The Claimed Omega

Chapter 165 - Family Addition 8

Minwoo nods and waits in the living room, nervous. He is not hiding his scent, just letting his omega prepare himself for their talk. The alpha immediately gets up from his seat when he sees the old couple making their way towards the door. Mrs. Seo bows slightly as an acknowledgement, and he does the same. The man of the house stops in his tracks and the alpha moves closer, giving him one last advice. \'Don\'t stress him okay? The doctor said he needs to relax.\'

Minwoo nods. The soft squeeze on his shoulder is the sign that he is finally seeing his omega in the dining room. \'Owh and whatever you do, don\'t eat his food.\'

\'What?\' Before he can get the answer, he hears the door closed. Turning his body towards the dining room, Minwoo closed his eyes, squeezing them in frustration.

Here goes nothing.

Clenching his jaw and fists as tight as he can to release all his energy and tension, Minwoo take deep breaths to calm himself down. His mate is just a few steps away from him, expecting his appearance any second now. He needs to do this, no matter how hard it is. Softening his scent to match with his mate\'s to not appear threatening, he slowly makes his way towards the dining where his soulmate is.

Minwoo\'s mouth curves upwards slightly at the sight of his omega who is staring at his food. And just like that, all his worries, all his anger disappears.

Wonho notices his presence, but he still refuses to look at him and chooses to focus on his food instead. His omega shows no sign of fear, or aggression either, and that is enough to tell Minwoo that he wants to talk too.

\'Wonie.\' He starts, still standing at the entrance, figuring out where to sit, and what he should do. Wonho glares at him for a second before turning back to his food, \'Minwoo.\'

Forcing a smile at that reaction, Minwoo decides to make himself a drink. A hot drink. Just like what they usually do back at home. He would make Wonho one too, but there is already a glass of orange juice near him which is rare, considering Wonho doesn\'t like them. Placing his coffee near his omega, he sits down to his right.

And stares at the man, just appreciating his presence.

Wonho looks so pale and weak, it breaks his heart. He knows Wonho can\'t handle this, his mate has always been physically weak. Which is why he regrets not coming sooner or forcing him to come home, since he can do that if he wants too. Wonho would have listened.

Minwoo sighs for the umpteenth time since he got here. He doesn\'t know where to start, or what to say. This have all been a stupid misunderstanding, which is not the first time for them. Placing his hand on the table, turning it upwards to offer them to the omega, he speaks, \'I\'m not mad. At all.\'

Wonho gazes at the hand offered to him, puts his chopsticks down and slowly holds it, finally looking at his alpha, \'I didn\'t run away.\'

\'I know.\' The moment he says it, his omega breaks into tears. Minwoo pushes his chair closer so he can embrace the sobbing mess who is now squeezing his hand tightly. God, it hurts.

\'I don\'t want it. We ha- we had plans!\' Wonho stutters in between his deep breaths, struggling to just say anything that has been bothering him for the past few days. Minwoo wants to ask about his first statement, but holds himself, knowing that his omega will not be able to hear him until he calms down. \'I wan- I want the b-b-baby in, hhh, in France,\'

Minwoo just holds the man tight, patting his back once in a while when Wonho is really struggling to breathe. Mr. Seo was really telling the truth when he said their family\'s omega is a mess during pregnancy. He saw Wonho crying one too many times already but this is the first time he really puts his heart out like this. All other times, he cried because he was scared. Why is he crying now? Sadness?

\'You stupid alpha!!!\' Wonho suddenly starts to push him, which shocks Minwoo. Okay, so now Wonho\'s angry. Should he be angry? Is this stressful? He needs to calm his mate. \'Won-\'

\'Why can\'t you just stick to the fucking plan?!\' the omega cuts him off, just not caring about what he has to say. Minwoo stays silent, already knowing that he should not provoke the omega during this situation. A tip he received from his sisters. He needs to just agree and admits he is wrong, then speak his mind, when Wonho is over his meltdown.

Okay, so, the plan. What plan again?

Owh right, having kids after their honeymoon.

\'What\'s the big deal anyway?\' Minwoo slaps his mouth, shocked that he said it out loud. Wonho only stares at him, his eyes filled with tears. He doesn\'t look pleased.

Shit. He just dug his own grave. He needs to explain himself. \'You can still work from home, and we\'ll go to France once you give birth! Or you can have the baby there if the timing isn\'t right and I\'ll take our kid home and take care of him so you can continue doing whatever mega project you want. See? No biggie.\'

\'That\'s not the point.\' Minwoo\'s smile drops. Wonho really sounds pissed. He thought he just gave the man the most brilliant solution ever. Isn\'t that the reason Wonho wants to be alone? To re-plan his career path?

\'Then what is the point?\' Minho asks, confused, but really wants to understand. Wonho is now silent, wiping his tears. He really seems like he is ready to give up. Which is bad because he needs to know what is bothering his omega. They are mates, they should not have personal problems. They need to share everything. \'Wonie? What\'s the point?\'


\'Wonie!\' he growls, pushing his omega to talk. Because if this issue is not solved, Wonho will only be stressed out again. And what happened yesterday may happen again, and next time, they may not be so lucky.

\'I don\'t want my kid to grow up where I was raped! Okay? The point is we\'re supposed to start a family anywhere but that fucking city! It\'s not saf-\' Wonho stops talking halfway and takes deep breaths to calm himself. The answer is enough to paralyze Minwoo who thought his mate is over his trauma. Because why else would Wonho come back from France when he could just stay there if he still feels strongly towards the place of his nightmare? Wonho came back and told him he is ready to settle down.
