The CEO Who Hates Me

49 Pass The Message

Arya was still out of her mind as she stared blankly at Ryu during breakfast. He was obviously not in the good mood and was neglecting her since last night.

"What's going on between you two? You both have dark circles below your eyes. Didn't you sleep at all?" Butler Omni asked who noticed the unusual ambiance at the dining table.

The sugary public displacement of affection was replaced by pure dead silence.

Even their seating arrangement which was next to each other every meal was changed. Ryu was focused on his food but not eating it anyway. While Arya will stole quick glances to Ryu from the opposite chair.

After a few more minutes, finally someone started to speak and it was Ryu.

"Butler Omni, I proposed marriage last night but did not receive a response." Ryu suddenly dropped his words looking at Butler Omni.

"Butler Omni, do you think I can afford to answer a marriage proposal at this situation right now? Or let me rephrase it, do you think a sudden marriage proposal was even appropriate right now?" Arya answered looking at Butler Omni.

"It's just answerable by Yes or No. Was it that hard to answer?" Ryu said and looked at Butler Omni once more.

"Butler Omni, I really can't answer right now. Was it really hard to understand that also?" Arya hissed looking also at Butler Omni.

The old man scratched his head then wiped his crumpled face and released a long deep sigh.

"You two, do you think we are on the pass the message game? Am I a medium or something? When you two can talk about it looking at each other directly?" Butler Omni said frowning.

"Do you think you both were in a comedy romcom drama doing conversations like that?" Butler Omni was starting to get annoyed.

These two adults acting like a teenage in quarrel was getting on his nerve.

"Marriage was not a simple thing and definitely was not a game. I will leave you two here and talk about that yourselves. You guys were making me cringe. I am a single person so don't ask me anything about marriage!" Butler Omni exclaimed with an arched brow.

'It's also a good thing being single and not experiencing complications at love life.' He thought inwardly as he rose up from his chair and quickly left the two love birds in quarrel behind.

The fact that Ryu was becoming desperate not to lose Arya was not a good sign for him.

How come his child was experiencing something like this? Ryu was always calm and a calculative person. It's not so him. He did not expect the marriage suggestion this fast. Was it even an option?

He can't give advice pertaining to marriage because it was a crucial thing and for him it was not something to take up so easily. It was a sacred union for him.

Though he agreed with Arya, can't Ryu at least clear the messed up situation first before jumping into marriage. He was rushing on things.


Ryu sighed, last night he received a report that there's still no progress of who the person behind that woman Rita. Even Rita was still unknown and he was getting frustrated.

He can't even make a move to pull out Arya's family because her sister was still recuperating according to the hospital.

'Just who the hell are you?' He cursed the person several times at the back of his mind causing him sleepless night plus Arya's silence on his sudden marriage proposal.

He heard Arya sighed and when he raised his head to look at her she was intently staring at him.

"You want an answer? I will give you an answer after my dad's trial. Can you wait at least give me that time to think more about it?" Arya said pleadingly.

Ryu looked at her directly in the eyes and asked, "Do you want to be with me? Just answer me with a yes or no."

Arya sighed and answered in honesty, "Yes I do."

"Then that's it. After your dad's last trial we will register our marriage immediately." Ryu spoke authoritatively before standing up and leaving her bowled over.

Arya: "...….?"