The Creed of an Avenger

V1.C3 Meeting Eri, Uneasiness

The girl seized Leo\'s without a second thought and climbed up. She raised her head and stared at him with eyes devoid of any light — he really knew those eyes — they lacked any happiness, only feeling anguish and despair.

Leo sat at the edge and patted the space beside him. The girl followed his gesture and sat down tiredly.

"You didn\'t come here to see the view, did you?" he asked in Japanese.

Only silence greeted him. He closed his eyes, the sound of running water calmed his mind.

Seconds passed in minutes, people down there looked at two and ignored them. One boy tried to shout, asking them to stop but nobody paid him any attention.

Unable to take the silence anymore, the girl asked, "Why?"

He lowered his head and gazed at the steadily flowing water. "My parents were killed… when I was six … I wanted to … but I couldn\'t … I made my choice and I don\'t like the look on your face... It reminds me of my mother."

He didn\'t know why but he wanted to tell her about it when he saw those empty eyes.

"I\'m sorry."

"Can you talk about it now?" he asked in a soft voice.

She nodded her head. "Otou-san died protecting me when I was five. Okaa-san abused me every day after that. I still thought this will e-e-end one day and my gentle mother will be ba-ack ... b-but she married anot-ther man. T-That man … lusted after m-me. I only hoped to be ignored. That man tried to ... when mom was out. I s-screamed … and he was arrested. I told O-Okaa-san ... but she ... s-slapped me … \'How d-dare you seduce t-that ... I… I..."

She choked up as streams of tears flowed down her cheeks, just recalling her past stirred deep emotions inside her.

Her painful sobs evoked something inside Leo. His heart empathized with the girl in front. He found himself unable to look away from the girl.

What the hell am I doing? Didn\'t I swear to avenge my parents?

But, she also suffered, even more than me... Maybe we can...

His emotions and reason clashed inside his head. In the end, his deep emotions came on top.

"All I can say is... Life is a precious thing even with all the absurdities in it." his voice turned gentle. "Do you need my help?"

"H-Help me, please… I don\'t want to go back... to that home anymore," she said and cried loudly.

He placed his hand on hers and dialed his uncle\'s number with the other.

"What\'s up kid?"

"Uncle, I have a favor to ask."

"Just tell me kiddo."

"I want you to adopt a girl. She is a friend of mine. Her mother abuses her, so please help her."

"You are one hell of a kid to pick up a chick in one day. I\'m envious."

"Stop joking, Uncle."

"Yeah, yeah, I\'ll do it. But she\'ll be adopted by a female friend in Japan. Is she okay with that?"

Putting his phone on hold, he asked, "You wanna get adopted by a woman?"

She hesitated a little, he caressed her hair. "Don\'t worry, just tell me if anyone bullies you. I\'ll come and beat them up."

She smiled, her face covered in tears and snot. Still, that smile was of a pure-hearted girl.

"Thank you."

"I\'m Leo, and you?"

"Nakamura Eri, please call me Eri," she stood and bowed.

"Let\'s go to your new home," he said with a smile.

They went home and slept like logs, feeling each other\'s warmth.


Next day…

The two were woken by a loud sound. Leo opened the door. A beautiful blonde woman stood there in a professional black suit, her long blonde tied into a clean ponytail. She appeared to be in her early twenties.

The woman\'s look down on him as her lips twisted into a condescending smile. "You nephew of that geezer?"

His lips twitched in response. "Uncle Max sent you?"

The woman responded by firming her stance and sending her curled fist toward him. Leo tilted his head, dodging the punch and grabbed her wrist.


Her cries went ignored as Leo whirled around and pulled her hand with all his might. The woman was lifted and thrown, crashing with her back against the ground.

"Ouch! that\'s no way to treat a beautiful lady."

He snorted at her words. "I\'ve never seen a narcissistic woman like you."

"Jeez, you won\'t be able to get a woman for yourself lik—" she paused and looked at the cute girl peeking from the door. "You already got one at home, huh."

"You\'re going to adopt her," he said in a cold voice.

"Kids nowadays are so violent and cold," she sighed, acting like an old woman. "Girl, you wanna live with me?"

Eri glanced at Leo and nodded her head.

"Don\'t worry, I\'ll also come here occasionally. She\'ll die before she tries anything funny."

