The CEO's Painted Skin

363 Unexpected Visitor!


Romeo entered John's office.

"Bro, I just read your text message and I came here to your office right away. Are you sure that it's the owner himself of RGM Pharma that will come to visit here in your office later in the afternoon?" he asked his buddy with curiosity mounting in his eyes.

John nodded his head. "I browse online of his recent image that was posted on the website of his company. We will know later if he is indeed what he claimed he was. I'm just wondering what I have done that warrant his attention and his sudden visit?"

Romeo was scratching his head in puzzlement.

"Unless, it concerns with her daughter, Ella? But you told me that since she loses the challenge she was no longer bothering you and you didn't see each other again since then. So why Oscar, the owner of RGM Pharma will take sudden interest on you? You two had never crossed path with each other, right?" asked Romeo.

"Yes. Besides, when it becomes to the business world I have a low key profile. I don't attain business parties, I don't belong to any business organization," replied John.

They looked at each other, both were trying to fathom what could be the reason for the sudden visit.

Suddenly, Romeo roared in laughter. "OMG bro! I already knew what was the visit is for!" he exclaimed.

John stared at his buddy, his brows knitted together. "What is it, Romeo?" he asked interested with his buddy's wild guess.Find authorized novels in Webnovel,faster updates, better experience,Please clickfor visiting.

Romeo continuous grinning. "He is going to offer you a business proposal since he already knew that you owned several hotels, he wants us to sell his new condom products. We did sell condom products in all our hotel chains then we also sell viagra."

John's eyes grow bigger. "Huh? Since when did we start selling viagra in our hotels?"

Romeo's laughter becomes hysterical. "Lol, bro. How did you forget about it? It started when some of our hotels' clients were asking the receptionist if we are selling viagra? Since we want our clients to be happy we started selling it in all our hotels but it's not selling like hotcakes though. We don't stock many viagra in our hotels because not all clients ask for it. Just some occasional poor dude asking for it from time to time, but it's handy when they asked for it. So yeah, that's it," he explained.

John grinned. "Ah, I remember it now. I think none of the above guesses you mentioned is correct bro," he said.

Romeo stops laughing and his face turned serious.

John was silent for a while. He was thinking about the erotic video footages of Ella that he had secretly taken as part of his Plan B. He told no one about that video, only him and Mr. Satorno, his blood relative on his father's side knows about it. Even Romeo doesn't know about the video. Ella is a woman, if that video will leak accidentally out in the media it can damage Ella's image. Maybe it's about time to destroy it. Anyways, he has no ill intention towards Ella, in fact, if he was just like some other heartless guy he could make Ella his slave f*ck buddy, but he is not like that, he still had high hopes for Ella to transform into a good woman one day.

Later, after having a conversation with Ella's father, he will then decide whether to destroy the video footage or not. His curiosity was mounting on why on earth Ella's father would visit him all of a sudden?

Romeo was silent for a while and so was John. Speculations were swirling in their mind.

Fifteen minutes later, Romeo decided to leave the office. "I will return later bro after Ella's father is done talking to you," he said.

John nodded his head and shifted his attention back to his laptop.


Oscar arrives at John's office at exactly 3:00 PM.

"Nice view!" he commented casually when his gaze landed on the Makati Skyline view outside the glass wall.

John smiled at the older man in a friendly way. "I'm glad you like it, Sir!"

They shook hands.

John looked at Ella's father admiringly. He has the same age as his father and he got this dignified aura around him.

"Please have a seat, Sir. Can I offer you anything?" asked John.

The older man shook his head. "No thanks, please, don't bother. I'm here for one thing only, it's about my daughter..."

John took a deep breath.

Oscar looked at the younger man and liking what he saw.

"I'm come here to personally see and meet you. My youngest daughter had mentioned you and based on the soft look in her eyes, she got some romantic feelings towards you. But she avoided discussing you any further. So, I'm here personally to see the guy that broke my daughter's heart. What is the real score between you and my daughter? How long have you been seeing each other and when did you start dating?" he started the conversation with his rapid-fire question.

John was torn between hiding or revealing the truth about Ella's naughty antics. But he also knows that what he was seeing right now is the father of Ella and the old man would surely feel ashamed of his daughter's shameless lewd behavior if he will reveal to him the truth about the challenge.

Ella is a sensitive topic for both of them.