The Claimed Omega

Chapter 43 - Hurricane Seo 2

\'FUCK!\' Minwoo is caught by surprise at the weak, yet forceful swing of the alarm clock against his left forehead. His brain buzzes a bit which is enough to break him from his drunken state. \'Shit… Wonho…\'

\'Get away from me… Bastard…\' The omega is crying as he hits Minwoo over and over with the clock, his grip shaky, such as his whole body. His hits are desperate yet powerless and Minwoo can just feel that helplessness of the broken man beneath him. \'Die!! Die!!!\'

\'Oh my god…Wonho…I\'m sorry…I didn\'t… shit.\' Minwoo stares at Wonho who has already hid his face with his forearm while continuing to hit him with the clock, mumbling words of despair. He feels something tightening around his waist and looks down to see Wonho\'s pale legs, trying to shut himself.

Shocked at his own position above the man, he brings Wonho\'s knees together and pushes it upwards so he can move away from his spot. And as he did that, Wonho turns to his side in a fetal position, still gripping the device in his hands as if it is his lifesaver.

The broken man\'s knuckles had turned white from clenching the clock, yet the grip is too weak Minwoo has no problem prying the clock away before throwing it on the floor. Wonho\'s pheromones are still as strong and Minwoo is afraid that he might be reduced to the state earlier any time soon. He needs to act fast. But he cannot bear forcing the fragile figure that is shaking violently beneath him.

\'Wonho… It\'s me. Minwoo.\' He tries talking hesitantly, wanting to get Wonho\'s attention. The man continues muttering curse words and other desperations, as if he isn\'t aware of Minwoo\'s presence anymore. As if he had shut himself off. Shaking his head violently to distract himself from his instinct, Minwoo turns Wonho towards him and searches for his eyes - they are almost empty. \'It\'s Kim Minwoo from the medic team. Remember? Hey, focus. It\'s me.\'

\'Don\'t touch me…Die!! Bastard!!!!\'



\'WONHO, LOOK AT ME!!!\' Minwoo growls loudly as he grips Wonho\'s cheeks with his right hand and forces him to look at him. The latter\'s eyes shaky and out of focus, Wonho whimpers and becomes silent, responding to the command obediently. Shocked at his own action, Minwoo catches his breath when the omega finally stops struggling.

\'Let me go….\' He begs weakly, his voice trembling.

\'I can\'t. It\'s dangerous… Owh Won-, I\'m…\' he wipes the tears from the pale cheeks, \'It\'s going to be okay…\'

\'Please don\'t…\' Wonho shuts his eyes again, trying to stop the flowing liquid. He feels pathetic, begging like this, crying like this. Weak. \'No more. Not again. Please. Not again….\'

\'Open your eyes Wonho.\' Minwoo asks softly before shutting his own and resting their forehead together to distract himself from his own selfish needs. He clenches his teeth and feels a light shake from the man pinned beneath him. \'Hey, look at me. It\'s me. Minwoo. You\'re safe.\'

The oppressed man suddenly starts to sob hard, hugging Minwoo as tight as he can, trying to bring the man as close as possible. Minwoo bites his inner mouth as their distance shortens, the omega\'s scent challenging him to take action while the owner begging him to control his demons. \'Minwoo…\'

\'Yes. That\'s right…\' He brings his chin above Wonho\'s head instead, trying to breathe in different air, hoping it will lessen his lust.

\'Minwoo….\' The alpha breathes hard. This is impossible. \'Minwoo… don\'t let them take me again… please..\'

\'They won\'t come near you as long as I\'m here okay?\' Minwoo licks his lips as he sees the other nods. \'Now, let me take care of you.\'

\'Please don\'t hurt me… I don\'t want….\'

Minwoo pecks those lips lightly, shortly, not breaking eyes contact. He places more kisses, hoping to calm the omega down.

\'It\'ll be fine. Hushh now…\' He continues comforting the man. His erection is still raging, and he doesn\'t know how long he will be conscious anymore. And it scares him just as much. \'I don\'t wanna hurt you. I just wanna make you feel better… you\'re in pain right? Hurm?\'

\'It hurts so much…\' Wonho replies between his heavy pants. He is almost at the verge of unconsciousness from exhaustion.

\'I can make it go away. You want that?\' A nod of assurance and Minwoo claims those lips hungrily before placing himself back to his favourite position – between an omega\'s legs.

\'I\'ll be gentle.\' He hisses before positioning the head in front of Wonho\'s entrance, only to be clamped as the man, yet again, attempts to close his knees. \'What\'re yo-?\'

\'Minwoo… I don\'t want it. I don\'t want it inside. Please don\'t force me….\' His tears flow like a river as he mutters those words. It breaks alpha, he can just hear the desperation in that shaky voice. As annoyed and desperate as he is, he doesn\'t want to do it like this. But he doesn\'t want to leave Wonho alone either. The man wants to be helped, and Minwoo wants to be inside him. So badly.

So, fucking badly.

\'I won\'t put it in. Shh….\' He bites his lips so hard it bled while cursing his situation. His throbbing erection is already hurting him. There is only one other way he can do this. \'You need to be entered. I\'ll-\'

\'NO!! NOTHING! NO-umphhh!\'

Minwoo kisses the frightened man, pushing his lips hard, wanting access. He needs distraction from his own body and that is the only way he can do so - by busying himself in the paradise that is Wonho\'s soft, wet and sweet mouth. He licks the tightened jaws, pecks that twitching nose, hoping to relax his nerve but to no avail. Finally feeling hopeless, Minwoo sucks on those smooth neck he always wanted to bite, making slurping sound as he kisses and licks, leaving trails all over.

\'nnAAAhhh!\' He hears those heavenly moans and quickly places his tongue inside, clashing their lips together. Wonho tries to push him away but finds himself getting intoxicated by the taste of the alpha\'s mouth instead. Wanting more, his own tongue fights to explore the other\'s.

Minwoo reluctantly breaks their passionate kiss, staring at the omega\'s befuddled state. \'I need to be inside you.\'

Wonho shakes his head again, his eyes wide.

\'It won\'t hurt. I promise.\' Minwoo goes down for another peck, gritting his teeth as he feels his hard-on hitting Wonho\'s bottom. He moves to his side, allowing the other to finally close his shaky legs. \'Trust me.\'