Eri nodded her head. His overprotectiveness induced a warm and fuzzy feeling in her heart.

Leo turned to the blonde woman. "What about her education?"

"About that, she will go to her school like before. No need to change her school or anything. This apartment looks nice, I\'ll crash here with y\'all."

"Shameless woman," both of them replied together.

Her brows twitched at being called shameless. "How about an introduction, I\'m Maria."




After this, Eri became a normal student. Maria taught some of her self-defense techniques to Eri. The woman was shameless yet quite perceptive. It didn\'t take long for her to win Eri\'s heart and become a sister figure to Eri.

Eri voice wasn\'t gloomy anymore. She also grew her hair, nobody knew the reason except Maria.

Leo went on another mission a week later. She sent him off with a smile, he knew she was sad. he gave her a hug and kissed her forehead.

He stared at Maria with eyes filled with coldness. "I\'ll kill you if anything happens to her."

Maria\'s face twitched in response. "Brat, you wait."


His missions were all over the world. He went from country to country, killing scum of the Apocalypse.

He came back to Japan tired and broken inside. He still couldn\'t believe the things he witnessed, the dark side of society. He went to sleep, completely exhausted.

He woke up greeted by a fragrance. Maria was hugging him tightly, nearly suffocating him. He tried to free himself.

His attempt woke her up and she squeezed him tighter in her embrace.

"I don\'t know what you saw out there, kid, but stay strong. That girl looks up to you more than you ever know, think about her feelings if she sees you like this."

He released himself from her grasp and nodded his head. His cold gaze softened a little. "Thanks, shameless woman."

Maria was a bit amazed by this kid\'s mentality. She knew about his goals to bring down an organization, her heart ached to see a child like him suffering. But she knew nothing would stop him now, the fire of hatred inside him would only burn wilder if she suppressed it.

"You\'re welcome, Leo."

Leo promised to never let Eri see him like this. He hated to see her cry. He hated the one who made her cry.

"I\'m going out."

Nobody noticed the girl outside escaping in a hurry.


Years went by, Leo spent all his time with Eri when he wasn\'t on his mission. They played games together, went on several dates and did lots of things together. Eri was really a book freak. She had filled her room with Japanese Manga, even Maria got addicted to them. He also read a few, but he was more of an RPG lover. He was really grateful to her and Maria, the trio really became close enough to call each other family.

Eri made many friends in high school. She looked more mature and beautiful with her long black hair and brown eyes. She became one of the idols in her school and had many friends. He met them, they were all good kids except one.

On the other hand, he also found the intel about his parent\'s killer, Robert and his right-hand man, James.

But, that is a story for a later time.


Leo was about to board the flight back to Japan.

*Bzzzt!* *Bzzzt!*

His phone vibrated inside his pocket, he apologized to the hostess with a smile and answered the call.

"Hello, Uncle…"

"How are you? Did you complete the mission?"

"What happened?"

"Nothing, it\'s just..."

"Just cut to the chase."

"Eri and her classmates disappeared."

He furrowed his brows. "How?"

"This happened yesterday, nobody saw them getting out of school, even CCTV footage has nothing. We are searching for a hidden exit in school, there is nothing like that here."

"Call me if you find her," He hung up and touched his heart.

For some reason, his heart thumped wildly inside his chest, an uneasiness creeping around his mind.

He was interrupted by another call, it was Maria this time.

"Kid, are you okay? Don\'t worry about Eri, this lady will find her, even if it breaks my bones. Just stay strong and believe in me."

Her worried voice conveyed through the phone, it only strengthened his premonition further.

"Thanks for the help, don\'t push yourself too much Maria," he said, his voice containing a hint of care.

Maria, on the other side of the phone, noticed a change in his tone. "Look, who is finally caring about this lady."

"It\'s not like I hated you…  after that," he whispered the last part and hung up.

Maybe I should start the plan now.

He hated this plan after finding a family but every time he wanted to stop, the nightmares pulled him back. He feared that \'The Apocalypse\' would bare their fang at his family someday. So, he decided to root them out of the place, in other words, a final battle to eradicate them. Only the future will decide the survivor or maybe both sides will perish.

He decided to spread rumors about the book to lead Robert to himself. It was his last gamble to lure him out, and it was successful.

Robert made his entry, only to be blasted to smithereens. He never knew Leo had this deep thirst for revenge.