The CEO Who Hates Me

47 I Am So Scared To Lose Her

Arya had fun while Ryu taught and helped her with the horseback riding.

She insisted to do it alone afterwards since she felt confident but Ryu was still hesitating.

"You want me to trust you right? Then try to do the same to me now. Trust me, I can do it alone." Arya who was already mounted on the horse alone said full of assurance.

Ryu sighed and finally released his grip on the horse's rein to let Arya ride it on her own.

"Just take it slow okay and don't try to rein it faster since you are still a newbie." He said as Arya began to ride the horse.

"Yea, I understand. Stop walking with me already." Arya said laughing with twitched lips because Ryu was still walking beside her and the horse.

Arya moved slowly at first then when she felt that she can do more speed to impress Ryu, she reined the horse to walk a little bit faster.

Arya was getting very silly and laughing so much as she boast how good she was doing to Ryu that she suddenly slid off the rump of the horse and landed on her butt, still laughing.

However Ryu ran towards her with crumpled and angry face.

"Are you alright? Is there anything aching?" He asked with a sharp tone as he inspected everything with her body. His eyes were full of worry that made Arya stop her laughing.

"I am alright it was just a mild fall." Arya said. Ryu was still frowning as he quickly lifted her up and carried her like a bride towards the mansion.

"Get Doctor Song quick!" He shouted at the first man he saw along the way.

Arya had mixed emotions that time as she stared at Ryu's very concerned face. He was almost running while he carried her.

"Isn't this too much of a reaction? I told you I am fine. I can even walk on my own. Put me down." She said while staring at Ryu's frowning face.

She did not hear a response but instead saw Ryu's wrinkled forehead and the gritting of his teeth.


Arya was already inside the room and being checked by Doctor Song.

"It's just simple bruises and there was no broken bone. You are lucky Madam not to have a bad fall." Said by the Doctor after he cleaned her bruises and applied the ointment.

Ryu was still so quiet and unreadable that moment and Arya was bothered by it.

"Hey say something. Don't just frown there." Arya complained when she was left with just Ryu inside the room.

Ryu sat at the side of the bed and touched her face.

"I hope that this will be the last time you do something like that. You almost killed me thinking something bad might have happened because of my dereliction." He answered with a scold.

"Don't ever dare to scare me again like that Arya." Ryu continued in a down and depressed tone while he looked closely at her with his misty eyes.

Arya was touched as she felt the weight of each word. She almost wanted to cry because she had never felt that important on someone else before as she felt right now.

She quickly cupped Ryu's face with her palms and leaned her forehead to touch his.

"I am sorry. I will be careful next time. I'm sorry for worrying you too much." She said softly as she gently pressed her lips against him.


"How is she?" Butler Omni asked as he sat down beside Ryu who was drinking.

"She was resting right now. Luckily it was not a bad fall." Ryu murmured then drank his whiskey shot.

"That's good news so why are you sulking in here?" Butler Omni asked. They were at the outside balcony viewing the ocean.

Ryu smiled smugly and took another shot.

Then he released a long deep sighed.

"It just dawn on me, that there were things beyond my control. That was the first time I felt so scared like that. I was cursing myself and I was blaming myself. I feel like going crazy thinking the possibility of her being hurt because of my carelessness." Ryu said frowning.

Then he murmured, "I am so scared to lose her."

"Child, you have fallen deeply in love with a woman." Butler Omni commented.

He was not sure whether to congratulate Ryu and be happy for him or sad because he encountered love in a complicated situation.