The CEO's a Woman

Chapter 82

Lin Feng stopped his bicycle and looked at his rubber boots. The bottom of his rubber boots was almost flat. He felt a burst of heartache.

"Oh, my shoes!"

Wei Yichen said, "honey, you can use the brake. Why use shoes?"

Lin Feng said: "the brake fee car wheel, I love it!"

This answer, suddenly let the surrounding faint.

How stingy is this man? The brake is worried about the cost of the car wheels, it's just!

But if they knew that the bicycle was made of 24K gold, they would not think so.

Because the brake once, really will wear out a lot of gold, it is not as good as Lin Feng to grind the soles of shoes to save money. Lin Feng inherited the glorious tradition of the revolution of the older generation. No matter how rich he is, he should not waste and squander at will.

"My dear, you are so smart!" Wei Yichen boasted!

"Dear?" At this time, Liu Jiaojiao responded first: "Yi Chen, he is your boyfriend?"

"Yes! He's my boyfriend, Lin Feng! " Wei Yichen said with pride.

Lin Feng opened his voice and said to everyone, "everyone, it's good to meet you. I'm so happy to see you. It reminds me of my school meeting. Alas, time flies, it's more than ten years since I graduated from primary school."

Lin Feng finished, but also sighed: "unfortunately, I did not bubble to the next class class class class flower king hammer!"

"Wocao, he graduated from primary school, didn't he go to junior high school?" Liu Jiaojiao always finds the key points first.

Then, Liu Jiaojiao looked at Lin Feng carefully. Her hair style was unrestrained, and her face was full of self-confidence. She was wearing all kinds of goods on the floor. She was wearing a pair of rubber shoes.

Besides, this guy is an illiterate from primary school.

"Yichen, what do you think?" Liu Jiaojiao said: "you resounding Bai Fumei, even with him... How many talented childe brothers, looking forward to be your boyfriend, which is not a hundred times better than this boy!"

"But I just like him Wei Yichen said with a smile.

Liu Jiaojiao bit her teeth. She can't let this silly boy defile Wei Yichen. She has spent a lot of efforts to get close to Wei Yichen. She doesn't want her noble circle to be tarnished by losers!

"Yi Chen, you see, Qin Yu male gods are chasing you, you agreed!" Liu Jiaojiao shook Wei Yichen's hand and said, "throw him away as soon as possible."

Then, she also glanced at Lin Feng coldly and hummed: "don't you know your identity? Compared with Qin Yu, some people! I don't even have the qualification to lift shoes! "

"Well! Jiaojiao, you're a little over the mark Wei Yichen said.

"Am I too much? Not at all! " Liu Jiaojiao said: "he is such a wonderful loser who wants money but has no ability. How dare you make your idea? Isn't this a toad who wants to eat swan meat? In my opinion, he is not even as good as a toad. The toad is still an accessory medicine. He is a waste material! "

After that, Liu Jiaojiao saw that Wei Yichen's face became more and more ugly. She immediately comforted her and said, "Yi Chen, I'm your friend. I really care for you. Why do you still make friends with such people? This kind of person, had better leave far away, he will pull down the quality of our circle

"I said, this girl, you seem to have a big opinion on me?" Lin Feng said with a smile.

"It's good to know. It's better to stay away from Yichen. Yichen is the candidate girlfriend of Qin Yu god!" Liu Jiaojiao said on her own.

"Whose girlfriend is Chenchen? And you decide? Who are you? " Lin Feng asked.

"You don't care who I am. If you are sensible, don't pester Yicheng any more." Liu Jiaojiao said.

She said what Qin Yu wanted to say. Qin Huan looked at Liu Jiaojiao with satisfaction.

