The Claimed Omega

Chapter 40 - First Heat 3

Minwoo almost pissed himself looking at the figure sitting in the corner of the wall, rocking back and forth. Wonho has cocooned himself with Minwoo\'s black blanket, and is just sitting there, breathing heavily. He doesn\'t seem to realize the other\'s presence, or he is completely ignoring it. And this confuses Minwoo so much he just stands there staring. \'W-what are you doing?\'

There is a shake of what Minwoo assumes is his head and Minwoo frowns. This is really weird. It is as if Wonho really has no idea what is happening to him even though Minwoo has told him a few times already. Most omegas would already start to masturbate once they reach somewhere safe, or they would already make a move on any alpha available to help them get through the heat.

This is the first time Minwoo encounter someone who covers themselves in a blanket and just sits there doing nothing. Is that even possible?

\'Wonho… let me ask you again. Do you know what\'s happening to you?\' Another shake and Minwoo closes his eyes in disbelief. This is preposterous.

\'You gotta be kidding me… are you fucking serious? I told you a few times already! Why didn\'t it register in that brain of yours?\' He lets his head fall down front and closes his eyes, breathing in deeply to gain his cool.

\'Is this seriously your first time? What are you? A new omega or something? Like for real?\' He asks, half sarcastically because he is convinced this is all some sort of plan to get Minwoo to sleep with him so he can ask for something back. Nobles are wealthy people after all, and everybody knows that.

A shy nod and Minwoo lets out his breath. \'What? A new omega? Seriously?\'

The alpha rubs his face and pushes his hair back to think. It is possible, because Wonho had no scent before today. In fact, Minwoo only started to smell what he initially thought was the omega\'s \'shampoo\' a few months back but that too, was only sometimes.

He has no clue how omega presents so that could be it; their scents showing bit by bit before the day they fully become complete omega. He cannot be sure about that hypothesis but decides to give Wonho the benefit of the doubt.

That being said, he has another problem at hand now. How the hell does one tell someone to keep touching themselves for about a week without sounding like a creep? How does one even explain about heat to someone?

Minwoo gets out of the room to escape the suffocating sex pheromones and walks around the living room in circles to think clearly. What do all omegas do during their first heat? He never asked anybody that question because everyone seems to know what they are doing and he just assumes they knew it from the start. But apparently, he is wrong.

He needs to consult someone. An omega. Maybe asks the omega to talk to Wonho and guide him. That should be for the best.

He scrolls his phone book for any omega numbers. All he has is Seungyeun\'s, his mother and grandmothers\'. Minwoo laughs. Who would have thought the great Kim Minwoo has no local omega\'s number when his phone in Europe was filled with it. Sighing, he considers calling Seungyun before remembering the chatter mouth. He decides he is too tired to listen to Seungyun\'s blabber and settles with calling his mother.

\'Eomma… this might sound weird but what did you do when you first had your heat?\'

\'Ommo Minwoo-yah… that\'s a bit… Why\'re you asking?\'

\'I kinda stumble upon a new omega… I think… in heat-\'

\'You can\'t touch a minor!! I know you have this thing with omega but-\'

\'Eomma no!!! It\'s not like that! Look, he\'s not a minor and he looked confused! He covered himself in a blanket and just sat in the corner doing nothing! But he looks so sick, his veins were showing and I\'m worried.\' Worried. He is worried.

\'Alright...\' Upon his mother\'s suggestion, Minwoo decides to pass the phone to Wonho and let his mom do all the explanation. Omega to omega. Which he is thankful for because he doesn\'t want to imagine his own mother during heat.

But to his displeasure, the stubborn man refuses to take out his hands from the blanket to hold the phone. And he also refuses to bring out his face from his knees, making it hard for Minwoo to hold the phone to his ear.

After trying for almost half an hour, Minwoo gives up and throws the phone on the sofa, grunting in annoyance.

His mother suggested buying toys for the omega but what kind? Minwoo never possessed any toys since he prefers using his own member to pleasure his partner but apparently most omegas use toys to get through their heat in the absence of their partners.

So is Wonho a vibrator kind of guy? Or a dildo kind of guy? Or maybe the one with electricity flowing on demand? Maybe he likes pumps? What size should he buy?

Minwoo ends up going to the nearest adult toys shop and buying one of each. Never in his life would he have thought he would actually buy one. Or many. It is also his first time going to such shop, so everything is very shocking to him, like the abnormally large dildos or the really violent vibrator, who the hell thought about this kind of unrealistic stuffs anyway? Not to mention the chains and whips his eyes caught at the fetish section.

Thinking about it sends shivers down his spine. Putting one of each type of toys at the register, he notices the lady at the counter giving him this weird look which he is quick to ignore. He shoves everything in a black bag and returns to his apartment in regrets.


How should he pass them to Wonho?

Maybe he overdid it with the toys. Wonho would think he is just a perverted sick alpha like all the others. Maybe he should have bought just one. Which one though? \'Arghhh! The things I\'m going through for that guy…!!\'

Minwoo gives up and decides to call his last resort – Seungyun. Because he cannot ask his mother again about this. It is just too embarrassing.

\'Minwoo you better have something important to call me at night.\' Gosh, not even a hello. And it is only 7. It isn\'t even dark yet.

\'Seungyun. I\'m just gonna say it straight because it\'s been more than 2 hours and Wonho is still not doing anything. What do you do on your first heat?\'