The CEO Who Hates Me

148 Taste Like Candy

"What is wrong with your Big Bro? Why can't they fight without using dirty tricks?"Dean asked irritably as they went inside his office. They had a meeting with one of their important clients.

Shawn Lee was trying to steal one of their major clients in the business he was managing. False rumors were circulating about all their aircraft and he was sure it was Shawn's group doing. SL Group just did not know how to fight fairly and it pissed him.

Rita's brow arched and said, "It doesn't matter how you fight in business… The world revolves like that. There's no rule…. If you want to survive fight by any means and do whatever it takes to succeed. You should know how people like us handle everything or you people are so weak that you can't investigate enough the ways of our group."

Dean sniggered as it drifted like smoke and he said, "Is that what that Old Man had taught both of you? Geez no wonder you and your big bro…"

Dean stopped and did not continue what he was about to say but blew up the air on his forehead loudly. He did pity those two, Shawn and Rita, who were adopted and used by the Old Man wrongly.

He was really blessed to be a part of and to grow to a good family. He was more than proud of where he belonged.

Then he looked closely at Rita and said, "It's not about winning dear wife. To us Kens what matters is how you play the game. We do and fight on things without using dirty tricks. We fight using our skills and this…" He pointed his point finger to his temple to pinpoint his brain.

Rita's lips twitched as she commented, "Yeah right do things without dirty tricks… Like how you have me signed a marriage contract without any tricks right?"

Dean chuckled. Then he pinched Rita's nose and said with a wide grin, "Well I just forgot to include the word BUSINESS. We Kens do not use dirty tricks on business. Well business is different from love… In love, I guess you must use all the tricks you can just to have the person you wanted the most..."

Then he winked charmingly at Rita. He knew already Rita's weakness. It's him being adorable like this. He noticed that lately, Rita seemed to be caught off guard often by his charms by doing simple teasing and being bold at her like this.

He noticed also that she no longer threatened him whenever he will make simple gestures around her. Though she's not responsive at least she no longer withheld herself back like before.

Rita's face flushed all of a sudden.She did not expect that answer from Dean nor even expect to hear that word.

"Love?" she snorted, wildly unladylike. She was in disbelief and glared at Dean as if waiting for him to correct what she just heard.

"Yes, love… L-O-V-E… love…" Dean repeated smiling at the same time as he spelled and emphasized the word love.

He liked it to see his wife in crimson red cheeks like that in front of him while he teased her.

Then he walked towards her and cornered her with his both arms on the wall.

"I love how your cheeks redden just now…" Dean whispered as he caressed Rita's cheek with the back of his fingers. It was soft and she looks alluring whenever she blushed like that.

Dean felt the magnet pulling him closer to Rita. He leaned forward and kissed Rita.

It was a gentle kiss and almost teasing… because he sucked her upper and lower lips thrice as if he had tasted something from it. Rita did not move and just froze like a statue.

Then she felt Dean's lips and breathe to her ear as he murmured, "Hmm, you taste like candy…"

That instant, Rita recollected herself and went back to reality.

"Ouch!!!" Dean cried out when Rita stepped on his foot and quickly escaped and got away from him.

"I forgot to submit some files to Ryu's office. I'll head back there now," Rita said and hurriedly picked up the documents on her table and ran out from Dean's office.

'What is wrong with you Rita!' she scolded herself as she rushed out from Dean's office. Then she licked her lips trying to check if she could taste what Dean had said.

Then she laughed at herself when she realized what she just did. It was such a simple comment, a matter-of-fact observation. She did taste like candy, like something sugary and sweet. It was the lip gloss Arya had given her.

Dean's breath ghosted over her ear like a warm caress. Rita straightened her shoulder and shook her head to brush of the sudden heat she felt…

'I'm in big trouble.' She thought silently because of the weird thing she was feeling in her body brought by Dean's teasing.