The CEO Who Hates Me

75 Bringing Down The KEN Family

Ryu and Dean went out so Arya was left alone in the apartment.

She sat on the floor with her legs crossed and stared at Ar-Ar that was playing outside at the garden.

"I feel so bad hearing what Dean said a while ago. Really, thank you for staying with Ryu and listening to him well." She said while looking at Ar-Ar and made a thumb up gesture.

"I wonder what he is saying to you back then."

"Anyway, do you think I should stop him from going on a blind date tomorrow?" She asked suddenly.

Ryu received a call from his mom during lunch. Dean asked and Ryu said it was about the blind date for tomorrow.

She heard Dean asked Ryu if he will be going but Ryu just shrugged his shoulders and quickly changed the topic.

"What was that? Does it mean he will still go on a blind date after what we've been doing recently? Why shrugged and not just answer with a YES or NO?" Arya asked once more looking at the dog that was barking at her from the glass door.

"Maybe I should just tell him how I feel and ask him not to go?" she murmured while pouting her lips.

"Gosh, I can't imagine Ryu talked to you like this. I am going insane if I continue talking like this," she said annoyingly to the dog before she stood up and went to the living area to watch the television instead.

However, her mind was so busy making plans on how to stop Ryu from going on a date. Just the mere thought of it frustrates her.


Rita was awakened by the whimpering sound coming from the Boss.

She saw sweats all over the Boss' face while head was turning left and right continuously. The Boss struggled hard like there's some strangling and choking.

She tried her best to wake up the Boss by rapid tapping of face and shaking of shoulders.

"Please wake up! For Christ sake open your eyes!!!" she shouted.

Then the Boss' eyes opened, Rita felt a tight hug while she heard the heavy breathing from the Boss.

"The nightmares are back. It's hunting me," Rita heard the Boss spoke while panting.

"Shhh, it's alright everything will be alright just calm down. Control your breathing." She said as she gently patted the Boss' back.

"You have to compose yourself before we face the Chairman." Rita whispered before she gently pulled herself out from the embrace.

She saw the Boss gave an exasperated expression.

They have no choice but to see the Old Man whenever they will be called.


They walked towards the library, as soon as they reached the Head Mansion, where the Old Man was waiting.

"I told you to focus on bringing down the KEN Family! Who gave you the permission to do sidelines!" the Old Man in a wheelchair growled.

"I just made some fun father besides he's the Heir so crippling him is like limping your rival Old Ken." The Boss answered plainly.

"Did you even manage to make him limp? NO! You just make everything worst! Look what happened? They managed to survive a crisis because instead of limping, you offered a staff to the Elder Master Ken! Ryu even became their ace!"

The Boss remained quiet while Rita did the same.

"Just make sure to stay focus you bastard or I will put you back to the garbage pit where I found you. Block those emotions of yours because that will bring you down in the end! Stay hard as a rock so you can take your revenge fully. Let those people pay for what they did. It's their entire fault you suffered so much!" The Old man hissed.

Rita rolled her eyes; they've been hearing those sentences over and over again. She even memorized it already.

"And don't you dare get swayed just because you saw her? Remember that everyone abandoned you for power! If not for me, you're just but a no one rotting in jail!"

Rita creased he forehead hearing those words. The Old Man was really getting on her nerves.

The Old Man noticed her reaction and said, "You how dare you show me that reaction. I instructed you to assist him but what are you doing? You both wasted time and energy with nonsense things! Focus on the business! Make sure that I will see how the Ken's downfall this year!"

"Old Man, we are doing are best okay. Besides, you knew yourself that the Ken Family was not easy to deal with." She said with a complaining tone then she heard the Boss released a deep sigh.

She and the Boss grew up together in the street. Both of them were alone, with no home, food and education.

The Boss was years older than her. At a young age, she was protected and treated well because of the Boss, her hero whose innocent hands were stained with blood just to save her.

They were found by Old Man in the streets running away both from the police and illegal gang that were chasing them. At first, the Boss was the only one needed by Old Man but the Boss refused to go without her so Old Man had no choice but to bring her in also.

They were trained hard at all aspects, physically, mentally and emotionally. She did not know the full story between Old Man and the Elder Master Ken but she knew the whole story behind the Boss' connection with the KEN family.

She just wanted to help the Boss, finished everything up so they can go free and do whatever they wanted to do. She was actually free but she chose to stay and helped the Boss. No matter what happened she will stick and be loyal to the Boss only.

Her attention was caught by Old Man's irritating voice.

"I heard you manage to penetrate inside through a family member?" she heard Old Man asked.

Rita sighed and started with her report.