The CEO Who Hates Me

122 Who’s Your Woman

"You're a good dancer child and I'm impressed," Elder Master Ken commended Arya on her dancing skills.

Arya smiled sweetly and said, "Thank you grandpa. My dad loves to dance with us. Since he is surrounded by women in the house he practices with us all and he does it often. So I'm forcefully trained perfectly to dance with my dad."

Elder Master Ken laughed. The girl had a good sense of humor he noticed.

Arya and Ryu arrived at the Ken's mansion last night and based on his observation so far, Arya was a straightforward and genuine girl.

She expressed herself freely and he admired it. However, there were still a lot of things to observe and he needed to train her perfectly as a successor of his late wife, The madam Ken of the Ken household as Ryu's other half. Because nothing was easy once you entered the Ken family.

The first music ended and Ryu walked towards them.

"Can I now have the hand of my wife for a dance our Elder Master Ken?" Ryu asked his grandpa grinning.

"Nah, I would like to dance once more but you look so impatient so I'll hand her over to you now." Elder Master Ken said laughing.

Ryu quickly pulled Arya into his embrace. "You dance so well milady," He said in his husky voice.

Arya laughed and said jokingly, "I know right? I have to impress grandpa you know so I tried my best not to trip on his feet but now I'm quite tired so I can't promise I won't trip on yours.

"Hmm so you don't want to impress your husband anymore? Well, never mind, trip over me all you want and I wouldn't mind at all as long as it's you my love." Ryu said as they began to sway with the music.

After another round of dance finished, the music changed and the MC announced for a group dance which needed to change the partners so the guests on the dancing floor formed a round circle on the for the crisscrossing and partner-swapping.

"Oh, this is fun. I saw this kind of dances in period movies like in Jane Austen's country-manor balls movies. I would love to try this one finally."Arya said to Ryu excitedly.

Ryu pouted his lips and said, "Hmm, I hate this idea and just hate to see you dance with other men…"

Arya laughed and said jokingly, "Don't be silly hubby this is only for fun… You'll get to dance with a lot of beautiful ladies too so lets cancel your jealousy with my jealousy and we'll be equal…"

Ryu laughed out loud on this logic of Arya and took her I his tight embrace.

'Wife, you really know how to pacify this jealous husband.'

Then they heard Dean who was dancing with Denise beside them speak, "Big Bro the villain is dancing and we'll be rotating partners soon. Better break free from the dance and pull Arya out."

However, before they could get out from the dance floor, the host of the party, General Chan was already beside them to exchange partner and dance with Arya.

"May I?" he asked smiling at Arya. She looked at Ryu and the latter nodded while she saw Dean scratched his head.

Arya smiled at General Chan and accepted his hand. Then the dance began as they did the rotation of exchanging partners. The dance floor was spacious and the exchanging of partners had a long way since there were many who participated in the dance.

And the time came when Arya was to dance with the CEO of SL Group…

Arya let out a long deep sigh before her hand and body was pulled over by him.

Ryu and Dean were both observing Arya closely especially when she was already a partner of the SL Group CEO.

Ryu's face darkened when he saw the two broke free from the dance chain and suddenly disappeared.

Both he and Dean quickly moved out from the dance floor and ran behind Arya. Denise although confused also followed the two men.

While, it did not catch too much attention from the guests since the dance was still going on, however they could not escape the observant and keen eyes of the media.

"Go follow them quickly, I feel that there's something going on and we must get that scoop." One of the media group said.

Ryu's face was already gloomy and couldn't be painted as they looked around for Arya.

They found her around the corner so he quickly pulled her towards himself holding her arm but the CEO of SL Group held Arya's other arm tightly. They looked like into some kind of a tug of war game where Arya was the rope.

"What are you doing? Let my wife's arm go!" Ryu hissed in an angry tone. How he wanted to punch the man at that moment.

He was trying to hold back his temper since they were in an inappropriate area to give the man the punishment he deserved.

The SL group CEO laughed and said, "What's wrong? Aren't you confident enough about your wife? Or are you too possessive for her to even let her talk to others? I need to talk to her… Couldn't I do that?Wife? Does that word mean you own her and she's no longer free to have a casual and proper conversation with others without your permission?"

He was obviously trying to make a scene by provoking and offending Ryu at that moment.

Arya felt Ryu's temper rising as his grip on her arm tightened so she spoke in her low tone, "Love stay calm. He is deliberately making you angry. Don't let him succeed… There are many people around including the media and we would catch too much attention. Let me handle this okay?"

"Why not listen instead to you wife Mr. Ken? She probably knows best so why don't you let go of her arm instead," said scornfully the SL Group CEO.

"Darn this man! Big bro just let me handle this asshole for you," Dean said angrily. He couldn't hold it any longer.

"What the hell is wrong with you man. You're always planning to make a fuss in a cheap way like this. So now you want the guests and media's attention? What is it now? You want a scandal with my sis-in-law so you could use it in your favor?" Dean said angrily.

Ryu quickly pulled Arya away from the man. However, the SL Group CEO did not let go and held Arya's arm tighter.

They did not notice that media groups were already near them and was about to take photos and videos of them. Then everyone was startled by the sudden appearance of Denise who harshly took off the hand of SL Group CEO as she quickly grabbed it tightly with hers.

Seeing the media were already ogling at them she smiled sweetly and said, "Oh darling, why are your eyes so bad. Geez I told you not to forget to wear your contact lens since you might not recognize me properly in the crowd."

The SL Group CEO frowned and was about to pull out his hand from her but Denise was faster. She knew the media was taking photos and still observing them. She must help her friends out in this critical situation.

She immediately encircled her arms on the waist of the man as she smiled sweetly and said, "Did you miss me darling? Let me remind you who's your woman at this party sothat you don't again dare mistake some another woman for me!"

Before everyone could understand the situation and get a hold of the things no one could anticipate what was going to happen, Denise, without thinking twice, tip toed and brought one arm on the back of his neck and brought her face closer to the CEO of SL group.

She looked in his eyes and within a flash of second bent forward a little and simultaneously pushed him towards herself and sealed the lips of SL Group CEO with hers.

Everyone was shocked including Arya, Ryu and Dean who were all dumbfounded on what they were seeing.

The media persons took photos and videos while they already attracted most of the guest's attention.

"Oh that's Mr. Ming's daughter… So she's in a relationship with the SL Group CEO." One of the guest commented.