The CEO Who Hates Me

101 Thin Line Between Love And Hate

"Love, don't you think it will be good if you eat some nutritious food before we start with another round?" Ryu whispered softly in Arya's ears.

"What?" Arya suddenly woke up from her slumber and stared at Ryu, he was looking at her with such eyes that made her blush crimson. "You hooligan…" She hit him on his chest with her fist and pouted.

Ryu laughed at this reaction of hers then kissed her forehead and said, "Get ready my love, lets go get some energy," and winked at her.


"Chen mentioned that the restaurant here excels as a 5 star. Let's go and check it out," Ryu said smiling as they walked out of their room after getting dressed up for a formal dinner.

When they reached at the dining area of the cruise, they were impressed with the excellent arrangement of the dining tables and the huge size of the place. This dining area had an open side which brought the fresh air from the sea mixed with marine smell that made them forget their tiredness.

The tables were round in shape and were arranged in a very beautiful pattern making the whole place look very open yet had enough space for everyone. The dining floor was not too crowded and they saw a few other couples and families enjoying the view of Barcelona lights and the night sky.

Arya and Ryu behaved like a typical newlywed couple and they attracted looks from many people as they walked in the dining area hand in hand and completely engrossed in each other.

Ryu took Arya to a table that was a little close to the open end of the floor and brought out a chair for her. When Arya sat down he sat down opposite to her and picked up the menu cards and handed one to Arya.

Ryu and Arya ordered an extensive menu of authentic antipasti and Italian specialties served a la carte paired with fine Italian wine – complimentary of course. The dishes were prepared by a la minute by the talented chefs using fresh gourmet ingredients and served by the attentive waiters.

It was an intimate dining experience filled with romance and the couple enjoyed every minute of it.

When they started eating Ryu took food in his spoon and gestured Arya to eat it. Arya was surprised by this gesture of him to feed her.

"What? What's funny?" she heard him asked with a sweet smile.

"Nothing… It just feels great being fed by you since I had been doing that earlier as your slave." She said smiling in a joke as she open her mouth and accepted the food from Ryu.

"Well, let's swap our roles from now on my love. You shall be the Master and I'll be your slave forever. How about that?" Ryu said as he winked mischievously at his wife.

Arya's heart started beating faster; She could never get over Ryu's charming ways and his actions that could flutter her heart every now and then and she hoped their love and affection could remain as it is forever.

While they were drinking wine, an international artist performed to serenade the guests. He first sang the classic music Moon River and most couples were encouraged to the dance floor for a sweet slow dance.

Ryu stood up and walked towards Arya's side, he smiled and offered his hand as he bowed like a gentleman and said, "Mrs. Arya Ken, would you like to grace me with this dance?"

Arya flushed and smiled timidly as she placed her hand on his. Ryu lead her to the dance floor and guided her to place her arms on his shoulders and wrap around his neck while he encircled Arya's waist with his arms. They were hugging each other very closely as they slowly swayed with the music.

It was a nice song with the sweetest melody that was very pleasing to the ears and most of the couples by now have also graced the dance floor for an intimate dance with their partner.

Arya buried her face on Ryu's neck and murmured, "Hmmm, Ryu my love, I just want to ask out of my curiosity. How much did you hate me when I left you? I'm sure you must have been in a very bad mood and hated me for all that I did then…"

"You know Arya, there's a very thin line between love and hate when it comes for the people who mean the most to you, the true love of your life. You can neither hate them nor accept that you still love them. You want to take revenge from them but can't hurt them also. It's like both hating and loving someone at the same time. That's what I felt when I didn't find you near me. I was disappointed when you left me and it drove me mad, but not enough I guess to hate you in the true sense of the word." He explained in a serious tone.

Arya's eyes started to redden when she felt his pain and the memories of her shattered self brisked through her mind.

"So, I was like singing the song… I hate how much I love you, but I just can't let you go and I really hate that I love you so..." He said humming to Arya's ear then winked at her teasingly.

She snapped back and tapped Ryu's shoulder as she laughed with tears in her eyes.

"Okay stop it already, you're out of tune my love," she said in a playful tone and hugged him tightly and said, "I'm grateful that you did not let me go. I have no words to tell you how much I hated myself for betraying you, how much I missed you in every moment of each day that I lived after that until I saw you in the resort. Thank God you came back. I love you so much my dear husband…"

"Me too my love," And Ryu hugged her tightly in his embrace.