The CEO Who Hates Me

245 Downfall

Ryu was anxious and in a hurry to attend the banquet for Arya.

Wolf laughed seeing his weariness as he kept looking at his wrist watch.

"Don't worry you will reach there soon… before the event ends…" he remarked in a jest that made the group laughed.

"So our Hawk here is also afraid… I mean he never looked scared at all while we did all the dangerous face offs in the underworld with the most fierce gangsters there to complete our mission, but now see how uncomfortable he is knowing that his shining star will get dissappointed if he missed an important event such as this…" said Snake, teasing him more.

Ryu massaged his nape and smiled embarrassedly, he was actually eager to meet his beautiful wife and wanted to surprise Arya by showing up in the said banquet, even though she had said that it was okay if he was not able to attend the banquet tonight.

He got quite late because of some final dealings that they had to look after in the underworld.

Shawn's name was totally cleared off of all the underhanded dealings named after him and he could now hold his head high and live a very normal life as a civilian.

There was just one last string left and that will be the buy and bust operation, to be handled by joint forces from the military and the police, to trap Old Man's Skull's group together with Mr. Big with very clear proofs and send them to jail forever or better get them capital punishment...

Ryu will be out of this operation which will be handled directly by Wolf. His mission was done… Shawn was cleared from the shadows of the underworld.

Sooner or later the Old Man Skull will also be caught and he would go under court proceedings, so, the only thing left to do now was to hand over all the evidence against him.

It would be crucial, they know everything would not be that easy because of the connections the people from the underworld have in the government, they would have to go against that, those who wsre supporting Old Man Skull.

Ryu sighed as he discovered how wide those connections that involved certain officials who might still help the crazy old man.

He just hoped those people chose to clean out their own hands and pull Old Man Skull's leg down instead.

When Wolf and the gang was about  to drop him to their safe place, his phone beeped and it was from Arya saying, "Love, tonight I will take Old Man Skull down… Watch how cool your wife is *wink emoji*. I will make sure those who are backing up that crazy old man will turn their back and eyes against him! By the  way, I am wearing the necklace you gave me with  tracking device so if anything untoward happens, find me using that though I'm sure nothing like that will happen because Bernard's security team will take good care of me. I mean I have planned everything perfectly you know.... I love you and I miss you! *Kiss emoji*"

"Fuck!" Ryu cursed for the first time in his life as he quickly instructed the team to follow Arya's tracking device.

He started to call over everyone who could go to Arya's rescue in advance.

Shawn was on his way tailing the location of the tracking device Ryu had given.

"Damn Bernard! Why would you let her! That crazy man will kill at no pretense!" Ryu hissed on the other line.

"My man will block them soon. Calm down Ryu, it's Arya's plan. See how that Old Man Skull just burned himself worldwide? Arya is wearing safety bullet vest and I will make sure she will be unscathed so calm down." said Bernard on the other line.

Ryu was still so worried and too weary inside the armored van as he instructed the one driving to speed up.

He felt like he would burn down the whole world to ashes if anything bad happened to Arya. He would kill that Old Man Skull brutally on the spot with his own hands, if he dared do anything to Arya, without hesitation.

Wolf instructed Dumbo to drive at the highest speed. They must reach there in time...

He could understand well what Ryu was feeling…

Nothing was scarier than losing the one you love without been able to do a thing to prevent it yourself.

And Arya was his life… his most treasured jewel of life… the love of his life…


Meanwhile, Bernard's Security Team and the police where already blocking the possible area where Old Man Skull's cars would passed…

The reporters were all there too.

Including the people who were Arya's supporters gathered together to support the chasing for Old Man Skull cars.

There were also helicopters hovering all over the area.

As soon as the description of the cars were given online, civilians on the road paid close attention to look if those cars were along their lanes.

They were all ready to help and the intention was to block the cars of the villain Old Man Skull who abducted the actress and had admitted all his crimes caught live by the hidden camera on Arya's body.

"This man must be punished," called out even the taxi operators, and instructed all standby taxis to check if the villain's cars were at their area.

Then one of the taxi drivers noticed the three vans and he quickly reported, "They are here headed to east… Hurry I'm tailing them they are going towards Guang Street! Make sure to block that path!"


At  the hospital,  Old Master Ken was with Butler Omni as they watched on the television what was going on...

"That daughter-in-law of mine.... I'm surprised she is so brave to do something like this. This is so risky though…" he murmured as he was grateful but worried at the same time.

"Yeah, who would have thought she was planning something like that… but because of her… I'm sure Old Man Skull will go down for sure because it's not just the law… I mean the evidence we have now is nothing that Old Man can play with simply because Arya alone is not the witness or the evidence but Arya… made all the people in our country as a living evidence against all the wrongdoings of Big Bro Benny…" said Butler Omni.

He used to call Old Man Skull, Big Bro Benny when he was young and a part of him was feeling sad that everything had come to this way between both of them.

He could sense that this was really the final downfall of Big Bro Benny who chose the dark until the end.

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