The Crown Prince I'm Raising Has Turned Evil

Chapter 99

Thousands of dead water bandits on her side were named the legendary Sun God. Qin Jue defeated 30000 people with 6000 people, so don't you be praised?

Speaking of her cousin, Yu Ran Xiang's expression relaxed a lot, she said with a gentle smile.

"Other people say that my cousin is the reincarnation of the God of war, so I solved the dilemma. However, my cousin seems to dislike other people's preaching like this, which has been strictly prohibited. He also said that we should not publicize this incident. If anyone comes after us to inquire where the rebels have gone, we should not know."

Xie Linlang thought for a while and thought that Qin Jue was right.

Although the noise this time is quite big, it is impossible to completely suppress it, but Qin Jue can make their reputation not too far off the mark.

After all, it is not a good thing to have too much fame. Although they are in the border city, even if they have a reputation, they can't spread to the capital. However, they should be cautious. Her purpose is to make a big fortune with a dull voice, and Qin Jue's purpose is to do things with a dull voice. In a word, they all need to keep a low profile.

Br > "since I know the operation principle, I just don't think it's a good idea for me to help her! Miss Yu doesn't have to be restrained. She often goes out for a walk. If Qin Jue and I don't have time, you can go to Xiaoxi. He's basically in the house. You're right to look for him. "

Xie Linlang finished, ready to leave, but Yu Ran Xiang suddenly stepped forward and took her hand.

Xie Linlang was surprised! Without waiting for her to speak, Yu Ran Xiang put a small sachet into her hand and whispered.

"I saw that the weather was hot and dry, so I specially asked my cousin to give me some cool fragrance to relieve the heat, and made some sachets. This is for you. I think you can smell it when you are in the sun. It has the effect of refreshing and refreshing."

After she finished, she let go of her hand. Xie Linlang saw that there were no embroideries or words on the sachet except Qingyun Baihe. She thought it was just an ordinary sachet, so she took it.

"Well! Thank you very much for your sachet. I'll give you another one next time I make something interesting

"Well." Yu ranxiang nods with a smile, and then sees Xie Linlang leave.

Until Xie Linlang walked away, she took back her eyes and sighed.

Under the curtain cap, others can't see her face clearly, so they don't know what she looks like.

At this time, on the corridor outside the courtyard, Qin Jue went outside the mansion while listening to Zhao Youde's report on the tin workshop.

As a result, he ran into this scene, and he felt uncomfortable.

At this time, Zhao Youde sighed, "is that Miss Yu? It is said that Miss Yu is a cousin of Mr. Xie. She came here because of the disaster in her hometown. Now it seems that they both have a play! "

Zhao Youde said, sending out the obscene laughter of "Hey, hey, hey." this cousin is a perfect match, and Mr. Xie is also 15 years old. It's time to get married. "

Qin Jue pursed her lips and suddenly glanced at him, which made Zhao Youde shrink his neck and shut his mouth.

It's strange that he didn't say anything wrong just now, isn't it Is Mr. Qin jealous? Because he is still alone, and Mr. Xie already has a cousin?

It's really confusing.

Qin Jue gave him the account book in his hand, and said coldly, "the tin workshop will reopen tomorrow. You should pay special attention to it as a steward. In addition, the production has been delayed due to the war. In order not to violate the agreement of the commercial bank, the production will be increased in the next month. You are not fake."

"Ah..." Zhao Youde's eyes widened. As a steward, he has a day off every week to relax and relax. As a result, he has to raise his production and not to say "overtime". Although Mr. Xie said that there would be "overtime pay" for overtime work, he still felt sorry for himself

On the other side, Xia Junshu comes out of the Buddhist temple and sees Yu ranxiang sitting in the courtyard, embroidering something. On the table in front of her is a pile of repaired purse bags. This is the first time that she has picked up a needle to make something.

Xia Junshu's heart can't help but thump. In the past, her daughter was a little fond of the prince, so she kept running after the prince. However, after the incident, she didn't dare to get close to him, especially men.

Not only that, she also grinds every hairpin of her own into a sharp point, as if she is going to pull it out to kill people at any time.

But in the face of Xie Linlang, her daughter can't help but relax her vigilance, and she will stay up for several nights to make sachets for Xie Linlang Such she, should not be moved?

Xia Junshu is worried.

After thinking about it, she sat down beside her daughter and said with great care.


"Well?" Yu Ran Xiang, who was embroidering a handkerchief, did not reply.

"Are you Do you like Mr. Xie? "

Yu ranxiang's action is a sudden meal!

In her own yard, she didn't wear a curtain cap. On her emaciated face, a pair of eyes seemed to be particularly big, which was very painful to watch.She said with a smile after a while.




Yu Ran Xiang put down her needle and thread, looked at the sky and said, "how can a woman like me deserve to be married? What's more, people like Mr. Xie Mother, you didn't see his heroic appearance on the wall. He was so arrogant and decisive that I didn't even dare to think about what kind of talent is worthy of him. "

Hearing what she said, Xia Junshu's heart suddenly hurt. If nothing happened, her daughter could match anyone she wanted. Why did god treat them like this? How innocent are these women?

Xie Linlang holding a box was supposed to knock on the door, but the conversation inside made her stunned.

Is Yu ranxiang interested in her?

She didn't say it because she didn't think she was worthy?

This makes Xie Linlang feel a little unbearable.

If she was a man, she might even rush in and say, "I marry."

But she is a woman, so she can't delay her family. She has to nip out this sign as soon as possible

Only she had to find a way to get the best of both worlds, not to hurt people, but also to let the little girl out of the shadow.

She is very good, but she can't delay her life because of a few scum.

Decided, she wants to guide the little girl to rise!

For a while, the whole government was immersed in a terrible low pressure!

Xie Linlang drags Yu Ran Xiang, who does not want to go out every day, to go shopping and go out for an outing in the countryside. Qin Jue is naturally responsible for the affairs of the government and even the city.

Qin Jue was a little guilty. She felt that she had come back too late, which put too much pressure on Xie Linlang. Therefore, during this period of time, he deliberately took on all the affairs, just to let her relax and relax.

But he just want to let Xie Linlang steal a lazy just, not let her pester his cousin every day!

Just listening to the "click" sound, Qin Jue's brush suddenly turned into two pieces. The servants passing by outside the study could not help shrinking their necks and doubting whether the weather had changed. , the fastest update of the webnovel!