather die than surrender and asked the two women to get on the plane, but he sat in the cockpit and faced a lot of buttons, but he was stunned and didn\'t know how to do it.

Nima, it\'s in vain!

"Or... I\'ll try?" Zheng Xueqi hesitated and asked in a low voice.

Chu fan was surprised and said, "can you fly a plane?"

"I\'ve driven my father\'s small plane several times. I haven\'t tried this, but I guess it should be similar?"

"Come on, just drive away!" Chu fan sits in the co pilot and gives the main driver\'s seat to Zheng Xueqi.

In the cabin, pan Xue pushed a half dead guy down with great effort. She couldn\'t move the rest. She simply unloaded the gun and their grenades, daggers and other weapons and armed them on her own.

She was a weak woman with a gun, a string of grenades on her waist, two daggers tied to her legs, and threw one to Zheng Xueqi. Chu fan couldn\'t pull it out and was still stuck on the soldier\'s forehead.

Wearing the soldier\'s helmet, pan Xue seemed to be a beautiful female soldier. She turned her back to Chu fan and pointed a gun at several soldiers who fainted on the ground. In addition to being nervous, she even had some excitement.

This is the real-life combat version of CS, which is better than doing that with men. It\'s exciting!

In the distance, the sound of police sirens came whistling, and the flashing lights on the top of the police car could be seen.

Chu Fan said anxiously, "Xueqi, can you do it? If you don\'t go, we will be surrounded."

As soon as the voice fell, Zheng Xueqi pressed a red button, and the propeller of the helicopter just stopped rotated again, faster and faster.

When the police car was 500 meters away from them, the helicopter finally left the ground and slowly rose to mid air. Although it shook a little, it flew after all.

"Bang Bang..."

A series of gunshots came from below, knocking the body. Fortunately, the steel plate at the airport is thick enough, otherwise, the steel plate will have to be pierced by bullets.

The helicopter rises higher and higher, but how to move forward? Zheng Xueqi hasn\'t found out yet. Chu fan can\'t wait. He jumps over from the co pilot position, pulls two grenades from Pan Xue, shakes his hand from the open cabin door and throws them at the police car below.

"Boom! Boom!"

There were two loud noises below, the flames rose more than ten meters high, the gunfire was suddenly muted, two police cars were blown up, and countless people were killed and injured. Chu fan can only sympathize with this. Who let you chase me? Actually, I don\'t want to kill you either.

Finally, Zheng Xueqi felt about the helicopter, shook the fuselage, lowered the nose and raised the tail slightly, and quickly drove towards the Western sea at this inclined angle.

From here to the west, it is Huaxia. If the road is unimpeded, you can return to the nearest coastal city of Huaxia in about two hours. Unfortunately, how can there be such an easy thing?

About ten minutes after the helicopter took off, several armed helicopters took off from the coast of Japan and quickly chased Chu fan.

Although it is the same type of helicopter, Zheng Xueqi is a novice after all. It is impossible for those professional drivers to drive fast. According to this speed, they will be caught up in less than 20 minutes.

"Brother Chu, what shall we do now?" Zheng Xueqi asked anxiously.

She saw more clearly. If she went on like this, she would be caught up sooner or later. At that time, it would only take a round of heavy fire attack. The three of them, together with the plane, would have to be blown up.


Chu fan died of depression. In the air, he had no courage at all. He could only watch himself as a target, but he didn\'t even have the ability to fight back.

Suddenly, he saw more than a dozen sets of diving equipment in the cabin. Chu fan immediately brightened his eyes and excitedly ordered: "Xueqi, reduce the height and fly close to the sea level..."