Looking at Qin Yu, Liu Jiaojiao looked at herself with satisfaction. Suddenly, she was as happy as a newly married daughter-in-law, as if she had finally caught the opportunity. She said to Qin Huan directly:

"brother Qin Yu, why is there such a big gap between people? It's also a man. You see, you're handsome and handsome. You can crush some garbage. If I were that garbage, I would have to find a place to crack into! How dare you rob your girlfriend? It's a cosmic joke

Qin Huan's heart was relieved and he said that he was excellent. Is there any need to say? How can this wonderful flower be qualified to compare with myself?

"This girl, I found that you have two advantages in your character!" At this time, Lin Feng said with a smile.

"What?" Asked Liu Jiaojiao.

Lin Feng said: "first, you are eloquent and suitable for swearing; second, you know how to go along with others, and you are suitable for other people's hidden rules."

"Who are you scolding?" Liu Jiaojiao was so angry and contemptuous that she said, "Damn it, I'm still against you. How dare a lousy loser scold me?"

"Enough!" Wei Yichen is angry. Liu Jiaojiao has been scolding the boss for a long time. She can't help it. She just read it on the face of the same bedroom. She hasn't lost her temper. But she still has to push ahead and insult the boss. She can't bear it."Liu Jiaojiao, you shut your stinky mouth to me!" Wei Yichen said.

"Yichen, what do you say?" Liu Jiaojiao looked at Wei Yichen in disbelief: "you scold me for a loser? Why? What happened to this loser? I'm going to scold him. He's a loser, a trash, a trash! "

"Pa!" Wei Yichen slapped on Liu Jiaojiao's face. Her eyes spurted fire and she glared at Liu Jiaojiao: "you don't know the heaven and earth are thick. Can you scold Lin Feng?"

Wei Yichen knows that Lin Feng just disdains to see Liu Jiaojiao as a common sense, and Liu Jiaojiao is still there, barking like a female dog. She thinks it is irritating and ridiculous.

"Liu Jiaojiao, if you dare to say half a dirty word, I will knock out your teeth!" Wei Yi Chen's face was frightening and cold.

Liu Jiaojiao covered her face and was frightened by Wei Yichen's appearance. She quickly retreated to Qin Yu and said, "brother Qin Yu, you're going to help me make decisions."

He felt that he had scolded Lin Feng for Qin Huan, and Qin Huan would help her find face.

But unexpectedly, Qin Huan pushed her away and said, "it's you who are cheap. Do you blame Yicheng for beating you? Get out of the way

"Ah -" Liu Jiaojiao was pushed by Qin Huan and fell to the ground. Her knees were broken, and her red blood flowed out. Her hair was scattered and in a mess!

Liu Jiaojiao's heart, such as falling into the ice cellar, the brain seems to burst like!

Is Qin Huan so ruthless?

But she also suddenly realized that Qin Huan had always been a playboy playing with feelings. His heart was darker than a crow, and he was naive enough to think that he could be favored by him. What a fool! That's right. Qin Huan is right. I'm cheap, cheap leather!

Liu Jiaojiao suddenly felt powerless. She sobbed and lowered her head. She felt that the whole world had abandoned her. She had no courage to raise her head again!

"Yichen, she is really ignorant, and quarrels with you. I'll teach her a lesson for you!" Qin Huan walked up to Wei Yichen with a proud look on his face.

"Qin Huan, I didn't let you teach her a lesson. It was you who made love to yourself. Today you saw my boyfriend, so please don't pester me again!" Wei Yichen said coldly, then turned and left.

"Yi Chen!" Qin Huan grabbed Wei Yichen's arm: "where are you going?"

"Do I have to tell you where I'm going?" Wei Yichen said.

"Wei Yicheng, you can't go, you have to give me an explanation!" Qin Yu yelled

"What can I explain to you?" Wei Yi Chen impatiently said: "please let go of your hand!"

"Wei Yichen, where is the poor loser? Let's have a look at it. What can he do better than me? Are you blind? " Qin Huan was angry and defeated.

At this time, Lin Feng stood up with a smile and said, "I am better than you in any aspect! Especially, chasing girls! Hey, hey, hey , the fastest update of the webnovel!