The Cultivation Genius In City

Chapter 231

In Chu fan\'s eyes, a woman wearing a white nurse\'s uniform, a mask and a nurse\'s hat pushed a car full of drugs into the ward.

The two policemen on the hospital bed, their hands locked at the head of the bed by handcuffs, looked at the ceiling dejectedly and ignored the arrival of the nurse.

The nurse approached them, changed a bottle of medicine for them respectively, carefully arranged the quilt for them, and Shi ran pushed the car out.

Chu fan\'s eyes blinked, and the two policemen who were no different suddenly breathed quickly. They stared at their bloodshot eyes and beat the bed board with their hands and feet. Soon, the police ran in and immediately ran out.

After a while, a group of doctors came in a hurry, but by this time, the two policemen on the hospital bed had been motionless, their eyes widened, and their seven orifices bled to death.

Before five minutes, Chu fan opened the door and came out. He said to Xu junchuo, "take me to the place where I found the nurse\'s clothes."

"OK, come with me." Xu junchuo didn\'t ask him what he wanted to do, but if he couldn\'t find the murderer... Hum, how can I embarrass you.

Soon, they came to the outside of the hospital building. Behind a tree in the corner, Xu Jun pointed out: "here, find it yourself."

With that, she hugged her shoulder and stared at Chu fan coldly to see what clues he could find.

Chu fan holds a flashlight in his hand, but it\'s just a decoration. He can\'t use it at all. But now he needs it to cover himself up.

Xu junchuo was staring at him. Unexpectedly, Chu fan pointed the flashlight at her eyes. The strong light stabbed her, quickly closed her eyes, blocked the strong light with her hand, and angrily said, "asshole, where are you going?"

"Hey hey, elder sister, you are becoming more and more beautiful." Chu fan uses the strong light to flash, and launches the advanced ability of perspective eye again: recall!

There was a dazzling white light in his eyes, and the female nurse in white appeared in his sight again. She quickly took off her nurse\'s clothes, took off her mask and hat and threw them on the ground, revealing her true face.

Shit, it\'s a man.

Chu fan stared in disbelief and watched him take down his eyelashes and bra, put them in a black plastic bag, and even changed his shoes.

The whole process took no more than three minutes. Originally, a slim female nurse changed into a handsome man. He looked no more than thirty years old, with beautiful eyes and fashionable clothes. With headphones in his ears and a little tune in his mouth, he walked slowly towards the outside of the hospital.

"Hey, did you find the murderer?" Xu junchuo asked impatiently.

She just wanted to ridicule him. Our police couldn\'t find a clue. Can you find it as a layman? Pretending, I really thought you were omnipotent?

But she never thought that Chu fan nodded: "found it!"

"What? Have you found a clue?" Xu junchuo stared with disbelief and asked quickly, "tell me, what did you find?"

"It\'s no use saying that. Go to the monitoring room and I\'ll help you find out the murderer." Chu Fan said, taking the first step and walking quickly towards the hospital building.

Soon, they came to the surveillance room and retrieved the surveillance video during the incident.

"Stop!" Chu fan stares at the picture, suddenly shouts, then points to the female nurse of the suspect appearing on the picture and says, "look carefully, is he male or female?"

"Of course it\'s a woman... Er, a man?" Xu junchuo leaned close to the monitor and looked carefully. Suddenly he said excitedly, "a man, it must be a man. Look at his neck. There\'s an Adam\'s apple on it. It must be a man."

Several old policemen behind him nodded secretly. When they looked at Chu fan again, their eyes were full of admiration. No wonder people can become major at a young age. Just this insight and care are not comparable to ordinary people.

I wonder. We looked over and over several times and didn\'t find it. How did he see it?

"Chu fan, how did you see it?" this major discovery made Xu junchuo in a good mood. He couldn\'t help patting Chu fan on the shoulder, and finally showed an appreciative smile on his face.

Chu Fan said faintly, "in fact, it\'s no big deal. As long as you look at the monitoring carefully, it\'s not difficult to find out who left during the time when the nurse brother left, and then check who came in..."

"The person who didn\'t enter the hospital is the murderer." Xu junchuo said excitedly.

The murderer came in disguised as a nurse, so when he came, the figure he left must be a female nurse. But when he left, he changed to his true colors. Therefore, the man who did not leave to enter the hospital for monitoring must be the murderer.

On this big night, there were not many people entering the hospital, and there were fewer men. In less than half an hour, several locked the suspect, input his screenshot into the public security system, and soon found out his identity information.

