The CEO Who Hates Me

116 Shoot Her In Front Of You

"Call us okay should you need anything or in case you feel bored. Let's go out once in a while." Arya said as she kissed farewell to Denise who will fly back home today. They dropped her off at the airport.

"Geez, couldn't you get enough with each other? Staying here for another day… Okay I sound bitter…" Denise jested as she hugged Arya.

Ryu laughed and said, "Arya wanted to explore the place more…"

Denise rolled her eyes and said, "You just want to spend more time with sis since I interrupted you too much. Hmmp."

Ryu just laughed while Denise waved goodbye to the two before turning around to walk towards the airport entrance.


Before going back to their hotel, the couple decided to cull the city's extensive sightseeing opportunity.

They headed to La Rambla.

"Hmmm, thick of the city and its culture," Arya murmured as she took photos with Ryu.

"This is a key boulevard that goes through the Barcelona city center. It's a nice place but I would prefer we head out to our hotel soon…" Ryu commented with his naughty grin.

Arya blushed and turned her head away from her husband.

"Stop it already," she said grinning then she continued walking ahead of him and touched her reddening cheeks. She felt like she will die of diabetes soon because of Ryu's sweetness. She couldn't help but feel the butterflies inside her stomach all over again.

There was a lot to take in along their promenade, including the excitement of human statue art and live performances.

They were having the best day of their life holding hands, cuddling and laughing at each other while taking photos every now and then.

Arya stopped and pulled Ryu to have their caricature drawn by a street artist.

"Let's try also this… Look he seems good," Arya commented as they looked at the artworks of the artist.

They had a sweet pose side by side hugging each other for several minutes while the artist drew.

"Wow, its perfect… I'll have it framed and displayed in our home," Arya commented happily as she looked at the masterpiece before her eyes.

"You're the perfect picture of two persons so much in love with each other," the artist couldn't help but to comment while smiling at them.

Arya suddenly saw an ice cream cart near the main road. Just in time since the sun was up so she wanted to buy one.

"I'll just go buy there…" she said to Ryu before she walked towards the ice cream cart.

Ryu who was paying the artist nodded at his wife with a smile.

After just seconds, he heard a commotion with Arya's scream…

"Ryu,,, hel…"

Arya tried to scream but her mouth was covered abruptly by the man who grabbed her. She struggled hard and while the ice creams on her hands spilled out to her and the face of the man who was holding her.

Everything happened so fast…

Ryu ran quick to Arya who he saw was forcefully taken away inside a Van by men.

Ryu's security team that were disguised as civilians immediately took action and most were in fights one on one with the kidnappers who all went out the van.

Ryu was about to grab on one of the man who held Arya when a gun was suddenly pointed to her temple…

"One move or I'll blow her head right here… right now man…" The guy said in a serious tone as he directly looked RYu who was glaring at him.

Ryu froze and he was suddenly aware of his own racing heartbeat which reverberated through his entire body…

He clenched his fist and gritted his teeth. If there's no gun pointed at Arya right now, he was ready to kill the man who was holding his wife.

"Tell your God damn men to stand down or I'll shoot her in front of you!" shouted by the man who was holding Arya with a gun that still pointed at her temple.

Ryu looked at his men and signaled them to release the rest of assaulters. He was breathing hard because of rage… but he remained calm while he never left Arya. His mind was thinking hard on how he can get his wife without endangering her at all.

The man pulled Arya inside the van as soon as his men were released.

"Get inside and hurry, we are causing too much attention already!" he shouted at his men who followed immediately.

However, Arya struggled to keep her feet from being pulled inside so the door couldn't be closed.

Ryu who saw what Arya did panic. His face paled because he was so afraid what could happen on Arya's struggling while the man's gun was still pointed at her temple.

One wrong mood and he could pull the trigger…

Arya was struggling hard, biting and scratching everyone near her. She didn't mind the gun pointed at her at all.

Ryu quickly moved towards the van seeing Arya was struggling to escape while the kidnappers were all busy to stop her.

Arya moved with all her might, swinging both hands and feet. She smacked with anything he could hold on to, bit, slapped and scratched all those trying to hold her down.

Ryu heard one guy shouted, "Couldn't you hold her down properly? It's just a woman dammit!"

While the other guy answered back, "Boss said not to hurt her!"

Hearing that, Ryu signaled all his men to back him up as he moved and grabbed the man who had a gun pointed at Arya…

He punched the man with a gun several times that his security team tried to stop him already.

"Sir, that's enough. You could kill him. We need the guy alive." The team leader said while they stopped Ryu.

Ryu chest was moving as his breathing was still heavy because of rage.

He saw Arya standing near him and quickly pulled her to his arms.

Ryu's face was as dark as hell when he released Arya to his embrace and looked at her.

"Are you nuts? Why would you do that? Couldn't you see that a gun was pointed at your head?" he was so furious and was shouting at Arya who just stared at him unconsciously.

Then his face suddenly softened when he saw Arya's tears welled up and fell from her eyes.

"Oh God, I'm sorry love… I'm really sorry… for shouting at you like that. I;m sorry," he whispered as he hugged her tightly.

"You must be scared. I'm really sorry it's just that I feel like I'm dying seeing you there… I was so afraid that the gun be fired out anytime at you while you were struggling inside. Please don't do that again. Just wait for me to take you back and don't do careless things like that again… Please don't scare me like that…" Ryu continued while he hugged her more tightly as he sobbed right at that moment.

By now, policemen were all over the place to take all the attackers and kidnappers that were taken all down by Ryu's security team.