The CEO's Office Boy is a Girl

340 Chapter 340 'sUntil Forever and Ever THE END 's

Tan Hua's heart stopped beating for a second there when she saw the blonde young man standing on the altar, waiting for them to come.

That young man...why did she feel so familiar? She never met this man before…

Tan Hua tried to see more clearly as the face of this blonde priest couldn't be seen clearly from behind her veil. Tan Hua's little movement was noticed by Nan Shen who was calmly leading the girl to walk to the front.

"What's up?" Nan Shen whispered to Tan Hua as he saw the girl was trying to do something with the veil covering her face. What if Tan Hua accidentally stepped on her dress or something? That would be bad!

"No.." Noticing Nan Shen also knew what she was going to do, Tan Hua quickly stopped her plan. She could see the priest's face clearer when she approached him anyway. For now, let's try to not step on her dress and embarrass herself.

Tan Hua took a deep breath as she passed through a row of white porcelain bench occupied with a well-dressed guest. She didn't realize this before but the interior of this hall...or maybe she could call it the wedding chamber...actually looked very luxurious.

Tan Hua looked down to see a red carpet laying on the floor welcoming her from the moment she stepped into the hall. She was occupied with her nervousness not to realize this red carpet under her feet.

'Such a beautiful carpet..' Tan Hua could recognize the carpet as one of the best carpets in the country. Maybe it costs a lot just for the red carpet. Not to mention the chair inside the hall were all made from ceramic, an expensive one.

The special chair for Nan Shen's family, close friends and other higher-up guests were all made from expensive white marble.

"Are you okay? You look nervous" just when Tan Hua was observing her surrounding as she walked real slow, Nan Shen suddenly whispered again feeling worried that Tan Hua suddenly went silent.

"Huh? I'm okay" Tan Hua looked up to the man and just now noticed the lighting in the hall was also extravagant. The lighting was all crystal chandelier which looked pretty expensive. She could wonder how much money Nan Shen used just to decorate the hall.

"Watch your step we're here" Nan Shen informed Tan Hua that they had arrived in front of the altar. The man helped Tan Hua to fixed her long dress as they stood so the girl won't accidentally step on it.

"Thanks" Tan Hua took a deep breath as she raised her head, ready to do the marriage vow people usually did in a marriage ceremony.

Tan Hua had just raised her head when her heart suddenly beats faster again seeing the blonde priest's face from a close distance.


Why...why she really felt familiar with this person? Not only that, her heart suddenly ached for no reason.

Tears dripped from Tan Hua's eyes when she saw the handsome young priest smiled at her. She didn't have memories ever meeting this man before but her heart told her that this priest was someone important to her. Maybe...used to be.

Nan Shen also felt the same as Tan Hua. While waiting for the priest to finish his 'lecture', the man observed the priest's face with a heart full of confusion. He was sure he never met this strange, blonde priest but somehow…

Why the hell he had the urge to punch this priest? Is it because this priest is handsome like a model? Anyway what kind of priest would have blonde hair and blue eyes? This priest looked like a model instead of a proper, genuine priest!

Nan Shen thought was suddenly interrupted when the priest looked at him and asked him with a big, warm smile on his face.

"Mr Nan. Do you take Tan Hua as your lawful wife, to have and to hold, from this day forward, for better or for worse, for richer or for poorer, in sickness and in health, to love and cherish until death do you part?"

"I do" Nan Shen hold back his urge to punch the priest and answered the question with a clear, loud voice. He gripped Tan Hua's hand tighter as he declares his vow.

"Ms Tan, do you take Nan Shen as your lawful husband, to have and to hold, from this day forward, for better or for worse, for richer or for poorer, in sickness and in health, to love and cherish until death do you part?"

The priest looked at Tan Hua this time as he asked the same question he asked Nan Shen before.

"Yes, I do" Tan Hua held back her tears as she answered without hesitation. This vow, she really meant it!

"Please exchange the ring" The priest called a servant to bring the wedding ring. After receiving the ring, the blonde priest gave the ring to both Tan Hua and Nan Shen.

Nan Shen took the first ring and said "With this ring, I thee wed" while inserting the ring to Tan Hua's ring finger with a smile on his face. Finally, they tied the knot!

"This ring…" Tan Hua was slightly stunned when she saw the ring on her finger was the same ring she threw to Nan Shen back then. She didn't expect Nan Shen to make it into a wedding ring…

"C'mon your turn" Nan Shen nudged Tan Hua when the girl didn't move and stare at the ring instead.

"With this ring, I thee wed" Tan Hua quickly followed after Nan Shen by inserting an identical ring similar to her ring, to Nan Shen's ring finger.

The priest smiled seeing Tan Hua and Nan Shen had exchanged the ring. With a loud clear voice echoing throughout the hall, the priest announced. "I now pronounce you husband and wife" Find authorized novels in Webnovel,faster updates, better experience,Please click www.novelhall.comfor visiting.

At the end of the sentence, the guests inside the hall all stood up and applause for the couple in front of them. Now they were officially husband and wife! Nan Shen's parents cried seeing their son finally got a wife while Mi Shu and Ren Yuan who had just made it in time, also silently cheered for the two of them.

The whole hall was filled with congratulation from the guests and happy cheers for Nan Shen and Tan Hua.

"The groom may kiss the bride" the priest looked at Nan Shen and Tan Hua after the guest quiets down. There was a mixture of sadness and happiness in the priest's eyes that no one noticed.

Nan Shen grinned as he pulls Tan Hua closer and revealed the veil Tan Hua was wearing. The man looked at Tan Hua with affection in his eyes as he whispered sweetly.

"Please take care of me" Nan Shen brought his face closer to Tan Hua's face as he said so. Hearing this, Tan Hua with red face also said the same thing while shutting her eyes tight receiving Nan Shen's kiss.

The two couple kissed and second after, the guests all stood up again to cheer. The whole hall became noisy again with people applauding followed by a thousand flower petals showering the couple.

The priest silently looked at the happy couple as he prayed for both of them to lead a happy marriage.

Tan Hua, Nan Shen...congratulation. May God always bless your marriage. Live a long life, quickly have a child, love each other until death comes getting you.

This is not the end. This is the start of your relationship. There will be many problems and challenges ahead. Sorrow and pain will always follow behind every smile and happiness but if it's you two...everything will be alright.

I wish you all the best even though I am not a part of your life anymore. I will always keep an eye on you two to ensure your happiness. From today on until forever and ever.