The CEO Who Hates Me

104 All Of Me

The next day, the cruise set off for Rome and docked at Civitavecchia. Ryu and Arya were taken by the bus together with Denise and her fiancé to do a tour of the City which included a stop at the Trevi fountain, a tour inside the Colosseum and a trip to Vatican City.

The Vatican tours included a stop in the Basilica that was filled with religious sculptures and works of art.

"This one is PIETA by Michelangelo," Ryu murmured as he put his arm on Arya's shoulders.

Arya had seen it in books only during school days. Pieta is made of marble and depicts Jesus Christ lying on the lap of the Virgin Mary after the crucifixion.

After a while, they were led down to elaborated and decorated hallways and stairwells of the Vatican museums before entering the Sistine Chapel.

"Wow it's so cool…" Arya whispered quietly as she looked up the ceiling of Sistine Chapel.

"That was also painted by Michelangelo," Ryu muttered in a very low volume for her to hear.

Arya's eyebrows arched and said, "Are you the tour guide, you seem to be competing with him on explaining the details about things we are seeing..."

Ryu giggled and Arya did the same. The ceiling contained scenes depicting God's creation of the World, God's relationship with Mankind and mankind's fall from God's Grace.

"Ssshhh…" Denise reminded them to be quiet because they were not allowed to speak inside the chapel and taking of photos were also prohibited.

Finally they were outside to visit gift shops, eat some gelato and bask in all its glory.

"They said eating gelato is a year-round ritual here in Rome. What flavour is your favorite sis?" Denise blurted out excitedly while she encircled her arms on Arya's shoulders as soon as Ryu excused himself to go to the rest room.

Arya smiled at her and answered, "I'm actually a big fan of hazelnut, pistachio and chocolate chip."

"Wow we're the same. I love them also." Denise said. She had suggested they call each other sis since they were both comfortable together like sisters.

"Geez, look at that bastard. This tour really made me realize that I should give a second thought about getting married to a man like that. It's actually a good thing I booked a separate room from him for the tour." Denise hissed while looking at her fiancé who was so busy on the phone.

"Do you know who's he's talking to? Is that about business?" Arya asked nonchalantly.

"I don't care anymore. I'm just thankful to have found you guys on this tour or else my trip would have been completely ruined. " Denise added with her gloomy face while she still stared at Greg.

"Alright loosen up that face and don't ruin your mood. Let's grab gelato and enjoy shopping some more souvenirs." Arya said cheeringly.

"Geez it's hard to be third wheel with a married couple," Denise said jokingly laughing. She preferred to stay more with Arya and Ryu but she knew it was unethical since the two were on their honeymoon.

"Hmmm, nope you two enjoy. Greg and I will need to stop by a place still…" Denise said smiling and kissed Arya farewell before she turned around. She had given enough trouble to Ryu and she felt shy already.

Ryu was a real gentleman giving her enough space to be close with Arya. How she wished she could have a man like him to lead her life with.

She faked a smile as she walked towards Greg.


Arya ordered the pistachio while Ryu had another two flavors, hazelnut and chocolate chip. He actually did not have any preference on flavors but Arya loved three flavors so he ordered three.

They were sitting opposite each other and Arya suddenly smiled wickedly at Ryu while eating her ice cream.

Ryu creased his forehead and said, "What's with that smile? You look like someone with some naughty and dirty intentions..."

Arya did not answer but instead Ryu felt Arya's feet touching and teasing his legs as it moved upwards.

Ryu's eyes widened and said "Stop that! Are you going to kill me here on the spot? Why are you becoming so merciless nowadays?"

Arya laughed out hard and just made a face on her husband then blinked an eye. She had found out that her husband was easily seduced and it was so much fun seeing his various expressions trying to keep himself in control.

Arya started acting cute while she kept her palms on her both cheeks with her elbows on the table and asked, "If I'm an ice cream. What flavor would I be do you think?"

Ryu almost choked seeing Arya pouted her lips while she blinked her eyes. She was just too cute…

"Hold on, let me get back-up on that…" Ryu said as he quickly searched something on his phone.

"Oh there… You are the Chocolate chip then…" he said grinning.

"Why? What does it say about chocolate chip?" Arya asked while pointing her lips on Ryu's phone.

"Well it says that chocolate chip is a conqueror!" Ryu said chuckling.

Arya crumpled her face and said, "Can't you at least pick something sweeter than that like me being the most beautiful or best wife. Geez, why would you even pick chocolate chip. What does it says about strawberry, pistachio or vanilla?"

Ryu continued grinning and said, "What's wrong? For me chocolate chip suited you the most. You are a conqueror!"

"Instead of frowning in there why wouldn't you ask me first why would I choose chocolate chip to describe your flavour?" he added with a wink.

"Tsk… you should give me a better explanation then! Okay why choose chocolate chip for me in case I'm an ice cream?" Arya asked with a raised eyebrow while she crossed her arms and stared at Ryu intently.

Ryu met her intense gaze and said in a serious tone, "You're a chocolate chip and a conqueror because you had conquered the whole me, the whole Ryu Ken, my mind, my body, my soul and my heart. You had conquered all of me…"