The CEO's a Woman

Chapter 93

At this time, Su Jing came to realize that Lin Feng, who was a fool, seemed to be better than anyone else.

He not only defused Shen Mao's blackmail, but also began to blackmail Shen Mao.

I'm afraid no one can do this except Lin Feng!

"You hit me, you want me to pay? Are you mistaken? " At this time Shen Mao was angry.

"Who let you stand in the middle of the road and get in my way?" Lin Feng said, "do you pay or not? I'll call the police if you don't pay! Let's go to the police station and say

Shen Maoxin said that he had a ghost today. He was almost knocked down and then blackmailed by the loser.

But he didn't want to tangle with Lin Feng because of this small matter, so he said, "I don't have time to talk to you. I'll accompany you with a new bicycle, but you boy, remember that I'll settle accounts with you sooner or later."

"Wait!" Lin Feng said, "Mr. Shen, what you said just now, accompany me with a new car, and we all heard it!"

"Yes, what's the matter? I'll pay you for a broken bike Shen Mao said.

People also think that Lin Feng is making trouble out of nothing. It's OK to talk about such a small matter in private. Why do you still make such a big fuss? It's just a bike!

Lin Feng said: "my bicycle is limited to ten in the world. I want to know where Mr. Shen will get one for me."

"Global limits?" On hearing this, everyone was shocked and did not believe it.

Some people quickly checked up their mobile phones and found that Lin Feng did not lie. The bicycle was actually made of full 24 gold aurumania, which was not only made of pure gold, but also inlaid with 600 Swarovski crystals, which was very noble and elegant.

How could this little security guard have such an expensive bike?

It's unbelievable!

"Mr. Shen, that car is a limited edition indeed A strong man showed Shen Mao his mobile phone.

"Are you mentally disabled? What the hell are you looking for? " Shen Mao scolded the strong man, but from everyone's expression of surprise, we can see that the bicycle has a great future.

"Mr. Shen, tell me. How can you compensate?" Lin Feng Road.

"You are deliberately blackmailing people!" Shen Mao said.

"If you say I blackmail people, I will blackmail them? You're not a law, so if you still refuse, we'll go to the police station! Let's go Lin Feng said.

In fact, Lin Feng knows that the police will judge him. But the reason why he still sticks to Shen Mao is that he knows that Shen Maogen would not go to the police station with him, because Shen Mao will be here to stir up the opening ceremony of Dongsheng mining!

Sure enough, Shen Mao said, "I'm attending the opening ceremony of Dongsheng mining today. We'll talk about this later."

"No, either you'll pay for it, or you'll go to the police station with me and see what the police say!" Lin Feng is going to fight 110.

Shen Mao naturally refused to delay his best opportunity to make trouble because of this. He gritted his teeth and said, "how do you want to compensate?"

"I don't want to do anything about it!" Lin Feng said with a smile: "but just now I saw you drive a Bentley car. Yes, it's the one parked at the door. I like it very much. In this way, Bentley will be compensated and I won't hold you responsible."

Sleeping trough!

The people around can't calm down. Is Lin Feng too cruel?

How can such a thing happen in the end of the day?

"Lin Feng, don't push your luck!" Shen Mao gnawed his teeth.

"You know, as long as you have money, you can buy Bentley, but I can't buy my bike. Can't I ask too much? As far as I know, you bribe other people. How many vehicles do you send? "

"You and he? Nonsense, this Bentley, I will not give you!" Shen Mao's anger is rising. It's a matter of dignity. If you really compensate this boy, won't it make people laugh?

Lin Feng said: "Mr. Shen, you misunderstood me. I said I like it, but I didn't want it. Since the mining branch of Dongsheng Group opened today, you can give this car as a gift to Dongsheng mining. In the future, the people of Dongsheng mining will remember you when driving this car!"

"Yes, boss, that's a great proposal! When Mr. Shen came, he didn't bring any presents. It was not polite at all! " The mouse interposed.

Mouse this sentence reminds people, this guy really came empty handed, at this time Lin Feng raised this matter, immediately let Shen Mao embarrassed!

Tang Dongsheng was afraid that Lin Feng would irritate Shen Mao and make things worse. He said, "Lin Feng, don't embarrass Mr. Shen. It's our duty to give gifts and not to give them. We can't force them!"

But Tang Dongsheng's words from the heart, but let people sigh.

"You see, Tang Dong is worthy of being the chairman of the board, and the pattern is high!"

"Yes, you can see that people are generous and decent when they talk and handle affairs. Dongsheng Group is indeed a big company. It can be seen from the chairman's behavior! The atmosphere...

these words are heard in Shen Mao's ears, and every sentence is penetrating.

He Dongsheng Group is a big company. Isn't Shen's group a big company?

Although the group's price has been raised obviously, it seems that they have not made a fuss about themselves.

He is on behalf of the Shen group, must not be discredited to the group. It's just a Bentley. Just give it away. If you can't bear it, you will make a big plan!

Seeing that everyone was still talking, Shen Mao said in a loud voice, "Oh, Lin Feng reminds me. Look at my brain, isn't it a Bentley? Today, it's my opening gift for Dongsheng mining! Our Shen group has always been very atmospheric. Don't mention it, don't mention it

As soon as this was said, people around him began to talk again.

"Mr. Shen of Shen's group is so grand!"

"Sure enough, heroes are young."

Shen Mao smiles and is satisfied with the compliment.

At this time, Tang Dongsheng said: "Mr. Shen, I've got the friendship. You'd better drive this car back! I can't take it! "

Tang Dongsheng has his own principles. When someone drives here, you take his car and let him walk back? How could that be fun?

Shen Mao was even more happy when he heard this. Now, he didn't have to send the car. He also earned his face.

But at this time, Lin Feng suddenly interrupted: "Tang Dong, why are you so polite? If you don't accept the car, you'll hit Mr. Shen in the face! Is Shen always short of people with this car? This car is to be collected, mouse. Go to ask Mr. Shen for the key and drive the car to the garage! "

The mouse came to Shen Mao with a smile and said, "Mr. Shen, bring the key. Hey, hey! Your car is not bad. It's my type! "

The corners of Shen Mao's mouth are puffing. They are all small minions. How can they be so angry!

He said to the mouse in a vicious low voice: "be careful to drive this car and be killed by someone!"

The mouse said with a smile, "don't worry, I'm a good driver! My eldest brother Lin Feng taught it himself

When it comes to Lin Feng, Shen Mao is even more angry. Today, it's all because of Lin Feng. He swore that he would never let Lin Feng go.

But now, he can't worry about it. He has to continue his destructive plan, so that the opening ceremony of Tang Dongsheng can't be completed!

Thinking of this, Shen Maoqiang held back his anger and said with a smile to Tang Dongsheng: "Tang Dong, the episode just now, let's let him become the past! You see, we have not finished the boxing and foot performance just now. Let my three boxers finish the performance! "

Tang Dongsheng's face suddenly became stiff. Shen Mao estimated that it was because of this. He was going to be cruel. Next, he would make a big fuss.

What can I do?

When Tang Dongsheng did not come up with a way, he heard Shen Mao say, "three masters, keep practicing!"

The three strong men with bare arms were ordered to drink and wave their fists again. , the fastest update of the webnovel!