The CEO's a Woman

Chapter 855

"Are you tired of living?" With the support of general manager Liu, he was full of confidence.

He thought to himself, this nightclub must have hundreds of security personnel at least. Even if you can beat down the four I brought, Mr. Liu ordered that dozens of security guards would be present in minutes. I don't believe you can beat dozens of security personnel one by one?

"Who are we tired of living?" Lin Feng turned his head and looked at shangdashao and asked shangdashao again: "by the way, you haven't answered my question. Do you come by yourself or do I do it?"

"Mr. Liu, he threatened me and hit him!" Shang Da Shao shouts with red eyes.

General manager Liu looked at Lin Feng, who refused to listen to him. He simply picked up the walkie talkie and said to the downstairs, "Xiao Wang, take some security personnel up here. You should be strong and have a good fight!"

A few minutes later, Mr. Wang took more than ten people from Datang and logistics to catch up in the elevator.

If you don't see the action around, you will not see it.

"Mr. Liu, where are the people?" Manager Wang also came up with an electric stick and came over carelessly.

"There, that boy is making trouble!" General manager Liu pointed to Lin Feng.

"Ah Manager Wang was stunned on the spot.

Isn't this Mr. Tang's friend? Even young master Tang wants to respect him three times. How can Liu beat him?

Manager Wang couldn't get along well for a moment.

Seeing so many security guards coming all of a sudden, Jin Fenghuang was worried and said to Lin Feng: "Lin Feng, don't make any more noise, or you will offend the Tang family again, and it will be more than worth the loss."

"No, I have to make a scene today. What can't be moved is ten million yuan. Is your family's money from the strong wind?" Lin Feng said angrily.

It is said that the Golden Phoenix has gone to the heart. Today, it is true that, first, he was coerced by these scoundrels, and then blackmailed by manager Liu of this nightclub. He also opened his mouth and shut up. All of them are ten million yuan. These people are really cannibalism!

At this time, Lin Feng picked up the half drunk bottle of Red Star Erguotou on the table, raised his head and took a mouthful, and said, "make trouble, everyone make trouble for me. I'm not happy if I don't make trouble!"

Mr. Liu looked at it. No wonder the boy is so brave. His emotion is a drunkard!

He said to manager Wang, "take your men up and tie him up for me."

"This, this can't work, he is..." manager Wang said with trembling.

Mr. Liu thought that manager Wang wanted to say that he was a guest, so he resolutely interrupted manager Wang's words: "I'll let you go, you can go, and give it to me!"

"No!" Manager Wang shook his head.

"Crouch, are you him? Is that the opposite?" General manager Liu scolded: "I'll let you leave today. Do you believe it or not?"

Then, he said to the others, "listen to me now. Go up and tie up that boy and see how I can deal with him!"

Other people knew about Lin Feng in the hall, but a few people in the logistics didn't know about it. Hearing the order of general manager Liu, those security guards who didn't know about Lin Feng rushed to Lin Feng with rubber sticks in their hands.

At this time, however, an amazing scene happened.

Lin Feng suddenly bent down, a hand embedded in the bottom of a set of sofas, instantly overturned the four meter long sofa, and directly smashed several people who rushed up.

Those people because rush too fiercely, a cannot brake the car, be hit by sofa to fall to the ground.

At this time, Lin Feng stepped forward, one foot on the sofa, his eyes sharp swept over the faces of the people. He still held the Red Star Erguotou Wine bottle in his hand, took a sip, and said coldly, "if you don't know how to live or die, you can go on it? I deserve to be humble to others all my life! "

Looking at Lin Feng's fierce eyes like wild animals, those people suddenly felt a burst of weakness. The strong man's aura was too strong. Just one look made them feel despair from the bottom of their hearts.

And it turns out to be the same. These people were pressed on the ground by the sofa and tried to get up, but they couldn't push the sofa open. Just because one foot of Lin Feng stepped on it, there was gravity like a thousand catties, which made them unable to resist at all.

At this time, Lin Feng, like a god of killing, gazed at the people under his feet and jumped out a few words from his teeth: "you should be glad that the sofa hit you. If it was my foot, you would all die here today!"

Then, push on your feet.

"Ah --"

"help --"

the security guards were desperately calling for help, and the sofa was about to crush their bodies.

This scared manager Wang. At this time, he realized how cruel this seemingly rustic young man was. No wonder young master Tang wanted to respect him three times. He could lift the sofa with one hand, which was not enough for three or five people.

Of course, if manager Wang knew that this was just the result of Lin Feng's little effort, he would be scared to the spot.Among those security guards, one of them was the handsome waiter in the hall on the first floor. After seeing Lin Feng's performance like this, he felt a cold sweat on his forehead and his legs trembled.

Think of Lin Feng just to the front desk, he also sneer to stimulate Lin Feng, now simply dare not recall, that is really on the verge of death crazy temptation ah!

General manager Liu looked at Lin Feng like a monster at this time. He didn't know what kind of person he had provoked. Could a person be so powerful?

At this time, however, someone nearby called out: "what's going on? What are you doing here? "

Looking at the source of the voice, we saw a fat, fat man with a limited edition Hermes wallet in his arm, rushing towards this side.

When Mr. Liu saw the arrival of Mr. Tang, he was immediately overjoyed and quickly complained: "childe Tang, someone is making trouble here. They not only beat the bodyguards of Shangda Shao and Da Shao, but also hurt our people!"

"Such a cow? Who is it? " Young master Tang looked at Lin Feng not far away.

Because Mr. Tang is still a little short-sighted, in the dim light, he looked at Lin Feng's side face, but he didn't see it clearly.

At this time, Shangda Shao quickly came up like a pug and licked: "young master Tang, you are so handsome recently!"

Then, with a sad face, he said, "master Tang, this boy is beating me on your territory. Do you have to give me an explanation?"

"Tell you? Ha ha Young master Tang gave a cold smile.

He doesn't hate him, but he doesn't like him. He just knows that this guy is as romantic as he is and belongs to the type of competitor. However, Mr. Tang will not regard him as a competitor. He doesn't look down on such a small family.

However, he felt that if he made trouble on his own territory, he still had to take care of it. He called to Lin Feng: "Hello, who are you? Why are you making trouble here? Get off the sofa

"Do you mean me?" Lin Feng held a bottle of wine in his hand, took a sip and jumped down.

Tang Gongzi fixed his eyes on it. When he saw that the man in front of him was Lin Feng, he was suddenly scared. His legs and stomach became weak. , the fastest update of the webnovel!