The CEO's a Woman

Chapter 667

It can be said that the fist of the Dragon five used all his strength, and it has the momentum of releasing the lock from the cage.

People are also frightened to see, if this punch is hit on the person, the feeling can instantly pierce the person!

Lin Feng cold smile, suddenly drink a: "looking for death!"

Said, fierce one punch toward the Dragon five hit, with the wind, and dragon five fist collided together.


A dull sound, but see a long five punch, as if hit a spring, his body unexpectedly fly out, heavy fall on the ground.

The man with sharp eyes saw at one glance that the dragon's right arm had been broken, five fingers were broken, and moribund white bone came out of the elbow, and blood flowed a lot.

"Ah ah --"

Longwu cried out in pain, his face was as white as paper, and his forehead was covered with beads of sweat as big as beans.

At this time, people were shocked. Isn't dragon five a cultivator of blood state? How can Lin Feng, who is the fourth member of huaxuejing, not be able to take a punch?

It's incredible!

Looking at the Dragon May 1, Lin Feng abandoned his right arm. Mu Qinglong and Mu aza and others were shocked and flustered.

"Master, what's the matter with you? Master Mu aza stepped forward, lifted up Longwu and said, "master, you still have a hand. You can fight again! Don't let him be complacent. How can the five levels of huaxuejing be transfused to the fourth

Dragon five also don't know exactly where they lose, this is too weird.

But now his right arm is so painful that he can't fight any more. He said, "help me go back to bonesetting and bandaging, quick!"

Mu aza said, "master, you can't quit! You are the fifth level of huaxue state. You don't need to be afraid of him. You still have your left hand. Kill him with your left hand. I don't want to live. You don't have to be merciful. Use all your strength...

"I've been seriously injured, and you want me to continue fighting. Do you want to see my left hand be abandoned?" The whole body of dragon five Qi shivers.

"He doesn't want to see your left hand die, he wants to see you die!" Lin Feng sneered: "if you dare to rush over again, I dare to kill you!"

Lin Feng's eyes are as cold as hell demons. Dragon five has never seen such a terrible look in his eyes. He is scared all over.

See dragon five thoroughly counselled, Lin Feng smile: "this is right, you recognize now, still can leave a left hand, you are very witty ah!"

In the face of Lin Feng's teasing and teasing, Long Wu didn't mean to resist at all. His fist just now taught him a vivid lesson. Originally, he was like a top master in this area. Now he knows that the stronger the stronger, the higher the mountain.

"I'll take it!" Dragon five said in a low voice.

"Dragon five, you and he are really disgraceful. I'd rather die than surrender. You give it to me!"

Mu aza hated Lin Feng deeply. He wanted to kill Lin Feng with Longwu. In this way, he could not only revenge, but also occupy the fire spirit.

However, I didn't expect that dragon five was so vulnerable to a single attack, and his idea collapsed in an instant.

But Long Wu heard that Mu aza was still pushing him. He was very angry in his heart and scolded: "beast, am I not your master? I've taught you for so many years, and you've sent me to die? "

Mu aza saw long Wu scolding him. He was also red in the moment, and roared: "you and he have the ability to find Lin Feng envoy. What kind of prestige do you play to me? Useless waste

"Muazar, I was so blind that I accepted you as an apprentice. You ungrateful bastard, one of the most regretful things I did in my mother's life was to help you wooden family work!" Long Wu also tore his face.

"Dragon five, how many women have my father found for you to play with? Don't you count B in your mind Muazar roared.

"Muazar, are you? What a scum

Long Wu left fist tightly clenched, chaomu aza is a fist.

Although Mu aza has been on guard against the Dragon five, it is not the kind of wine bag that Mu aza can avoid if he wants to hide.

With the sound of "bang", Mu aza was hit on the left shoulder by the dragon may day boxing. The whole person was beaten like a top for several circles. His head was dizzy and his head was stuck on the ground.

Long Wu would step on Mu aza with one foot, but mu Qinglong quickly stepped forward and blocked Mu aza's body and said: "five masters, please don't be angry. For my sake, don't be wise with him!"

