The CEO Who Hates Me

67 Corresponding Punishmen

Arya shrunk inwardly at the sight, she almost wanted to hide her face. She felt like a junior who was showing public displays of affection to the new owner.

It's not that she did not like it, but it was kind of embarrassing right now, doing inappropriate things like that.

She could tell Ryu was indulging himself in his provocative actions. His roguish grin conveyed his thorough amusement, and his enjoyment was only heightened by her reaction.

Arya sighed at the thought that he was definitely messing with her.

Arya guided Ryu around the beach resort, explaining each project in detail as they passed. The familiarity of the resort displayed her knowledge and gave her small comfort for a time.

She paused for a moment between projects and looked down at their tightly clasped hands. It was like when they were in Japan, the comfortable and secure feeling.She stopped, turned to face him and questioned bluntly, "Is this really necessary?"

He turned his head slightly and their eyes locked. He then closed the gap between them. Arya's eyes widened while her heart skipped a beat feeling his nearness and smelling his familiar scent.

Her heart raced, and her thoughts kept circling back to feelings of him kissing her. She closed her eyes, and she could feel his presence, and even his inward breath made her feelings jump.

He leaned in close and breathed a whisper seductively over her earlobe. Her heart beat faster until her mind comprehended his words. "Do you have something in your eye, is it some dirt?"

Arya's eyes opened, and her head snapped back suddenly as the romantic thoughts deserted her.

Ryu was suppressing his laughter when Arya stared at him through narrowed eyes, "Enjoying this huh?"

"What? Why are you annoyed? Why do you even close your eyes? Are you anticipating for something more?" Ryu asked humorously.

Arya blushed and was about to walk forward when Ryu pulled her hand and locked her waist within his arm then quickly bent forward to kiss her.

Arya was caught off-guard while she looked at Ryu's face, he was kissing her harshly and he even bit her lips.

"If I hear any more complaints, you'll receive corresponding punishment. Like this," Ryu whispered between her lips before releasing her.

"Alright," Arya muttered in a daze.

'Oh, I think I should complain more.' Arya thought wickedly but quickly brushed aside the perverted thought in her head.

Her intuition informed her that she was being seduced. That Ryu would seduce her and dump her suddenly, exactly as she had done to him.But from her point of view, she had not dumped him, she had simply run away.

'Is there a difference between dumping and running away? That's okay Arya, you'll be fine.' She calmed herself. She deserved that anyway.

In the distance, Shawn's face was mired in darkness. Misery, jealousy and hate were plastered all over it as he stared at Ryu who was holding Arya's hand as the pair entered an elevator.


Ryu was walking back to his room with Arya when they saw Chen who seemed on his way to his own room.

"What's the matter?" Ryu asked.

Chen looked at Arya and back to Ryu. He seemed hesitant to speak his mind.

"What? Tell it," Ryu asked with a crumpled forehead.

"Madam Cecile called; she was reminding me of the blind date she had requested this week. She said, if you don't show up, she will not eat for a week, and she was adamant. It will be solely your fault if she ended up in hospital." Chen relayed Madam Cecile's message in its entirety.

Ryu sighed. His mother was like that every year. She does that trick twice a year just to get him a partner and the same as before it was annoying.

He was about to say his usual piece when a sudden idea came to mind.

"Alright let's do that and tell her I will go. Set the schedule this week." Ryu instructed. Chen was no longer surprised as he had an idea of what was already in his Big Boss' mind.

Listening to the conversation, Arya bit her lip and thought silently, 'Is he planning to get me jealous this time? What a cliché move! Can't he at least come up with more unique tricks?'

Her thought was interrupted when she heard Ryu's demanding voice as he looked at her, "Pack your important things. We will travel back to the City as soon as you are ready. You will be living with me."

Arya creased her forehead and answered, "I need to go home first. Can we travel later tonight?"

Because she still owed her younger sister a bedtime story.

Ryu nodded then released her hand and said, "I will have someone to pick you up then."

Arya walked back to her room and spied Shawn along the way.

"Oh, I am really sorry Shawn. I can't accept your offer right now, but I really do appreciate your concern." Arya said smiling.

"Is it because of Ryu Ken?" Shawn asked simply.

Arya's eyes widened and asked, "You know him also?"

Shawn smirked contemptuously and commented, "Everybody knows that guy, the heir to Ken Lineage."

Arya just nodded. Ryu Ken was well known, and that was a dumb question from her.

Shawn laughed and added, "Well I don't know him well personally like you do. Is the debt paid already? You know that you can call me anytime? Right? If you will need any help, I'm willing to lend my hands in all aspects just for you."

Shawn winked at her with his sweetest smile. He was charming and jolly, that was her first impression of him.

Arya smiled back and said, "Okay, I will do that and again, thank you."

She also dumped Shawn, but he was still friendly and approachable. Then she thought about Ryu and wished he was like him. She shook her head and scolded her inner self. The cases were very different, and she shouldn't compare them.

She was free so that meant she can now roam around and visit her friend Kay in the City. She felt excited at the thought since they had lost contact when she was sent to this province.

She hurriedly packed her things and visited her little sister, before ultimately leaving for home.