The CEO Who Hates Me

225 Beastly

Denise lay in her favourite position on top of Shawn like a spoiled child, she loved to lie down on top of him with her face tucked to his chest, so that she could hear his heart beats and feel him in as many cells of her body as she could.

Shawn also loved this position so that he could hug her intimately as well as spoil his little naughty girl by letting her do whatever she wants.

Denise has been eaten up dry by her husband since they came inside their room and right now she was teasing him with her hand movements on his chest, neck and other parts of his body.

She could also feel the effects of her teasing him and she decided to take a lunch break and stop with her torturing him a little now…

"It's almost lunch darling… Let's wash up and go down. I'm sure mom is waiting for you, she was very much excited since yesterday to see you and meet you." Denise murmured.

"Also, try to let go of your emotions… I mean that's okay. Everyone in this house understand you well so you can be yourself, they do not have a habit of judging others for anything. Moreover, Arya and Rita are already familiar with you and they were both pretty close to you and even liked the real you." Denise added when Shawn did not respond.

When he still didn't give any response to her she lifted herself and slid a little up from her position reaching close to his face looking deep in his eyes. She asked again, "What happened hubby."

He was breathing steadily and she could feel his hot breath on her neck because his face was buried in her neck right now while his arms were tightly wrapped on her waist.

"But Denise I'm a beast, will they be able to accept my past as it was? Will they be able to forget my cruel deeds that I did back the. I am a beast Den… I am a beast." Shawn whispered that made Denise emotional.

"Yeah you're maybe a beast but only in the bed I think. And about your past they probably know everything. They still have no reservations in accepting you and in fact don't even wish to stay away from you any longer. Don't hold back yourself because of your past my love." she said, then added a little, jokingly, "their possessiveness for you right now is so much that I feel like I will have to live in the in-laws house forever as they won't be able to part away from you. Especially mother." Denise said laughing.

Shawn raised his head and stared at Denise with a furrowed forehead.

"What do you like more? The beastly side of me or the gentler way of my doing things? Uhm in the bed?" Shawn asked bluntly, completely changing the topic that made Denise blush hard.

She was speechless and couldn't answer at all so she tried to avoid eye contact with Shawn's melting gaze at her. His eyes showed his mischievousness

"Let's go down instead," she murmured and tried to get up from bed but Shawn was quick to pull her back and pinned her down below him.

Denise's cheeks burned in self-consciousness.

"Hmm… I like it. You, blushing like this is so cute." Shawn whispered as he continued to stare at her intensely than Denise felt like it penetrated her deep within her soul.

Then he leaned down to her ear and she could feel his hot breath.

She heard his heavy hoarse voice next that said, "Let me demonstrate properly the beastly as well as the gentle sides of me then you can decide afterwards what you prefer the most."

Before Denise could utter a word and react, Shawn completely sealed her lips, leaving no room for her to respond at all.


Cecile had prepared a feast during lunch for everyone that made Arya drool. Ryu and her were the first to arrive at the dining table.

"Wow, they all look and smell delicious mom," Arya excitedly murmured as she quickly sat down on her chair and pulled Ryu beside her.

When Denise and Shawn arrived, Cecile lovingly pulled her son Shawn to a sit next to her.

This time Shawn was more relaxed and he smiled to his mom and said, "Thank you."

All had arrived and were seated properly. "Where's Dean and Rita?" Karl asked since they were the only ones they were waiting for.

The helper who was tasked by Cecile to call the couple came back with a blushing face and said, "Madam, Master Dean said not to disturb then until Old Master Ken arrives. He also asked me to just send their food to their room instead."

Karl laughed out hard and said, "Let them be then. Let Dean enjoy this day wholly with his wife since he will be the sacrificial lamb and will have to stay inside the house unless he gets evicted, and let me say I have a big doubt that he would be evicted at all till the end because right now, he is the one gaining more votes and is placed at number 1."

Shawn looked at Ryu with questioning eyes which the latter understood and so Ryu spoke, "You will stay with us for now Big Bro. It's safer this way until we work out how to fully wipe your connection with Old Man Skull and the underworld. Grandpa had already talked to the producers of the show and we already have a valid alibi for not coming back at the house of Zeus. Meanwhile, Dean needs to stay as a back-up plan. Worst comes to worst, then we need him to do a live telecast for Old Man Skull's evilness, though as much as possible we are trying not to let the media get involved in this matter. However, the media is the safest way to stop that Skull in harming any of our family if he's still sane enough during those times."

"But it won't be that easy… because I have committed various crimes before and.." he paused when he felt a hand squeezing his.

It was his mother who smiled at him. He liked it so much, how his mother looked at him with full of love and warmth.

"Son, don't worry about you past. Your grandpa will make sure that the responsible persons will be punished instead. For now let's just enjoy the food and have a great lunch for now," she said and gestured everyone to start with their meals after a simple thank you prayer.

Shawn nodded and smiled back at his mother.

'So this was the feeling of being accepted and loved by your family.' he mused with contentment in his heart.

He felt fully complete now that the emptiness and darkness that was in his life earlier were now replaced by fullness and light...

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