"Doctor?" Xu junchuo exclaimed, obviously unexpected.

Chu fan glanced over and saw all the information about the murderer: doctor, his real name is Liu Cheng, a silver murderer in the killer organization black knife.

"Liu Cheng, whose ancestral home is northeast China, returned to a hospital in his hometown in Northeast China after graduating from Medical University and became a surgeon. With exquisite surgery and accurate medication, he soon became a famous doctor in the hospital."

Xu junchuo said with a shudder: "he is too conceited and extreme. Because the woman he likes married a rich second generation, he has a grudge. He even used the medical knowledge he learned to poison the whole family of the rich second generation and peel off the whole face of the woman he likes."

Chu fan was a little creepy. Killing is not terrible. What\'s terrible is that his crazy means is too cruel. Even if your girlfriend breaks up with you, you can kill her at most. Is it worth peeling her face? If it was stripped alive, the means would be more cruel.

"Since then, Liu Cheng has disappeared. The police wanted him all over the country for three years. There has been no news of him. He didn\'t appear again until three years later. This time, he went so far as to kill three millionaires in the hospital."

"In the process of chasing Liu Cheng, he was obstructed by the black knife organization and ran away by Liu Cheng. Later, it was the news from the military secret service organization that Liu Cheng had joined the black knife and became a silver killer, code named \'doctor\'."

Xu junchuo took a deep breath: "there has been no news of Liu Cheng for more than a year. The police thought he had gone abroad. Unexpectedly, he was still at home and dared to commit a crime. This time, we have to catch him."

"Take your time, I\'ll go first." Chu fan got the information he wanted, and there was no need to stay. As for Liu Cheng, he won\'t expect the police. When they find out, the cauliflower will be cold.

Chu fan went out of the hospital, followed Liu Cheng\'s footsteps, came outside and watched him get on a black car.

"Elder sister, help me check a black Volkswagen car. It seems to be imported Huiteng. The license plate number is\' Chuan a * * * *". Chu fan called Xu junchuo at the door of the hospital.

After about ten minutes, Xu junchuo quickly ran out, directly opened the door, drilled in, pulled out his seat belt, fastened it, and said, "open it, go to the provincial capital."

"Elder sister, you don\'t have to go?"

"Stop talking nonsense. You can\'t get rid of me this time."

Chu fan had no choice but to drive straight to Chengdu, the capital of Sichuan Province. On the way, Xu junchuo called Su Yuan and told her that he and Chu fan had gone to Sichuan Province, which solved Chu fan\'s worries.

More than two hours\' drive, Chu fan arrived in only an hour and a half. According to Xu junchuo\'s instructions, the two turned around seven times and came to the door of a hotel.

"Look, is it that car?" Xu junchuo saw a black car parked in the parking lot. Chu fan looked carefully. Yes, it was the one he saw at the door of the hospital. It was not bad at all.

This guy is so brave that he didn\'t even change his car. I guess I didn\'t expect to be exposed. What\'s more, the police will find here so soon.

However, after Chu fan started the advanced ability of perspective eye - recalling, he couldn\'t help frowning.

A man and a woman came down from the car. The man was the driver who picked up Liu Cheng, and the woman didn\'t know who it was. Chu fan is not sure whether she was in the car or on the way. But one thing is certain. Liu Cheng got off on the way and ran away.

"Let\'s go!" Chu fan jumped out of the car and strode towards the hotel. Behind him, Xu junchuo hurried to prepare the gun and chased up nervously and excitedly.

Liu Cheng, that\'s the most wanted criminal in the country. He has at least ten lives on his back. If he catches him, it\'s a great achievement. Hey, hey, with this credit, you may be transferred to the Sichuan Provincial Public Security Department and the serious case team.

As soon as Xu junchuo entered the hotel, he heard the waiter at the front desk say politely, "I\'m sorry, sir, the guest rooms are full."

"I\'m looking for a friend." Chu fan smiled. "Wang Wenxiong in room 604, you can check it."

The waiter immediately looked for the check-in. At a glance, the registered name of room 604 was indeed Wang Wenxiong. He immediately smiled and politely stretched out his hand: "please help yourself, sir. If you need anything, just call the front desk."

"Thank you!" Chu fan smiled and walked towards the elevator. Behind him, Xu junchuo was confused. However, he still took Chu fan\'s arm and followed him into the elevator.

When the elevator door closed, Xu junchuo couldn\'t wait to ask, "how do you know which room they live in, even the registered name?"