The CEO's a Woman

Chapter 628

Master Liu saw that Lin Feng didn't give face at all. He was very angry. With a wave of his sleeve and robe, he said, "the gods and Buddhas, listen to my orders, and there is no mercy to kill you!"

With such a roar, people around him suddenly panicked and hid in fear of being affected.

However, Master Liu's work is full of wind and water, but the thunder and rain are small. In his sleeve robe, only a stream of white powder is produced, which is very fishy.

"Drug poison!"

Lin Feng responded immediately.

Drug Gu is the lowest level of Gu technique. Even many pharmacists can make medicine Gu, which is not very strange.

So when Lin Feng learned that it was a drug bug, he just stepped back, grabbed the tea on the table, took a sip, and puffed at the smoke. The smoke of

medicine is floating along with the dust to the human. Raymond Lam's spray reduces the dust in the air to the lowest, and the poison powder falls down one after another.

Seeing that he didn't succeed, Master Liu was a little surprised.

Generally speaking, ordinary martial arts men are ignorant of the art of witchcraft, especially outsiders. As long as the poisonous powder is sprinkled, they will be hit.

However, this boy seems to know Gu Shu very well. Now, he can't be careless any more!

"Boy, you have some insight. You can block my Xiaofen Gu, but I just played with you just now. Next, you should take good care of it!"

With that, Master Liu waved his sleeve robe again, and a butterfly flew out from under his sleeve robe. The butterfly was very bright and colorful. If you look carefully, you can find that the butterfly has a stomach similar to a spider.

So the butterfly's flight was very awkward and very difficult.

"Su ~!"

Suddenly, butterfly even spits out a silk thread and sticks to Lin Feng.

As soon as Lin Feng dodged the silk thread, the butterfly's silk thread stuck on the wall behind Lin Feng, and then contracted the silk thread. With the pulling force, the butterfly flew to the wall in an instant. After Lin Feng, it was about three meters away from Lin Feng.

Although it does not fly fast, but in this way similar to Spiderman, it is 100 times faster than flying!

At this time, the butterfly silk again, directly stick to Lin Feng's back, and then, the posture toward Lin Feng's body to eject.

Master Liu gave a cold smile and raised his head with pride. As long as the butterfly spider insect came to the boy, the boy would be paralyzed immediately and let himself deal with it.

When people saw this scene, they were also surprised to open their mouths. Although many local people have seen Gu Gu, few people have seen Gu masters fighting. Even fewer people have seen such fierce poisonous insects. They can fly and spin silk. It's so terrible!

But Lin Feng is a light smile, suddenly from the pocket out of the witchcraft Cuan, fierce blow a mouthful.

"Wuwu --"

the Wugu Cuan was re disinfected by Lin Feng, and the outside was covered with a layer of golden yellow. From a distance, it was like holding a mango.

Lin Feng took time to practice this thing all the way. He knew the music theory, and soon he was able to integrate his feelings into his playing. When he just played, he added a lot of anger and threat.

However, Lin Feng blew a mouthful, and the butterfly spider insect immediately sensed it. It stopped collecting silk in the air, and suddenly fell on the ground. It was like a big enemy, and fled everywhere.

Some poisonous insects have high intelligence quotient and know that their opponents are fierce people. They don't love to fight.

Of course, there are also some poisonous insects that will not retreat until they die.

Obviously, Master Liu belongs to the former.

"Ah --"

"ah --"

the butterfly spider insects ran around everywhere, frightening the people around them to scream. The girls who passed by were scared out of control and cried out.

Butterflies, spiders, poisonous insects and insects scurrying around for a while. It seems that they have found the trace of their master. They quickly run to master Liu, climb up along Master Liu's trouser legs, and plunge into master Liu's sleeve robe, as if they were very afraid.

Master Liu looked silly and looked at Lin Feng in surprise: "what's going on? What kind of magic do you use

"You're an old bastard. I just talked to your bug. I didn't expect that your bug was so timid. I didn't see what it looked like, so it ran back. Next time, you'd better put out a bigger one. It's so boring!" Lin Feng said with an uninteresting face.

