The CEO's a Woman

Chapter 80

It's time for Lin Feng to leave the police station.

Instead of going back to the hotel, he went straight to the mouse.

The mouse lives alone, and occasionally Lin Feng will pass by. Today, Wei Yicheng is also at the mouse's, because Wei Yicheng heard that Lin Feng had entered the police station. She went to the mouse's place early to wait for the news of Lin Feng.

Lin Feng opened the door and said, "two, I'm back, safe and sound."

He thought he would receive cheers from two younger brothers, but he didn't expect that they were fighting in the house.

Lin Feng see two people quarrel face red, can't help but some wonder, what matter quarrels so.

Then through Wei Yichan's explanation, Lin Feng found out the reason of the matter:

originally, the mouse wanted to have dinner, but Wei Yichen said that he would come to wait for Lin Feng's news, so he could take a takeaway for the mouse.

The mouse gave Wei Yichan 20 yuan red envelope, saying that he wanted to eat Braised Tofu.

Wei Yichen casually bought a braised thousand page tofu to cover rice and brought it to the mouse.

As a result, the mouse said, to eat tofu, thousand page tofu, not tofu!

Wei Yichen was angry. He was worried about Lin Feng. He was in a bad mood. He spoke in a very heavy tone. He said, "rat, can you stop eating?"? Why is Chiba tofu not tofu?

Then it was the scene that Lin Feng entered the door just now, and the mouse was still fighting for it!

"What I want to eat is tofu, not Chiba tofu!" Said the mouse.

"Why are you so serious? Aren't all tofu? Isn't it the same? " Wei Yi says in the morning.

"Can that be the same?" Said the mouse.

"Why is it different?" Wei Yichen said.

"It must be different!" The mouse said, "I ask you, is the sea a horse? Is panda a cat? Is there a wife in the cake? "

Then, the mouse felt that the evidence was not enough. He pointed to Lin Feng who had just entered the door and yelled, "the boss is a single dog, but is he a dog? Is he a dog

"Wipe!" Lin Feng is full of black lines. Ordinary people can't follow the rat's brain circuit. He didn't say a word when he came back. He was shot when he lay down.

However, he came to a conclusion that mouse is definitely single by strength!

There is a girl to bring takeout, even pick that, sure enough, this child has personality!

"Boss, are you ok?" Wei Yichen doesn't quarrel with the mouse. She turns to ask Lin Feng.

"I'm fine!" Lin Feng Road.

"Well, it's OK! I'll go first Wei Yichen walked towards the door with a gloomy face.

"Ah, ah! Morning, what's wrong with you? Don't be unhappy because you quarrel with the mouse. It's unnecessary. He's very sincere by nature, and I'm also serious at ordinary times. " Lin Feng comforts Wei Yichen.

In fact, mouse is really a real person. The reason why he can become a hacker genius is that he takes things very seriously. Maybe in his field, if there is a letter error or even a symbol error, it will lead to the whole crash, and even cause irreparable losses.

So the mouse has always been a real, serious, wonderful guy.

The mouse helped the green cap on his head and said to Lin Feng, "boss, you're OK. I'm doing some academic discussion with Chen Chen Chen!"

"Discuss your uncle!" Lin Feng scolded: "can learning and life be the same thing? Apologize to Chenchen immediately

"Boss, don't apologize. I'm not angry with rats!" Wei Yichen said.

"Then why are you unhappy? Who are you lying to if you're not angry? " Lin Feng said with a smile.

"No, it's just that the school has been getting a little bit bothered recently! I'm in a bad mood! " Wei Yichen said.

"What's bothering you at school?"

"Well, there is a boy who has been chasing me. I have refused him many times, but he always bothers me!" Wei Yichen said.

Lin Feng looked up and down Wei Yichen. He was about 1.7 meters tall. His legs were straight and long, and his body was protruding and backward. There was no fat on his body. This figure alone could kill all the boys. In addition, he had a lovely, delicate and slightly ruffian face. It was really fascinating and not worth your life!

"You're so charming, and you don't have a boyfriend yet. It's not normal for people to chase you!" Lin Feng said.

He said this, but suddenly wake up Wei Yicheng, Wei Yichen said: "yes, if I have a boyfriend, can he give up?"

"Of course, but you don't!" Lin Feng said.

"Boss, you pretend to be my boyfriend!" Wei Yichen said.

"Impossible. How can you pretend to be such a thing?" Lin Feng said, "if you do something fake, I'm not losing money?"

"Don't be so unkind, boss! Please, I hate that boy so much. He has money in his family and social connections, so he goes around with girls on campus. Because he is pregnant, he can't even pay for abortion, and then he throws them away! "

"I wipe, and such a scum man?" "No one dares to control him?" Lin Feng said"He knew some people in the society, and heard that he was familiar with long Shao of Longkou group in the west of the city, so no one dared to provoke him!" Wei Yichen said.

"Long Shao?" Lin Feng thought that long Shao was in the Dragon tower that day. His face was green with anger. He couldn't help laughing.

"Well, long Shao!" Wei Yichen said: "so boss, please help me!"

"That's not good. Pretending to be a boyfriend will block my peach blossom. You think, if it turns out that Lin Feng is your boyfriend of Wei Yichen, how many women who secretly love me will have to face difficulties and retreat! How many women have to be heartbroken. If there are people who jump off the building because they can't get me again, I'll be guilty! " "I can't do this!" said Lin Feng firmly

Wei Yichen took a deep breath, thought for a while, and said with a smile: "well, boss, if you promise me to help me, I will invite you to a big meal, a full table of Manchu and Han, and then I will choose ten top models to accompany you to dinner! After dinner, you can play whatever you want. They promise to serve you. You want to die! "

"Nonsense! Am I that kind of person? " Lin Feng is upright.

"Oh, all right." Wei Yichen's face was lost: "forget it!"

"Wait!" Lin Feng waved his hand and said, "but if I don't help you, you are likely to be infringed by the scum man. As your boss, how can I see you face danger and ignore it! is it? Therefore, after some thinking, I decided that you are busy, I will help you! Don't think I am greedy for anything, I am just for justice

"Wow, boss, thank you!" Wei Yichen said happily.

"You're welcome. You must know that I'm such a righteous person, I will not let the scum man go unpunished!" Lin Feng raised his chest and said, then lowered his voice to ask Wei Yicheng: "cough, that what! Chen Chen, do you count the models you just mentioned

"Count Wei Yichen said.

"Ha ha! Good Lin Feng laughed.

"Well, well! I don't want to be chased by men like that every day Wei Yichen said, "sooner or later, I will be the eldest woman."

"Nonono, don't think too much, you little boy, I'm just pretending once!" Lin Feng Road.

Although he is not a few years older than Wei Yichen, his rich life experience makes him more mature than his peers. In his eyes, he is a little girl in the face of a naive and unruly girl like Wei Yichen.

So he molested Su Jing, Shen man, Yu Lan and Jin Lingyue, but he never molested Wei Yichen.

However, Wei Yichen always teases him!

"Boss, you go to school with me tomorrow! Tomorrow, the guy asked me out on the playground and said he would surprise me Wei Yichen said.

"Give me the detailed position. I will be there on time tomorrow." Lin Feng Road.

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