The CEO Who Hates Me

38 Becoming Redundan

Arya received an unexpected call from Attorney Lim regarding her father's case and she was happy to hear the good news. Final verdict will be on four days time and Attorney Lim assured her that it's definitely a 'not guilty' verdict.

She was humming happily as she went to Ryu who was busy in the kitchen.

"Do you need help?" She said smiling.

She was actually the one who caught that marlin while Ryu quickly announced that he will be the one to cook it.

"No, just stroll around first and I will have someone to call you once it's ready." Ryu answered still busy with cooking. He was trying to do the grilled marlin with tropical fruit salsa.

Arya's was overjoyed with the handsome man in front who was taking care of her like a queen. She walked to him and unconsciously wrapped her arms on Ryu's waist from the back.

"Can we go back soon after 3 to 4 days? I wanted to see my dad." She said with a sigh. She would love to be there to witness everything.

Ryu froze; he did not know how to react and what to say. He knew why Arya wanted to go back but he was actually scared to let her go back.

"Is it very important?" Ryu asked simply. He was waiting if Arya will open up to him.

Arya sighed and replied, "Yup it's very important. I must see him on that day."

"I see. I hope I can meet him also. It would be nice if I can accompany you already so we will be able to meet each other." Ryu said plainly trying not to sound so obvious on his sentences.

He felt Arya tightened her arms on his and heard her long deep sighed.

"Ryu, I honestly want you to meet my family also. It's just that right now my family was in a messed up condition right now." Arya said with a depressed voice.

Ryu stopped what he was doing and turned around to face Arya.

"Why don't you tell me about it? I am your boyfriend and you know I am much capable to do everything in just a snap of my finger" Ryu said without blinking an eye.

Arya had a conflicted feeling. Instead of answering she just hugged Ryu tightly. She was really scared and can't risk the possibilities. She was not that confident enough.

"By the way can I taste it?" she asked trying to change the topic as she pointed her lips to the dish. Ryu's face darkened and Arya noticed it.

Then she smiled at him and pinched his nose."I am really sorry if I can't talk about it right now." She leaned forward to give him a kiss.

'I am sorry but my decision was final.' She thought inwardly. She will stick with the plan and follow Rita's instructions.

She felt Ryu bit her lip. He was kissing her roughly like he was angry and punishing her. Arya doesn't mind at all.

She did not let go but rather cling to Ryu more and just accepted the harsh kissing which was interrupted by Regan who was panting as he ran towards them.

"Sir, I am so sorry for this but Butler Omni collapsed and was found in the horse's stable." He said still gasping for air.

"Where is he now?" Ryu asked while Arya pulled herself out from Ryu's arms.

"We carried him in his room, doctor Song was checking on him right now." Regan said while he followed Ryu who ran towards Butler Omni's room.

"What happened?" Ryu asked frowning. His hear beat was pumping hard and fast while he looked at Butler Omni on the bed with the latter's eyes closed.

"His blood sugar was high. I already stabilized it. Just make sure he won't forget to take his maintenance medication. He was fine now and no need to worry," Doctor Song said smiling.

Ryu was left alone with Butler Omni in the room. Finally, the latter opened his eyes and smiled at him.

"For goodness sake, why can't you just remember to take that maintenance of yours? You are no longer young anymore so make sure you won't miss it. I put an alarm on your phone at the maximum level so make sure you took your medicines in time!" Ryu scolded him.

He was so nervous that something bad had happened to the old man. He was like a father to him who took good care of him. He was the only person who truly knew and understood him. He was someone who he can talk to without having a second thought.

Butler Omni rose himself to a sitting position and smiled at him.

"I am not your blood but you are so worried about me right? It's because you considered me as a family. Hope this incident helps you to consider Arya's feeling towards her family. It's the same with her." Butler Omni said in a serious tone.

He intentionally kept on reminding Ryu to be more understanding so it won't be hard for him in case things turned out not to end according to his plan.

He knew he was becoming redundant on saying those things at him out of nowhere. But he knew Ryu since birth. He just doesn't want his child to sow hatred in the end.

As much as possible, he wanted to protect Ryu from it because he had witnessed how hatred can destroy someone's life.