The CEO's a Woman

Chapter 695

Lin Feng walked towards Leiluo lightly. When he passed by, he had a slight smile in his mouth and three words popped out: "call Dad!"

Because Leiluo lost, he lost, is to ask Lin Feng to be a father.

Rallow's life has never been as embarrassing and humiliating as it is now. He wants to escape the scene immediately, but where can he escape?

However, what he did not understand now was that he de, the young man in front of him, was willing to be his disciple.

Leiluo observed Lin Feng again, and found that Lin Feng was still looking at him with a ruffian smile. Just like when he met at the airport, he was not very impressive and did not see that he had any ability at all.

"What? Not yet? Let's take the gamble and admit defeat Lin Feng said.

"Gambling? What did you bet on? " Master Joel asked on the other end of the phone.

Lin Feng told Joel about the bet.

When Joel heard that, he said to Leiluo with his beard and staring eyes: "do you dare to bet with master Lin Feng? Do you know that I have gambled with master Lin Feng many times, but I have never won the master once. You are such a shallow person. Since you lose, you should follow the bet agreement quickly! "


ralow has always been a master. Today, he calls a young man in his twenties his father. What face will he have in the future? The instant disgrace!

Joel was even more angry when he saw that Ralo refused. He drank: "you donkey, you are qualified to gamble with the master. If you lose, call the master dad. You will not suffer at all, you know? How many people do not want this opportunity, but you do not cherish it. You are really short-circuit in your mind. OK, OK, that's it. I'll see you in court. "

Leiluo didn't expect that Joel would say this. Is Lin Feng really a world expert, or how could Joel respect Lin Feng so much?

Moreover, ordinary people are not qualified to bet with Lin Feng? Call Lin Feng father, or are you lucky?

At this time, Leiluo had no choice but to kneel down on the ground and shout to Lin Feng: "Dad!"

"Ah! My dear son, go away "I don't want to get in the way of my eyes."

"Dad, please do me a favor with master Joel. Don't let him accuse me. I'll never pretend to be his disciple again!" Said Rallow, with a sad face.

Lin Feng said, "since you call me dad, I will certainly speak for your son."

Then, with a bad smile on his face, he said to Joel, "Ralph, let me ask for a favor, so you don't sue him, OK?"

Joel looked at Lin Feng's face and said, "no way!"

"Oh, no way!" Lin Feng said to Leiluo, "you see, dad has pleaded with you, but they don't do it! So, Dad can't help it. My dear son, you're really out of luck

"You..." Ralph's eyes were red.

He knows that Lin Feng is deliberately playing with him. This is not intercession. He is colluding with Joel to attack him. Lin Feng is simply too cunning.

Lin Feng is smiling at the surrounding, watching those people holding mobile phones are video, he said: "don't listen to Ralo nonsense, I'm not his father, but he wants me to be his father, I'm also very helpless!"

One of the bodyguards brought by Liu Meixi usually likes to play live TV, which will catch the opportunity. He has been living on the Internet all the time. The few live broadcasting rooms usually have gathered millions of onlookers.

he played live three or four years without adding to the audience today, and he was excited by tears. He said to the screen, "old iron men have brushed two big rockets to raise their popularity." the live decoration artist, old fellow Luo Luo, is called Dad. So exciting, everyone can't see it at all. Oh, thank you. Brother, the big rocket of Tianya, thank you for your brother's fire. Arrow, thank you for my brother-in-law's big plane. Oh, thank you. I wish the three brothers live in a new house every day and become bridegroom every night. There are old mothers-in-law all over the country. Thank you

The more angry the bodyguard said.

Originally, Liu Meixi and Su Jing were in the absolute upper hand. She thought of cooperating with master Leiluo, and then directly defeated Su Jing's Dongqing group. However, she didn't expect that after working hard for a long time, Leiluo capsized.

What's more, Lin Feng on the opposite side doesn't seem to be an ordinary person.

Now she is angry and surprised. In short, she is not in a good mood because she is not in a good mood. She is even more angry when her bodyguard is still broadcasting. It is like a river that is about to burst its dike and suddenly finds a breakthrough.

"Xiao Qin, have you played enough?" Liu Meixi asked coldly, but this kind of cold is just the cold silence before the eruption of the volcano.

"Wait, now the gift brush is flying, I can't break it!" The bodyguard looked at the screen full of bullets and gifts, the excited brain was congested!

"Xiao Qin, you're in working hours, do you know?" Liu Meixi almost roared at the bodyguard and said, "turn off the live broadcast! Now, now"I don't!" Said Xiao Qin.

"Oh, your wings are hard, aren't you?" Liu Meixi's eyes spurt fire to say: "believe me or not I fire you!"

"You can fire it!" Xiao Qin said, "I have done enough for a long time. Serving you is like serving the queen. I am also a man of dignity. Do you know?"

"You --"

Liu Meixi didn't expect that the bodyguards who always followed his advice would dare to contradict her and could not speak out.

"You what you?" Xiao Qin said, "the money I made just now is the salary you gave me for several months. Do you think I will follow you? I'm going to be hot. I'm going to be the anchor. I don't want my salary this month. I'll keep it for you to buy your aunt's towel! Goodbye

With that, Xiao Qin turned around and walked out of the house, but something was wrong. It was live broadcast. After he left, there was no content. He turned back and stood at the door with a mobile phone to shoot. However, he was arrogant and did not look at Liu Meixi any more.

Xiao Qin does have dignity, but usually his dignity is trampled on by Liu Meixi. The reason why he regains his dignity today is because he has made money and has confidence.

When people have money, they naturally have dignity.

When people can't even get enough food and clothing, and don't know how to live on, your dignity should be dedicated to the person who sent you bread, which is the naked reality.

At this time, Su Jing was immersed in boundless surprise.

She knew that Lin Feng would always be unexpected, but she never expected that Lin Feng would not even pay attention to the world's top decorator Joel wiesenna, which was also shocking.

At this time, Lin Feng said to Su Jing, "you see, I'll tell you, you'll need me for today's peace."

And then a smile, showing a mouth full of white teeth! , the fastest update of the webnovel!