The CEO Who Hates Me

5 The Guy You Have To Compensate

Arya arrived at the rehearsal venue two minutes early before the call time. "What took you so long? Hurry up and go to the backstage. Don't give the others a bad impression on your first runway walk." Kay said frowning.

Arya laughed and said, "I was drunk last night but it turned out to be as a blessing in disguise. I think I got the target's attention on a very awkward way."

Kay suddenly hooked his arms on hers and said, "Tell me what happened? What do you mean?"

Arya winked and said, "I will tell you later after the rehearsal. So don't scold me later since I still made it on time." Then she pulled herself from him and quickly went inside. She was grinning. Kay was a nagger, that gay was a perfectionist when it comes to work especially with time matters. She always heard him complaining whenever there's an artist who was always late at set. He hates handling tardy stars.

Kay shook his head and smiled as he looked at the back of Arya. He was with the entertainment industry for so long and he can almost read all types of people. When Rita asked him to get someone for Ryu Ken, Arya was the only person he had thought who will fit well.

There was something with her that would definitely get Ryu Ken's attention compared to other woman he knew. It was just a hunch, he too was not sure if he was doing right but one thing is for sure – this will help Arya with her current situation right now.

He also offered Arya his support. However, he can't extend it unlike what Rita could do for her. Rita had the connections to all networks Arya needed.

The he thought of Ryu Ken, he was the typical cold rich man and saidto be ruthless but he was a clean person thus, he do not do dirty things like physically assaulting, hurting or killing people.

Ryu Ken was a civilized person so Kay was sure that in case Arya succeeded and completed the task, it will not bring Arya any harm in the end that's why he was confident to involve Arya. Besides, Rita had prepared everything for Arya's disappearance from his sight so he'll not be able to see her when that time comes.

It's just a waste that Arya won't be able to pursue this career for now because she was born for the limelight. He can tell she can be a star in the future; she was very promising given with her talents. If she succeeded, she definitely needs to hide from Ryu's radar for a certain time. A year will do at most.

"Good one!Okay, let's wrap up guys!" shouted by the director as the models were signaled for dismissal.

All models came from six continents. Arya was included in the models that will be walking twice.

"So what do you think about the catwalk? You are a natural. I can also give you an opportunity for acting after a year." Kay exclaimed while they were inside a coffee shop. Arya just smiled, she was not sure if she will pursue the limelight. She was confused at the moment because it was out of line from the course she graduated in.

Her thought was interrupted by Kay's sudden poking. "So tell me what about Ryu Ken?" Kay asked excitedly. Arya told him everything.

She heard Kay screamed in just a moderate tone not to catch any attention and said, "Kinky tremendous!"

"Hush, you are too noisy. You know that's my usual routine. I even sleep with just my undies on or without anything at all. It's a good thing I fainted and wasn't able to take off my clothes the whole night. Ryu Ken was a slight pervert, I guess. He saw me stripping and did not even make a sound until I saw him!" Arya frowned as she remembered how her skin hairs stood up seeing the look on Ryu's eyes while he stared at her.

Then her phone beeped.

[Meet me at the hotel lobby at 4pm. It's me the guy you have to compensate.]

Arya frowned. "Compensate? I don't even have a penny and he was the one who was super rich!" she complained while typing a reply.

"I told you, you're the best for this. See that? It's like in the drama, he will probably ask for your body." Kay bluntly said and laughed seeing how Arya covered her chest as if she was nude. 'What a funny gal' he thought inwardly still laughing at Arya's reaction.

"Wait what should I reply? I told earlier that I will compensate him." Arya said and sighed as she deleted the reply.

"Just meet him and ask what he wanted. Wait, what if he asks for a night. You know some rich man do that stuff. Most of my artists were willing to do anything to be on top." Kay looked at Arya directly and was curious on what's on her mind.

"Is he nuts? He should be the one to compensate me instead for seeing my almost naked body for free! I'm just being nice at him because he did not take an advantage that night given with the opportunity. If he was Jim, for sure, I'm already sore all over my body once I wake up." Arya explained.

She actually admired how Ryu Ken respected her overnight because not all guys can do the same.

"Well, probably he was not in to you also or you are not his type," said by Kay who was obviously teasing her.

"We will see. But you know what? I don't know why but there's this chilling feeling whenever he stared at me as if..." Arya hesitated and just continued to type her reply that she confirmed her presence.

"What? Tell me." Kay insisted.

"Never mind," Arya pouted her lips.

After a little bit of bantering and chatting the two separated. Arya returned at the hotel to freshen up and change.

'He's a bit early.' Arya noticed when he saw Ryu waiting at the hotel lobby.

She walked towards him and gritted him, "Hi."

Ryu looked at her. She was just in a casual dress yet she looked still striking on his eyes.

He stood up and said, "Let's go," Arya frowned and asked, "Wait, where are we going?"

"Oh right how long were you booked to stay here?" Ryu suddenly asked. Although confused Arya answered, "I got seven more days to stay why?"

"You promised to compensate me. So I have decided that you accompany me during my free time and treat me to every meal for seven days." Ryu said looking straight to her eyes as he grinned wickedly.