The CEO's a Woman

Chapter 790

Those dozens of centipedes are well-trained and powerful. They even shuttle through the soil and come to the foot of Linfeng.

People saw a burst of palpitation, especially those with intense phobia. They saw that dozens of centipedes and their dense legs were full of goose bumps.

On the other hand, Qingcheng and Wu Bo are dignified.

Qingcheng doesn't know much about Gu Shu. It's just that I heard that this kind of thing is very powerful. Some poisonous insects are very poisonous. If you touch them, they will be killed or injured.

There are some more harmful, he bit people, people will not die for a while, but show a silly or very obedient state, let life is better than death.

Wu Bo was worried about another thing. The black robed man was very angry and said that he would kill them today. After killing Lin Feng, would these people be buried with him?

He lived so old, but he didn't want to die without a good end. He was bitten to death by insects, but it was terrible.

The rest of the people also have this idea, so they put all their hope on Lin Feng. However, they are still very afraid because they only know that Lin Feng is a fierce fighter. However, in the face of such things, what is the use of fighting again?

At this time, only Huo Ling was not afraid. Instead, he had a smile on his lips.

Sure enough, Lin Feng and the fire spirit expected the same, he suddenly took out the Wugu Cuan and directly played.

A melodious and tactful voice sounded, those centipedes were rushing towards the forest peak, but suddenly stopped, one by one broke the ground and came out in pairs, not again entangled together, as if in lingering.


The black robed man's head is full of question marks. He looks at the centipedes carefully. Yes, it's his own poisonous insects.

He has already used shape painting, which is a kind of head lowering technique and also a kind of Gu technique, which is to let Gu insects take grass man as a model, and then ask real people to kill them.

It's like training a bunch of dogs, pointing at puppets and telling them to find people wearing such clothes to bite them.

However, are these bugs crazy? They danced in pairs.

Lin Feng's song, which is full of love and makes people listen to it, has a feeling of falling in love. His whole body is comfortable. If he has weak self-control, he can't help but jump together.

A bodyguard of Tang Gongzi twisted his waist and was more charming than a woman.

Young master Tang was so angry that he took off his clothes. The poisonous insects in his clothes fell on the ground. All of them were dead.

Because Lin Feng knew in advance the black robed man's plot, let Yu Wenji secretly put medicine on Tang Gongzi. When the black robed man's poisonous insects touched Tang Gongzi's body, they died one after another.

At this time, Tang Gongzi was angry at his useless bodyguard. Other people's insects jumped up. What's your strength?

Mr. Tang slapped on the back of the bodyguard's head: "do you jump a hammer?"

The bodyguard was startled and stopped the action.

However, Lin Feng's music is more fascinating, those centipedes actually gathered together, while jumping, moving towards the dark woods.

Tang Gongzi was totally fascinated by the wonderful music of Lin Feng. He could not help but dance with his fat body. However, he was so full of flesh that he couldn't throw away. It was really disgusting to dance.

At this time, the man in black was shocked.

These dozens of centipedes, but he has raised more than ten years of achievements, just like his own hands to feed the children ah, at this time, he did not listen to their own orders, groups of absolutely go to one side happy, this is also very sad.

And it's quite embarrassing.

Lin Feng did not pay attention to the black robed man. He occasionally glanced at the dark forest. That direction was where Liu Hengyuan and others were hiding.

Just when the black robed man was still embarrassed, Lin Feng's music of witchcraft and Cuan suddenly changed its tone. It was very urgent, as if he was eager to do something. Moreover, in this eagerness, there was a sense of killing.

The dozens of centipedes changed their lazy and harmonious state, and suddenly bent over and jumped straight into the dark forest.

"Whoosh, whoosh!"

A centipede like an arrow from the string, all of a sudden into the dense forest.

A few seconds later, I heard the howling in the dense forest, but I saw a group of people rolling out, each with a dozen centipedes hanging on their bodies.

These people are Liu Hengyuan and Liu Meixi.

They've never thought they'd be attacked by this group of centipedes.

In fact, Lin Feng has seen them for a long time, but he is not in the mood to pay attention to them. Now it's time to let them suffer a little while they have props.

Liu Hengyuan and Liu Meixi and others thought that they would be the protagonists of the evening, and that the powerful killers they employed would destroy Lin Feng and his women. Liu Hengyuan even thought that Lin Feng would not compromise if he begged for mercy.

But now, they are a joke! Even, by Lin Feng as a monkey!

Everyone did not expect this scene, even the men in black clothes did not expect that there was still a group in the dense forest.Looking at the group of people crying and howling, the black robed man was itching at the root, but Lin Feng called his own insects, which was too insulting.

"Lin Feng, you dare to use my poisonous insects. My poisonous insects are centipedes. Those who are bitten by my insects will have the ability to move zombies. If there is no antidote in an hour, you will die in a terrible way. Lin Feng, you dare to kill people with my knife. You don't pay attention to me!" The man in Black said.

Lin Feng looked at Liu Hengyuan with a smile and said, "do you hear me? Do you understand? I can't hear you clearly. I'll repeat it to you again. It's his bug. Then, in an hour, you'll be in trouble! "

When Liu Hengyuan heard this, he was suddenly frightened. He suddenly felt that he was soft and fell on the ground.

Liu Meixi and the others, too, fell to the ground.

"What? What to do? " Liu Hengyuan also pinned his hope on those masters.

However, those masters didn't expect to encounter this kind of thing. They had completely lost their momentum just now, and even one of them had to urinate.

"Brother, spare your life. We are just the man who does things for others. We have no injustice or hatred. I hope you can be merciful." The master who took the lead directly acknowledged the advice and prayed to Lin Feng.

Lin Feng smile, pointing to the black robed man: "you should beg him, the bug is his, but it's none of my business!"

Then the master quickly quarreled with the black robed man and looked at it: "brother, we don't even have a grudge, or you can see, just treat us as a fart and let it go!"

"Go away!" The man in black whispered.

He didn't have time to take care of these people. He wanted to eat Lin Feng alive right now.

Seeing that the black robed man didn't mean to save them, several experts were in despair. Liu Hengyuan and Liu Meixi were even more desperate. Even the masters counselled them. They were ordinary people, and the only way was to wait for death.

At the thought of death, Liu Hengyuan was scared to death. He took a look at Liu Meixi. Liu Meixi was pale and his lips were shaking.

Liu Hengyuan immediately counseled thoroughly, and directly said to the black robed man, "brother, spare me, we are the people of the Liu family in Songjiang. Our family has money. I can give you as much money as you want. Please help us!"

"Shut up, you deserve to die!" The black robed man is lazy to deal with Liu Hengyuan. He stares at Lin Feng fiercely and says with gnashing teeth: "Lin Feng, you forced me to make a unique move. Take it!" , the fastest update of the webnovel!