The CEO Who Hates Me

107 Never Have Enough

Ryu and Arya spent almost entire morning in the bed and Ryu didn't allow Arya to rest a lot. Arya was all exhausted and even her hair all wet with sweat due to all the workouts they had been doing.

When it was lunch time Arya pleaded him with her puppy eyes and innocent face that he agreed unwillingly to her requests.

So Arya finally managed to pull Ryu out from the bed and they headed to the main dining room on deck four for lunch. They sat in a velvet banquette surrounded by beautiful art.

"Is this our last lunch?" Ryu asked after hearing what Arya had ordered.

Arya laughed hard. She want to try everything so she ordered massive cuts of rib eye, prime rib and a whole Maine lobster with truffle fries on the side.

One of the most decadent experiences was a champagne lunch highlighting Spanish specialties, including endless slices of Jamon iberico and hunks of manchego, so she ordered them too.

"Hmm, it's your fault. You keep on draining my strength so I need to recharge… Besides, I want to try if it's good here." she said teasingly and winked at him.

Ryu smiled and said, "Hmm okay love, eat anything you want. I don't even care if you gain more weight as long as you'll stay by my side…"

Arya blushed and smiled fondly, "Hmm don't worry my husband, the metabolism of my body is good so I won't get fat easily even if I eat as much I want and as often as I wish to…"

Then she stuck out her tongue on him and made face. Ryu just laughed.

Arya was such a foodie that she was so satisfied with what they ate. The restaurant was sophisticated and the food was excellent. Arya actually ended up eating much more than her usual appetite.

"Ohh I'm so full… I need to walk around to get this food digested and this will also burn a few calories." Arya exclaimed after they finished eating.

Ryu laughed because Arya was the one who almost ate everything… Who would have thought that a woman like her would be able to eat so much? She had the perfect curves and...

'Alright, wifey… you wanna burn few calories… lets burn more than a few…'

His wicked ideas were plastered all over his face as he spoke, "I know a better way how you could burn up those calories easily. So why don't we do that instead of walking. It's more thrilling and fun… and enjoyable… and best thing is that we will both benefit with it."

Arya flushed as she got Ryu's teasing words…

"Hey… Haven't you had enough? How many times we already did it today?" she spoke in a low voice without daring to look at him. She felt a burning gaze coming from Ryu and her face reddened and she cupped her flustered face with her palms.

'Luv! Can we talk and walk without thinking about making love for a little more than a while?' she wanted to voice out.

"Nope, I can never have enough of you, since the day I have locked my eyes on you I seem to be wanting more and more every time I see you. You're like a vice which I'm addicted to and I don't want to cure this addiction of mine ever… So yeah, I can't seem to get enough of you." Ryu answered grinning. He loved how his wife was still blushing with his words.

"Stop it already… I'm bloated right now and let's do walking and strolling okay…" Arya said and stood up quickly to hide her blushing.

Ryu followed her and grabbed her hands and kissed it, "Why are you leaving me behind. No matter what we should at least be together…. let me stick to you wherever you go and whatever you do my darling!"

"Shhh… too much sweetness… I'll die of diabetes if this continues..." Arya jested and lovingly pinched Ryu's cheek.


Rita was doing all the things quite well so far during her first few days of stay at the mansion and Elder Master Ken was quite impressed by her ways of handling the things and how she managed to get all things done quickly.

Well, he actually had already expected that Rita would be an exceptional person because she was well trained since her childhood under SL Group.

Based on his investigations she was an adopted child who grew up in an environment full of expectations and pressure of fulfilling her duties. She might be lacking in love and affection in all her life.

She should be a good person with good values but because she was still from the enemy's side, the Ken Family should be cautious of her.

"What's wrong with you? Why do you keep on moving your shoulders?" Elder Master Ken asked with a creased forehead.

Dean smile and said, "Too much work at night grandpa since I'm competing with Ryu for a grandchild. I think I worked too hard that my back is aching like this…"

Dean made sure Rita who was beside him hears everything he said. He was playing chess with his grandpa while Rita was watching them play the game.

He was about to pick his move when he heard Rita commented, "Not that! It's a wrong move can't you see?"

Dean's eyebrow arched as he turned around and looked at Rita.

'What is this? Did she just not listen to his teasing but was focused instead to the game that he is playing?'

"Your moves are lame... You should not take that trap. Move that knight instead," Rita continued while her lips were pointing on the horse and she had obviously ignored Dean.

Elder Master Ken did not say a word but just observed the two of them.

"Wait… Are you the one playing or me?" Dean asked still with an arched eyebrow.

This time Rita met his eyes and without blinking she said, "I can see you loosing with such childish moves of yours...Do you expect me to just watch and remain quiet while I can see that you can win? No! I have to help you so you can win the game… like a team…"

Hearing Rita's words, Dean's face softened.

'She wants me to win? Like a team? Like a wife helping her husband?' he was feeling ecstatic with the thought that Rita cared for him and don't want him to lose so he followed her advice and moved the knight instead.

Elder Master Ken shook his head while he suppressed his urge to comment. He wanted to observe more on how Rita will handle the game. She was not bad at all.

He liked how she stood up for Dean seeing that the latter was losing. He doesn't mind her interfering at all during the game. She was a strategist and a good one at it he must say.

But one important thing he noticed was that she would be a good match for this grandchild of his.

A wife who can support her husband in his weak aspects is the best match for the man.

Elder master Ken was always a little worried for Dean since Dean although was a good and hardworking lad who was best in executing the plans and taking down the enemies but he also had his weak points and Dean lacked on strategically planning of things and was of the type who would just go to battle not fully prepared.