"Hum!" Long Wu Qi shook his left hand: "the loving father is so defeated that you are used to it!"

At this time, Mu aza slowed down a little and scolded the Dragon five: "do you hit me or scold me? I won't let you go!"

"I'll kill you today Longwuqi's eyes are scarlet. I really regret that I shouldn't help Mu family.

But mu Qinglong yelled: "have you done enough?"

He waved his hand and said, "what are we fighting for? Lin Feng is everyone's enemy. He kidnapped elder Qiu, which made our whole village people uneasy. Many people have been poisoned by poisonous insects. All these are brought by Lin Feng. We should fight against him together! "Mu Qinglong is worthy of being the leader of the village. In a few words, he drew everyone's attention back to Lin Feng.

At this time, he no longer had the backing of Longwu. He could only hope that all the people in the village would fight against Lin Feng. No matter how powerful Lin Feng was, he would not have killed all the people in the village.

Moreover, when he calls the police again, the police will naturally be more inclined to the opinions of the whole village people, and Lin Feng will be arrested.

If caught in, he will go to find that Chu Guiren, dredge the relationship, and do Lin Feng in it.

Mu Qinglong has been a stronghold leader for so many years, and his country has been very stable, which is directly related to his ruthlessness and clear thinking.

At this time, although people dare not move Lin Feng, but one by one they show their anger for Lin Feng with their eyes.

Their families have been implicated, no matter who it is, Lin Feng will not let it go. What's more, with so many victims, we unite together and share a common hatred against the enemy, which further encourages the momentum of these people.

Some people were so angry that they didn't dare to scold Lin Feng, but they started to spray on Aunt osmanthus and Fu Guoqing.

"Why do the people in the stockade owe you, you creepers? If you unite with people outside, we will not live long. What kind of heart do you have in mind? "

Fu Guoqing said: "listen to me, Lin Feng is really a good man. He won't hurt the people in our village. Moreover, he is a great miracle doctor and can help your family see a doctor..."

"shut up!" Mu Qinglong cried out: "he kidnapped the elder of the moon worship cult, which caused the cult to come to our village to poison us. This is a matter of fact. There are all kinds of human evidence and material evidence, and you still make a strong argument. You are obviously doing the right thing with all the people in our village!"

"Yes, Fu Guoqing. You are honest at ordinary times." Someone said sarcastically.

"Fu Guoqing, do you think he is a miracle doctor? Is there a miracle doctor so young? " Some hostages suspect.

There was a lot of noise and slander in the crowd.

A sinister smile crossed the corner of Mu Qinglong's mouth, and he said in his heart, "Lin Feng, you young boy, dare to do the right thing with me? You are still very young. You don't have to do it yourself if I play dead! "

At this time, Lin Feng shook his head and jokingly said with a smile: "my lovely fellow villagers, I remember that I beat Mu aza and Mu Qinglong in front of me. Are you still cheering for me? Why did you turn over so quickly? Dear friends, what about our friendship? What about the trust between us? "

"Don't talk nonsense. Why should we believe you when you have made us so miserable?" Someone said.

"That's right. The worship of the moon has thrown poison to you, and your relatives have also been poisoned. This is true! I know it too Lin Feng nodded.

"You see, he admitted it!" Mu Qinglong seized the opportunity and said quickly.

But Lin Feng smiles and suddenly changes his voice: "but I am not the one who harms you. The reason why the worship of the moon poisons you is not because of me!"

"Nonsense! Because of you Mu Qinglong said.

Lin Feng didn't speak any more. Instead, he turned his head and whispered a few words in Fu Guoqing's ear. Fu Guoqing nodded and waved to doctor Miao. They turned and walked toward the back mountain.

"Big guys can't let them go!" Mu Qinglong called out, "stop the two of them for me!"

But Lin Feng stood up and stood in front of all the people and said, "folks, they don't want to run. Please believe me once, give me half an hour, and I will give you a truth!" , the fastest update of the webnovel!