The CEO's a Woman

Chapter 704

Li Ye is very well prepared for the reunion. First, he lets the students blow the wind on the deck. Then he goes to the second floor to make sure everyone has a good time. Then he goes to the third floor to play exciting games.

While the students are chatting, Li Ye brings a man to see Shen man.

It was a man in his forties and fifties, with a pair of black rimmed glasses. He was not too old, but he looked like an old scholar.

Even on this ship, he still wore a white coat and made himself like a doctor and a researcher.

Li Ye said to Shen man: "Shen man beauty, you see, this is my good friend, a Chinese scientist of Chinese nationality, Mr. Chen Jiadong!"

"Hello!" Shen man smiles politely.

"Hello!" Chen Jiadong shows a faint smile, his face is very calm, as if not moved by Shen man's beauty.

Li Ye said: "brother Jiadong is a very powerful biochemical scientist. His biological evolution serum can make a wolf dozens of times more fierce than before. If it is used by people, people will catch up with Superman."

Shen man was surprised and said, "isn't this technology going to cause chaos to society?"

"Oh, as long as it is well controlled, there will be no problem!" Li Ye said, seeing Shen man finally interested in this topic, he quickly added: "brother Jiadong has been studying the science of biological evolution for more than ten years. He has rich experience. He is a top figure in the Chinese biological community. Is he good?"

The reason why Li Ye introduces Chen Jiadong to Shen man is mainly to pretend to be forced in front of beautiful women. He shows that Chen Jiadong is surrounded by top-ranking people and sets himself off as a high-end person. Most girls eat his suit. He has won many girls' hearts with this set.

However, the first time he laid such a large amount of blood, he just wanted to try his best to win Shen man and make up for his regret when he went to school. By the way, he wanted to play with this very cold goddess and make her submit to his crotch.

But Shen man doesn't seem to be interested in this scientist. The only thing that attracts his attention is that if Chen Jiadong really gives the serum to people, will there be a superman?

If Superman appears, then the world is likely to fall into chaos. Everyone wants to be a superman, and those who have become Superman can escape the police's pursuit if they do something bad. After the power is strong, the criminal ability of the whole person is also rising. Isn't it impossible for the society to be stable and peaceful in the future?

When Shen man was thinking wildly, he heard a voice behind him saying: "biochemical serum? As far as I know, the biochemical serum now is very chicken ribs, right

According to the reputation, it is Lin Feng who speaks.

"Chicken ribs?" Chen Jiadong frowned, as if his authority had been challenged in general, said: "why do you say my research project is chicken ribs?"

"At present, the biochemical serum can not eradicate one point, that is, the conversion of human brain consciousness. When the body is strong, the adrenal hormone and various body functions will increase exponentially. The human brain will not be able to bear this change, which will lead to the collapse of consciousness. People will go crazy and become a beast who only knows how to destroy. This serum directly turns people into animals What's the use of it? " Lin Feng said.

When Lin Feng said this, Shen man and Chen Jiadong were stunned.

What Shen manleng is that Lin Feng knows so much about the field of biochemistry. What he blurs out seems to contain profound truth and logic.

And Chen Jiadong is Leng, Lin Feng hit the nail, all of a sudden can say in the biochemical serum of the knot disease, this is the most headache for him.

Chen Jiadong helped his glasses and took a close look at Lin Feng. He found that Lin Feng was wearing clothes from a stall. He looked like a sling. However, how could the hanging wire hit the mark and tell the problems in today's biochemical science?

He asked Lin Feng, "may I have your name? What institute do you work for? "

Chen Jiadong thinks that Lin Feng, like him, is a researcher in the field of biochemical science.

However, Lin Feng said with a smile: "Oh, my name is Lin Feng. I'm the driver of Shen man boss. Thank you."

"Lin Feng? Driver? " Chen Jiadong thought about it carefully. It seems that he has no memory of Lin Feng. What's more, a driver of a small boss is an unknown person.

Chen Jiadong raised his head in high spirits and said, "you a little driver, how dare you talk so much that biochemical serum is chicken ribs?"

"Oh, I usually like watching TV. The TV program said that, I remember it!" Lin Feng deliberately pretended not to understand.

"Oh, I learned it by watching TV!" Chen Jiadong said.

He almost regarded Lin Feng as an expert. He didn't expect that he was really a dropper. However, the current TV programs also say everything. How can this kind of thing be said to the general public?

However, Chen Jiadong is no longer looking at Lin Feng. He has already said a few words with this little driver, which has been regarded as a gift to him!

At this time, Lin Feng asked: "Chen Jiadong, have you ever cooperated with Songjiang scientific research institutions? It's the biochemical serum project, a project invested by the Wolfe family in Western Europe, right? "After hearing this, Chen Jiadong is suddenly stunned. How does this little driver know so much?

But he said without hesitation: "why do you ask these questions? Is this what a driver of you can ask? Do you care too much? "

What's more, this little driver also calls himself Chen Jiadong by his first name, while others call him Dr. Chen. This guy is too impolite and unreasonable.

However, Lin Feng did not realize it, and continued to ask Chen Jiadong, "by the way, what are the plans of the wolf family to let you study such a project? Come on, talk about it

"You, even ask such questions, are you in the brain?" Chen Jiadong was angry, and he said to Lin Feng, "do you really think you'll be a little higher when you get on the boat? Can you open your mouth to me? Fool, get out of my face

Seeing Chen Jiadong angry, Li Ye comes up quickly and says to Lin Feng, "don't you know your own identity? You make Dr. Chen angry, the consequences are very serious, you know? Get down on your knees and apologize

At last, he seized the opportunity to rectify the driver brought by Shen man.

However, Lin Feng ignored Li Ye, but continued: "if you can't change the human consciousness, you can't continue to study this serum, can't you? So, what kind of cow are you

As soon as this was said, everyone took a breath of cold air. They only looked up to Chen Jiadong. But Lin Feng really dared to speak. He even humiliated Chen Jiadong in front of them , the fastest update of the webnovel!