"What, that boy can communicate with Gu insect?"

"Oh, my God, what else? Isn't that amazing? "

"He is not a native, but he has such a skill. He is an expert in the world."

"No, he seems to take a mango and blow it!"

"Mango? Mango will have a sound? Are you dazzled? "


many people talked about it, and they were all amazed.

Because Lin Feng just moved too fast, they didn't see clearly. In fact, Lin Feng didn't want them to be able to see clearly. It's better not to leak out some things!

At this time, Master Liu had no way out. He relied on the butterfly spider bug to install it everywhere. Unexpectedly, the other party took out a mango and made some noise, which scared it back."Bear, why didn't I know you were so timid before?" Master Liu scolded his own insects.

"Ouch, how dare you bite me?" Master Liu then roared.

He scolded Gu Chong. He felt that he was not convinced, so he bit him.

At this moment, Master Liu felt local numbness. Half of his body and face were useless. Fortunately, his legs could still walk. He was afraid of humiliation. He quickly said to Lin Feng, "Stinky boy, my poisonous insects are not in good condition today. I will fight another day!"

With that, his mouth was crooked, and the other side of his mouth was full of hisses, and his eyes would not blink. Half of his face was completely rigid.

People around him looked like this and burst into laughter. This half face became polio.

Master Liu didn't care about the ridicule of others. His legs were stiff and he went out to leave here quickly.

However, Lin Feng stepped forward, grabbed his corner and said, "Master Liu, wait a minute!"

"What else can I do for you?" Master Liu's mouth was full of air leakage while he was talking. However, he did not dare to confront with Lin Feng, so he could only be aggrieved.

"You want to run after you've finished loading. How can such a good thing happen?" Lin Feng said.

"What do you want?" Master Liu asked.

"Didn't you say that your master is an elder of the worship of the moon? I want to join the worship of the moon! Introduce me to you Lin Feng said.

"Is the moon worship cult something you can enter if you want to?" Master Liu said.

"No introduction, right! Then don't leave today! " Lin Feng pulled Master Liu and threw it on the ground at will.

Master Liu was like being carried a chicken. He just threw it out and fell to the ground.

Because his body was not coordinated, he was not able to protect his body. His face fell first and his face was blue and swollen. Fortunately, half of his face was unconscious, otherwise the pain would be dead.

"Ouch, ouch, one eyed brother, help me support quickly!" Master Liu saw that he couldn't beat Lin Feng, so he rushed to one side of Huang Mao and asked for help.

"You rubbish!" One eyed brother scolded.

Then, he turned to look at Lin Feng and said, "don't be complacent. If you have seed, you will wait for me."

He picked up the phone and started dialing.

People see that this one eyed man is going to go back to call people. His father Chen Yizi is a local bully. He eats all black and white. No one dares to provoke him. Although Lin Feng does not suffer any losses in the face of them today, if Chen lame starts his own force, Lin Feng will never escape.

At this time, Master Liu also got up and yelled at Lin Feng: "my master is in the county. If you dare to beat me, I will ask my master to deal with you now."

With that, he also picked up the phone and dialed in the past.

People are surprised. If one eyed brother and master Liu are frightening beings, then one eyed brother's father Chen lame and master Liu's master, elder Qiu, can exist at hell level!

It's said that elder Qiu has always cooperated with the lame. Elder Qiu often visits the lame and drinks flower wine, but it's only a rumor. After all, the high-level of the worship of the moon cult is very mysterious. Even master Liu is not usually seen, but he happened to meet him today.

And lame leg son and Qiu elder are so fierce, if join hands together, I'm afraid the whole county will be overturned, let alone deal with a young man in front of him.

But at this time, I heard a cold voice coming, "put all the phones down for me. If anyone dares to fight with brother Lin Feng, I will pay for my life, and I will kill him!"

The voice falls, but see a bald man, appeared in the hotel hall. , the fastest update of the webnovel!