The CEO Who Hates Me

142 Thing I Could Do For You

Cecile pressed accelerator to its full and drove away to go as far as she could from Aldrin.

Her whole life was in a mess and she didn't know what to think and how to react. As she drove her car out of sight of Aldrin, a van rushed ahead of her and before Cecile could think much she pressed brakes and her car screeched and the tyre got stuck in a big hole in the road. Her car got stuck.

She tried to step on the gas for the car to move but it did not work out as the car was still immovable.

She saw three men came out of that van and approached her.

She did not know why but she felt nervous and scared that moment. The three men looked suspicious and looked like thugs. Cecile quickly locked all her doors and windows.

The three came near her car and one of the men knocked at her window. Cecile opened it a little as she inhaled to hide her nervousness.

"Miss, why are you speeding alone this late at night? Is there something wrong? Why don't you get out and come and ride with us instead?" the man asked grinning.

Then another man shouted, "Bruce the tire of her car also stuck up. Man we're so lucky tonight. Less hassle for us. Stop with that nice talks and just grab the bitch."

"Nah don't scare her. Can't you see how pretty this one is?" said by man called Bruce.

"Oh is she good enough for us tonight?" the man asked and quickly walked and peeked at her from the outside.

By that time Cecile already closed the window.

She was scared to death by their looks and she could sense something was not right. She thought these men intentionally have followed her and are here to kill her. She started to pray to God to send Aldrin for her help. Then she heard a loud thud and breaking of her window shield.


Things happened so fast. She was pulled and dragged out from her car and Cecile shouted for help.

"Help! Somebody help!" she screamed out loud.

She struggled hard to escape as she kept on shouting and screaming for help.

Those men were sent by Diana and were instructed to kill Cecile right there. Diana thought by doing this Aldrin will go back to her.

Aldrin, after being pushed by Cecile bumped so bad in his car that he couldn't drive for some time and so he was also not near anywhere. Cecile kept praying to God for help but she was out of luck that night.

Those hired goons of Diana dragged her little further away from the road towards the open fields and molested her one by one. Cecile kept shouting for help and begged them to leave her but they were not moved by her innocent pleadings.

The men just laughed hard on her face like maniacs.

"Please don't.Please let me go and have mercy on me please!" she begged while crying.

Cecile couldn't move but cried in silence. Her tears kept falling down from her eyes. Tears of pain, fear, and sorrow were literally flooding her eyes.

She tried to struggle hard and fight but she was so helpless.

When the three men were done on her she was brutally pulled to be put inside the van.

While they were forcing Cecile to push her inside the van , a car approached them and a man got down from it and ran towards them.

Cecile felt the sudden hope when she saw a familiar figure. It was Aldrin…

She was so weak at that time that she couldn't stand properly. The three men left her there as they plunged forward to fight with Aldrin.

She heard Aldrin shout, "Cecile go and run!"

He was trying to get the man who dared come her way.

"Bruce we have to complete the task! Shoot the bitch. She needs to be killed. Just shoot her several times and let's get out. This man must have informed other people also and definitely some more people might arrive!" shouted the man who was fighting one on one with Aldrin as the other man was already knocked out by Aldrin.

Cecile stood up and as quick as she could, tried to run towards Aldrin's car so she could ask for help.

Before she could make it half way she heard a gunshot.




The sound of gunshots echoed in her ears, not one but thrice and she felt someone had embraced her from her back.

"Cecile I'm so sorry. This is the last thing I could do for you. I love you so much…" it was Aldrin's soft and sweet whispering voice with a familiar breath of warmth on her ears.